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973. First report of cherry green ring mottle virus in sweet cherries in SloveniaAljoša Beber, Janja Lamovšek, Barbara Grubar, Irena Mavrič Pleško, 2024, drugi znanstveni članki Ključne besede: CGRMV, cherry necrotic rusty mottle virus, robigovirus, sweet cherry, RT-PCR Objavljeno v DiRROS: 28.10.2024; Ogledov: 243; Prenosov: 133
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974. Evropa zdaj! (ali vsaj do 92’) : jugoslovanska zgodovina slovenskega približevanja evropskim integracijamJure Ramšak, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Na osnovi ustaljenih tesnih odnosov med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Jugoslavijo se je Beograd konec osemdesetih let obotavljivo spustil v poglabljanje vezi z Brusljem, ki bi na koncu morda celo pripeljala do pridruženega ali celo polnopravnega članstva. V kolikor so geopolitične spremembe v Evropi po padcu berlinskega zidu in večja pozornost Bruslja na zapletene jugoslovanske notranje razmere delali te načrte nerealne, je socialistični establishment v Sloveniji ubral svojo pot približevanja nastajajoči Evropski uniji. Z analizo imaginarija evropskosti in tehnokratskih strategij harmonizacije z evropskimi predpisi članek pokaže na zavzetost zadnje slovenske socialistične vlade in reformirane Zveze komunistov Slovenije, ki pa se vseeno ni izključevala z vizijo evropske integracije Slovenije v okviru Jugoslavije. Ključne besede: Jugoslavija, EGS, Enotni evropski akt, Zveza komunistov Slovenije, Bela knjiga 1990 Objavljeno v DiRROS: 28.10.2024; Ogledov: 199; Prenosov: 512
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975. Relationship between Mediterranean diet adherence and body composition parameters in older adults from the Mediterranean regionKaja Teraž, Katarina Puš, Saša Pišot, Ana Cikač, Boštjan Šimunič, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Abstract: In recent decades, the rapid spread of various communication media has led to changes in traditional eating habits. In the Mediterranean region, the classic (Mediterranean) dietary pattern has been lost as a result. This has led to a shift in eating habits towards unhealthy eating patterns, which in turn has resulted in an inadequate distribution of body composition. It is known that, among other things, the number of non-communicable diseases increases with the inadequate distribution of body composition. The aim of our study was to examine the level of adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD) of older adults in the Mediterranean region in relation to specific body composition parameters. This study included 521 older adults with a mean age of 69.6 ± 6.3 years. Body composition was measured using the BIA 101 Anniversary device (Akern s.r.l., Florence, Italy) and adherence to the MD was assessed using the MEDLIFE index questionnaire. This study found significant differences in body composition between males and females. The mean adherence to the MD was 17.0 ± 3.3 points among the participants and there was higher adherence in females (p = 0.002, ηp 2 = 0.019). A multiple linear regression was performed to assess the relationship between the body composition parameters and MD. Multiple linear regression models were significant for reactance, fat mass (%), fat-free mass (%), skeletal muscle index, and total body water (%), with specific individual MEDLIFE items such as the consumption of processed meat, meat, white meat, fruit, vegetables, olive oil and limiting snacks between meals. Moreover, promising correlations were found between certain MD characteristics and BIA parameters, but the overall health effects of the MD remain unclear. Ključne besede: nutrition, elderly, body composition, healthy ageing, epidemiology Objavljeno v DiRROS: 28.10.2024; Ogledov: 262; Prenosov: 153
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976. Building successful international summer schools to enhance the capacity of marine early career researchersChristopher Cvitanovic, Jessica Blythe, Ingrid E. van Putten, Lisa Maddison, Laurent Bopp, Stephanie Brodie, Elisabeth A. Fulton, Priscilla Lopes Florido, Gretta Pecl, Jerneja Penca, Ussif Rashid Sumaila, 2024, drugi znanstveni članki Povzetek: The development of informal science learning programs is a key strategy for supplementing traditional training for early career researchers (ECR). Within the marine sector, there has been a proliferation of international summer schools (a form of informal science learning program) to support ECRs to develop the networks, skills, and attributes needed to tackle ocean sustainability challenges and support the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (e.g., collaboration across disciplines, policy engagement, etc.). Yet, there exists very little evidence on the impact generated by such informal science learning programs or the design strategies that can confer their success. This commentary seeks to address this knowledge gap by considering the successful biennial Climate and Ecosystems (ClimEco) marine summer school series that has run since 2008. Specifically, we draw on the perspectives of lecturers and organisers, in combination with a survey of ClimEco participants (� = 38 ECRs) to understand the drivers and motivations of ECRs to attend summer schools, the types of outcomes and impacts that summer schools can have for marine ECRs, and the key factors that led to the successful attainment of these impacts, outcomes, and benefits. In doing so, we develop guidance that would enable global summer school convenors to effectively support the next generation of marine researchers to advance ocean sustainability. Ključne besede: early career researchers, informal science learning programs, interdisciplinary, ocean sustainability, postgraduate, SDG 14, transdisciplinary Objavljeno v DiRROS: 28.10.2024; Ogledov: 250; Prenosov: 162
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977. Developmental trajectories of motor imagery in relation to physical fitness in children aged 7 to 14 years : a ǂ1-year follow-up studyLuka Šlosar, Katarina Puš, Uroš Marušič, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Motor imagery (MI) is fundamentally linked to the motor system. It improves motor learning and optimizes motor actions without physical execution, highlighting its unique role in rehabilitation programs and motor performance. Understanding the developmental trajectories of MI and the factors influencing its variability across ages could enable more effective, age-specific strategies for pediatric rehabilitation. This study assessed 65 children aged 7 to 14 years at two time points 1 year apart. MI ability was assessed using the Movement Imagery Questionnaire for Children, and physical fitness was evaluated using the SLOfit testing battery. Among the three perspectives assessed; internal visual imagery (IVI), external visual imagery (EVI), and kinesthetic imagery (KI), KI was unique in not correlating with age at both time points. The development of MI perspectives varied between athletes and non-athletes, with non-athletes showing a decline in IVI compared with athletes. This differential was further evidenced by significant differences in KI between the groups at the second assessment, with a similar trend observed at the first assessment. Of the physical fitness tests, only the 600-m run correlated consistently with KI at both assessments. Our findings suggest that regular participation in sports significantly affects KI performance, highlighting the importance of sports participation for the development of MI abilities in children. Future research should examine additional assessment points in different age groups and sport experience to better understand the development of MI and its potential implications for pediatric rehabilitation. Ključne besede: motor imagery, physical fitness, childhood development, pediatric rehabilitation Objavljeno v DiRROS: 28.10.2024; Ogledov: 230; Prenosov: 139
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