Digital repository of Slovenian research organizations

Digital Repository of Research Organizations of Slovenia (DiRROS) is a single point of entry for the access to electronic forms of scientific and professional papers, reports, research data and other material, generated by the researchers of member organizations or by independent researchers and artists, who do not have the possibility of archiving and preservation of electronic resources.

DiRROS offers deposit and preservation of different electronic documents free of charge. Compatibility with OpenAIRE (guidelines) enables sharing content with other repositories and compliance with the provisions of the European Commission on open access to peer-reviewed scientific publications and corresponding research data from publicly funded projects under the FP7Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Framework Programmes etc., as well as the requirements of Slovenian national strategy, legislation, institutional or funders` policies.

The detection of similarity of content (plagiarism) against all contents within the national open science portal can be triggered for each document in the process of submission into the repository.

A research organization or an individual researcher can become a member of DiRROS on the basis of mutual agreement i.e. contract. On request, CTK offers additional services (like researchers' bibliographies within the system COBISS.SI) to member institutions. Services are charged according to the actual price list.
