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Generalization ability of feature-based performance prediction models : a statistical analysis across benchmarks
Ana Nikolikj, Ana Kostovska, Gjorgjina Cenikj, Carola Doerr, Tome Eftimov, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Povzetek: This study examines the generalization ability of algorithm performance prediction models across various bench-mark suites. Comparing the statistical similarity between the problem collections with the accuracy of performance prediction models that are based on exploratory landscape analysis features, we observe that there is a positive correlation between these two measures. Specifically, when the high-dimensional feature value distributions between training and testing suites lack statistical significance, the model tends to generalize well, in the sense that the testing errors are in the same range as the training errors. Two experiments validate these findings: one involving the standard benchmark suites, the BBOB and CEC collections, and another using five collections of affine combinations of BBOB problem instances.
Ključne besede: meta-learning, single-objective optimization, module importance
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 16.09.2024; Ogledov: 46; Prenosov: 26
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Quantifying individual and joint module impact in modular optimization frameworks
Ana Nikolikj, Ana Kostovska, Diederick Vermetten, Carola Doerr, Tome Eftimov, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Ključne besede: meta-learning, single-objective optimization, module importance
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 16.09.2024; Ogledov: 42; Prenosov: 26
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Report of the JRCʹs Descriptor 1 workshop to support the review of the Commission Decision 2010/477/EU concerning MSFD criteria for assessing Good Environmental Status : JRC technical reports
L. Avellan, Borut Mavrič, Martina Orlando-Bonaca, 2016, končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav

Povzetek: The MSFD workshop on biodiversity (MSFD D1), held in Ispra JRC (7th-9th of September 2015) aimed to provide clear proposals and conclusions on some of the outstanding issues identified in the D1 review process and included in the review manual (D1 review version, May 2015: in support to the review of Commission Decision 2010/477/EU. This report is complementing the Commission Decision 2010/477/EU review manual (JRC96521) and presents the result of the scientific and technical review concluding phase 1 of the review of the Commission Decision 2010/477/EU in relation to Descriptor 1. The review has been carried out by the EC JRC together with experts nominated by EU Member States, and has considered contributions from the GES Working Group in accordance with the roadmap set out in the MSFD implementation strategy (agreed on at the 11th CIS MSCG meeting).
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 06.09.2024; Ogledov: 97; Prenosov: 1269
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Environmental Quality in the Adriatic Ionian Region. Threat to Coastal and Marine Biodiversity : overview and Case Study for IPA Adriatic Balmas and Speedy Projects
Branko Čermelj, Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Ana Rotter, Boris Petelin, 2016, končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav

Povzetek: The Environmental Quality is the third thematic pillar of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR). The coordinators are Slovenia and Bosnia Herzegovina. The specific objectives of this pillar(EC 2014) (EC, 2014) are: • to ensure a good ecological and environmental status of the coastal and marine environment by 2020 in line with the relevant EU directives (principally Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)) and the ecosystem approach of the Barcelona Convention; • to contribute to the goal of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to halt the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystem services in the EU by 2020, and restore them in so far as feasible, by addressing threats to marine and terrestrial biodiversity; and • to improve waste management by reducing waste flows to the sea, and to reduce nutrient flows and other pollutants to the rivers and the sea.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 06.09.2024; Ogledov: 97; Prenosov: 3951
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Čmrlji in čebele samotarke - prezrti opraševalci
Danilo Bevk, 2015, druge monografije in druga zaključena dela

Povzetek: Kako privabiti divje opraševalce? Število divjih opraševalcev najlažje povečamo tako, da jim zagotovimo dovolj hrane in varnih mest za gnezdenje. Hrano zagotovimo s sajenjem rastlin, na katerih nabirajo cvetni prah in medičino in z redkejšo košnjo dela travnikov. Pomembno je, da je hrana na razpolago tudi v času, ko kmetijske rastline, ki bi jih želeli opraševati, ne cvetijo. Gnezdilna mesta najlažje zagotovimo z nastavljanjem posebnih gnezdilnic. Pomembno je tudi, da opustimo ali vsaj zmanjšamo uporabo pesticidov. V ustreznem okolju se bodo opraševalci naselili sami in ne bodo zahtevali posebne skrbi.
Ključne besede: čmrlji, čebele samotarke, opraševanje
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.09.2024; Ogledov: 117; Prenosov: 159
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Begomovirusi na krompirju
Nataša Mehle, Ana Vučurović, druge monografije in druga zaključena dela

Povzetek: Virusi iz rodu begomovirusov (družina Geminiviridae) lahko okužijo številne vrste rastlin. Opisanih je več kot 400 različnih begomovirusov, od tega lahko nekateri okužijo tudi krompir.
Ključne besede: begomovirusi, krompir, bolezenska znamenja, rastlinski virusi, podatkovni listi
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 111; Prenosov: 71
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Dissemination, communication, exploitation - update : Deliverable 9.4
Ana Rotter, Nicole Aberle-Malzahn, Antonella Leone, 2018, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: The objective of the GoJelly project is to develop, test and promote a gelatinous solution to microplastic pollution by developing a TRL 5-6 prototype microplastics filter using jellyfish mucus as the raw material. In doing so, the consortium addresses two environmental issues - coastal pollution of both jellyfish and microplastics. This innovative approach will ultimately lead to less plastic in the ocean, higher demand (and thereby competitive prices) for jellyfish raw material to fill the "mucus-need" by filter developers, and in turn more jobs for commercial fishers in off-seasons. The byproducts of the GoJelly biomass have other uses as well, ensuring that GoJelly also delivers a green innovation, resulting in novel, valuable resource for the food and feed industry, in cosmetics as well as agro-biological fertilizer for organic farming. The GoJelly prototype products will be tested and demonstrated in three different European seas (Norwegian, Baltic and Mediterranean), by a range of stakeholders, including commercial fishers and industry partners. Tying it together, the project will also ensure the possibilities for broader European promotion and utilization of GoJelly at the local, regional and global level by delivering a socio-ecological methodological toolbox for forming and implementing policies. An interdisciplinary and international consortium consisting of technology developers, business analysts, fishing companies, research institutes, and both natural and social scientists will realize GoJelly, and will ensure the uptake of GoJelly products by industry and policy makers.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 93; Prenosov: 693
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