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Iskalni niz: "ključne besede" (tree-ring width) .

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Fertilisation with potato starch wastewater effect on the growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest in Poland
Nella Waszak, Filipe Campelo, Iain Robertson, Radosław Puchałka, Fatima-Zahraa El Balghiti, Jožica Gričar, Ali Boularbah, M. Koprowski, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Fertilisation is often used to increase plant productivity in agriculture but has also been used in forestry. In our study, Scots pine forest growing in a nitrogen-poor environment was fertilised with NPK post-production wastewater from a potato starch factory. Our research aimed to investigate the dependence of tree growth on different NPK concentrations. Cell characteristics such as cell wall thickness (CWT), lumen diameter (LD) and tree-ring features such as ring width (RW), total number of cells in annual growth (nTotal), earlywood (EW) and latewood (LW) were investigated. Twenty-six years of regular fertilisation of the forest with different doses of wastewater rich in NPK elements have affected the anatomical structure of Scots pine trees. It is presumed that the reduction in CWT and LD on the fertilised site was due to deficiencies in plant water conductivity, which may have occurred due to physiological drought. The influence of nitrogen on unfertilised site from the wastewater area could contribute to the CWT thickening. The results confirm that the use of NPK in excessive doses is detrimental to trees' conductive system.
Ključne besede: wastewater effluents, forest fertilisation, cell measurements, tree-ring width, wood anatomy
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.01.2024; Ogledov: 522; Prenosov: 275
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Early-warning signals of individual tree mortality based on annual radial growth
Maxime Cailleret, Vasilis Dakos, Steven Jansen, Elisabeth M.R. Robert, Tuomas Aakala, Mariano M. Amoroso, Joe A. Antos, Christof Bigler, Harald Bugmann, Marco Caccianaga, Katarina Čufar, Tom Levanič, 2019, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Tree mortality is a key driver of forest dynamics and its occurrence is projected to increase in the future due to climate change. Despite recent advances in our understanding of the physiological mechanisms leading to death, we still lack robust indicators of mortality risk that could be applied at the individual tree scale. Here, we build on a previous contribution exploring the differences in growth level between trees that died and survived a given mortality event to assess whether changes in temporal autocorrelation, variance, and synchrony in time-series of annual radial growth data can be used as early warning signals of mortality risk. Taking advantage of a unique global ring-width database of 3065 dead trees and 4389 living trees growing together at 198 sites (belonging to 36 gymnosperm and angiosperm species), we analyzed temporal changes in autocorrelation, variance, and synchrony before tree death (diachronic analysis), and also compared these metrics between trees that died and trees that survived a given mortality event (synchronic analysis). Changes in autocorrelation were a poor indicator of mortality risk. However, we found a gradual increase in interannual growth variability and a decrease in growth synchrony in the last %20 years before mortality of gymnosperms, irrespective of the cause of mortality. These changes could be associated with drought-induced alterations in carbon economy and allocation patterns. In angiosperms, we did not find any consistent changes in any metric. Such lack of any signal might be explained by the relatively high capacity of angiosperms to recover after a stress-induced growth decline. Our analysis provides a robust method for estimating early-warning signals of tree mortality based on annual growth data. In addition to the frequently reported decrease in growth rates, an increase in inter-annual growth variability and a decrease in growth synchrony may be powerful predictors of gymnosperm mortality risk, but not necessarily so for angiosperms.
Ključne besede: tree mortality, ring-width, forest, growth, resilience indicators, drought, biotic agents, variance
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 20.07.2022; Ogledov: 935; Prenosov: 568
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A comparison of radial increment and wood density from beech provenance trials in Slovenia and Hungary
Luka Krajnc, Peter Prislan, Gregor Božič, Marjana Westergren, Domen Arnič, Csaba Mátyás, Jožica Gričar, Hojka Kraigher, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Provenance trials are a valuable source of information, especially in species such as European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), which will likely increase its distribution due to global warming. The current study compares radial increment and wood density of beech provenances in the juvenile development stage from contrasting environments in Europe (Belgium, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Italy) planted at a mesic to wet site in Slovenia and a xeric site in Hungary. Existing data (past measurements of diameters and height) were combined with new measurements of tree height, diameter, dendrochronological and resistance drilling density measurements to assess differences in provenance radial growth. The wood density data were evaluated using a Bayesian general linear model. In order to study the differences in radial increment in more detail, two weather-wise contrasting years (2014 and 2017) were selected from the last decade, based on calculations of the 12-month Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index. The differences in average tree-ring width among provenances at each sampled site appeared to be relatively small when averaged over a whole decade of data. However, according to year-to-year data, some provenances grew faster than others, especially in favorable weather conditions. In unfavorable conditions, the differences in tree-ring widths among provenances were smaller. For most provenances, variation in tree-ring widths within the same provenance increased in unfavorable conditions. The difference between the provenances with the highest and lowest wood densities at both locations did not exceed 5%. The model results indicate that the Idrija (Slovenia) provenance probably has a higher median wood density than other studied provenances at both sites. Although the current study confirmed some differences in wood density between provenances and trial locations, the differences are negligible in practice due to their low magnitude and the fact that the analyzed trees were still juvenile. As beech has a diffuse-porous wood, negligible differences in wood density would also be expected in adult trees. Beech provenances for planting in relation to changing weather should probably be chosen for their ability to survive more extreme weather events rather than to improve radial increment or wood density, especially as the differences in wood density of juvenile trees are relatively small.
Ključne besede: Fagus sylvatica, tree-ring width, common garden, resistance drilling
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 15.04.2022; Ogledov: 910; Prenosov: 687
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Green water reconstructed for Rižana watershed, SW Slovenia
Simon Poljanšek, Urša Vilhar, Tom Levanič, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: In this case study, set in south-west Slovenia, the feasibility of reconstructing green water (the combined amount of evaporated and transpired water in trees and available in the soil) was investigated. In a simplifed scheme, the amounts of green water were calculated as the diference between precipitation and discharge of the Rižana river. Based on the methods of dendroclimatology, the climate signal was tested on black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) trees growing in the south-western part of the Rižana watershed near the Slovenian sea coast. Results showed that the measured tree-ring parameters of tree-ring width and density are strongly dependent on the amount of green water. The strongest correlation was between available green water in the period May-August and tree-ring width (r=0.61) and latewood width (r=%0.64) (both n=46, p<0.001). The climate signal is signifcant and stable through time, which enabled the reconstruction of green water data into the period before instrumentally measured data. Green water data from the May-August period were extended from 1966 back to 1937 using tree-ring width, and back to 1940 using latewood width. With additional coring of older trees and the extension of existing chronologies, even longer reconstructions could be developed.
Ključne besede: tree-ring width, tree-ring density, dendrochronology, dendroclimatology, reconstruction
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 18.04.2018; Ogledov: 3049; Prenosov: 1874
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