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Program Intenzivnega monitoringa gozdov v Sloveniji (2004–2024)
Primož Simončič, Matej Rupel, Daniel Žlindra, Lado Kutnar, Aleksander Marinšek, 2024, review article

Abstract: V letu 2024 obeležujemo dvajset let aktivnosti Intenzivnega monitoringa gozdov v Sloveniji, ki je del mednarodnega programa ICP Forests in Konvencije UN ECE CLTRAP. Glavni namen aktivnosti je spremljati učinke onesnaženosti zraka in drugih dejavnikov na gozdne ekosisteme. Na desetih hektarskih ploskvah v Sloveniji potekajo različna opazovanja in meritve ter stanja drevja po mednarodno usklajenih protokolih. Letna poročila o stanju gozdov so javnosti dostopna na spletnih straneh Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije in Inštituta za gozdne ekosisteme Thünen v Nemčiji. Rezultati intenzivnega monitoringa gozdov so pomembni za razumevanje odziva drevja na okoljske spremembe, na ekstremne dogodke, bolezni in druge dejavnike in so del raziskovalne dejavnosti ter razumevanja razvoja gozdov na izbranih objektih.
Keywords: Program intenzivni monitoring gozdov, Slovenija, ICP Forests
Published in DiRROS: 07.11.2024; Views: 223; Downloads: 78
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Spremljanje izbranih lastnosti tal na ploskvah intenzivnega monitoringa (IM) gozdnih ekosistemov
Aleksander Marinšek, Primož Simončič, Daniel Žlindra, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Sistematično spremljanje stanja gozdnih tal v Sloveniji od leta 1995/96 omogoča oceno osnovnih pedoloških lastnosti in spremljanje sprememb v času. Intenzivni monitoring na izbranih lokacijah pa od leta 2003 omogoča tudi oceno vzročno-posledičnih odnosov in spremljanje procesov v tleh. Analiza mineralnega dela tal (0–10 cm) kaže na razlike med ploskvami na različnih lokacijah v Sloveniji, spremembe talnih parametrov v času intenzivnega spremljanja znotraj posameznih ploskev pa se niso zelo spremenile. Opazili smo nekoliko povečanje organskega ogljika in skupnega dušika, medtem ko so vrednosti razmerja med organskim ogljikom in skupnim dušikom (C/N) ter pH tal ostale stabilne. Kljub razlikam med ploskvami so vrednosti ogljika in dušika ter njunega razmerja primerljive z vrednostmi iz evropske mreže 16 km × 16 km. Čeprav so opazne manjše spremembe v analiziranih lastnostih tal med obdobjema vzorčenja (2003–2010 in 2022), so trendi stabilni. Analiza stanja gozdnih tal na ploskvah sistema intenzivnega monitoringa kaže na manjše spremembe med prvim in drugim obdobjem vzorčenja. Kljub temu so trendi stabilni, kar kaže na logično povezanost dinamike ogljika in dušika v gozdnih ekosistemih. Nadaljnje aktivnosti intenzivnega spremljanja gozdnih tal so ključne za razumevanje procesov v tleh in opredelitev kazalnikov zdravega stanja tal v prihodnosti.
Keywords: gozdna tla, gozdna rastišča, ogljik v tleh, dušik v tleh, lastnosti gozdnih tal, spremljanje stanja
Published in DiRROS: 07.11.2024; Views: 216; Downloads: 61
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20 let intenzivnega monitoringa gozdov v Sloveniji
Primož Simončič, 2024, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: intenzivni monitoring
Published in DiRROS: 07.11.2024; Views: 167; Downloads: 50
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Variety of general position problems in graphs
Jing Tian, Sandi Klavžar, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: Let $X$ be a vertex subset of a graph $G$. Then $u, v\in V(G)$ are $X$-positionable if $V(P)\cap X \subseteq \{u,v\}$ holds for any shortest $u,v$-path $P$. If each two vertices from $X$ are $X$-positionable, then $X$ is a general position set. The general position number of $G$ is the cardinality of a largest general position set of $G$ and has been already well investigated. In this paper a variety of general position problems is introduced based on which natural pairs of vertices are required to be $X$-positionable. This yields the total (resp. dual, outer) general position number. It is proved that the total general position sets coincide with sets of simplicial vertices, and that the outer general position sets coincide with sets of mutually maximally distant vertices. It is shown that a general position set is a dual general position set if and only if its complement is convex. Several sufficient conditions are presented that guarantee that a given graph has no dual general position set. The total general position number, the outer general position number, and the dual general position number of arbitrary Cartesian products are determined.
Keywords: general position, total general position, outer general position, dual general position, Cartesian product of graphs, strong resolving graph, convex subgraph
Published in DiRROS: 07.11.2024; Views: 200; Downloads: 160
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Making PBPK models more reproducible in practice
Elena Domínguez-Romero, Stanislav Mazurenko, Martin Scheringer, Vitor A. P. Martins dos Santos, Chris T Evelo, Mihail Anton, John M. Hancock, Anže Županič, Maria Suarez-Diez, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Systems biology aims to understand living organisms through mathematically modeling their behaviors at different organizational levels, ranging from molecules to populations. Modeling involves several steps, from determining the model purpose to developing the mathematical model, implementing it computationally, simulating the model’s behavior, evaluating, and refining the model. Importantly, model simulation results must be reproducible, ensuring that other researchers can obtain the same results after writing the code de novo and/or using different software tools. Guidelines to increase model reproducibility have been published. However, reproducibility remains a major challenge in this field. In this paper, we tackle this challenge for physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models, which represent the pharmacokinetics of chemicals following exposure in humans or animals. We summarize recommendations for PBPK model reporting that should apply during model development and implementation, in order to ensure model reproducibility and comprehensibility. We make a proposal aiming to harmonize abbreviations used in PBPK models. To illustrate these recommendations, we present an original and reproducible PBPK model code in MATLAB, alongside an example of MATLAB code converted to Systems Biology Markup Language format using MOCCASIN. As directions for future improvement, more tools to convert computational PBPK models from different software platforms into standard formats would increase the interoperability of these models. The application of other systems biology standards to PBPK models is encouraged. This work is the result of an interdisciplinary collaboration involving the ELIXIR systems biology community. More interdisciplinary collaborations like this would facilitate further harmonization and application of good modeling practices in different systems biology fields.
Keywords: pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, mathematical modelling, standards, model code, reproducibility, SBML, MATLAB, systems biology
Published in DiRROS: 07.11.2024; Views: 309; Downloads: 103
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Vlada RS sprejela Strateški načrt poslovanja družbe Slovenski državni gozdovi, d. o. o. : sporočilo za javnost
2021, other component parts

Keywords: Slovenski državni gozdovi
Published in DiRROS: 07.11.2024; Views: 128; Downloads: 42
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Podpis pogodbe o nakupu poslovne stavbe v Kočevju
2021, popular article

Keywords: Kočevje, gozdarstvo, poslovne stavbe
Published in DiRROS: 06.11.2024; Views: 185; Downloads: 55
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