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Iskalni niz: "avtor" (Janez Kr%C4%8D) .

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Milestone M27 : user friendly data management and analysis environment for plant systems biology established and novel/improved multiomics data visualisation tool available
Luka Ausec, Barbara Jenko Bizjan, Janez Kokošar, Amrita Roy Choudhury, Miha Štajdohar, Kristina Gruden, Maja Križnik, Marko Petek, Živa Ramšak, 2018, končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav

Povzetek: We present the technical report regarding the implementation of the Genialis Platform at the National Institute of Biology (NIB) within the project Hyp (J4-7636).
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.09.2024; Ogledov: 100; Prenosov: 78
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Biodiverziteta in varstvo slovenskega morja na pragu 21. stoletja : zbornik referatov
1999, druge monografije in druga zaključena dela

Povzetek: V preteklem letu so potekale tudi številne dejavnosti, kot so delavnice, posveti, kongresi doma in v tujini, predstavitve znanstvenih in poljudnih publikacij z morsko tematiko, prispevki v sredstvih javnega obveščanja, razstave, ples pomorščakov, tekmovanje jadralcev na deski za državni pokaf. Dobro obiskana je bila tudi tematska knjižna razstava "Morje, oceani in knjige" v knjižnici Piran. Ker ljudje lahko varujemo samo tisto, kar poznamo, je izobraževanju posvečena velika pozornost. Za izobraževalne namene smo v pretekiem letu pripravili, v sodelovanju z Regionalnim RTV centrom Koper-Capodistria, izobraževalni film, ki vključuje kratke dokumentarne oddaje, seminar za učitelje in profesorje, mladinske raziskovalne naloge z morsko tematiko. V mesecu juniju je v Fiesi potekal raziskovalni tabor Dnevi ustvarjalnih otrok (DUO), namenjen nadarjenim osmošolcem iz Slovenije, in mednarodni tabor za srednješolce. Ta je namenjen mednarodnemu sodelovanju mladih in je prek Urada za mladino vključen v program EURO PLATFORMA 98. Oba tabora je organiziralo Obalno društvo pedagoških delavcev v sodelovanju s podjetjem za kulturo in izobraževanje Forum Piranense. Na OŠ Ciril Kosmač je v oktobru 1998 potekaj 5. mednarodni izobraževalno - raziskovalni tabor. Organizirali so vrsto delavnic, med drugim tudi delavnico o problematiki onesnaženja obalnega morja. Omeniti moramo tudi prispevek najmlajših "Morje skozi oči Ankarana"- prispevek učencev 4. razreda OŠ Ankaran. Nacionalni program Slovenije je bil predstavljen organizaciji The Oceanography Society (TOS) in Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) v Parizu, ki bo gradivo vključila v načrtovano razstavo na sedežu UNESCa v Parizu. Na tej razstavi naj bi predvsem slikovno predstavili nacionalne dejavnosti v zvezi z Mednarodnim letom oceanov, nato pa naj bi bila razstava predvidoma prenesena v palačo Združenih narodov v New Yorku. Preteklo leto je v številnih državah sveta in tudi v Sloveniji potekalo podpisovanje Listine o oceanih. Listina je nepravni dokument, vendar poziv vsakemu posamezniku, da podpiše, da se bo pri igri, svojem delu in odločitvah, ki jih sprejema pri vsakdanjem ravnanju z morji, oceani in vodami, ki se vanje izlivajo, zavedal: - da je zdravje oceanov ter umno in previdno izkoriščanje njihovih bogatih ribjih lovišč in drugih naravnih virov osnovno načelo, ki ga mora sprejeti vsak posameznik, kot tudi sprejeti in spoštovati vlade vseh držav v prid dolgoročnih koristi in obstoja narodov sveta; - da mora biti spoznavanje in razumevanje morskega okolja in njegovih živih bitij osnova smotrnega gospodarjenja z oceani in morji, kot tudi odločanja o njihovem varovanju ter izkoriščanju virov. Listino o oceanih so predlagali na Svetovni konferenci o morjih septembra 1997 v St. John'su na Novi Fundlandiji v Kanadi. Državniško Listino o oceanih je podpisal predsednik vlade dr. J. Drnovšek ob svojem obisku slovenske uradne delegacije svetovne razstave EXPO '98 v Lizboni v paviljonu Združenih narodov. Ob otvoritvi razstave "Barve zaliva" v galeriji insula je Minister za okolje in prostor dr. P. Gantar podpisal Listino o oceanih. Podpisovanje Moje listine o oceanih pa je potekalo ob različnih priložnostih (prireditvah, razstavah, predavanjih, predstavitvah ...) in prek domače strani interneta.
Ključne besede: morje, Morska biološka postaja, varstvo morja, vrstna pestrost, biodiverziteta, biološka raznovrstnost, fitoplankton, makroalge, morski nevretenčarji, favna, flora, habitatni tipi
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.09.2024; Ogledov: 115; Prenosov: 57
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Krožni in nizko-ogljični gradbeni proizvodi
Janez Turk, Tajda Potrč Obrecht, Katja Malovrh Rebec, Patricija Ostruh, 2023, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Ključne besede: smernica, sekundarni proizvodi, ponovna uporaba, reciklaža, LCA
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.08.2024; Ogledov: 188; Prenosov: 562
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Extremophilic microorganisms in Central Europe
Vera Zgonik, Janez Mulec, Tina Eleršek, Nives Ogrinc, Polona Jamnik, Nataša Poklar Ulrih, 2021, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Extremophiles inhabit a wide variety of environments. Here we focus on extremophiles in moderate climates in central Europe, and particularly in Slovenia. Although multiple types of stress often occur in the same habitat, extremophiles are generally combined into groups according to the main stressor to which they are adapted. Several types of extremophiles, e.g., oligotrophs, are well represented and diverse in subsurface environments and karst regions. Psychrophiles thrive in ice caves and depressions with eternal snow and ice, with several globally distributed snow algae and psychrophilic bacteria that have been discovered in alpine glaciers. However, this area requires further research. Halophiles thrive in salterns while thermophiles inhabit thermal springs, although there is little data on such microorganisms in central Europe, despite many taxa being found globally. This review also includes the potential use of extremophiles in biotechnology and bioremediation applications.
Ključne besede: ekstremofilni mikroorganizmi, mikrobna ekologija, ekstremofili, oligotrofi, psihrofili, halofili, termofili
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Ogledov: 201; Prenosov: 187
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Molecular screening for cyanobacteria and their cyanotoxin potential in diverse habitats
Maša Jablonska, Tina Eleršek, Polona Kogovšek, Sara Skok, Andreea Oarga-Mulec, Janez Mulec, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Cyanobacteria are adaptable and dominant organisms that exist in many harsh and extreme environments due to their great ecological tolerance. They produce various secondary metabolites, including cyanotoxins. While cyanobacteria are well studied in surface waters and some aerial habitats, numerous other habitats and niches remain underexplored. We collected 61 samples of: (i) biofilms from springs, (ii) aerial microbial mats from buildings and subaerial mats from caves, and (iii) water from borehole wells, caves, alkaline, saline, sulphidic, thermal, and iron springs, rivers, seas, and melted cave ice from five countries (Croatia, Georgia, Italy, Serbia, and Slovenia). We used (q)PCR to detect cyanobacteria (phycocyanin intergenic spacer—PC-IGS and cyanobacteria-specific 16S rRNA gene) and cyanotoxin genes (microcystins—mcyE, saxitoxins—sxtA, cylindrospermopsins—cyrJ), as well as amplicon sequencing and morphological observations for taxonomic identification. Cyanobacteria were detected in samples from caves, a saline spring, and an alkaline spring. While mcyE or sxtA genes were not observed in any sample, cyrJ results showed the presence of a potential cylindrospermopsin producer in a biofilm from a sulphidic spring in Slovenia. This study contributes to our understanding of cyanobacteria occurrence in diverse habitats, including rare and extreme ones, and provides relevant methodological considerations for future research in such environments.
Ključne besede: extreme environments, cylindrospermopsin, sulphidic springs, caves, qPCR, PC-IGS
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Ogledov: 208; Prenosov: 140
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Evaluation of metallothioneins in blue mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) as a biomarker of mercury and cadmium exposure in the Slovenian waters (Gulf of Trieste): a long-term field study
Andreja Ramšak, Janez Ščančar, Milena Horvat, 2012, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: In order to assess the spatial distribution and temporal trends of pollution with metals in the coastal sea of Slovenia, the level of metallothioneins (MT) was determined in blue mussels from three sampling locations, twice per year for a period of 10 years. MT concentrations ranged from 45 to 163 μg g-1 w.w. in March, and from 46 to 144 μg g-1 w.w. in the September sampling. The metals content was determined in whole mussel tissue once per year at two stations. The cadmium (Cd) concentration was in the range from 0.50 to 1.11 mg kg-1, while the concentration of mercury (Hg) was in the range from 0.70 to 0.237 mg kg-1. Results revealed no significant seasonal differences or differences between sampling sites in MT content, as well as variations in the content of Cd and Hg in mussels’ tissue during the examined period. The MT and metal content in mussels are not well correlated and other factors may have caused the fluctuations observed in MT content between years. This supports the notion that biomonitoring data have to be interpreted cautiously, taking into account various other factors that may influence MT induction.
Ključne besede: monitoring, coastal waters, biodiversity, bio-indicators, macrozoobenthos, metallothioneins, biocoenoses, ecological aspects, Gulf of Trieste
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Ogledov: 718; Prenosov: 104
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Bryophyte diversity, composition and functional traits in relation to bedrock and tree species composition in close-to-nature managed forests
Lado Kutnar, Janez Kermavnar, Marko S. Sabovljević, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Bryophytes respond to a variety of environmental factors, including tree species composition and geological conditions, which are influenced by both natural and anthropogenic factors. Bryophytes growing on a variety of substrates were identified in ICP Forests monitoring plots in a wide range of close-to-nature managed forests, from lowland to high mountain areas in Slovenia. Based on data on tree layer composition (broadleaves vs. conifers) and on bedrock and soil type (calcareous vs. siliceous bedrock), all study plots were classified into five groups representing forest types. Different ordination analyses and statistical tests were used to represent differences between forest types in bryophyte composition, richness and functional traits. Almost 200 bryophyte species were identified in managed forests, with the most common being Hypnum cupressiforme, Brachytheciastrum velutinum and Polytrichum formosum. Bryophyte species composition varied considerably along the tree species composition and edaphic gradients represented by the selected forest types. Bryophyte species richness was significantly higher on calcareous bedrock than on siliceous bedrock. The higher occurrence of rocks on the ground surface may significantly increase the availability of various microhabitats for bryophytes. Bedrock had a significant influence on the functional diversity and composition of bryophytes, while tree species composition had less influence. Bedrock and tree species composition are important drivers of bryophyte species composition and diversity at taxonomic and functional trait levels. The high diversity of bryophyte species in Slovenian forests can also be attributed to close-to-nature and sustainable forest management practices that preserve favourable microclimatic conditions in forest stands and maintain diverse substrates.
Ključne besede: mosses, species richness, functional diversity, site conditions, overstory, sustainable managed forests, European temperate zone
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 31.07.2024; Ogledov: 198; Prenosov: 249
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