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Phylogenomic, biogeographic, and evolutionary research trends in arachnology
znanstvena monografija

Povzetek: This book focuses on systematics, biogeography, and evolution of arachnids, a group of ancient chelicerate lineages that have taken on terrestrial lifestyles. The book opens with the questions of what arachnology represents, and where the field should go in the future. Twelve original contributions then dissect the current state-of-the-art in arachnological research. These papers provide innovative phylogenomic, evolutionary and biogeographic analyses and interpretations of new data and/or synthesize our knowledge to offer new directions for the future of arachnology.
Ključne besede: biogeography, phylogeny, systematics, evolution, arachnology
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 09.08.2024; Ogledov: 228; Prenosov: 149
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The ecosystem of science communication in the post-truth era : perspectives, contexts, dynamics
2024, znanstvena monografija

Povzetek: The chapters in this volume provide rich evidence of the increasing variety and cultural diversity of science communication practices across the world (Bucchi & Trench, 2021). Collectively, the science communication initiatives described here exemplify a range of progressive approaches, including dialogue, active engagement, learning-by-doing, and co-construction of knowledge, that in various ways reflect re-inventions or re-imaginings of science communication. In addition, this collection of work points to the inevitable conclusion that dialogue is necessary not just between science and society but also between science communication practitioners and researchers from different ecologies – countries, cultures, institutions and practices. We thus see this volume as a contribution to longitudinal studies of science communication across contexts, disciplines, purposes, and formats. Only in this way can the ecosystem of science communication continue to grow more diverse and self-reflective.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 09.08.2024; Ogledov: 267; Prenosov: 187
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Visokogorska jezera v vzhodnem delu Julijskih Alp
2002, znanstvena monografija

Povzetek: V knjigi, ki prinaša celovito predstavitev naših visokogorskih jezer, oceno njihovega ekološkega stanja in razlago dogajanj v njih skozi zgodovino, so zbrani rezultati več kot desetletnih raziskav 18 avtorjev. V delu je podan geografski opis in nastanek visokogorskih jezer, hidrološke povezave med njimi ter fizikalne in kemijske lastnosti jezerske vode. Opisano je življenje v njih in spremembe, ki so jih jezera doživela v zadnjih stoletjih, opozorjeno pa je tudi na problem onesnaževanja visokogorja.
Ključne besede: fizična geografija, hidrologija, rastlinstvo, živalstvo, onesnaževanje voda
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 09.08.2024; Ogledov: 454; Prenosov: 179
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Jama Velika Pasica : zgodovina, okolje in življenje v njej
Anton Brancelj, 2015, znanstvena monografija

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 08.08.2024; Ogledov: 335; Prenosov: 131
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Geografija stika Slovenske Istre in Tržaškega zaliva
2018, znanstvena monografija

Povzetek: Znanstvena monografija na celosten način obravnava geografsko območje stika med kopnim, Slovensko Istro in morjem, Tržaškim zalivom. Stika med kopnim in morjem ne obravnava samo z vidika analize pokrajinotvornih prvin, loteva se tudi vpliva stika na fizično- in družbenogeografske pojave in procese in izpostavlja nekatere glavne izzive prebivalstvenega in gospodarskega razvoja, ob hkratnem upoštevanju ranljivosti obravnavane pokrajine, reševanja problematike obremenjevanja in onesnaževanja okolja ter širše rabe trajnostnega razvoja.
Ključne besede: slovenska Istra, Tržaški zaliv, regionalna geografija
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 08.08.2024; Ogledov: 260; Prenosov: 168
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Izzivi razvoja ribištva v Sloveniji
Alex Mavrič, Štefan Bojnec, Andreja Ramšak, 2021, znanstvena monografija

Povzetek: Raziskava prinaša nova spoznanja in izzive s področij ribištva v Sloveniji in z njim povezanih panog. Z intervjuji smo pridobili primarne podatke za raziskovanje, ki je vključevalo različne vidike in segmente ribiškega trga v Sloveniji, s poudarkom na socio-ekonomskih dejavnikih. Preučevali smo ribolov in vzrejo školjk ter rib v morju in v celinskih vodah, povezovanje ribištva s turizmom, predelavo ribiških izdelkov, zlorabe na ribiškem trgu in sorodne teme kakortudi možnosti za trajnostni razvoj ribištva v slovenskem morju in v celinskih vodah. Rezultati intervjujev so nam dali vpogled v vrsto težav in v možne rešitve, kot so jih predvideli različni deležniki, povezani s trgom rib. V zaključku raziskave so predstavljeni ugotovitve o trgu rib, možne smeri in vplivi na razvoj trga rib. Glede na ugotovljene težave smo podali tudi predloge, ki bi lahko izboljšali stanje v ribištvu in na trgu rib v Sloveniji. Raziskava je prinesla nekaj pomembnih ugotovitev, kot so: slovenski potrošniki pojedo mnogo manj rib v primerjavi z ostalimi članicami Evropske unije, slabo so ozaveščeni o ribolovnih izdelkih in ozaveščanje je preveč kratkoročno usmerjeno, da bi dosegli spremembe. V vseh dejavnostih, povezanih s trgom rib, je potrebno zmanjšati vplive na okolje, kar bo pomagalo ohranjati ribolovne vire v naravnih vodah.
Ključne besede: prehranska varnost, ribolov, ribogojstvo, akvakultura, trajnostni razvoj, zakonodaja, kvaliteta, trženje, razvojne perspektive, elektronske knjige
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 08.08.2024; Ogledov: 244; Prenosov: 200
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Thermal lensing and photoacoustics as potential tools for nanomaterial characterization : a review
Mohanachandran Nair Sindhu Swapna, S. Sreejyothi, Dorota Korte, 2024, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: This comprehensive review highlights the versatile applications of photothermal techniques, particularly thermal lens spectrometry (TLS) and photoacoustic spectrometry (PAS), in the field of nanomaterials characterization. TLS is an effective technique in the trace detection of different compounds in liquid samples, photodegradation studies, and analysis of photocatalytic reaction rate, as well as the study of molecular dynamics, impacting both environmental and catalytical research. It enables the optimization of thermal diffusivity in soot nanofluids and offers insights into seed germination and plant yield enhancement in nanobiophotonics. The review also explores the thermal and elastic characterization of Fe2O3 polymorphs by photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS). Investigating the metal mirror demonstrates PAS’s efficacy in determining its reflection coefficient and thermal diffusivity. ZnO nanoparticles’ strong absorption on diatomite surfaces is revealed through PAS, emphasizing their effectiveness in light absorption enhancement. Furthermore, PA techniques address working frequency limitations in studying silicon-based nanomaterials. Thus, thermal lens and photoacoustic spectroscopy assume pivotal roles in unveiling the nuanced attributes of various nanostructured materials, thereby propelling advancements in the realms of science and technology.
Ključne besede: material characterization, thermal lens spectrometry, photoacoustic spectrometry
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 07.08.2024; Ogledov: 303; Prenosov: 250
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Hazard characterization of Alternaria toxins to identify data gaps and improve risk assessment for human health
Henriqueta Louro, Ariane Vettorazzi, Adela López de Cerain, Bojana Žegura, Matjaž Novak, 2024, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Fungi of the genus Alternaria are ubiquitous plant pathogens and saprophytes which are able to grow under varying temperature and moisture conditions as well as on a large range of substrates. A spectrum of structurally diverse secondary metabolites with toxic potential has been identified, but occurrence and relative proportion of the different metabolites in complex mixtures depend on strain, substrate, and growth conditions. This review compiles the available knowledge on hazard identification and characterization of Alternaria toxins. Alternariol (AOH), its monomethylether AME and the perylene quinones altertoxin I (ATX-I), ATX-II, ATX-III, alterperylenol (ALP), and stemphyltoxin III (STTX-III) showed in vitro genotoxic and mutagenic properties. Of all identified Alternaria toxins, the epoxide-bearing analogs ATX-II, ATX-III, and STTX-III show the highest cytotoxic, genotoxic, and mutagenic potential in vitro. Under hormone-sensitive conditions, AOH and AME act as moderate xenoestrogens, but in silico modeling predicts further Alternaria toxins as potential estrogenic factors. Recent studies indicate also an immunosuppressive role of AOH and ATX-II; however, no data are available for the majority of Alternaria toxins. Overall, hazard characterization of Alternaria toxins focused, so far, primarily on the commercially available dibenzo-α-pyrones AOH and AME and tenuazonic acid (TeA). Limited data sets are available for altersetin (ALS), altenuene (ALT), and tentoxin (TEN). The occurrence and toxicological relevance of perylene quinone-based Alternaria toxins still remain to be fully elucidated. We identified data gaps on hazard identification and characterization crucial to improve risk assessment of Alternaria mycotoxins for consumers and occupationally exposed workers.
Ključne besede: mycotoxin, exposure routes, genotoxicity, endocrine disruption, immunosuppression, biotransformation, toxicokinetics, tenuazonic acid, alternariol, altenuene, tentoxin, altertoxin
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 07.08.2024; Ogledov: 250; Prenosov: 212
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Groundwater is a hidden global keystone ecosystem
Mattia Saccò, Stefano Mammola, Florian Altermatt, Roman Alther, Rossano Bolpagni, Anton Brancelj, David Brankovits, Cene Fišer, Vasilis Gerovasileiou, Špela Borko, Maja Zagmajster, 2024, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Groundwater is a vital ecosystem of the global water cycle, hosting unique biodiversity and providing essential services to societies. Despite being the largest unfrozen freshwater resource, in a period of depletion by extraction and pollution, groundwater environments have been repeatedly overlooked in global biodiversity conservation agendas. Disregarding the importance of groundwater as an ecosystem ignores its critical role in preserving surface biomes. To foster timely global conservation of groundwater, we propose elevating the concept of keystone species into the realm of ecosystems, claiming groundwater as a keystone ecosystem that influences the integrity of many dependent ecosystems. Our global analysis shows that over half of land surface areas (52.6%) has a medium-to-high interaction with groundwater, reaching up to 74.9% when deserts and high mountains are excluded. We postulate that the intrinsic transboundary features of groundwater are critical for shifting perspectives towards more holistic approaches in aquatic ecology and beyond. Furthermore, we propose eight key themes to develop a science-policy integrated groundwater conservation agenda. Given ecosystems above and below the ground intersect at many levels, considering groundwater as an essential component of planetary health is pivotal to reduce biodiversity loss and buffer against climate change.
Ključne besede: groundwater, keystone ecosystem, surface-subterranean connectivity
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 07.08.2024; Ogledov: 275; Prenosov: 242
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Synthesis, purification, and cell-toxicity of a choline betainate
Lucija Jurko, Gregor Hostnik, Tobias Alexander Steindorfer, Alja Štern, Perica Bošković, Matej Bračič, Bojana Žegura, Rupert Kargl, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: In this work, choline chloride and betaine hydrochloride were condensed into a - to our knowledge - unreported choline betainate (N,N,N-trimethyl-2-oxo-2-(2-(trimethylammonio)ethoxy)ethanaminium chloride) using 1,1′-carbonyldiimidazole (CDI) activation of betaine hydrochloride in dimethylsulfoxide. The product and reaction intermediates were isolated, purified by preparative HPLC and analyzed in detail by infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The final product has a high cytotoxicity for L929 mouse fibroblasts, and low antibacterial activity against P. Aeruginosa and S. Aureus at concentrations of up to 20 mg/ml. It could potentially further be investigated for similar uses as suxamethonium chloride, a muscle relaxant drug.
Ključne besede: choline chloride, betaine hydrochloride, carbonyldiimidazole, HPLC, antimicrobial, cytotoxicity
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 07.08.2024; Ogledov: 272; Prenosov: 319
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