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Iskalni niz: "vrsta gradiva" (2) AND "polno besedilo" AND "organizacija" (Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper / Centro di Ricerche Scientifiche Capodistria) .

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International Conference The Business of Worldmaking: New Perspectives on Liminal Actors in Postcolonial Development Cooperation : programme and abstracts
2024, druge monografije in druga zaključena dela

Povzetek: Seeking to move beyond a focus on former colonial Metropoles and Cold War superpowers, and zooming in on peripheral modernization projects, this conference investigates the ‘in-between’ instances of economic cooperation in the self-professed developing countries in Africa, Asia, and South America. The conference primarily focuses on those dynamic players in the postcolonial world which circumvented the habitual East-West and North-South cleavages and presented themselves as: 1) neutral (e.g. Austria, Sweden, Ireland), 2) non-aligned (e.g. Yugoslavia, India, Egypt), 3) pursuing more independent socialist course (e.g. Romania, Cuba, China), 4) allegedly not sharing the colonial past with other Western European nations (e.g. West Germany, Italy), or 5) successfully ‘catching up’ with the most developed nations (e.g. Japan, Israel, South Korea). While not excluding examples of Cold War superpowers and former colonial metropoles’ inserting themselves into this newly emerging multidirectional development consensus the conference focuses on the above described, liminal examples of bilateral collaboration, particularly contributions emphasizing tri- and multilateral efforts between ‘East’, ‘South’ and ‘West’.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 16.09.2024; Ogledov: 128; Prenosov: 82
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An anthology of contemporary ecotheology, philosophy and eco-justice practices : ECOTHEE volume 7
2023, znanstvena monografija

Povzetek: This book is the seventh volume in the ECOTHEE book series, which is published every two years and was first published in the field of ecumenical ecotheology in 2008, following the first ECOTHEE conference (ECOTHEE 08) held in Crete on the occasion of World Environment Day on June 5, 2008. Each ECOTHEE publication collects academic papers and statements by scientists, theologians, sociologists and researchers from different fields under the motto: “Religion and science can provide solutions to sustainability problems.” The articles selected in this seventh volume, ECOTHEE 22, continue the development of ecotheological resources on environmental ethics and sustainable solutions for the common oikos. This book follows the ECOTHEE goal and seeks to engage theology on key ecological concerns from a variety of religious traditions and perspectives. The emphasis is on theological and ethical implications of contributing to a sustainable ecological future. This publication is enriched with additional articles from the 5th SAPREJ conference on sustainable alternatives to poverty reduction and eco-justice and the roles, responsibilities and initiatives of religion, science and civil societies for ecological justice and biodiversity protection, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in May 2023. /// The present ECOTHEE 22 book is structured into the following sections: Introduction, Section 1: Towards Reconciliation and Justice for all Creation (Eco-ethical Theological and Philosophical Reflections), Section 2: Governance, Politics, Good Practices, and Critical Evaluations of Ecological (In)Justice. /// An “Anthology of Contemporary Ecotheology, Philosophy and Eco-Justice Practices” volume of ECOTHEE delivers chapters on contemporary insights into various religious, spiritual, philosophical reflections towards reconciliation and ecojustice for a sustainable future.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 11.09.2024; Ogledov: 232; Prenosov: 1361
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Toolkit for handling and admissibility of electronic evidence : empowering legal practitioners to critically review electronic evidence from the procedural rights perspective
Benjamin Flander, Anže Erbežnik, 2024, znanstvena monografija

Povzetek: This Toolkit was created by the Law Institute of the Science and Research Centre of Koper, Slovenia, as a deliverable of the Innocent project funded by the European Commission under the JUST Programme and coordinated by the Law and Internet Foundation, Bulgaria. It aims at enhancing the application of the presumption of innocence when handling electronic evidence (e-evidence) in criminal proceedings and empowering legal practitioners to critically review e-evidence from procedural rights perspective. It is designed to enhance understanding of the legal and practical challenges encountered by judges, prosecutors and defence lawyers (particularly those operating in Central and Eastern Europe) in the acquisition of e-evidence by law enforcement agencies, evaluation of admissibility of e-evidence by judges, and cross-border access to and exchange of e-evidence. Exploring the different stages in the ‘life cycle’ of e-evidence, this Toolkit concerns data and evidence stored in various electronic devices and online information systems, including computers, smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, electronic appliances, portable media (e.g., USB sticks, external hard drives) and clouds, associated with individuals suspected or accused of criminal offenses, as well as those in the possession of other individuals. It also concerns electronic data and evidence held by telecommunication and internet service providers registered in domestic or foreign jurisdictions. However, it does not address legal and/or practical considerations related to interception and obtaining real-time electronic data and evidence from telecommunications operators and refrains from exploring issues concerning the collection of electronic data (and evidence) through techniques of mass surveillance, as well as strategies like “predictive risk-assessment” or other similar approaches aimed at preventing crime and enhancing law enforcement capabilities.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 09.08.2024; Ogledov: 228; Prenosov: 160
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Jeziki sožitja, jeziki konflikta : mednarodna konferenca
2024, druge monografije in druga zaključena dela

Povzetek: Ključna beseda znanstvene konference »Jeziki sožitja, jeziki konflikta« je moč kot ključni družbeni proces, saj vsaka družba temelji na vrednotah in institucijah, ki imajo v tej družbi določeno moč. Družbeno razmerje moči se torej formira z močjo, vpeto v družbene institucije. Moč se uveljavlja bodisi s prisilo bodisi s tvorbo pomena na osnovi diskurzov, s katerimi delujejo družbeni akterji. Glavna mehanizma oblikovanja moči sta tako nasilje in/ali demokratični diskurz. Kako se v večplastni komunikaciji znajdejo manjšinski/priseljenski in periferni jeziki v relaciji z večinskimi/avtohtonimi in centralnimi jeziki? So v preteklosti in danes jeziki pomenili most med različnimi etničnimi skupnostmi ali pa so vodili in vodijo k etničnim in jezikovnim konfliktom? Ali jeziki  kot mediji prenosa informacij v različnih sporazumevalnih okoliščinah privedejo do sožitja ali do konflikta med njihovimi posameznimi uporabniki? Kako se posameznik sooča z intenziteto jezika v digitalnem svetu – ga vodi k nasilni ali nenasilni komunikaciji? Nenazadnje pa si je treba zastaviti ključno vprašanje, kako pristope, strategije in metode učenja jezikov, ki spodbujajo ohranjanje razvijanje medkulturnega zavedanja in demokratičnost v večjezičnih skupnostih, vključevati v izobraževalne procese v digitalni dobi. Na vsa ta vprašanja poskušajo odgovoriti prispevki v treh sekcijah: (1) Narodi in jeziki v prostorih kulturnega stika: dvojezičnost, večjezičnost, raznojezičnost, (2) Intenziteta jezika in (ne)nasilna komunikacija, (3) Didaktika večjezičnosti, nenasilne komunikacije in medkulturne književnosti.
Ključne besede: jeziki v stiku, didaktika, zborniki, povzetki
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 07.06.2024; Ogledov: 374; Prenosov: 210
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International Conference Religious Conversions and Atheization in 20th Century Central and Eastern Europe : Koper, 22-24 April 2024
2024, druge monografije in druga zaključena dela

Povzetek: Using a broad-based understanding of religious conversions which includes atheization and religious revival, the conference aims to address the issues related to religious transformation in Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th century and different types of religious agency that transcend established norms, legal frameworks and cultural expectations. The speakers will go beyond the usual concept of religious conversion as an exclusively individual, voluntary spiritual phenomenon and will examine conversions that embody the myriad motives, forms, and socio-political particularities which condition the changes of worldviews as a process that frequently encompasses obstacles, pragmatism and profound life alterations. The conf­erence will contribute to wide-ranging but – especially in Central and Eastern Europe – largely unexplored topics from a more nuanced understanding of the mechanisms that drive religious change and religion-state relations. Taking into account new research perspectives, scholars from the fields of history, anthropology, study of religions, ethnology, sociology, theology and political science will provide new insights into the following topics: - religious conversions as mechanisms for personal gain, coercive tactics and the (gradual) disestablishment of religious institutions; - state-imposed atheization processes; - religious upsurges of (non-)dominant religions, relations between religion and state, and the (re)shaping of religious policies in practise.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.06.2024; Ogledov: 312; Prenosov: 253
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International Conference Decade of Decadence: 1914–1924 : spaces, societies and belongings in the Adriatic borderland in historical comparison
2024, druge monografije in druga zaključena dela

Povzetek: Historians have long come to realize the importance of the World War I as the seminal event leading to a short 20th century. If traditional research has often conceptualized the war and post-war years as two distinct historical periods, new studies have emphasized entangle-ments and intertwinements between war- and post-war processes. This turn was influenced by a gradual geographical balance and the inclusion of Eastern and Central Europe in the re-search focus. Wars, collapse of Empires and long-existing State structures, and similar events brought about processes of redefinition of territories and its peoples. The focus on volatile, overlapping and, at times, competing centers of power (States, national, regional and local structures), will allow us to reconsider criteria and concepts of citizenship and belonging that have shaped European politics of governance. Our conference focuses on the Northern Adri-atic transnational borderland from the beginning of World War I in July 1914 to the Treaty of Rome in January 1924, when the Adriatic question was temporarily settled. This decade is of fundamental importance at the global level, while the Northern Adriatic represents a unique laboratory to study the transformations of Europe in the Twentieth Century. The focus is on the question of citizenship beyond nation-state frameworks and monothematic disciplines, in which the question of citizenship is linked to the migratory movement of people. Taking the Northern Adriatic as a case study, this conference aims at rethinking the questions of citizen-ships, national affiliations, territorial belongings and state sovereignty. This will enable us to contribute to a growing dialogue in international academia and to contemporary societal de-bates at a time, when citizenship and the rights linked to it are the subject of intense discus-sions. We aim at reconsidering rigid understandings of center and periphery and restoring a more composite history of twentieth century Europe.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 29.05.2024; Ogledov: 325; Prenosov: 285
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Approcci ecosistemici per l'adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici e la riduzione dei rischi: creare sinergie e promuovere il dialogo : conferenza
2023, druge monografije in druga zaključena dela

Povzetek: Lo scopo della conferenza di apertura del progetto ECO2SMART è promuovere gli approcci ecosistemici (EbA e Eco-DRR) per l’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici e la riduzione del rischio di catastrofi. Intendiamo raggiungere questo obiettivo presentando buone pratiche di soluzioni sostenibili già implementate, condividendo conoscenze, creando connessioni e promuovendo il dialogo tra le parti interessate. Nel corso della conferenza verranno illustrate le opportunità offerte dal progetto ECO2SMART ed i principali risultati attesi alla fine di questo progetto.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 01.02.2024; Ogledov: 537; Prenosov: 287
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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Green and Digital Transition: Legal and Sustainability Issues : scientific conference
2023, druge monografije in druga zaključena dela

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 11.12.2023; Ogledov: 536; Prenosov: 236
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Spremenimo igro - s sodobnimi pristopi nazaj k osnovam : 12. mednarodna znanstvena in strokovna konferenca "Otrok v gibanju"
2023, druge monografije in druga zaključena dela

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 28.11.2023; Ogledov: 637; Prenosov: 331
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Ribiške zgodbe v šoli : priročnik za učitelje tretje triade osnovnih šol
Lucija Čok, Tina Čok, Urška Bratož, Irina Moira Cavaion, Anna Maria Grego, 2023, slovar, enciklopedija, leksikon, priročnik, atlas, zemljevid

Povzetek: Priročnik Ribiške zgodbe v šoli je namenjen predvsem osnovnošolskim učiteljicam in učiteljem tretje triade, ki bi želeli dopolniti, razširiti in poglobiti vsebine, predvidene v okviru nekaterih obveznih in izbirnih predmetov (etnologija – kulturna dediščina in načini življenja, zgodovina – odkrivajmo preteklost svojega kraja, geografija – raziskovanje domačega kraja (šolskega okoliša) in varstvo njegovega okolja, pa tudi slovenščina in italijanščina …). Ker je bilo ob omenjeni analizi obstoječih učnih načrtov mogoče opaziti izrazito pomanjkanje vsebin, povezanih z (morskim) ribištvom in življenjem ob morju, so v nadaljevanju navedeni nekateri predlogi za intenzivnejše vključevanje obmorskih vsebin v učni proces. Opisani so primeri tematsko prepletenih, toda ločenih učnih enot (o ribištvu, ribiški dediščini, zgodovini predelave rib v obmorskih mestih, terminologiji, povezani z ribištvom, kulinariki v povezavi s floro in favno Sredozemlja in podobne teme), v katerih so poleg okvirne vsebine določeni tudi operativni cilji, način dela, možnosti medpredmetnih povezav ter dodatna gradiva in delovni listi za uspešen izobraževalni proces, kar učiteljicam in učiteljem olajša pripravo učnih ur, načrtovanje projektnega dela in tudi dodatnih pedagoških dejavnosti. Seveda so ti predlogi navedeni samo kot smernice, ki jih učiteljice in učitelji lahko poljubno preoblikujejo.
Ključne besede: prehrambna kultura, prehrambna industrija, ribe, konzerviranje
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 18.07.2023; Ogledov: 699; Prenosov: 416
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