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Life IP CARE4CLIMATE - Action C8 and E3 Third Interim Report
Andreja Ferreira, Boštjan Mali, Simon Zidar, Gal Kušar, Nataša Turk, 2025, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 28.02.2025; Ogledov: 99; Prenosov: 0
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Pestrost in pojavljanje domačih in tujerodnih drevesnih in grmovnih vrst na ploskvah nacionalne gozdne inventure v Sloveniji
Anže Martin Pintar, Andreja Ferreira, Luka Krajnc, Gal Kušar, Mitja Skudnik, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: V Sloveniji spremljamo stanje in razvoj gozdov na nacionalni ravni z Nacionalno gozdno inventuro (NGI). V prispevku smo analizirali pestrost pojavljanja drevesnih in grmovnih vrst ter preverili pojavljanje tujerodnih drevesnih vrst v slovenskih gozdovih. Glede na literaturo v Sloveniji uspeva 71 avtohtonih drevesnih vrst, od katerih jih je bilo 60 zaznanih med merskimi drevesi na mreži ploskev NGI gostote 2 x 2 km. Največje povprečno število merskih dreves in grmov, kot tudi Shannon-Wienerjev indeks vrstne pestrosti, smo ugotovili na vzorčnih ploskvah v Predalpski ekološki regiji (H' = 0,85), najmanjše pa v Alpski ekološki regiji (H' = 0,58). Lesna zaloga merskih dreves in grmov v celotni Sloveniji dosega 330,7 m3/ha ± 2,1 %, lesna zaloga podmerskih dreves in grmov (prsni premer do 10 cm) pa 9,7 m3/ha ± 5,9 %. V lesni zalogi merskih drevesnih in grmovnih vrst prevladujeta bukev (Fagus sylvatica) (31,9 %) in smreka (Picea abies) (28,2 %), med merskimi grmovnimi vrstami je največ navadne leske (Corylus avellana) (85,0 %). Na ploskvah NGI je bilo zabeleženih 10 različnih tujerodnih drevesnih vrst na 138 ploskvah, največkrat so bile popisane v Submediteranski in Predpanonski ekološki regiji. V lesni zalogi tujerodnih drevesnih vrst prevladuje robinija (Robinia pseudoacacia). V lesni zalogi podmerskega drevja z 32,4 % prevladuje bukev, več kot 10,0 % lesne zaloge prispevata še navadna smreka in mali jesen (Fraxinus ornus). V lesni zalogi popisanih podmerskih grmovnih vrst prevladuje leska z 78,3 %, več kot 2 % dosegajo še rumeni dren (Cornus mas), navadni srobot (Clematis vitalba) in črni bezeg (Sambucus nigra). Predstavljeni rezultati kažejo, da je kombinacija panelnega sistema, večjega števila vzorčnih ploskev (3027) in izboljšanega šifranta omogočila prvo celostno objektivno ovrednotenje pestrosti pojavljanja drevesnih in grmovnih vrst ter prisotnosti tujerodnih vrst v slovenskih gozdovih.
Ključne besede: nacionalna gozdna inventura, Slovenija, vrstna pestrost, drevesne vrste, grmovne vrste, tujerodne vrste, lesna zaloga
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 29.10.2024; Ogledov: 560; Prenosov: 1271
.pdf Celotno besedilo (4,35 MB)

Patterns of deadwood volume and dynamics in slovenian forests
Gal Kušar, Mathias Neumann, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Deadwood, and its temporal and spatial variation, plays an important role in several forest ecosystem services. This study demonstrates the assessment of deadwood dynamics using data from Slovenian national forest inventory permanent sampling plots, employing a mass-balance approach. Our results reveal that deadwood volume is a highly variable metric across regions, deadwood types and tree species. Despite the influx of large volumes of new deadwood due to recent natural disturbances, only moderate increases in deadwood volume were observed between 2007 and 2018. This was mainly offset by deadwood losses due to salvage logging and decomposition. The extent of deadwood losses varied considerably by species. We discuss the implications of the calculation method on estimating changes in deadwood volume, compare these findings with existing literature on deadwood and highlight promising areas for future research activities to better understand deadwood dynamics.
Ključne besede: deadwood, carbon, natural disturbances, decomposition
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 21.06.2024; Ogledov: 1044; Prenosov: 287
.pdf Celotno besedilo (1,17 MB)

A five-step framework for creating forests for the future
Marko Kovač, Gregor Božič, Andreja Ferreira, Gal Kušar, Boštjan Mali, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Changing environmental conditions, disturbances, and escalating demands for forest ecosystem services require foresters to restore present forestlands with new forest generations that will exhibit ecological integrity, diversity, high adaptive capacity, and the ability to provide essential ecosystem services. Establishing such forests requires careful consideration of the forest landscape and site dynamics. In pursuit of these requirements, we developed a novel framework that enables the restoration of forest sites and promotes the desired features of the forest complex at the same time. This framework was designed with the methods of system engineering and was organized in the same way as the forest planning process. It was tested in the habitat type of Illyrian Fagus sylvatica forests belonging to the Natura 2000 network. The environmental, vegetation, and site conditions were investigated via field inspections, available forest management plans, and simple GIS analyses. Additionally, we established a seminatural stand composed of European beech, sessile oak, sycamore maple, silver fir, and some wild fruit tree species. The survival of planted species was assessed using census and simple random sampling, the performance of provenances by the Student’s test, while microhabitat factors were explored by a one-way ANOVA. The survival rate of key species was estimated to be 55.6%, while that of fruit species was estimated to be 94.5%. Our framework demonstrated satisfactory performance and contained sufficient benchmarks to facilitate consistent decision-making. In the discussion, we elucidate the framework’s primary features and attributes of the mixed stand, where we also expose some open issues to be addressed in the future.
Ključne besede: restoration, forest habitat type, indigenous species, planting, mixed stand, key species, fruit species
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 13.06.2024; Ogledov: 537; Prenosov: 314
.pdf Celotno besedilo (3,93 MB)
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National Forest Inventory in Slovenia (history and current design)
Mitja Skudnik, Gal Kušar, 2024, druge monografije in druga zaključena dela

Ključne besede: national forest inventory, history, statistical design
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 20.05.2024; Ogledov: 580; Prenosov: 445
.pdf Celotno besedilo (7,52 MB)

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