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Iskalni niz: "ključne besede" (allergens) .

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Allergies and COVID-19 vaccines : an ENDA/EAACI position paper
Annick Barbaud, Lene Heise Garvey, Alessandra Arcolaci, Knut Brockow, Francesca Mori, Cristobalina Mayorga, Maja Jošt, Mitja Košnik, Mihaela Zidarn, Maria J Torres, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Anaphylaxis, which is rare, has been reported after COVID 19 vaccination, but its management is not standardized. Method. Members of the European Network for Drug Allergy and the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology interested in drug allergy participated in an online questionnaire on pre-vaccination screening and management of allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines, and literature was analysed. Results. No death due to anaphylaxis to COVID-19 vaccines has been confirmed in scientific literature. Potential allergens, polyethylene glycol (PEG), polysorbate and tromethamine, are excipients. The authors propose allergy evaluation of persons with the following histories: 1- anaphylaxis to injectable drug or vaccine containing PEG or derivatives; 2- anaphylaxis to oral/topical PEG containing products; 3-recurrent anaphylaxis of unknown cause; 4-suspected or confirmed allergy to any mRNA vaccine, 5-confirmed allergy to PEG or derivatives. We recommend a prick-to-prick skin test with the left over solution in the suspected vaccine vial to avoid waste. Prick test panel should include PEG 4000 or 3500, PEG 2000 and polysorbate 80. The value of in vitro test is arguable. Conclusions. These recommendations will lead to a better knowledge of the management and mechanisms involved in anaphylaxis to COVID-19 vaccines and enable more people with history of allergy to be vaccinated.
Ključne besede: SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines, allergens, anapylaxis, drug hypersensitivity
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 07.02.2022; Ogledov: 1115; Prenosov: 337
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Immunological outcomes of allergen-specific immunotherapy in food allergy
Anne-Marie Malby Schoos, Dominique Bullens, Bo Lund Chawes, Joana Costa, Liselot De Vlieger, Audrey DunnGalvin, Michelle M. Epstein, Johan Garssen, Christiane Hilger, Karen Knipping, Mihaela Zidarn, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: IgE-mediated food allergies are caused by adverse immunologic responses to food proteins. Allergic reactions may present locally in different tissues such as skin, gastrointestinal and respiratory tract and may result is systemic life-threatening reactions. During the last decades, the prevalence of food allergies has significantly increased throughout the world, and considerable efforts have been made to develop curative therapies. Food allergen immunotherapy is a promising therapeutic approach for food allergies that is based on the administration of increasing doses of culprit food extracts, or purified, and sometime modified food allergens. Different routes of administration for food allergen immunotherapy including oral, sublingual, epicutaneous and subcutaneous regimens are being evaluated. Although a wealth of data from clinical food allergen immunotherapy trials has been obtained, a lack of consistency in assessed clinical and immunological outcome measures presents a major hurdle for evaluating these new treatments. Coordinated efforts are needed to establish standardized outcome measures to be applied in food allergy immunotherapy studies, allowing for better harmonization of data and setting the standards for the future research. Several immunological parameters have been measured in food allergen immunotherapy, including allergen-specific immunoglobulin levels, basophil activation, cytokines, and other soluble biomarkers, T cell and B cell responses and skin prick tests. In this review we discuss different immunological parameters and assess their applicability as potential outcome measures for food allergen immunotherapy that may be included in such a standardized set of outcome measures.
Ključne besede: food hypersensitivity, food intolerance, immunotherapy, immunology, food allergy, food allergens, oral immunotherapy
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 15.02.2021; Ogledov: 1567; Prenosov: 1189
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The culprit insect but not severity of allergic reactions to bee and wasp venom can be determined by molecular diagnosis
Pia Gattinger, Christian Lupinek, Lampros Kalogiros, Mira Šilar, Mihaela Zidarn, Peter Korošec, Christine Koessler, Natalija Novak, Rudolf Valenta, Irene Mittermann, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background. Allergy to bee and wasp venom can lead to life-threatening systemic reactions. The identification of the culprit species is important for allergen-specific immunotherapy. Objectives. To determine a panel of recombinant bee and wasp allergens which is suitable for the identification of bee or wasp as culprit allergen sources and to search for molecular surrogates of clinical severity of sting reactions. Methods. Sera from eighty-seven patients with a detailed documentation of their severity of sting reaction (Mueller grade) and who had been subjected to titrated skin testing with bee and wasp venom were analyzed for bee and wasp-specific IgE levels by ImmunoCAPTM. IgE-reactivity testing was performed using a comprehensive panel of recombinant bee and wasp venom allergens (rApi m 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10; rVes v 1 and 5) by ISAC chip technology, ImmunoCAP and ELISA. IgG4 antibodies to rApi m 1 and rVes v 5 were determined by ELISA and IgE/ IgG4 ratios were calculated. Results from skin testing, IgE serology and IgE/IgG4 ratios were compared with severity of sting reactions. Results. The panel of rApi m 1, rApi m 10, rVes v 1 and rVes v 5 allowed identification of the culprit venom in all but two of the 87 patients with good agreement to skin testing. Severities of sting reactions were not associated with results obtained by skin testing, venom-specific IgE levels or molecular diagnosis. Severe sting reactions were observed in patients showing < 1 ISU and < 2kUA/L of IgE to Api m 1 and/or Ves v 5. Conclusion. We identified a minimal panel of recombinant bee and wasp allergens for molecular diagnosis which may permit identification of bee and/or wasp as culprit insect in venom-sensitized subjects. The severity of sting reactions was not associated with parameters obtained by molecular diagnosis.
Ključne besede: allergy and immunology -- diagnosis, allergens -- diagnosis, hymenoptera, immunotherapy, bee, wasp, venom, sting reactions, molecular diagnosis, systemic reactions
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 23.11.2020; Ogledov: 12830; Prenosov: 1708
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Differences in reporting the ragweed pollen season using Google Trends across 15 countries
Jean Bousquet, Ioana Agache, Uwe Berger, Karl-Christian Bergmann, Jean-Pierre Besancenot, Philippe J. Bousquet, Thomas Casale, Gennaro d'Amato, Igor Kaidashev, Musa Khaitov, Ralph Mösges, Kristof Nekam, Gabrielle L. Onorato, Davor Plavec, Aziz Sheikh, Michel Thibaudon, Robert Vautard, Mihaela Zidarn, 2018, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background: Google Trends (GT) searches trends of specific queries in Google, which potentially reflect the real-life epidemiology of allergic rhinitis. We compared GT terms related to ragweed pollen allergy in American and European Union countries with a known ragweed pollen season. Our aim was to assess seasonality and the terms needed to perform the GT searches and to compare these during the spring and summer pollen seasons. Methods: We examined GT queries from January 1, 2011, to January 4, 2017. We included 15 countries with a known ragweed pollen season and used the standard 5-year GT graphs. We used the GT translation for all countries and the untranslated native terms for each country. Results: The results of "pollen," "ragweed," and "allergy" searches differed between countries, but "ragweed" was clearly identified in 12 of the 15 countries. There was considerable heterogeneity of findings when the GT translation was used. For Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia, the GT translation was inappropriate. The country patterns of "pollen," "hay fever," and "allergy" differed in 8 of the 11 countries with identified "ragweed" queries during the spring and the summer, indicating that the perception of tree and grass pollen allergy differs from that of ragweed pollen. Conclusions: To investigate ragweed pollen allergy using GT, the term "ragweed" as a plant is required and the translation of "ragweed" in the native language needed.
Ključne besede: allergy and immunology, allergens, seasonal allergic rhinitis, rhinitis, pollen, ambrosia, Google Trends, hay fever
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 20.11.2020; Ogledov: 1471; Prenosov: 338
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Epitope mapping of major ragweed allergen Amb a 1
Abida Zahirović, Borut Štrukelj, Peter Korošec, Mojca Lunder, 2019, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Ragweed is a prominent cause of seasonal allergies. Thus far, information on IgE-binding sites of major allergen in ragweed pollen, Amb a 1, is very limited. A powerful experimental method to gain insights on the allergen epitopes is the selection of peptides from biological libraries that bind to anti-allergen antibodies. In this work, we aimed to map IgE epitopes of Amb a 1 using epitope-mimicking short peptides % mimotopes that were affinity-selected from phage-displayed random peptide libraries. The peptides weakly aligned with the Amb a 1 primary sequence, thus suggesting that the epitopes are conformational. When the peptides were mapped onto the surface of Amb a 1 homology model, the EpiSearch analysis predicted the location of four potential epitopic sites on surface patches centred at residues K104, S110, H214, and W312. The peptides matching to the predicted epitopes bound selectively to the IgE from pool of ragweed-allergic patients% sera and therefore represent mimetics of Amb a 1 IgE epitopes. The knowledge of IgE epitopes is a prerequisite for the rational design of molecular-based approaches to diagnosis and immunotherapy of allergic diseases.
Ključne besede: allergens, ragweed allergy, Amb a 1, epitope mapping, phage display, mimotopes
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 09.11.2020; Ogledov: 1527; Prenosov: 1041
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Recombinant glycoproteins resembling carbohydrate-specific IgE epitopes from plants, venoms and mites
Pia Gattinger, Irene Mittermann, Christian Lupinek, Gerhard Hofer, Walter Keller, Urška Bidovec, Peter Korošec, Christine Koessler, Natalija Novak, Rudolf Valenta, 2019, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background: N-linked glycans present in venoms, pollen and mites are recognized by IgE antibodies from >20% of allergic patients but have low or no allergenic activity. Objectives: To engineer recombinant glycoproteins resembling carbohydrate-specific IgE epitopes from venoms, pollen and mites which can discriminate carbohydrate-specific IgE from allergenic, peptide-specific IgE. Methods: One or two N-glycosylation sites were engineered into the N-terminus of the non-allergenic protein horse heart myoglobin (HHM) using synthetic gene technology. HHM 1 and HHM 2 containing one or two N-glycosylation sites were expressed in baculovirus-infected High-FiveTM insect cells and a non-glycosylated version (HHM 0) was obtained by mutating the glycosylation motif. Recombinant HHM proteins were analyzed regarding fold and aggregation by circular dichroism and gel filtration, respectively. IgE reactivity was assessed by ELISA, immunoblotting and quantitative ImmunoCAP measurements. IgE inhibition assays were performed to study cross-reactivity with venom, plant and mite-derived carbohydrate IgE epitopes. Results: HHM-glycovariants were expressed and purified from insect cells as monomeric and folded proteins. The HHM-glycovariants exhibited strictly carbohydrate-specific IgE reactivity, designed to quantify carbohydrate specific IgE and resembled IgE epitopes of pollen, venom and mite-derived carbohydrates. IgE-reactivity and inhibition experiments established a hierarchy of plant glcyoallergens (nPhl p 4 > nCyn d 1 > nPla a 2 > nJug r 2 > nCup a 1 > nCry j 1) indicating a hitherto unknown heterogeneity of carbohydrate IgE epitopes in plants which were completely represented by HHM 2. Conclusion: Defined recombinant HHM-glycoproteins resembling carbohydrate-specific IgE epitopes from plants, venoms and mites were engineered which made it possible to discriminate carbohydrate- from peptide-specific IgE reactivity.
Ključne besede: allergy and immunology, allergens, glycoproteins, molecular diagnostic technique, recombinant glycoproteins, molecular allergology, component-resolved diagnosis
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 16.10.2020; Ogledov: 1850; Prenosov: 1329
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Towards personalization of asthma treatment according to trigger factors
Katarzyna Niespodziana, Kristina Borochova, Petra Pazderova, Thomas Schlederer, Natalia Astafyeva, Tatiana Baranovskaya, Mohamed-Ridha Barbouche, Evgenyi Beltiukov, Angelika Berger, Elena Borzova, Jean Bousquet, Mihaela Zidarn, Rudolf Valenta, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Asthma is a severe and chronic disabling disease affecting more than 300 million people world-wide. While in the past few drugs for treatment of asthma were available, new treatment options are currently emerging which appear to be highly effective in certain subgroups of patients. Accordingly there is a need for biomarkers which allow selection of patients for refined and personalized treatment strategies. Recently, serological chip tests based on micro-arrayed allergen molecules and peptides derived from the most common rhinovirus strains have been developed which may discriminate two of the most common forms of asthma, i.e., allergen- and virus-triggered asthma. In this perspective we argue that classification of asthma patients according to these common trigger factors may open new possibilities for personalized management of asthma.
Ključne besede: allergy and immunology, asthma, signs and symptoms, respiratory, rhinovirus, allergens, microarray analysis, precision medicine, wheeze
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 31.07.2020; Ogledov: 2559; Prenosov: 1228
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