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Prediction of COVID-19 severity using machine learning
Kanita Karaduzovic-Hadziabdic, Muhamed Adilovic, Lu Zhang, Mitja Luštrek, Marko Jordan, Yvan Devaux, 2024, drugi znanstveni članki

Ključne besede: disease severity, predictive model
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 07.10.2024; Ogledov: 125; Prenosov: 304
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Scoring system for technical evaluation of technologies for remote monitoring of bridges
Mogens Saberi, Kevin McPherson, Fengqiao Zhang, Anna Arvidsson, Simon Fjendbo, Carl van Geem, Maja Kreslin, Andrej Anžlin, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Povzetek: Transportation infrastructure demands reliable, cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and safe solutions. It is, therefore, crucial to leverage both the knowledge gained from current practices and the potential offered by emerging technologies. This paper uses the scoring system approached in the INFRACOMS project to offer a framework for asset managers and technology providers to identify areas of improvement and make informed decisions regarding selecting and implementing remote condition monitoring solutions. We focus on two technologies for bridges, like bridge weigh-in-motion and digital inspection and centre around four areas: data analysis, visualisation and integration and potential for practical decision-making. Technologies are evaluated based on their intended use, acknowledging that some may have multiple applications due to novel sensor installations or data interpretation/visualisation methods. Consequently, a technology may undergo multiple appraisals within this system. We showcase the benefits of the scoring system, alignment with specific use cases, and potential for broad applicability.
Ključne besede: bridge, remote monitoring, scoring system
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 14.08.2024; Ogledov: 344; Prenosov: 169
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Comparative morphology refines the conventional model of spider reproduction
Yongjia Zhan, He Jiang, Qingqing Wu, Huitao Zhang, Zishang Bai, Matjaž Kuntner, Lihong Tu, 2019, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Our understanding of spider reproductive biology is hampered by the vast anatomical diversity and difficulties associated with its study. Although authors agree on the two general types of female spider genitalia, haplogyne (plesiomorphic) and entelegyne (apomorphic), our understanding of variation within each group mostly concerns the external genital part, while the internal connections with the reproductive duct are largely unknown. Conventionally and simplistically, the spermathecae of haplogynes have simple two-way ducts, and those of entelegynes have separate copulatory and fertilization ducts for sperm to be transferred in and out of spermathecae, respectively. Sperm is discharged from the spermathecae directly into the uterus externus (a distal extension of the oviduct), which, commonly thought as homologous in both groups, is the purported location of internal fertilization in spiders. However, the structural evolution from haplo- to entelegyny remains unresolved, and thus the precise fertilization site in entelegynes is ambiguous. We aim to clarify this anatomical problem through a widely comparative morphological study of internal female genital system in entelegynes. Our survey of 147 epigyna (121 examined species in 97 genera, 34 families) surprisingly finds no direct connection between the fertilization ducts and the uterus externus, which, based on the homology with basal-most spider lineages, is a dead-end caecum in entelegynes. Instead, fertilization ducts usually connect with a secondary uterus externus, a novel feature taking over the functional role of the plesiomorphic uterus externus. We hypothesize that the transition from haplo- to entelegyny entailed not only the emergence of the two separate duct systems (copulatory, fertilization), but also involved substantial morphological changes in the distal part of the oviduct. Thus, the common oviduct may have shifted its distal connection from the uterus externus to the secondary uterus externus, perhaps facilitating discharge of larger eggs. Our findings suggest that the conventional model of entelegyne reproduction needs redefinition.
Ključne besede: spiders, comparative anatomy, genital anatomy
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 23.07.2024; Ogledov: 409; Prenosov: 208
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Male mating strategies to counter sexual conflict in spiders
Shichang Zhang, Long Yu, Min Tan, Noeleen Y. L. Tan, Xaven X. B. Wong, Matjaž Kuntner, Daiqin Li, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: When sexual conflict selects for reproductive strategies that only benefit one of the sexes, evolutionary arms races may ensue. Female sexual cannibalism is an extreme manifestation of sexual conflict. Here we test two male mating strategies aiming at countering sexual cannibalism in spiders. The “better charged palp” hypothesis predicts male selected use of the paired sexual organ (palp) containing more sperm for their first copulation. The “fast sperm transfer” hypothesis predicts accelerated insemination when cannibalism is high. Our comparative tests on five orbweb spider species with varying levels of female sexual cannibalism and sexual size dimorphism (SSD) reveal that males choose the palp with more sperm for the first copulation with cannibalistic females and that males transfer significantly more sperm if females are cannibalistic or when SSD is biased. By supporting the two hypotheses, these results provide credibility for male mating syndrome. They, however, open new questions, namely, how does a male differentiate sperm quantities between his palps? How does he perform palp choice after assessing his cannibalistic partner? By conducting follow-up experiments on Nephilengys malabarensis, we reveal that it is sperm volume detection, rather than left-right palp dominance, that plays prominently in male palp choice.
Ključne besede: spiders, sexual conflict, female sexual cannibalism
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 17.07.2024; Ogledov: 245; Prenosov: 193
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Direct regulation of shikimate, early phenylpropanoid, and stilbenoid pathways by subgroup 2 R2R3-MYBs in grapevine
Luis Orduña, Miaomiao Li, David Navarro-Payá, Chen Zhang, A. Santiago, Pablo Romero, Živa Ramšak, Gabriele Magon, Janine Höll, Patrick Merz, Kristina Gruden, Alessandro Vannozzi, Dario Cantu, Jochen Bogs, Darren C. J. Wong, Shao-shan Carol Huang, José Tomás Matus, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The stilbenoid pathway is responsible for the production of resveratrol in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). A few transcription factors (TFs) have been identified as regulators of this pathway but the extent of this control has not been deeply studied. Here we show how DNA affinity purification sequencing (DAP-Seq) allows for the genome-wide TF-binding site interrogation in grape. We obtained 5190 and 4443 binding events assigned to 4041 and 3626 genes for MYB14 and MYB15, respectively (approximately 40% of peaks located within −10 kb of transcription start sites). DAP-Seq of MYB14/MYB15 was combined with aggregate gene co-expression networks (GCNs) built from more than 1400 transcriptomic datasets from leaves, fruits, and flowers to narrow down bound genes to a set of high confidence targets. The analysis of MYB14, MYB15, and MYB13, a third uncharacterized member of Subgroup 2 (S2), showed that in addition to the few previously known stilbene synthase (STS) targets, these regulators bind to 30 of 47 STS family genes. Moreover, all three MYBs bind to several PAL, C4H, and 4CL genes, in addition to shikimate pathway genes, the WRKY03 stilbenoid co-regulator and resveratrol-modifying gene candidates among which ROMT2-3 were validated enzymatically. A high proportion of DAP-Seq bound genes were induced in the activated transcriptomes of transient MYB15-overexpressing grapevine leaves, validating our methodological approach for delimiting TF targets. Overall, Subgroup 2 R2R3-MYBs appear to play a key role in binding and directly regulating several primary and secondary metabolic steps leading to an increased flux towards stilbenoid production. The integration of DAP-Seq and reciprocal GCNs offers a rapid framework for gene function characterization using genome-wide approaches in the context of non-model plant species and stands up as a valid first approach for identifying gene regulatory networks of specialized metabolism.
Ključne besede: secondary metabolism, regulatory networks, transcription factors, transcriptional regulation, DNA affinity purification sequencing
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 16.07.2024; Ogledov: 263; Prenosov: 175
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Cell-type proteomic and metabolomic resolution of early and late grain filling stages of wheat endosperm
Shuang Zhang, Arindam Ghatak, Mitra Mohammadi Bazargani, Hannes Kramml, Fujuan Zang, Shuang Gao, Živa Ramšak, Kristina Gruden, Rajeev K. Varshney, Dong Jiang, Palak Chaturvedi, Wolfram Weckwerth, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The nutritional value of wheat grains, particularly their protein and metabolite composition, is a result of the grain-filling process, especially in the endosperm. Here, we employ laser microdissection (LMD) combined with shotgun proteomics and metabolomics to generate a cell type-specific proteome and metabolome inventory of developing wheat endosperm at the early (15 DAA) and late (26 DAA) grain-filling stages. We identified 1803 proteins and 41 metabolites from four different cell types (aleurone (AL), sub-aleurone (SA), starchy endosperm (SE) and endosperm transfer cells (ETCs). Differentially expressed proteins were detected, 67 in the AL, 31 in the SA, 27 in the SE and 50 in the ETCs between these two-time points. Cell-type accumulation of specific SUT and GLUT transporters, sucrose converting and starch biosynthesis enzymes correlate well with the respective sugar metabolites, suggesting sugar upload and starch accumulation via nucellar projection and ETC at 15 DAA in contrast to the later stage at 26 DAA. Changes in various protein levels between AL, SA and ETC support this metabolic switch from 15 to 26 DAA. The distinct spatial and temporal abundances of proteins and metabolites revealed a contrasting activity of nitrogen assimilation pathways, e.g. for GOGAT, GDH and glutamic acid, in the different cell types from 15 to 26 DAA, which can be correlated with specific protein accumulation in the endosperm. The integration of cell-type specific proteome and metabolome data revealed a complex metabolic interplay of the different cell types and a functional switch during grain development and grain-filling processes.
Ključne besede: wheat, proteomics and metabolomics, aleurone, sub-aleurone, starchy endosperm, endosperm transfer cells
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 15.07.2024; Ogledov: 630; Prenosov: 181
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A spider mating plug functions to protect sperm
He Jiang, Yongjia Zhan, Qingqing Wu, Huitao Zhang, Matjaž Kuntner, Lihong Tu, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Mating plugs in animals are ubiquitous and are commonly interpreted to be products of mating strategies. In spiders, however, mating plugs may also take on functions beyond female remating prevention. Due to the vagaries of female genital (spermathecal) anatomy, most spiders face the problem of having to secure additional, non-anatomical, protection for transferred sperm. Here, we test the hypothesis that mating plugs, rather than (or in addition to) being adaptations for mating strategies, may serve as sperm protection mechanism. Based on a comparative study on 411 epigyna sampled from 36 families, 187 genera, 330 species of entelegyne spiders, our results confirm the necessity of a sperm protection mechanism. We divided the entelegyne spermathecae into four types: SEG, SED, SCG and SCD. We also studied detailed morphology of epigynal tracts in the spider Diphya wulingensis having the SEG type spermathecae, using 3D-reconstruction based on semi thin histological series section. In this species, we hypothesize that two distinct types of mating plug, the sperm plug and the secretion plug, serve different functions. Morphological details support this: sperm plugs are formed on a modified spermathecal wall by the spilled sperm, and function as a temporary protection mechanism to prevent sperm from leaking and desiccating, while secretion plugs function in postcopulation both as a permanent protection mechanism, and to prevent additional mating. Furthermore, with the modified spermathecal wall of S2 stalk, the problem of shunt of sperm input and output, and the possibility of female multiple mating have been resolved. Variation in spermathecal morphology also suggests that the problem of sperm protection might be resolved in different ways in spiders. Considering mating plugs of varying shapes and origins in the vast morphospace of spiders, we conclude that mating plugs might serve different purposes that relate both to mating strategies, as well as to sperm protection.
Ključne besede: spiders, mating strategies, mating plugs, sperm protection mechanism
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.06.2024; Ogledov: 366; Prenosov: 240
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Thin-layer boilover of large-scale diesel pool fires at sub-atmospheric pressure
Jinlong Zhao, Qingyuan Zhang, Zhenqi Hu, Rongxue Kang, Grunde Jomaas, Rui Yang, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: As thin-layer burning of fuels on water are often followed by thin-layer boilover fires, particularly during the firefighting process, an experimental and numerical study was undertaken to address key aspects of such fires, especially in plateau areas (i.e., sub-atmospheric pressure). In the thin-layer boilover experiments at sub-atmospheric pressure (69 kPa), diesel was used as the fuel in five circular steel trays (ranging from 0.4 m to 1.2 m in diameter) and a square steel tray (side length of 2.5 m). The burning process, and especially the continuous boilover stage, was presented and the corresponding boilover intensity, time to boilover onset and boilover time interval were measured and analyzed. The results show that the flame height increased sharply at the initial boilover, while this increasing range gradually became weak for the subsequent boilovers. The initial boilover intensity showed a linear dependency on the fuel layer thickness at the time of boilover, and the slope of the boilover intensity line decreased with increasing pan area. Eventually, the effect of pan area on boilover intensity became limit. Moreover, a predictive model for the boilover intensity was established based on dimensionless analysis. The initial boilover onset time under the sub-atmospheric pressure was delayed compared with that under atmospheric pressure. The corresponding predictive correlation (for 69 kPa) with different diameter and fuel thickness was developed based on the one-dimension two-layer conduction model. In the end, the boilover time interval decreased with the boilover times, closing to uninterrupted boilover eventually. This work enriches the thin-layer boilover behavior experimental data at sub-atmospheric pressure and provides guidance for the fuel storage safety.
Ključne besede: thin-layer boilover, boilover intensity, time to boilover onset, boilover time interval, sub-atmospheric fires
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 16.01.2024; Ogledov: 532; Prenosov: 124
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