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Iskalni niz: "avtor" (Tanja Mrak) .

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Different belowground responses to elevated ozone and soil water deficit in three European oak species (Quercus ilex, Q. pubescens and Q. robur)
Tanja Mrak, Ines Štraus, Tine Grebenc, Jožica Gričar, Yasutomo Hoshika, Giulia Carriero, Elena Paoletti, Hojka Kraigher, 2019, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Effects on roots due to ozone and/or soil water deficit often occur through diminished belowground allocation of carbon. Responses of root biomass, morphology, anatomy and ectomycorrhizal communities were investigated in seedlings of three oak species: Quercus ilex L., Q. pubescens Willd. and Q. robur L., exposed to combined effects of elevated ozone (ambient air and 1.4 x ambient air) and water deficit (100% and 10% irrigation relative to field capacity) for one growing season at a free-air ozone exposure facility. Effects on root biomass were observed as general reduction in coarse root biomass by -26.8 % and in fine root biomass by -13.1 % due to water deficit. Effect on coarse root biomass was the most prominent in Q. robur (-36.3 %). Root morphological changes manifested as changes in proportions of fine root (<2 mm) diameter classes due to ozone and water deficit in Q. pubescens and due to water deficit in Q. robur. In addition, reduced fine root diameter (-8.49 %) in Q. robur was observed under water deficit. Changes in root anatomy were observed as increased vessel density (+18.5 %) due to ozone in all three species, as reduced vessel tangential diameter (-46.7 %) in Q. ilex due to interaction of ozone and water, and as generally increased bark to secondary xylem ratio (+47.0 %) due to interaction of ozone and water. Water deficit influenced occurrence of distinct growth ring boundaries in roots of Q. ilex and Q. robur. It shifted the ectomycorrhizal community towards dominance of stress-resistant species, with reduced relative abundance of Tomentella sp. 2 and increased relative abundances of Sphaerosporella brunnea and Thelephora sp. Our results provide evidence that expression of stress effects varies between root traits; therefore the combined analysis of root traits is necessary to obtain a complete picture of belowground responses.
Ključne besede: ozone, drought, fine roots, ectomycorrhiza, anatomy, morphology, plants
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 20.02.2020; Ogledov: 2385; Prenosov: 1592
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Cultural ecosystem services provided by the biodiversity of forest soils : a European review
Jurga Motiejunaite, Isabella Børja, Ivika Ostonen, Mark Bakker, Brynhildur Bjarnadottir, Ivano Brunner, Reda Iršenaite, Tanja Mrak, Edda Oddsdottir, Tarja Lehto, 2019, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Soil is one of the most species-rich habitats and plays a crucial role in the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. It is acknowledged that soils and their biota deliver many ecosystem services. However, up to now, cultural ecosystem services (CES) provided by soil biodiversity remained virtually unknown. Here we present a multilingual and multisubject literature review on cultural benefits provided by belowground biota in European forests. We found 226 papers mentioning impact of soil biota on the cultural aspects of human life. According to the reviewed literature, soil organisms contribute to all CES. Impact on CES, as reflected in literature, was highest for fungi and lowest for microorganisms and mesofauna. Cultural benefits provided by soil biota clearly prevailed in the total of the reviewed references, but there were also negative effects mentioned in six CES. The same organism groups or even individual species may have negative impacts within one CES and at the same time act as an ecosystem service provider for another CES. The CES were found to be supported at several levels of ecosystem service provision: from single species to two or more functional/taxonomical groups and in some cases morphological diversity acted as a surrogate for species diversity. Impact of soil biota on CES may be both direct % by providing the benefits (or dis-benefits) and indirect through the use of the products or services obtained from these benefits. The CES from soil biota interacted among themselves and with other ES, but more than often, they did not create bundles, because there exist temporal fluctuations in value of CES and a time lag between direct and indirect benefits. Strong regionality was noted for most of CES underpinned by soil biota: the same organism group or species may have strong impact on CES (positive, negative or both) in some regions while no, minor or opposite effects in others. Contrarily to the CES based on landscapes, in the CES provided by soil biota distance between the ecosystem and its CES benefiting area is shorter (CES based on landscapes are used less by local people and more by visitors, meanwhile CES based on species or organism groups are used mainly by local people). Our review revealed the existence of a considerable amount of spatially fragmented and semantically rich information highlighting cultural values provided by forest soil biota in Europe.
Ključne besede: soil biota, forests, soil ecosystem services, Europe
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 20.02.2020; Ogledov: 2075; Prenosov: 1173
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Vpliv suše na drobne korenine dreves in ektomikorizo v gozdnih ekosistemih
Tanja Mrak, Hojka Kraigher, 2019, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Sušni stres sproži tako pri drobnih koreninah dreves kot pri ektomikoriznih glivah številne spremembe na različnih nivojih. Drevesa se branijo pred sušo z mehanizmi izogibanja in tolerance. Suša lahko vpliva na kolonizacijo z ektomikoriznimi glivami in na strukturo ektomikorizne združbe. Pomembno vlogo pri preživetju mladja ob suši imajo skupne micelijske mreže. Ob zmerni suši je kolonizacija z ektomikoriznimi glivami večja kot ob ekstremni suši, kar ima za drevo številne pozitivne učinke. V sušnih razmerah se pogosto še posebej poveča pogostnost ektomikorizne vrste Cenococcum geophilum Fr., ki omogoča, da drobne korenine ostanejo funkcionalne in takoj po končanem sušnem obdobju pričnejo z absorpcijo vode. V sušnih razmerah se poveča tvorba težko razgradljivih molekul v koreninah (lignin), prav tako pa se težko razgradljive molekule (melanin) tvorijo tudi pri ektomikorizni vrsti C. geophilum, kar prispeva h kopičenju težko razgradljivih organskih snovi v tleh.
Ključne besede: globalne spremembe, drobne korenine, mikorizne glive, prilagoditve, organska snov v tleh
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 29.11.2019; Ogledov: 7457; Prenosov: 2464
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Anatomical-morphological identification of fine roots of the common European tree species
Tanja Mrak, Jožica Gričar, Peter Železnik, Hojka Kraigher, 2014, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

Ključne besede: drobne korenine, rastlinska anatomija, rastlinska morfologija, gozdna tla, določevalni ključi, les korenin
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Ogledov: 3291; Prenosov: 1361
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Towards fine root identification key of common tree species
Tanja Mrak, Peter Železnik, Jožica Gričar, Hojka Kraigher, 2014, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Ogledov: 2923; Prenosov: 1340
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Laserska mikrodisekcija : most med mikroskopijo in molekularnimi ter fizikalno-kemijskimi metodami
Tanja Mrak, Hojka Kraigher, 2014, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

Ključne besede: laserska mikrodisekcija, mikroskopija, analiza tkiv
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Ogledov: 3122; Prenosov: 811
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