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Expression analysis of all protease genes reveals cathepsin K to be overexpressed in glioblastoma
Urška Verbovšek, Helena Motaln, Ana Rotter, Nadia A. Atai, Kristina Gruden, Cornelis J. F. van Noorden, Tamara Lah Turnšek, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background Cancer genome and transcriptome analyses advanced our understanding of cancer biology. We performed transcriptome analysis of all known genes of peptidases also called proteases and their endogenous inhibitors in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), which is one of the most aggressive and deadly types of brain cancers, where unbalanced proteolysis is associated with tumor progression. Methods Comparisons were performed between the transcriptomics of primary GBM tumors and unmatched non-malignant brain tissue, and between GBM cell lines (U87-MG and U373) and a control human astrocyte cell line (NHA). Publicly-available data sets and our own datasets were integrated and normalized using bioinformatics tools to reveal protease and protease inhibitor genes with deregulated expression in both malignant versus non-malignant tissues and cells. Results Of the 311 protease genes identified to be differentially expressed in both GBM tissues and cells, 5 genes were highly overexpressed, 2 genes coding for non-peptidase homologues transferrin receptor (TFRC) and G protein-coupled receptor 56 (GPR56), as well as 3 genes coding for the proteases endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 2 (ERAP2), glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate transaminase 2 (GFPT2) and cathepsin K (CTSK), whereas one gene, that of the serine protease carboxypeptidase E (CPE) was strongly reduced in expression. Seventy five protease inhibitor genes were differentially expressed, of which 3 genes were highly overexpressed, the genes coding for stefin B (CSTB), peptidase inhibitor 3 (PI3 also named elafin) and CD74. Seven out of 8 genes (except CSTB) were validated using RT-qPCR in GBM cell lines. CTSK overexpression was validated using RT-qPCR in GBM tissues as well. Cathepsin K immunohistochemical staining and western blotting showed that only proteolytically inactive proforms of cathepsin K were overexpressed in GBM tissues and cells. Conclusions The presence of high levels of inactive proforms of cathepsin K in GBM tissues and cells indicate that in GBM the proteolytic/collagenolytic role is not its primary function but it plays rather a different yet unknown role.
Ključne besede: glioblastoma multiforme, genes
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 02.08.2024; Ogledov: 289; Prenosov: 178
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Heterogeneous glioblastoma cell cross-talk promotes phenotype alterations and enhanced drug resistance
Ana Koren, Helena Motaln, Živa Ramšak, Kristina Gruden, Christian Schichor, Tamara Lah Turnšek, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Glioblastoma multiforme is the most lethal of brain cancer, and it comprises a heterogeneous mixture of functionally distinct cancer cells that affect tumor progression. We examined the U87, U251, and U373 malignant cell lines as in vitro models to determine the impact of cellular cross-talk on their phenotypic alterations in co-cultures. These cells were also studied at the transcriptome level, to define the mechanisms of their observed mutually affected genomic stability, proliferation, invasion and resistance to temozolomide. This is the first direct demonstration of the neural and mesenchymal molecular fingerprints of U87 and U373 cells, respectively. U87-cell conditioned medium lowered the genomic stability of U373 (U251) cells, without affecting cell proliferation. In contrast, upon exposure of U87 cells to U373 (U251) conditioned medium, U87 cells showed increased genomic stability, decreased proliferation rates and increased invasion, due to a plethora of produced cytokines identified in the co-culture media. This cross talk altered the expression 264 genes in U87 cells that are associated with proliferation, inflammation, migration, and adhesion, and 221 genes in U373 cells that are associated with apoptosis, the cell cycle, cell differentiation and migration. Indirect and direct co-culturing of U87 and U373 cells showed mutually opposite effects on temozolomide resistance. In conclusion, definition of transcriptional alterations of distinct glioblastoma cells upon co-culturing provides better understanding of the mechanisms of glioblastoma heterogeneity, which will provide the basis for more informed glioma treatment in the future.
Ključne besede: glioblastoma heterogeneity, U87 cells, temozolomide resistance, cellular cross-talk, transcriptomics
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 29.07.2024; Ogledov: 225; Prenosov: 192
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Analysis of glioblastoma patients' plasma revealed the presence of microRNAs with a prognostic impact on survival and those of viral origin
Klemen Zupančič, Helena Motaln, Miomir Knežević, Urška Verbovšek, Marjan Koršič, Tamara Lah Turnšek, Primož Rožman, Matjaž Jeras, Matjaž Hren, Kristina Gruden, Andrej Blejec, Matija Veber, Ana Herman, Andrej Porčnik, Vid Podpečan, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is among the most aggressive cancers with a poor prognosis in spite of a plethora of established diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers and treatment modalities. Therefore, the current goal is the detection of novel biomarkers, possibly detectable in the blood of GBM patients that may enable an early diagnosis and are potential therapeutic targets, leading to more efficient interventions. Experimental Procedures MicroRNA profiling of 734 human and human-associated viral miRNAs was performed on blood plasma samples from 16 healthy individuals and 16 patients with GBM, using the nCounter miRNA Expression Assay Kits. Results We identified 19 miRNAs with significantly different plasma levels in GBM patients, compared to the healthy individuals group with the difference limited by a factor of 2. Additionally, 11 viral miRNAs were found differentially expressed in plasma of GBM patients and 24 miRNA levels significantly correlated with the patients’ survival. Moreover, the overlap between the group of candidate miRNAs for diagnostic biomarkers and the group of miRNAs associated with survival, consisted of ten miRNAs, showing both diagnostic and prognostic potential. Among them, hsa miR 592 and hsa miR 514a 3p have not been previously described in GBM and represent novel candidates for selective biomarkers. The possible signalling, induced by the revealed miRNAs is discussed, including those of viral origin, and in particular those related to the impaired immune response in the progression of GBM. Conclusion The GBM burden is reflected in the alteration of the plasma miRNAs pattern, including viral miRNAs, representing the potential for future clinical application. Therefore proposed biomarker candidate miRNAs should be validated in a larger study of an independent cohort of patients
Ključne besede: microRNAs, glioblastoma multiforme, biomarkers, RNA extraction, viral disease diagnosis
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Ogledov: 245; Prenosov: 108
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Ocena finančnega bremena pri bolnikih z rakom v Sloveniji
Marjeta Skubic, Katja Vöröš, Andraž Perhavec, Mojca Bavdaž, Petra Došenović Bonča, Tjaša Redek, Ivica Ratoša, Helena Barbara Zobec Logar, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Izhodišče: Finančna toksičnost (FT) predstavlja vse objektivne finančne posledice in subjektivne finančne skrbi, ki se pojavljajo pri bolnikih z rakom in njihovih svojcih zaradi bolezni in zdravljenja. Finančno breme, ki ga imajo slovenski bolniki z rakom, pred našo raziskavo še ni bilo opredeljeno, prav tako ni bil poznan vpliv FT na kakovost življenja (QoL).Namen: Cilj raziskave je bila ocena FT pri bolnikih z rakom v Sloveniji, njen vpliv na QoL bolnikov in preizkus dosedanjih inštrumentov za oceno FT in QoL.Metode: Za merjenje FT smo uporabili anketno metodologijo. Razvili smo lasten vprašalnik za oceno FT in uporabili mednaro-dno validirana vprašalnika FACIT-COST in EORTC QLQ-C30. Raziskava je bila prospektivna in presečna, potekala je na Onkolo-škem inštitutu Ljubljana od junija do oktobra 2023. Rezultati: Analizirali smo 590 veljavnih anket. Na podlagi vprašalnika FACIT-COST smo ugotovili, da večina anketiranih bolnikov (53,7 %) nima FT, pri 42,9 % anketiranih bolnikov pa je bila ta večinoma blaga do zmerna. Nizko FT med slovenski-mi bolniki z rakom smo potrdili tudi z vprašalnikom EORTC QLQ-C30 in lastnim vprašalnikom. Večina bolnikov (85,1 %) je ocenila, da zaradi bolezni in zdravljenja niso imeli večjih stroškov. Na podlagi kazalnika finančnega bremena FACIT-COST in EORTC QLQ-C30 smo ugotovili, da so rizične skupine za večjo FT predvsem bolniki z nižjim neto dohodkom na gospodinjstvo (p ≤0,001), mlajši bolniki (p < 0,001), bolniki z rakom dojk (p = 0,016), zaposleni (p < 0,001), pa tudi bolniki na aktivnem onkološkem zdravljenju (p = 0,039). Pri lastnem vprašalniku so se za statistično pomembne pokazali še nižja stopnja izobrazbe (p ≤ 0,001), pode-želsko okolje (p = 0,033) in vrsta zdravstvenega zavarovanja (p = 0,006). Vpliv veroizpovedi na FT na podlagi lastnega vprašalnika ni povezan z večjo FT, kot je to razvidno iz vprašalnikov FACI-T-COST in EORTC QLQ-C30. Potrdili smo tudi vpliv nižjega dohodka na slabšo QoL, ostali parametri, ki vplivajo na QoL, pa so še: zelo nizka ali zelo visoka stopnja izobrazbe, rak glave in vratu in aktivnost onkološkega zdravljenja.Zaključki: V Sloveniji večina bolnikov z rakom ne občuti FT, v 42,9 % pa je ta blaga do zmerna. FT je statistično značilno povezana z višino dohodka, starostjo, vrsto raka, zaposlitvenim statusom, aktivnostjo onkološkega zdravljenja, pa tudi s stopnjo izobrazbe, podeželskim okoljem in vrsto zdravstvenega zavarova-nja. Večja FT je povezana s slabšo QoL. Ta je povezana prav tako z višino dohodka, stopnjo izobrazbe, vrsto raka in aktivnostjo onkološkega zdravljenja.
Ključne besede: finančno breme, kakovost življenja, breme raka
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Ogledov: 215; Prenosov: 122
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Obsevanje benignih bolezni
Ivica Ratoša, Blaž Grošelj, Boris Jančar, Uroš Smrdel, Jasna But-Hadžić, Helena Barbara Zobec Logar, 2024, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Cilja zdravljenja z obsevanjem benignih bolezni sta povrnitev funkcije in izboljšanje kakovosti življenja. Obsevanje benignih bolezni se običajno izvaja z nizko dnevno in celokupno obsevalno dozo. V primerjavi z dozo, ki se jo uporablja za zdravljenje malignih obolenj, je doza tukaj navadno precej nižja. S sodobnimi obsevalni-mi tehnikami, ki se uporabljajo v radioterapiji v zadnjem desetletju, je tveganje za poškodbe zdravega tkiva majhno. Z natančnim načrtovanjem obsevanja se žarki usmerijo na prizadeto območje, kar omogoča ohranitev zdravih tkiv. Obsevanje je tako varno in učinkovito, a je treba kljub temu vedno oceniti, kdaj je dobrobit obsevanja večja od morebitnih neželenih učinkov.
Ključne besede: obsevanje, benigne bolezni, bolečina
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Ogledov: 274; Prenosov: 149
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Transmembrane protein CD9 is glioblastoma biomarker, relevant for maintenance of glioblastoma stem cells
Neža Podergajs, Helena Motaln, Uroš Rajčević, Urška Verbovšek, Marjan Koršič, Nina Obad, Heidi Espedal, Miloš Vittori, Christel Herold-Mende, Hrvoje Miletic, Rolf Bjerkvig, Tamara Lah Turnšek, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The cancer stem cell model suggests that glioblastomas contain a subpopulation of stem-like tumor cells that reproduce themselves to sustain tumor growth. Targeting these cells thus represents a novel treatment strategy and therefore more specific markers that characterize glioblastoma stem cells need to be identified. In the present study, we performed transcriptomic analysis of glioblastoma tissues compared to normal brain tissues revealing sensible up-regulation of CD9 gene. CD9 encodes the transmembrane protein tetraspanin which is involved in tumor cell invasion, apoptosis and resistance to chemotherapy. Using the public REMBRANDT database for brain tumors, we confirmed the prognostic value of CD9, whereby a more than two fold up-regulation correlates with shorter patient survival. We validated CD9 gene and protein expression showing selective up-regulation in glioblastoma stem cells isolated from primary biopsies and in primary organotypic glioblastoma spheroids as well as in U87-MG and U373 glioblastoma cell lines. In contrast, no or low CD9 gene expression was observed in normal human astrocytes, normal brain tissue and neural stem cells. CD9 silencing in three CD133+ glioblastoma cell lines (NCH644, NCH421k and NCH660h) led to decreased cell proliferation, survival, invasion, and self-renewal ability, and altered expression of the stem-cell markers CD133, nestin and SOX2. Moreover, CD9-silenced glioblastoma stem cells showed altered activation patterns of the Akt, MapK and Stat3 signaling transducers. Orthotopic xenotransplantation of CD9-silenced glioblastoma stem cells into nude rats promoted prolonged survival. Therefore, CD9 should be further evaluated as a target for glioblastoma treatment.
Ključne besede: biomarker, CD9, glioblastoma stem cells, neural stem cells, tetraspanin
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Ogledov: 216; Prenosov: 149
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Improved protective effect of umbilical cord stem cell transplantation on cisplatin-induced kidney injury in mice pretreated with antithymocyte globulin
Željka Večerić-Haler, Andreja Erman, Anton Cerar, Helena Motaln, Katja Kološa, Tamara Lah Turnšek, Snežna Sodin-Šemrl, Katja Lakota, Katjuša Mrak Poljšak, Špela Škrajnar, Simona Kranjc Brezar, Miha Arnol, Martina Perše, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are recognised as a promising tool to improve renal recovery in experimental models of cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury. However, these preclinical studies were performed on severely immunodeficient animals. Here, we investigated whether human umbilical cord derived MSC treatment could equally ameliorate acute kidney injury induced by cisplatin and prolong survival in mice with a normal immune system and those with a suppressed immune system by polyclonal antithymocyte globulin (ATG). We demonstrated that ATG pretreatment, when followed by MSC transplantation, significantly improved injured renal function parameters, as evidenced by decreased blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine concentration, as well as improved renal morphology. This tissue restoration was also supported by increased survival of mice. The beneficial effects of ATG were associated with reduced level of inflammatory protein serum amyloid A3 and induced antioxidative expression of superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD-1), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and hem oxygenase-1 (HO-1). Infused MSCs became localised predominantly in peritubular areas and acted to reduce renal cell death. In conclusion, these results show that ATG diminished in situ inflammation and oxidative stress associated with cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury, the effects that may provide more favourable microenvironment for MSC action, with consequential synergistic improvements in renal injury and animal survival as compared to MSC treatment alone.
Ključne besede: mesenchymal stem cells, nephrotoxicity
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Ogledov: 223; Prenosov: 191
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Cell proliferation on polyethylene terephthalate treated in plasma created in ▫$SO_2/O_2$▫ mixtures
Nina Recek, Matic Resnik, Rok Zaplotnik, Miran Mozetič, Helena Motaln, Tamara Lah Turnšek, Alenka Vesel, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Samples of polymer polyethylene terephthalate were exposed to a weakly ionized gaseous plasma to modify the polymer surface properties for better cell cultivation. The gases used for treatment were sulfur dioxide and oxygen of various partial pressures. Plasma was created by an electrodeless radio frequency discharge at a total pressure of 60 Pa. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy showed weak functionalization of the samples’ surfaces with the sulfur, with a concentration around 2.5 at %, whereas the oxygen concentration remained at the level of untreated samples, except when the gas mixture with oxygen concentration above 90% was used. Atomic force microscopy revealed highly altered morphology of plasma-treated samples; however, at high oxygen partial pressures this morphology vanished. The samples were then incubated with human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Biological tests to determine endothelialization and possible toxicity of the plasma-treated polyethylene terephthalate samples were performed. Cell metabolic activity (MTT) and in vitro toxic effects of unknown compounds (TOX) were assayed to determine the biocompatibility of the treated substrates. The biocompatibility demonstrated a well-pronounced maximum versus gas composition which correlated well with development of the surface morphology.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Ogledov: 177; Prenosov: 153
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Mesenchymal stem cells differentially affect the invasion of distinct glioblastoma cell lines
Barbara Breznik, Helena Motaln, Miloš Vittori, Ana Rotter, Tamara Lah Turnšek, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Glioblastoma multiforme are an aggressive form of brain tumors that are characterized by distinct invasion of single glioblastoma cells, which infiltrate the brain parenchyma. This appears to be stimulated by the communication between cancer and stromal cells. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are part of the glioblastoma microenvironment, and their ‘cross-talk’ with glioblastoma cells is still poorly understood. Here, we examined the effects of bone marrow-derived MSCs on two different established glioblastoma cell lines U87 and U373. We focused on mutual effects of direct MSC/glioblastoma contact on cellular invasion in three-dimensional invasion assays in vitro and in a zebrafish embryo model in vivo. This is the first demonstration of glioblastoma cell-type-specific responses to MSCs in direct glioblastoma co-cultures, where MSCs inhibited the invasion of U87 cells and enhanced the invasion of U373. Inversely, direct cross-talk between MSCs and both of glioblastoma cell lines enhanced MSC motility. MSC-enhanced invasion of U373 cells was assisted by overexpression of proteases cathepsin B, calpain1, uPA/uPAR, MMP-2, -9 and -14, and increased activities of some of these proteases, as determined by the effects of their selective inhibitors on invasion. In contrast, these proteases had no effect on U87 cell invasion under MSC co-culturing. Finally, we identified differentially expressed genes, in U87 and U373 cells that could explain different response of these cell lines to MSCs. In conclusion, we demonstrated that MSC/glioblastoma cross-talk is different in the two glioblastoma cell phenotypes, which contributes to tumor heterogeneity.
Ključne besede: glioblastoma multiforme, proteases, mesenchymal stem cells, tumor heterogeneity, zebrafish model
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 24.07.2024; Ogledov: 224; Prenosov: 156
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NanoSIMS and tissue autoradiography reveal symbiont carbon fixation and organic carbon transfer to giant ciliate host
Jean-Marie Volland, Arno Schintlmeister, Helena Zambalos, Siegfried Reipert, Patricija Mozetič, Salvador Espada-Hinojosa, Valentina Turk, Michael Wagner, Monika Bright, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The giant colonial ciliate Zoothamnium niveum harbors a monolayer of the gammaproteobacteria Cand. Thiobios zoothamnicoli on its outer surface. Cultivation experiments revealed maximal growth and survival under steady flow of high oxygen and low sulfide concentrations. We aimed at directly demonstrating the sulfur-oxidizing, chemoautotrophic nature of the symbionts and at investigating putative carbon transfer from the symbiont to the ciliate host. We performed pulse-chase incubations with 14C- and 13C-labeled bicarbonate under varying environmental conditions. A combination of tissue autoradiography and nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry coupled with transmission electron microscopy was used to follow the fate of the radioactive and stable isotopes of carbon, respectively. We show that symbiont cells fix substantial amounts of inorganic carbon in the presence of sulfide, but also (to a lesser degree) in the absence of sulfide by utilizing internally stored sulfur. Isotope labeling patterns point to translocation of organic carbon to the host through both release of these compounds and digestion of symbiont cells. The latter mechanism is also supported by ultracytochemical detection of acid phosphatase in lysosomes and in food vacuoles of ciliate cells. Fluorescence in situ hybridization of freshly collected ciliates revealed that the vast majority of ingested microbial cells were ectosymbionts.
Ključne besede: microbial ecology, symbiosis
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 24.07.2024; Ogledov: 195; Prenosov: 184
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