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Mechanisms of premature fracture in modular neck stems made of CoCrMo/Ti6Al4V and Ti6Al4V/Ti6Al4V alloy
Drago Dolinar, Miro Gorenšek, Klemen Avsec, Barbara Šetina, Matej Hočevar, Matjaž Godec, Borut Žužek, Mojca Debeljak, Monika Jenko, John T. Grant, Boštjan Kocjančič, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: In this paper, we present the mechanisms of premature fracture of modular neck stems in two case studies: (I) when the neck and stem are both made of the same Ti6Al4V alloy, and (II) when the neck and stem are made from two different alloys, CoCrMo and Ti6Al4V alloy. Our study integrates two orthopedic patients who have undergone primary uncemented THA for usual indications in two orthopedic centers (Community Health Centre and University Medical Centre). Both centers are part of the national public health care system. Both surgeries were performed by two skilled orthopedic surgeons with more than 10 years of experience in THA. The survivorship of the modular neck of cast CoCrMo alloy was 24 months. The survivorship of the modular neck from Ti6Al4V alloy was 84 months. Multivariate analyses were performed to assess the differences in the fretting, corrosion, and fatigue of the two prematurely failed modular neck stems: stereo light microscopy (SLM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Patient demographic information, including sex, age, body mass index, survivorship of implants, and reason for the revision, was collected from medical records. We found that fretting and fatigue occurred on both neck-stem retrievals due to additional galvanic corrosion, but the CoCrMo/Ti6Al4V alloy system suffered more corrosion due to additional galvanic corrosion and fractured earlier than the Ti6Al4V/Ti6Al4V metal alloy system. Both metallic alloy systems used in this application are known to be highly corrosion-resistant, but the bio-tribo-corrosion processes need to be understood in detail and characterized so that appropriate improvements in design and materials can be made.
Ključne besede: total hip arthroplasty, modular neck, Ti6Al4V alloy, CoCrMo alloy, corrosion
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 07.02.2024; Ogledov: 526; Prenosov: 282
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Rejuvenator obtained by pyrolysis of waste tires for use in asphalt mixtures with added reclaimed asphalt
Lidija Ržek, Mojca Ravnikar Turk, Marjan Tušar, 2022, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Povzetek: Although in recent years, big progress has been made in the field of recovering waste tires, they still represent an unwanted waste and their production is constantly increasing. We can use waste tires as a raw material for a new product. In our study, multiple liquid products were produced by pyrolysis of waste tires. After extensive testing of their properties, we selected the most suitable pyrolytic product for the purpose of rejuvenation. Rejuvenators are designed to soften the old, brittle and stiff aged bitumen in reclaimed asphalt. Bitumen with its viscoelastic characteristics is the most important component of asphalt and dictates its behaviour. Commonly bitumen, after adding rejuvenator, becomes less viscous, more ductile and its coating properties are restored. By using a pyrolytic rejuvenator, the proportion of reclaimed asphalt added to the asphalt mixture was increased. The reuse of reclaimed asphalt and waste tires means a reduction in waste material and is therefore important for the preservation of the environment and sustainable development.
Ključne besede: pyrolyse, rejuvenator, bitumen, reclaimed asphalt, waste tires
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 31.01.2024; Ogledov: 499; Prenosov: 222
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Morphological characteristics of young and old murine hematopoietic stem cell niches, as modeled in vitro
Mojca Justin, Ema Rogac Randl, Veno Kononenko, Matej Hočevar, Damjana Drobne, Primož Rožman, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) niche undergoes detrimental changes with age. The molecular differences between young and old niches are well studied and understood; however, young and old niches have not yet been extensively characterized in terms of morphology. In the present work, a 2D stromal model of young and old HSC niches isolated from bone marrow was investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to characterize cell density after one, two, or three weeks of culturing, cell shape, and cell surface morphological features. Our work is aimed at identifying morphological differences between young and old niche cells that could be used to discriminate between their respective murine HSC niches. The results show several age- specific morphological characteristics. The old niches differ from the young ones in terms of lower cell proliferating capacity, increased cell size with a flattened appearance, increased number of adipocytes, and the presence of tunneling nanotubes. In addition, proliferating cell clusters are present in the young niches but not in the old niches. Together, these characteristics could be used as a relatively simple and reliable tool to discriminate between young and old murine HSC niches and as a complementary approach to imaging with specific cellular markers.
Ključne besede: bone marrow, hematoopetic stem cell niche, aging, adipocytes, scanning electron microscopy
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.01.2024; Ogledov: 492; Prenosov: 246
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Tikhoff-Lindberg operation and major resections of the shoulder girdle standard procedure for limb salvage in sarcoma patients
Marko Špiler, Janez Novak, Mojca Senčar, 2000, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 25.01.2024; Ogledov: 396; Prenosov: 89
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Renal cell carcinoma in the ectopic kidney prospects of diagnosting and treatment of the carcinoma of the kidney: case report
Erika Brenčič, Marjeta Stanovnik, Mojca Glušič, 2000, strokovni članek

Povzetek: Background. An extensive use of ultrasonography and computed tomography have enormously contributed to the early detection of adenocarcinoma of kidney taking into consideration that they have been so far often detected by chance.In addition to provide us with an image of a tumor and contributing to define more easily the nature of tumor, MRI is most helpful in detecting the infiltrations of tumor into its surroundings and changes in the veins. Case report. This case report presents the patient with adenocarcinoma of the ectopic kidney. The ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging detected and abundant non-homogenous tumor mass in pelvis minor. Additionally to the suspected ectopia of one of the kidney, it was alsosuspected that there was another pathological process of different etiology too. This suspicion was based on the detection of a different tumor mass in between the intestinal loops. Two months after the nonradical excisionof the adenocarcinoma from the ectopic kidney, the following changes were observed: progress of the residual tumor in the pelvis minor and the tumor in between the intestinal loops (that was not removed during the first operation). The patient was given immunochemotherapy and local radiotherapy. Conclusions. According to the available data in literature, the localization of tumor in ectopic kidney is extremely rare.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 24.01.2024; Ogledov: 544; Prenosov: 123
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Manual for use of Al-containing residues in low-carbon mineral binders
Sabina Dolenec, Katja Malovrh Rebec, Anja Lešek, Katarina Šter, Lea Žibret, Gorazd Žibret, Klemen Teran, Emil Pučko, Ildikó Merta, Bojan Poletanovic, Elena Yaneva, Peter Kesserű, Ildikó Kovács, Bence Kószó, Alexandra Németh, Richard Laucournet, Mustafa Hadžalić, Emilija Fidanchevski, Biljana Angjusheva, Vojo Jovanov, Miloš Nenadović, Snežana B. Nenadović, Ivana Vukanac, Liljana Kraljević, Mojca Loncnar, Andrej Ipavec, 2020, slovar, enciklopedija, leksikon, priročnik, atlas, zemljevid

Povzetek: Današnje družbe si ni več mogoče predstavljati brez sodobne infrastrukture, ki temelji na uporabi različnih materialov ter zahteva veliko porabo energije. Vzporedno s proizvodnjo materialov, nastajajo ogromne količine različnih industrijskih in rudarskih ostankov (odpadki/stranski proizvodi), ki jih trenutno ne izkoriščamo, sama odlagališča pa so premalo raziskana. Cilj Evropske unije (EU) je povečati učinkovito rabo virov in ponudbo sekundarnih surovin z recikliranjem, popisom odpadkov iz rudarskih in drugih industrijskih dejavnosti ter njihova ponovna uporaba. Veliko industrijskih in rudarskih odpadkov je obogatenih z aluminijem (Al), zato lahko nadomeščajo naravne vire Al v mineralnih veznih, vendar njihova uporaba zahteva obsežno poznavanje njihovih kemijskih, mineraloških, radioloških in fizikalnih lastnosti. Priročnik, ki so ga pripravili partnerji projekta RIS-ALiCE obravnava zakonodajne vidike, ki urejajo uporabo sekundarnih surovin v gradbenih proizvodih, opis najpogostejših industrijskih in rudarskih ostankov, ki vsebujejo Al (nahajališča boksitov, rdeče blato, jeklarske žlindre, pepeli iz različnih industrij, itd.), potencial njihove ponovne uporabe in njihov ekonomski vidik, potencialne zahteve/ovire za uporabo sekundarnih surovin v cementni industriji in opis belitno-sulfoaluminatnih cementov, ki so obetavna rešitev za izvajanje krožnega gospodarstva z uporabo velikih količin odloženih industrijskih in rudarskih odpadkov, bogatih z Al.
Ključne besede: gradbeni proizvodi, ponovna uporaba, ekonomski vidik, industrija cementa, krožno gospodarstvo, industrijski odpadki, zakonodaja, elektronske knjige
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 22.01.2024; Ogledov: 511; Prenosov: 249
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Use of steel slag for the synthesis of belite-sulfoaluminate clinker
Lea Žibret, Martina Cvetković, Maruša Mrak, Mojca Loncnar, Andrej Ipavec, Sabina Dolenec, 2020, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Povzetek: Belite-sulfoaluminate (BCSA) cements are low-carbon mineral binders, which require low energy consumption and allow the incorporation of various secondary raw materials in the clinker raw meal. In this study two types of unprocessed steel slags, coming from stainless steel production, were incorporated in the BCSA clinkers. The clinker phase composition, clinker reactivity, and the compressive strength of the cement were studied to evaluate the possible use of the slag in BCSA clinkers. The cement clinkers were synthesized by using natural raw materials, white titanogypsum, mill scale, as well as two different steel slags: (i) EAF S slag, which is a by-product of melting the recycled steel scrap in an electric arc furnace, and (ii) la dle slag as a by-product of the processes of secondary metallurgy, in various quantities. Raw mixtures with two different targeted phase compositions varying in belite, calcium sulfoaluminate and ferrite phases were sintered at 1250 °C. Clinker phases were determined by Rietveld quantitative phase analysis, while their distribution, morphology and incorporation of foreign ions in the phases were studied by SEM/EDS analysis. The clinker reactivity was determined by isothermal calorimetry. BCSA cements were prepared by adding titanogypsum. The compressive strength of the cement pastes was determined after 7 days of hydration. The presence of a predicted major clinker phases was confirmed by Rietveld analysis, however periclase was also detected. Microscopy revealed subhedral grains of belite and euhedral grains of calcium sulfoaluminate phases, while ferrite occurred as an interstitial phase. The results showed differences in the microstructure and reactivity of the clinker and cement, which can be attributed to varying amounts of ettringite due to different slag types
Ključne besede: belite-sulfoaluminate cement, cement clinker, steel slags, clinker microstructure, cement reactivity
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.01.2024; Ogledov: 557; Prenosov: 256
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Znanje, ki pušča sled : sedemdeset let Zavoda za gradbeništvo Slovenije 1949-2019
2019, strokovna monografija

Povzetek: V publikaciji je predstavljen Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije, ob 70-letnici. V osmih poglavjih je predstavljeno znanstveno-raziskovalno in strokovno delo. V nadaljevanju sledijo poglavja, ki predstavljajo posamezne zanszveno-raziskovalne laboratorije in strokovne službe.
Ključne besede: Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije, ZAG Ljubljana, gradbeništvo, znanstveno-raziskovalna dejavnost, strokovna dejavnost, laboratoriji, predstavitev, 70 let, sedemdeset let, grajeno okolje, digitalizacija, gradnja, les, krožno gospodarstvo, napredni materiali v gradbeništvu, potresi, stavbe, trajnostna gradnja, bivanje, ekologija, voda, zrak, zemlja
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.01.2024; Ogledov: 456; Prenosov: 335
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Knowledge that leaves a mark : seventy years of the Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute 1949-2019
2019, strokovna monografija

Povzetek: V publikaciji je predstavljen Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije ob 70-letnici. V osmih poglavjih je predstavljeno znanstveno-raziskovalno in strokovno delo. V nadaljevanju sledijo poglavja, ki predstavljajo posamezne znanstveno-raziskovalne laboratorije in strokovne službe.
Ključne besede: Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije, ZAG Ljubljana, gradbeništvo, znanstveno-raziskovalna dejavnost, strokovna dejavnost, laboratoriji, predstavitev, 70 let, sedemdeset let, grajeno okolje, digitalizacija, gradnja, les, krožno gospodarstvo, napredni materiali v gradbeništvu, potresi, stavbe, trajnostna gradnja, bivanje, ekologija, voda, zrak, zemlja
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.01.2024; Ogledov: 476; Prenosov: 273
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