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Iskalni niz: "polno besedilo" AND "organizacija" (Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije) .

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How the estimates of home range size and composition are affected by diurnal, nocturnal and 24-hour sampling methods: example of the red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Slovenia
Klemen Jerina, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Most of the previous research on the mammals' home range (HR) is based on diurnal sampling, while the results are often implicitly considered as representative for an entire 24-h period. However, there is a growing body of research on populations, whose habitat selection changes circadianly, which leads to the hypothesis that HR patterns may vary at different periods of the day. This study used 24-h data from 15 red deer equipped with GPS collars to explore differences in the size and composition of their HRs, estimated on diurnal, nocturnal and 24-h samplings. The differences in composition were shown on the forest/non-forest variable. We established that nocturnal, and inparticular the 24-h HRs, largely overlapped with the diurnal HRs (64% and 76%, respectively) and that parts of the HRs that are used exclusively nocturnally are contiguous or adjacent to diurnal HRs. The differences in HR sizes were significant only between diurnal and 24-h HRs. However, the HR composition varied substantially: the average proportion of non-forest areas was 15% in diurnal, 26% in 24-h and 31% in nocturnal HRs. This study demonstrated that with diurnal sampling it is impossible to assess accurately the size and composition of 24-h HRs of red deer in Slovenia. There are several indices that the same is true of several other populations/species. It is therefore important to be aware that HR patterns estimated on the basis of diurnal sampling may be incomplete or even wrong if generalised across the 24-h period.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Ogledov: 4429; Prenosov: 1932
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Poledenodobni razvoj navadne jelke (Abies alba Mill.) na ozemlju današnje Slovenije
Robert Brus, 2009, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: V prispevku so predstavljene raziskave, ki obravnavajo razširjenost navadne jelke (Abies alba Mill.) na ozemlju današnje Slovenije v pleistocenu in holocenu. Zbrani so podatki o paleobotaničnih ostankih (fosilni ostanki iz terciarja, pelod, makroskopski rastlinski ostanki) v paleolitskih postajah in o genetskih značilnostih današnjih jelovih populacij. V prispevku razpravljamo o možnem obstoju ledenodobnih zatočišč in lokalnem postglacialnem razvoju populacij jelke v Sloveniji.
Ključne besede: navadna jelka, Abies alba Mill., ledenodobna zatočišča, genetska variabilnost, Slovenija
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Ogledov: 4312; Prenosov: 1918
.pdf Celotno besedilo (209,33 KB)

Bucking of conifers using the woody H60 processor on the Syncrofalke 3 T cable yarder in Alpine foothills
Jurij Marenče, Jernej Vadnjal, Boštjan Košir, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The paper investigates mechanized bucking of conifers with a processor mounted on a cable crane system in the mountain conditions of the Alpine foothills. It analyses the measurement accuracy of various log types and explains its effect on the market price of these products. In the studied area, trees were felled by chain saw and the full-tree method was used to skid the felled trees to the cable yarder site using the Syncrofalke cable crane with a mounted Woody H 60 processor head. Further wood processing operations were carried out at the yarder site. Length measurement accuracy was illustrated through the frequency distribution and the modus of various lengths. The share of logs within a 5 cm interval - modus - (the best five) was 54.3%. The difference between the nominal log length and the minimum required length resulted in a loss of 4.38% of the total log value. Further more, it was established that the first quarter of the stem actually contained 64% of the total stem value. This means that the first cross-cut was responsible for nearly 50% of the total loss and the second crosscut pushed the figure to 80%. The present research only considered the losses incurred either by positive or negative cross-cut allowance or by insufficiently accurate length measurement of a certain log type.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Ogledov: 4076; Prenosov: 1844
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Interakcije v mikorizosferi določajo dinamiko ogljika v ekosistemu bukovih gozdov
Tine Grebenc, Hojka Kraigher, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Zaloga ogljika v gozdnih tleh je največji bazen terestičnih zalog organskega ogljika, njegova dinamika pa je vezana na talne, predvsem simbiontske organizme. Med najpomembnejše simbionte v gozdnih tleh, tako po vrstni kot funkcionalni pestrosti, sodijo ektomikorizne glive. V gozdnih ekosistemih v Sloveniji, v katerih prevladuje bukev, smo na osnovi morfoloških in molekularnih znakov identificirali večje število mikoriznih gliv in nekatere nove na kratko opisali. Na osnovi številčnosti posameznega tipa ektomikorize smo prvič izračunali prispevek tipa (vrste glive) ektomikorize k neposrednemu skladiščenju ogljika v ektomikorizi in v tleh v zgornjih plasteh tal (do globine 20 cm). Podatke o ogljiku, shranjenem v ektomikorizi, smo primerjali z modeliranimi količinami celotnega ogljika v gozdnih tleh, shematsko prikazali povezave in tokove ogljika ter pomen ektomikorize za dinamiko ogljika v gozdnih ekosistemih z bukvijo.
Ključne besede: gozdna tla, bukev, Fagus sylvatica L., ektomikoriza, vrstna pestrost ektomikorize, funkcionalna pestrost ektomikorize, dinamika ogljika, ogljik v ektomikorizi
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Ogledov: 4458; Prenosov: 1907
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GIS-based model of wood precurement from stump to small sawmills in the Alpine region - a case study
Janez Krč, Boštjan Košir, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: With wood logistics and forest operation modelling, we have connected a technologic chain of cutting, skidding and road wood transport operations. The goal of the paper is to present the possibilities of simulating forest operation activities including cost flow prediction. The case study regarding wood flow and forest operation cost modelling was conducted in four municipalities located in western Slovenia (bordering to Italy). Input data of forest inventory and basic forest data were used in order to predict the wood flow in the test area. We modelled the available cutting volumes with the capacities of local sinks - notably sawmills. Unbalanced hinterland areas of specific sinks that do not cover the local sink capacities were changed (reduced or enlarged) on account of the adjacent hinterland areas with surplus or shortage of wood volume. The hauling distances and wood volumes for covering the sawmillsć capacities of the adopted (balanced) hinterland areas were studied.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Ogledov: 3659; Prenosov: 1724
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Stable carbon isotopes in Norwey spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) tree rings at two sites in Slovenia
Polona Hafner, Tom Levanič, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Stable isotopes in tree rings are an important tool in climate reconstruction and in studies of tree response on environmental factors in the past, similar like maximum latewood density, tree ring width and other tree ring parameters.In this article we present stable carbon isotopes physiology and the first two Slovenian d13C chronologies for Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) growing at two sites with different ecological conditions. Five trees were sampled at Pokljuka alpine site and three at Sorško polje lowland plantation. d13C values were compared with CRU TS 1.2 meteorological data-set,which provides information on climate in Europe for the 1901-2000 period at a 10ć spatial resolution. Results of correlation analysis for both sites revealed similar average d13C values, which are in strong negative correlation with amount of precipitation and positive correlation with temperatures in the growing period. Temporal stability of the correlation between precipitation and d13C values in July is significant for both sites, where as the stability of d13C - temperature relationship is significant only for the Sorško polje site.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Ogledov: 4167; Prenosov: 1925
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Rastiščne in vegetacijske razmere v GGE Zgornje Dravsko polje : delavnica Javne gozdarske službe
Lado Kutnar, Mateja Cojzer, Mihej Urbančič, Milan Kobal, Ljubo Cenčič, Primož Simončič, 2009, zbornik strokovnih ali nerecenziranih znanstvenih prispevkov na konferenci

Ključne besede: rastišča, vegetacija, Dravsko polje
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Ogledov: 2991; Prenosov: 742
.pdf Celotno besedilo (3,21 MB)

Učinkovitost odstrela volkov (Canis lupus) kot ukrepa za zmanjševanje škode na domačih živalih
Miha Krofel, Rok Černe, Klemen Jerina, 2011, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Škoda, povzročena na domačih živalih, je ena glavnih težav pri ohranitvenem upravljanju z volkom (Canis lupus). Škodo se pogosto poskuša zmanjšati z odstrelom volkov. V pričujoči raziskavi smo analizirali učinke legalnega odstrela volkov na obseg škode v Sloveniji ter pripravili pregled podobnih raziskav iz tujine. V letih 1995-2009 je bilo legalno odstreljenih 51 volkov in zabeleženih 2221 primerov napadov volkov na domače živali. S statističnimi analizami nismo ugotovili nobenih vplivov odstrela volkov na višino škode. Učinkov odstrela ni bilo zaslediti niti tedaj, ko smo med seboj primerjali najbolj ekstremna leta. Naši rezultati se ujemajo z izsledki tujih raziskav, ki prav tako opozarjajo, da (v nasprotju s splošnim prepričanjem!) trajnostni lov volkov ni učinkovit ukrep za zmanjšanje škode. Odstrel postane učinkovit šele, če z njim iztrebimo celo populacijo ali odstranimo večino volkov iz večjega območja. Ker je škoda na drobnici v Sloveniji resen problem in ker odstrel volkov očitno nima želenega učinka, priporočamo, da se v prihodnje napori in sredstva osredotočijo v bolj učinkovite ukrepe.
Ključne besede: volk, odstrel, lov, škoda, ovce
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Ogledov: 4772; Prenosov: 1962
.pdf Celotno besedilo (211,20 KB)

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