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Innovative technology for cyanobacterial bloom control : LIFE Stop CyanoBloom
Maja Zupančič Justin, Marko Gerl, Gorazd Lakovič, Bojan Sedmak, Tinkara Rozina, Neža Finžgar, Maja Čič, Mario Marinovič, Luka Teslić, Jošt Grum, Maša Čater, Tina Eleršek, Andrej Meglič, Andrey Yakuntsov, Lovro Pokorn, Tomaž Kralj, Matjaž Berčon, Branko Hamiti, 2017, končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav

Povzetek: Despite the efforts invested into measures to prevent water eutrophication, like prevention and treatment of point and dispersed discharges, the eutrophication still occurs. One of the unwanted consequences of eutrophic water state is the occurrence of excessive cyanobacterial blooms. Mass occurrence of cyanobacteria is a significant health risk related to surface waters in EU and worldwide since most of the cyanobacterial genera produce cyanotoxins. Besides toxicity, cyanobacterial blooms cause an increase in the turbidity of water and create taste and odour problems. All mentioned represents substantial economic losses in sectors like aquaculture, tourism, drinking water facilities and indirect losses due to increased healthcare expenditures and environmental degradation. It is, therefore, necessary to find appropriate solutions for rapid detection and also in-lake prevention of bloom occurrence despite, for example, existing high eutrophic conditions in the water body. The proposed project represents such a solution. In the frame of the LIFE Stop CyanoBloom project, we have designed two solar powered robotic vessels for the in-lake detection and control of cyanobacterial proliferation. Each vessel is capable of three-dimensional localisation of cyanobacteria by measuring fluorescence of pigments involved in the process of photosynthesis. The vessels are additionally equipped with electrochemical cells using boron doped diamond electrodes fixed on board, producing short-lived hydroxyl radicals, which prevent cyanobacterial proliferation as well as cyanotoxins inactivation. Hydroxyl radicals cause different levels of damages to cyanobacterial cells as well as stress, that may also result in phage induced cyanobacterial lysis. Natural control of cyanobacterial density by lytic cyanophages is known for several years. The mixing of water during the electrolytic cell operation also increases the potential contacts of cyanobacteria with cyanophages, disturbs cyanobacterial buoyancy and generates additional nutrients for nontoxic phytoplankton population. Additional newly developed equipment of the vessel allows advanced automated navigation (automatic docking, avoiding obstacles, maintaining the position in windy conditions, etc.), sampling from different depths, real-time data transfer, statistical analysis and graphical presentation using the adequate software.
Ključne besede: cyanobacteria, cyanobacterial blooms, cyanotoxins, health risk
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.09.2024; Ogledov: 91; Prenosov: 668
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Stanje treh visokogorskih jezer v TNP v letu 2019 : (Dvojno jezero in Jezero na Planini pri jezeru)
Anton Brancelj, Tina Eleršek, Janja Francé, Mladen Franko, Špela Remec-Rekar, končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav

Povzetek: Stanje nekaterih visokogorskih jezer v Triglavskem narodnem parku (TNP) se je v zadnjih treh desetletjih močno poslabšala. Glavna vzroka sta množičen turizem in naselitev rib. Planinske koče se nahajajo v neposrednem zaledju štirih jezer: Dupeljsko jezero, Srednje kriško jezero, Dvojno jezero in Jezero na Planini pri jezeru. Ribe so naseljene v Krnskem jezeru, Dupeljskem jezeru, Dvojnem jezeru, Jezeru na Planini pri jezeru ter Črnem jezeru. Najbolj sta izpostavljeni Dvojno jezero in Jezero na Planini pri jezeru, kjer se pojavlja tudi množica nitastih zelenih alg, ki konec poletja kvarijo estetski izgled jezer, ob razpadanju povzročajo smrad in močno vplivajo na jezerski ekosistem.
Ključne besede: poročila, visokogorska jezera
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.09.2024; Ogledov: 106; Prenosov: 1387
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Morski datlji? Ne, hvala!
2010, druge monografije in druga zaključena dela

Povzetek: Pod imenom Morski datlji? Ne, hvala! izvajamo projekt, katerega namen je ozaveščanje javnosti o načinih varovanja morskih datljev in morskega okolja ter o tem, kako nevarno za zdravje je lahko uživanje teh školjk.
Ključne besede: morski datlji, školjke, zavarovane vrste
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.09.2024; Ogledov: 140; Prenosov: 56
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Detection of food and feed plant products obtained by targeted mutagenesis and cisgenesis
Slawomir Sowa, Alessandra Barbante, Wim Broothaerts, Malcolm Burns, Frédéric Debode, Marzia De Giacomo, Marc De Loose, Tina Demšar, Kolja Eckermann, Marie Alice Fraiture, 2023, končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav

Povzetek: The current EU legislation on GMOs and GM food and feed requires analytical testing to support traceability of these products on the market. The European Network of GMO Laboratories has reviewed the implications of the analytical requirements when they are applied to plant products developed with the use of new genomic techniques, i.e. targeted mutagenesis and cisgenesis. This review concluded that analytical testing to support traceability is not considered feasible for all products obtained by targeted mutagenesis and cisgenesis, both due to technical restrictions and because of implementation issues.
Ključne besede: new genomic techniques, detection in food and feed, targeted mutagenesis, cisgenesis
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 02.09.2024; Ogledov: 111; Prenosov: 400
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Guidance on the selection and use of DNA extraction methods : JRC technical report
Theo W. Prins, Wim Broothaerts, Malcolm Burns, Tina Demšar, Sophia Edelmann, Nina Papazova, Verena Peterseil, Isabel Taverniers, 2024, končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav

Povzetek: DNA extraction is at the forefront of further analytical measurements on DNA targets and affects the downstream results. This report from the European Network of GMO Laboratories (ENGL) provides guidance on the selection and use of fit-for-purpose DNA extraction methods. It focusses on DNA extraction in the context of official controls on the presence and content of genetically modified organisms in food and feed. It provides guidance on protocols and selection support systems, validation approaches, assessment of DNA quality parameters and examples of practical solutions derived from collective experiences. There are many variations on the theme of DNA extraction, but there is no single protocol that works adequately across all food and feed matrices. Before using a new method in the laboratory, or in case of modifications to a protocol, validation or verification is needed to show that a chosen method is fit for purpose for use in routine analysis. This guidance is aimed to help the DNA analysis laboratories in fulfilling the standardisation requirements and support their daily operations.
Ključne besede: DNA extraction, GMO, detection in food and feed
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 02.09.2024; Ogledov: 138; Prenosov: 1168
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The ocean sampling day consortium
Anna Kopf, Valentina Turk, Tinkara Tinta, 2015, drugi znanstveni članki

Povzetek: Ocean Sampling Day was initiated by the EU-funded Micro B3 (Marine Microbial Biodiversity, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology) project to obtain a snapshot of the marine microbial biodiversity and function of the world’s oceans. It is a simultaneous global mega-sequencing campaign aiming to generate the largest standardized microbial data set in a single day. This will be achievable only through the coordinated efforts of an Ocean Sampling Day Consortium, supportive partnerships and networks between sites. This commentary outlines the establishment, function and aims of the Consortium and describes our vision for a sustainable study of marine microbial communities and their embedded functional traits.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 07.08.2024; Ogledov: 170; Prenosov: 161
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Draft genome sequences of Dickeya sp. isolates B16 (NIB Z 2098) and S1 (NIB Z 2099) causing soft rot of Phalaenopsis orchids
Špela Alič, Tina Mikuletič, Pablo Llop, Nataša Toplak, Simon Koren, Maja Ravnikar, Tanja Dreo, 2015, drugi znanstveni članki

Povzetek: The genus Dickeya contains bacteria causing soft rot of economically important crops and ornamental plants. Here, we report the draft genome sequences of two Dickeya sp. isolates from rotted leaves of Phalaenopsis orchids.
Ključne besede: bacteria, plant diseases
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 07.08.2024; Ogledov: 231; Prenosov: 91
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Jellyfish-associated microbiome in the marine environment : exploring its biotechnological potential
Tinkara Tinta, Tjaša Kogovšek, Katja Klun, Alenka Malej, Gerhard J. Herndl, Valentina Turk, 2019, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Despite accumulating evidence of the importance of the jellyfish-associated microbiome to jellyfish, its potential relevance to blue biotechnology has only recently been recognized. In this review, we emphasize the biotechnological potential of host–microorganism systems and focus on gelatinous zooplankton as a host for the microbiome with biotechnological potential. The basic characteristics of jellyfish-associated microbial communities, the mechanisms underlying the jellyfish-microbe relationship, and the role/function of the jellyfish-associated microbiome and its biotechnological potential are reviewed. It appears that the jellyfish-associated microbiome is discrete from the microbial community in the ambient seawater, exhibiting a certain degree of specialization with some preferences for specific jellyfish taxa and for specific jellyfish populations, life stages, and body parts. In addition, different sampling approaches and methodologies to study the phylogenetic diversity of the jellyfish-associated microbiome are described and discussed. Finally, some general conclusions are drawn from the existing literature and future research directions are highlighted on the jellyfish-associated microbiome.
Ključne besede: Cnidaria, Ctenophora, biodiversity, bioactive compounds, microbial communities, blue biotechnology
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 06.08.2024; Ogledov: 253; Prenosov: 167
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Extremophilic microorganisms in Central Europe
Vera Zgonik, Janez Mulec, Tina Eleršek, Nives Ogrinc, Polona Jamnik, Nataša Poklar Ulrih, 2021, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Extremophiles inhabit a wide variety of environments. Here we focus on extremophiles in moderate climates in central Europe, and particularly in Slovenia. Although multiple types of stress often occur in the same habitat, extremophiles are generally combined into groups according to the main stressor to which they are adapted. Several types of extremophiles, e.g., oligotrophs, are well represented and diverse in subsurface environments and karst regions. Psychrophiles thrive in ice caves and depressions with eternal snow and ice, with several globally distributed snow algae and psychrophilic bacteria that have been discovered in alpine glaciers. However, this area requires further research. Halophiles thrive in salterns while thermophiles inhabit thermal springs, although there is little data on such microorganisms in central Europe, despite many taxa being found globally. This review also includes the potential use of extremophiles in biotechnology and bioremediation applications.
Ključne besede: ekstremofilni mikroorganizmi, mikrobna ekologija, ekstremofili, oligotrofi, psihrofili, halofili, termofili
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Ogledov: 201; Prenosov: 187
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