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Iskalni niz: "avtor" (Bernard %C5%BDenko) .

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A critical analysis of the potential for EU Common Agricultural Policy measures to support wild pollinators on farmland
Lorna J. Cole, David Kleijn, Lynn Dicks, Jane C. Stout, Simon G. Potts, Matthias Albrecht, Mario V. Balzan, Ignasi Bartomeus, Penelope J. Bebeli, Danilo Bevk, Jacobus C. Biesmeijer, Robert Chlebo, Anželika Dautarte, Nikolaos Emmanouil, Chris Hartfield, John M. Holland, Andrea Holzschuh, Nieke T. J. Knoben, Anikó Kovács-Hostyánszki, Yael Mandelik, Heleni Panou, Robert J. Paxton, Theodora Petanidou, Miguel A.A. Pinheiro de Carvalho, Maj Rundlöf, Jean-Pierre Sarthou, Menelaos C. Stavrinides, Maria Jose Suso, Hajnalka Szentgyörgyi, Bernard E. Vaissière, Androulla Varnava, Vilà Montserrat, Romualdas Zemeckis, Jeroen Scheper, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Agricultural intensification and associated loss of high-quality habitats are key drivers of insect pollinator declines. With the aim of decreasing the environmental impact of agriculture, the 2014 EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) defined a set of habitat and landscape features (Ecological Focus Areas: EFAs) farmers could select from as a requirement to receive basic farm payments. To inform the post-2020 CAP, we performed a European-scale evaluation to determine how different EFA options vary in their potential to support insect pollinators under standard and pollinator-friendly management, as well as the extent of farmer uptake. A structured Delphi elicitation process engaged 22 experts from 18 European countries to evaluate EFAs options. By considering life cycle requirements of key pollinating taxa (i.e. bumble bees, solitary bees and hoverflies), each option was evaluated for its potential to provide forage, bee nesting sites and hoverfly larval resources. EFA options varied substantially in the resources they were perceived to provide and their effectiveness varied geographically and temporally. For example, field margins provide relatively good forage throughout the season in Southern and Eastern Europe but lacked early-season forage in Northern and Western Europe. Under standard management, no single EFA option achieved high scores across resource categories and a scarcity of late season forage was perceived. Experts identified substantial opportunities to improve habitat quality by adopting pollinator-friendly management. Improving management alone was, however, unlikely to ensure that all pollinator resource requirements were met. Our analyses suggest that a combination of poor management, differences in the inherent pollinator habitat quality and uptake bias towards catch crops and nitrogen-fixing crops severely limit the potential of EFAs to support pollinators in European agricultural landscapes. Policy Implications. To conserve pollinators and help protect pollination services, our expert elicitation highlights the need to create a variety of interconnected, well-managed habitats that complement each other in the resources they offer. To achieve this the Common Agricultural Policy post-2020 should take a holistic view to implementation that integrates the different delivery vehicles aimed at protecting biodiversity (e.g. enhanced conditionality, eco-schemes and agri-environment and climate measures). To improve habitat quality we recommend an effective monitoring framework with target-orientated indicators and to facilitate the spatial targeting of options collaboration between land managers should be incentivised.
Ključne besede: agri-environment schemes, bees, CAP Green Architecture, Common Agricultural Policy, Ecological Focus Areas, habitat complementarity, pollination services, pollinator conservation
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 22.07.2024; Ogledov: 207; Prenosov: 267
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Flame retardant behaviour and physical-mechanical properties of polymer synergistic systems in rigid polyurethane foams
Branka Mušič, Nataša Knez, Janez Bernard, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: In the presented work, the influence of two flame retardants—ammonium polyphosphates and 2,4,6-triamino-1,3,5-triazine on the polyurethane foam (PUR) systems were studied. In this paper, these interactive properties are studied by using the thermal analytical techniques, TGA and DTA, which enable the various thermal transitions and associated volatilization to be studied and enable the connection of the results with thermal and mechanical analysis, as are thermal conductivities, compression and bending behavior, hardness, flammability, and surface morphology. In this way, a greater understanding of what the addition of fire retardants to polyurethane foams means for system flammability itself and, on the other hand, how this addition affects the mechanical properties of PUR may be investigated. It was obtained that retardants significantly increase the fire resistance of the PURs systems while they do not affect the thermal conductivity and only slightly decrease the mechanical properties of the systems. Therefore, the presented systems seem to be applicable as thermal insulation where low heat conductivity coupled with high flame resistance is required.
Ključne besede: flammability, polyurethane polymer, foams, thermal conductivity, mechanical properties, open access
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 08.06.2023; Ogledov: 668; Prenosov: 309
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Documenting metrological traceability as intended by ISO 15189:2012 : a consensus statement about the practice of the implementation and auditing of this norm element
Marc H. M. Thelen, Florent Vanstapel, Pika Meško-Brguljan, Bernard Gouget, Guilaine Boursier, Edward Barrett, Christos Kroupis, Maria Lohmander, Luděk Šprongl, Tatjana Vodnik, 2019, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: ISO15189:2012 requires medical laboratories to document metrological traceability of their results. While the ISO17511:2003 standard on metrological traceability in laboratory medicine requires the use of the highest available level in the traceability chain, it recognizes that for many measurands there is no reference above the manufacturer's selected measurement procedure and the manufacturer's working calibrator. Some immunoassays, although they intend to measure the same quantity and may even refer to the same reference material, unfortunately produce different results because of differences in analytical selectivity as manufacturers select different epitopes and antibodies for the same analyte. In other cases, the cause is the use of reference materials, which are not commutable. The uncertainty associated with the result is another important aspect in metrological traceability implementation. As the measurement uncertainty on the clinical samples is influenced by the uncertainty of all steps higher in the traceability chain, laboratories should be provided with adequate and appropriate information on the uncertainty of the value assignment to the commercial calibrators that they use. Although the between-lot variation in value assignment will manifest itself as part of the long-term imprecision as estimated by the end-user, information on worst-case to be expected lot-lot variation has to be communicated to the end-user by the IVD provider. When laboratories use ancillary equipment that potentially could have a critical contribution to the reported results, such equipment needs verification of its proper calibration and criticality to the result uncertainty could be assessed by an approach based on risk analysis, which is a key element of ISO15189:2012 anyway. This paper discusses how the requirement for metrological traceability as stated in ISO15189 should be met by the medical laboratory and how this should be assessed by accreditation bodies.
Ključne besede: laboratories, medical laboratory science, risk management, quality control, quality improvement, health care quality assurance, metrological traceability
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 22.10.2020; Ogledov: 1604; Prenosov: 352
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Worldwide perspectives on venom allergy
Peter Korošec, Thilo Jakob, Harfi Harb, Robert Heddle, Sarah Karabus, Ricardo de Lima Zollner, Julij Šelb, Bernard Yu-Hor Thong, Fares Zaitoun, David B. K. Golden, Michael Levin, 2019, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Venom immunotherapy is the standard of care for people with severe reactions and has been proven to reduce risk of future anaphylactic events. There is a moral imperative to ensure production, supply and worldwide availability of locally relevant, registered, standardized commercial venom extracts for diagnosis and treatment. Insects causing severe immediate allergic reactions vary by region worldwide. The most common culprits include honeybees (Apis mellifera), social wasps including yellow jackets (Vespula and Dolichovespula), paper wasps (Polistes) and hornets (Vespa), stinging ants (Solenopsis, Myrmecia, Pachycondyla, and Pogonomyrmex), and bumblebees (Bombus). Insects with importance in specific areas of the world include the Australian tick (Ixodes holocyclus), the kissing bug (Triatoma spp), horseflies (Tabanus spp), and mosquitoes (Aedes, Culex, Anopheles). Reliable access to high quality venom immunotherapy to locally relevant allergens is not available throughout the world. Many current commercially available therapeutic vaccines have deficiencies, are not suitable for, or are unavailable in vast areas of the globe. New products are required to replace products that are unstandardized or inadequate, particularly whole-body extract products. New products are required for insects in which no current treatment options exist. Venom immunotherapy should be promoted throughout the world and the provision thereof be supported by health authorities, regulatory authorities and all sectors of the health care service.
Ključne besede: allergy and immunology, venoms, Hymenoptera, bee venoms, wasp venoms, insecta, ants hornet, bumblebee, mosquitoes, venom immunotherapy, immunologic desensitization
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 23.09.2020; Ogledov: 2094; Prenosov: 1190
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A study of overfitting in optimization of a manufacturing quality control procedure
Tea Tušar, Klemen Gantar, Valentin Koblar, Bernard Ženko, Bogdan Filipič, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 09.06.2017; Ogledov: 3629; Prenosov: 1103
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Hazardiranje kot zasvojenost
Bernard Špacapan, 2009, strokovni članek

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 29.04.2016; Ogledov: 2647; Prenosov: 572
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