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Globally altered sleep patterns and physical activity levels by confinement in 5056 individuals : ECLB COVID-19 international online survey
Khaled Trabelsi, Achraf Ammar, Liwa Masmoudi, Omar Boukhris, Hamdi Chtourou, Bassem Bouaziz, Michael Brach, Boštjan Šimunič, Rado Pišot, Saša Pišot, 2021

Opis: Symptoms of psychological distress and disorder have been widely reported in people under quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic; in addition to severe disruption of peoples% daily activity and sleep patterns. This study investigates the association between physical-activity levels and sleep patterns in quarantined individuals. An international Google online survey was launched in April 6th, 2020 for 12-weeks. Forty-one research organizations from Europe, North-Africa, Western-Asia, and the Americas promoted the survey through their networks to the general society, which was made available in 14 languages. The survey was presented in a differential format with questions related to responses %before% and %during% the confinement period. Participants responded to the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire and the short form of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. 5056 replies (59.4% female), from Europe (46.4%), Western-Asia (25.4%), America (14.8%) and North-Africa (13.3%) were analysed. The COVID-19 home confinement led to impaired sleep quality, as evidenced by the increase in the global PSQI score (4.37 % 2.71 before home confinement vs. 5.32 % 3.23 during home confinement) (p < 0.001). The frequency of individuals experiencing a good sleep decreased from 61% (n = 3063) before home confinement to 48% (n = 2405) during home confinement with highly active individuals experienced better sleep quality (p < 0.001) in both conditions. Time spent engaged in all physical-activity and the metabolic equivalent of task in each physical-activity category (i.e., vigorous, moderate, walking) decreased significantly during COVID-19 home confinement (p < 0.001). The number of hours of daily-sitting increased by ~2 hours/days during home confinement (p < 0.001). COVID-19 home confinement resulted in significantly negative alterations in sleep patterns and physical-activity levels. To maintain health during home confinement, physical-activity promotion and sleep hygiene education and support are strongly warranted.
Ključne besede: coronavirus, COVID-19, pandemic, public health, restrictions, isolation, home confinement, psychosocial health, sleep, sedentary lifestyle, physical activities, lifestyle, behaviours
Objavljeno: 24.03.2021; Ogledov: 10597; Prenosov: 791
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Ogledov v mesecu: 579

Assessment of the tumourigenic and metastatic properties of SK-MEL28 melanoma cells surviving electrochemotherapy with bleomycin
Vesna Todorović, Gregor Serša, Vid Mlakar, Damjan Glavač, Maja Čemažar, 2012

Opis: Background. Electrochemotherapy is a local treatment combining chemotherapy and electroporation and is highly effective treatment approach for subcutaneous tumours of various histologies. Contrary to surgery and radiation, the effect of electrochemotherapy on metastatic potential of tumour cells has not been extensively studied. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of electrochemotherapy with bleomycin on the metastatic potential of human melanoma cells in vitro. Materials and methods. Viable cells 48 hours after electrochemotherapy were tested for their ability to migrate and invade through Matrigel coated porous membrane. In addition, microarray analysis and quantitative Real-Time PCR were used to detect changes in gene expression after electrochemotherapy. Results. Cell migration and invasion were not changed in melanoma cells surviving electrochemotherapy.Interestingly, only a low number of tumourigenesis related genes was differentially expressed after electrochemotherapy. Conclusions. Our data suggest that metastatic potential of human melanoma cells is not affected by electrochemotherapy with bleomycin, confirming safe role of electrochemotherapy in the clinics.
Objavljeno: 21.03.2024; Ogledov: 285; Prenosov: 46
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Ogledov v mesecu: 265

Identification of three anatomical patterns of the spinal accessory nerve in the neck by neurophysiological mapping
Boštjan Lanišnik, Miha Žargi, Zoran Rodi, 2014

Opis: Background. In spite of preservation of the accessory nerve there is still considerable proportion of patients with partial nerve damage during modified radical neck dissection (MRND). Methods. The nerve was identified during the surgery and its branches for the trapezius muscle mapped with nerve monitor. Results. The accessory nerve was mapped during 74 hemineck dissections and three patterns were identified. In type 1 nerve exits at the posterior end of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCm) and then it enters the level V (66 %). In type 2 the nerve for trapezius muscle branches off before entering the SCm (22 %). In type 3 the nerve exits at the posterior part of the SCm and it joins to the cervical plexus (12 %). The nerve than exits this junction more medially as a single trapezius branch. Conclusions. The description of three anatomical patterns in level II and V could help preserving the trapezius branch during MRND.
Ključne besede: spinal accessory nerve, nerve mapping, neck dissection, anatomy, shoulder disability
Objavljeno: 11.04.2024; Ogledov: 195; Prenosov: 44
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Ogledov v mesecu: 195

Brain metastases in lung adenocarcinoma
Karmen Stanič, Matjaž Zwitter, Nina Turnšek, Izidor Kern, Aleksander Sadikov, Tanja Čufer, 2014

Opis: The brain represents a frequent progression site in lung adenocarcinoma. This study was designed to analyse the association between the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutation status and the frequency of brain metastases (BM) and survival in routine clinical practice. Patients and methods. We retrospectively analysed the medical records of 629 patients with adenocarcinoma in Slovenia who were tested for EGFR mutations in order to analyse the cumulative incidence of BM, the time from the diagnosis to the development of BM (TDBM), the time from BM to death (TTD) and the median survival. Results. Out of 629 patients, 168 (27%) had BM, 90 patients already at the time of diagnosis. Additional 78 patients developed BM after a median interval of 14.3 months; 25.8 months in EGFR positive and 11.8 months in EGFR negative patients, respectively (p = 0.002). EGFR mutations were present in 47 (28%) patients with BM. The curves for cumulative incidence of BM in EGFR positive and negative patients demonstrate a trend for a higher incidence of BM in EGFR mutant patients at diagnosis (19% vs. 13%, p = 0.078), but no difference later during the course of the disease. The patients with BM at diagnosis had a statistically longer TTD (7.3 months) than patients who developed BM later (3.1 months). The TTD in EGFR positive patients with BM at diagnosis was longer than in EGFR negative patients (12.6 vs. 6.8, p = 0.005), while there was no impact of EGFR status on the TTD of patients who developed BM later. Conclusions. Except for a non-significant increase of frequency of BM at diagnosis in EGFR positive patients, EGFR status had no influence upon the cumulative incidence of BM. EGFR positive patients had a longer time to CNS progression. While EGFR positive patients with BM at diagnosis had a longer survival, EGFR status had no influence on TTD in patients who developed BM later during the course of disease.
Ključne besede: brain metastases, lung adenocarcinoma, EGFR mutations
Objavljeno: 11.04.2024; Ogledov: 191; Prenosov: 16
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Ogledov v mesecu: 191

Manual for forest genetic monitoring

Ključne besede: forests, forest genetics, genetic monitoring
Objavljeno: 16.04.2021; Ogledov: 8056; Prenosov: 4230
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Ogledov v mesecu: 148

Trombocitopenija pri bolniku z rakom
Barbara Jezeršek Novaković, 2010

Opis: Trombocitopenija je zmanjšanje števila trombocitov v periferni krvi pod normalno število, definirano za populacijo. Nedvoumne opredelitve za blago, zmerno ali hudo trombocitopenijo ni, stopnje trombocitopenije pa so opisane pri bolnikih z rakom, ki prejemajo sistemsko zdravljenje. Posledica trombocitopenije so krvavitve, najpogosteje v kožo in sluznice, redkeje v osrednje živčevje. Trombocitopenija nastane zaradi zmanjšanega nastajanja trombocitov, zaradi povečanega propadanja ali porabljanja trombocitov ter zaradi povečanega zadrževanja trombocitov v vranici. Pri bolniku z rakom je glavni vzrok zanjo zavora razraščanja in dozorevanja megakariocitov ob citostatskem zdravljenju, redkeje ob obsevalnem zdravljenju. Možni so tudi drugi vzroki, npr. obsežna infiltracija kostnega mozga z malignimi celicami, hipersplenizem ob povečani vranici, povečano propadanje trombocitov pri trombocitopeniji po zdravilih (heparin), pri kroničnih levkemijah in limfomih, v sklopu diseminirane intravaskularne koagulacije in sepse. Pri hudi trombocitopeniji (< 10 x 109 /l) se močno poveča tveganje za spontane krvavitve v kožo in sluznice ter tveganje za spontane intrakranialne krvavitve. Pri teh bolnikih se pojavljajo tudi čezmerne krvavitve po kirurških posegih. Diagnozo trombocitopenije postavimo na podlagi popolne krvne slike. Na tej podlagi določimo tudi njeno stopnjo. Za opredelitev vzroka so pomembni natančna anamneza, usmerjen klinični pregled in dodatne laboratorijske preiskave. Pogosto je potrebna tudi aspiracija/biopsija kostnega mozga. Krvavitve zdravimo ali preprečujemo z nadomeščanjem trombocitov. Število, pri katerem začnemo nadomeščati trombocite, je odvisno od vzroka trombocitopenije in prisotnosti ali odsotnosti krvavitve. Po splošnih priporočilih naj bi jih nadomeščali, ko njihovo število pade pod 10 x 109 /l, saj se takrat pojavi veliko tveganje za spontane krvavitve, predvsem v osrednje živčevje.
Objavljeno: 31.08.2018; Ogledov: 5889; Prenosov: 602
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Ogledov v mesecu: 145

Understanding commitment to agroforestry: a crosssectional study among a sample of Nigerian farmers
Fausat Motunrayo Ibrahim, 2023

Opis: Agroforestry is strategic in reconciling food production with forest biodiversity conservation. The methodical investigation of the beneficial and ecological imperativeness that informs smallholder farmers’ commitment to agroforestry is called for. This work is therefore an attempt to examine the relative importance of farmers' attitudes towards forest loss and perceived benefits of agroforestry in farmers' commitment to agroforestry among a group of farmers in Oyo State, southwestern Nigeria. The study is a cross-sectional survey that featured the interview administration of 400 structured questionnaires among crop farmers that were selected through clustered purposive sampling. Respondent’s agreement with sets of relevant statements was elicited and used in the assessment of variables. Independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA were used to examine the significance of the difference in respondents’ commitment to agroforestry across sub-groups of gender and age/education respectively. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to examine the relationship between variables. Results indicate that 57.8% exhibited a 'high' commitment to agroforestry. Gender, age and education had main effects on commitment (p < 0.05). There is no significant relationship between attitude towards forest loss and commitment to agroforestry (r = 0.038, p > 0.05) but not perceived benefits (r = 0.426, p < 0.05). Being male, middle-aged and poorly educated are significantly more predisposing to exhibiting lower commitment to agroforestry. There is hardly an ecological or forest restoration motivation for agroforestry in the study area. Ecologically smart agriculture or the restorative importance of agroforestry appears to be poorly entrenched among farmers in the study area.
Ključne besede: forest loss, attitude, perception, agroforestry, commitment, Nigeria
Objavljeno: 21.03.2024; Ogledov: 191; Prenosov: 60
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Ogledov v mesecu: 145

Onkologija : strokovni časopis za zdravnike

Opis: Dvojno slepo recenzirana revija, ki izhaja dvakrat letno, je bila ustanovljena leta 1997. Revija Onkologija je odprtodostopna revija in izhaja v skladu s pogoji licence Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY 4.0. Revija objavlja izvirne in pregledne strokovno-znanstvene članke, predstavitve kliničnih primerov, poročila in klinične smernice v slovenskem jeziku. Naslovi, povzetki in ključne besede prispevkov so prevedeni v angleščino. Namenjena je hitremu pretoku znanja v vsakdanjo onkološko prakso. Kot multidisciplinaren časopis teoretično in praktično obravnava različna področja onkologije, zlasti primarno in sekundarno preventivo malignih tumorjev, njihovo zgodnje odkrivanje ter zdravljenje, rehabilitacijo in paliacijo pri onkoloških bolnikih, pa tudi socialne in etične probleme. S strokovno pregledanimi prispevki revija ozavešča klinične zdravnike in jih seznanja z najnovejšimi informacijami in glavnimi smernicami razvoja njihove stroke. Tako omogoča globlje razumevanje in boljšo prakso na ravni vsakodnevnega strokovnega zdravniškega dela. Z izdajo člankov v slovenskem jeziku ima revija ključno vlogo pri razvoju in bogatitvi slovenske medicinske terminologije.
Ključne besede: onkologija, novotvorbe, radiologija, paliativna medicina, terapija z zdravili, metastaze, onkološka epidemiologija
Objavljeno: 14.03.2018; Ogledov: 17016; Prenosov: 1017
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Ogledov v mesecu: 136