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Outerplane bipartite graphs with isomorphic resonance graphs
Simon Brezovnik, Zhongyuan Che, Niko Tratnik, Petra Žigert Pleteršek, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: We present novel results related to isomorphic resonance graphs of 2-connected outerplane bipartite graphs. As the main result, we provide a structure characterization for 2-connected outerplane bipartite graphs with isomorphic resonance graphs. Three additional characterizations are expressed in terms of resonance digraphs, via local structures of inner duals, as well as using distributive lattices on the set of order ideals of posets defined on inner faces of 2-connected outerplane bipartite graphs.
Ključne besede: distributive lattice, inner dual, isomorphic resonance graphs, order ideal, 2-connected outerplane bipartite graph
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 13.03.2024; Ogledov: 449; Prenosov: 227
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On the structure of consistent cycles in cubic symmetric graphs
Klavdija Kutnar, Dragan Marušič, Štefko Miklavič, Primož Šparl, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Ključne besede: 1/2-consistent cycles, automorphisms, consistent cycles, cubic symmetric graphs, shunt, s-regular graphs
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 13.03.2024; Ogledov: 417; Prenosov: 209
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On the exact region determined by Spearman's rho and Spearman's footrule
Damjana Kokol-Bukovšek, Nik Stopar, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: We determine the lower bound for possible values of Spearman’s rho of a bivariate copula given that the value of its Spearman's footrule is known and show that this bound is always attained. We also give an estimate for the exact upper bound and prove that the estimate is exact for some but not all values of Spearman's footrule. Nevertheless, we show that the estimate is quite tight.
Ključne besede: copula, dependence concepts, supremum and infimum of a set of copulas, measures of concordance, quasi-copula, local bounds
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 13.03.2024; Ogledov: 440; Prenosov: 185
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Minimal surfaces with symmetries
Franc Forstnerič, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Let $G$ be a finite group acting on a connected open Riemann surface $X$ by holomorphic automorphisms and acting on a Euclidean space ${\mathbb R}^n$ $(n\ge 3)$ by orthogonal transformations. We identify a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a $G$-equivariant conformal minimal immersion $F:X\to{\mathbb R}^n$. We show in particular that such a map $F$ always exists if $G$ acts without fixed points on $X$. Furthermore, every finite group $G$ arises in this way for some open Riemann surface $X$ and $n=2|G|$. We obtain an analogous result for minimal surfaces having complete ends with finite total Gaussian curvature, and for discrete infinite groups acting on $X$ properly discontinuously and acting on ${\mathbb R}^n$ by rigid transformations.
Ključne besede: Riemann surfaces, minimal surfaces, G-equivariant conformal minimal immersion
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 13.03.2024; Ogledov: 428; Prenosov: 168
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GPU adding-doubling algorithm for analysis of optical spectral images
Matija Milanič, Rok Hren, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Ključne besede: medical imaging, medical optics, adding-doubling algorithm
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.03.2024; Ogledov: 527; Prenosov: 196
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Weathering effects on cellulose acetate microplastics from discarded cigarette butts
Branka Mušič, Andrijana Sever Škapin, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci (vabljeno predavanje)

Povzetek: Cellulose acetate, commonly used in cigarette filters, poses environmental concerns due to its questionable (bio)degradability and prevalent presence in nature. This study compares the weathering effects on two types of cigarette filters: traditional and newer filters used in heated tobacco devices (HTP). Microplastics were derived from used cigarette parts and then subjected to artificial aging. Analytical techniques (Thermogravimetry-Differential Scanning Calorimetry TG/DSC, Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis (FTIR)) and loose bulk density measurements were employed pre- and post-aging cellulose acetate of both types of samples. Despite increasing evidence influencing European Union (EU) directives on tobacco product disposal, there's a lack of systematic analysis on the weathering impact, especially concerning the touted environmental benefits of newer filters. Results indicate decreased particle size in cellulose acetate filters post-aging. Variances were observed in thermal behavior, yet FTIR spectra remained unchanged.
Ključne besede: cellulose acetate, cigarette filters, microplastics, artificial weathering, polymer degradation
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.03.2024; Ogledov: 593; Prenosov: 474
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Green transition in slovenian building and civil engineering industry : 10 years of research on alkali-activated materials and alkali-activated foams
Barbara Horvat, Branka Mušič, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci (vabljeno predavanje)

Povzetek: The building and civil engineering industry yearly causes more than 40% of man-made CO2 and consumes raw materials for two-thirds of Mont Everest. To decrease the carbon footprint and consumption of raw materials, alkali-activated materials (AAMs) are researched as an alternative to conventional building and civil engineering products like cements, mortar, and ceramics. Ideally, locally available waste materials are used as ingredients: (i) as precursors that react with alkali and form an aluminosilicate network, and (ii) as fillers that get permanently encapsulated and safely stored in AAMs. The addition of gas bubbles and lightweight fillers transforms AAMs into alkali-activated foams and alkali-activated lightweight materials that have the potential to be used as thermal and acoustic insulation materials. Although AAMs are researched worldwide, this review focuses on the state-of-the-art localised solely to Slovenia, particularly on the materials and curing procedures used, as well as on the scientific contribution of the basic research. Besides, the year 2024 marks 10 years of research on alkali activation of raw and waste inorganic materials in Slovenia.
Ključne besede: secondary raw material, alkali-activated material, alkali-activated foams, alkali, circular economy, microwave irradiation, mechanical strength
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.03.2024; Ogledov: 420; Prenosov: 346
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Influence of ammonium polyphosphates and 2,4,6-triamino-1,3,5-triazine on the mechanical-physical properties of polyurethane and alkali-activated materials
Branka Mušič, Barbara Horvat, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Povzetek: In building constructions, the tendency towards an ever-better material directs us to composite materials. In this work, we prepared an organic-organic and organic-inorganic composite material by incorporating fire retardants, ammonium polyphosphates, and 2,4,6-triamino-1,3,5-triazine, into a polyurethane network and an aluminosilicate network (ASN) of alkali-activated material. Polyurethane foams (PUR) are well-known materials that, due to their properties, such as low weight-to-strength ratio, low electrical and thermal conductivity, flexibility, and relatively simple preparation process, are used in various industries, also in the construction industry, e.g., for thermal insulation of windows and doors or fixing and sealing joinery. Opposite, the ASN of alkali-activated metakaolin, successfully paves the way for new applications, such as high-temperature protection. In this paper, these interactive properties of prepared composites are studied using thermal testing and mechanical analysis. It was found that inhibitors significantly increase the fire resistance of PUR systems while they slightly reduce the mechanical properties. Incorporating polymer flame retardant into ASN in building products, such as façade panels , can decrease the mechanical properties but can offer the non-flammable building envelope not get heated from burning surroundings, i.e., not becoming a convection heat source, but rather represent a fire-distinguisher for flammable materials.
Ključne besede: flame retardants, polyurethane, alkali activated material, metakaolin, microwave irradiation, mechanical strength
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.03.2024; Ogledov: 524; Prenosov: 406
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Waste rubber incorporated in the alkali-activated metakaolin’s aluminosilicate network enhanced by microwave irradiation
Barbara Horvat, Branka Mušič, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Povzetek: Building materials represent the possibility of prolonging the life of waste materials. The key is to ensure that the products are suitable for their function. So we activated metakaolin with the alkaline Na-silicate solution in the ratio that ensures the prevention of efflorescence and high mechanical strength (Horvat and Ducman, 2019). As the waste material (to be incorporated in the aluminosilicate network (ASN) of the alkali-activated metakaolin) ground waste rubber from electric cables was used in the preselected mass ratios. Its inclusion in products, like paving stones, can reduce stiffness, improve durability, dampen vibrations, and reduce road noise. The mechanical strengths of test samples with rubber present on the active surface or slightly below were higher compared to samples where rubber was encapsulated throughout the volume. Compressive strength was higher when samples were irradiated with low powers of microwaves while irradiation with higher powers led to the foaming of alkali-activated slurry. The encapsulation quality of the ground rubber was evaluated by SEM while the chemical influence on ASN was determined by EDS, FTIR, and XRD. Slipperiness change on the active surface of pavement stones proved that the addition of the ground rubber enhanced the walking safety of the product.
Ključne besede: secondary raw material, alkali activated material, waste rubber, metakaolin, encapsulation of organic in inorganic material, microwave irradiation, mechanical strength
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.03.2024; Ogledov: 708; Prenosov: 483
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