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Naslov:The relationship between the inhalation bioaccessibility of potentially toxic elements in road dust from a heavily polluted industrial area and the source of their pollution
Avtorji:ID Zupančič, Marija (Avtor)
ID Miler, Miloš (Avtor)
ID Žibret, Gorazd (Avtor)
Datoteke:.pdf PDF - Predstavitvena datoteka, prenos (6,80 MB)
MD5: 2A929F3A0A4954EE7C271BDDCCC2F136
Jezik:Angleški jezik
Tipologija:1.01 - Izvirni znanstveni članek
Organizacija:Logo GeoZS - Geološki zavod Slovenije
Povzetek:One of the sources of chronic exposure to potentially toxic elements (PTE), especially in polluted environments, is the inhalation of resuspended road dust (RD). The aim of this study is to assess the inhalation bioaccessibility of PTE in RD from highly polluted environments from mining/smelting industries and traffic, and to identify any correlations between the bioaccessibility fraction of PTE and the physicochemical characteristics of the particles. RD from the studied area contains extremely high total concentrations of Cr, V, and Mn, which are likely due to pollution from the smelting industry. Additionally, elevated total concentrations of other elements associated with traffic emissions including Zn, Cu, Pb, Sb, and Sn were also measured. The bioaccessibility of PTE was assessed using two synthetic extraction solutions - Gamble's solution (GS) and Artificial Lysosomal Fluid (ALF). The majority of elements showed negligible bioaccessibility in GS. However, quite high inhalation bioaccessibility was observed for Zn, Pb, Sb, Cd, and Mn in the ALF solution, with a mean bioaccessible fraction of 49, 51.5, 41, 50, and 40% respectively. The highest bioavailable fraction was measured for Cd (97%) in a sample collected near a steel production facility and for Pb (95%) in a sample collected near the highway. These results indicate that increased mobility of the elements in inhaled particles occurs only in the case of phagocytosis. The lowest inhalation bioavailability was measured for Cr (mean is 3%). Differential individual particle analysis revealed that about 60% of phases, mostly major (Cr,Ti,V)-bearing metallic alloys, silicates, oxides and sulphides, are stable in ALF solution, while 40% of phases, mostly (Fe,Ca,Mn)-bearing oxides, silicates, sulphides, metals and metallic alloys originating from steel production, ferrochrome, ferrosilicon and vanadium production and from traffic emissions have been heavily corroded or completely dissolved. The study provides valuable information to further assess health hazards from various emission sources.
Ključne besede:coal mining, inhalation bioaccessibility, mining/smelting pollution, potentially toxic elements, road dust, traffic pollution
Status publikacije:Objavljeno
Verzija publikacije:Objavljena publikacija
Datum objave:23.08.2024
Leto izida:2024
Št. strani:13 str.
Številčenje:vol. 361
ISSN pri članku:0269-7491
DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2024.124810 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:206188803 Novo okno
Datum objave v DiRROS:09.09.2024
Število ogledov:9
Število prenosov:3
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Gradivo je del revije

Naslov:Environmental pollution
Skrajšan naslov:Environ. pollut.
Založnik:Elsevier Applied Science Publishers
COBISS.SI-ID:25405184 Novo okno

Gradivo je financirano iz projekta

Financer:ARIS - Javna agencija za znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije
Številka projekta:P1-0134-2022
Naslov:Kemija za trajnostni razvoj

Financer:ARIS - Javna agencija za znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije
Številka projekta:P1-0025-2018
Naslov:Mineralne surovine

Financer:ARIS - Javna agencija za znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije
Številka projekta:J1-1713-2019
Naslov:Dinamika in snovni tok potencialno strupenih elementov (PSE) v urbanem okolju

Financer:EC - European Commission
Številka projekta:244242
Naslov:Earth Observation for Monitoring and Observing Environmental and Societal Impacts of Mineral Resources Exploration and Exploitation


Licenca:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva 4.0 Mednarodna
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