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Multicriteria analysis as a method for engaging stakeholders and citizens in activities aimed at supporting climate resilience and adaptation to climate change – Gdansk Coastal City Living Lab case study
Jacek Barańczuk, Grzegorz Masik, Katarzyna Barańczuk, Cécil J. W. Meulenberg, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: In this study, we aimed to present solutions to mitigate the effects of climate change, summer torrential rain, and pluvial flooding. Within the Gdańsk living lab, a multicriteria analysis (MCA) was performed to assess the implementation of ecosystem-based adaptation (EBA) options for the city of Gdańsk. The results show an assessment of the stakeholders’ acceptability and local knowledge of selected EBA options including rainwater gardens, water parks, retention ponds, green roofs, green walls, community gardens, urban farming and tree plantation. All the proposed EBAs were generally accepted during an online living lab stakeholder meeting. However, EBA solutions that were less intrusive on the natural landscape were preferred over large structures. Yet during the consecutive physical workshop with identified stakeholder composition, there was a higher level of approval for large structures to reduce the level of flood risk, indicating that face-to-face meetings significantly influence the choice of measures during MCA procedures. This has highlighted the importance of physical meetings of MCA for selecting proper implementation options.
Ključne besede: climate change, resilience, multicriteria analysis, ecosystem-based adaptation
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 15.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 1
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Suicide in the Austrian Littoral at the turn of the 20th century
Urška Bratož, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The paper seeks to examine the social image of suicide at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, focusing on the case of Trieste as a major Austrian urban centre, where the suicide rates were visibly increasing from at least the 1870s onwards. The perception of the growing presence of suicide in society made it possible to observe the reflec-tions on suicide from the last quarter of the 19th century, originating from different parts of Europe (Morselli, Masaryk, Durkheim), and at the same time how the discourses around suicide shed light on a somewhat broader picture of society, including its fears (of social problems and change, not least the potential threat of the imitative effect that the daily press was believed to create by reporting on suicides).The newspaper discourse usually followed the scientific publications of the time, and the contemporaneous observations on the mass of suicides were confirmed through statistical analyses and medical, sociological, philosophical, and other debates, while raising many other social issues with which suicide in urban areas could be linked (alcoholism, the growth of the proletariat, poverty, changing values, etc.). All these factors shaped the public debate on suicide as a problem of modern society, with an emphasis on (big) cities, where the prob-lem of suicide was much more pronounced than in smaller, non-industrial towns, or in the countryside of the Austrian Littoral.
Ključne besede: suicide, cities, modernisation, 1870-1910, Trieste, Koper, Austria-Hungary
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 15.10.2024; Ogledov: 2; Prenosov: 5
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Thinking Togetherness : Phenomenology and Sociality
2023, znanstvena monografija

Povzetek: The scientific monograph THINKING TOGETHERNESS. PHENOMENOLOGY AND SOCIALITY, edited by Dr. Andrej Božič, comprises the contributions of 32 scholars from the field of phenomenological philosophy. The international and intergenerational configuration of the whole, within which the chapters are meaningfully arranged into seven thematic sections, imparts upon the volume the character of a panoramic scrutiny of the phenomenological manner of confronting the question what co-constitutes the fundamental traits of inter-personal co-habitation with others. The volume offers not only a historical account with regard to the development of phenomenology, but also quite straightforwardly concerns its relevance within the philosophical research that deals with the contemporary problems of society.
Ključne besede: Society, Sociality, Social Phenomenology, Phenomenological Sociology
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 11.10.2024; Ogledov: 92; Prenosov: 117
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Etika uživanja hrane : Hrana in mi: vprašanje nekega odnosa
Adriano Fabris, 2023, strokovna monografija

Povzetek: Adriano Fabris nas v knjigo uvede s kritiko današnjih predstav o prehranjevanju in odnosu do jedi. Etika uživanja hrane ni povezana niti s temi, ki prepotujejo kilometre, da pridejo do lokala s slow food, niti s temi, ki so zadovoljni z goltanjem sendvičev iz restavracij s fast food. Prav tako ne zadeva obnašanja teh, ki prepovedujejo določeno hrano ali fetišizirajo določene vire hrane, kot so borci za pravice živali, vegetarijanci in vegani. Zadeva tiste, ki se zavedajo, da jesti pomeni odnos do vsega, kar nas lahko nahrani: spoštljiv, uravnotežen odnos, ki upošteva mnogotere vezi, v katere je vpleteno vsako živo bitje. To je delovanje tistih, ki razumejo, da je treba regulirati svojo željo in ne potrebe po prehranjevanju. V drugem poglavju avtor obravnava različne načine reguliranja prehranjevanja s predpisovanjem tega, kaj na bo dovoljeno jesti in kaj ne. V ozadju teh predpisov, zapovedi in prepovedi se kot specifični znak naše omejenosti pojavlja nezmožnost, da bi asimilirali vse, torej povsem zaužili tisto, s čimer se prehranjujemo, s čimer je povezana tudi potreba po puščanju ostankov in odpadkov. V tretjem poglavju je začrtana etiko uživanja hrane, ki izhaja iz predpostavke, da obstoj hrane implicira, spodbuja in izvršuje odnose ter da je prehranjevanje samo odnos. Na to se navezuje vprašanje, ali je za prehranjevanje samega sebe neizogibno izvajati nasilje nad drugimi organizmi. Etični vidik se oblikuje ob predpostavki odgovornega odnosa do živih bitij, ki ne vključuje le nas ljudi, marveč celoten ekosistem. Knjigo zaključuje manjši priročnik (dekalog), ki naj bi z normativnim pristopom usmerjal naše konkretne izbire v pri prehranjevanju. Od naše izbire je odvisno, ali bomo z etično motivirano izbiro dejansko spremenili naš odnos do prehranjevanja. Če bomo to storili, bo to prvi korak k uveljavitvi še bolj splošnih sprememb v našem odnosu do sveta in k odgovorni delitvi skupnega prostora z drugimi živimi bitji.
Ključne besede: prehrana, prehrambna kultura, etika, religija
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 11.10.2024; Ogledov: 90; Prenosov: 17
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Computation of leaky waves in layered structures coupled to unbounded media by exploiting multiparameter eigenvalue problems
Hauke Gravenkamp, Bor Plestenjak, Daniel A. Kiefer, Elias Jarlebring, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: We present a semi-analytical approach to compute quasi-guided elastic wave modes in horizontally layered structures radiating into unbounded fluid or solid media. This problem is of relevance, e.g., for the simulation of guided ultrasound in embedded plate structures or seismic waves in soil layers over an elastic half-space. We employ a semi-analytical formulation to describe the layers, thus discretizing the thickness direction by means of finite elements. For a free layer, this technique leads to a well-known quadratic eigenvalue problem for the mode shapes and corresponding horizontal wavenumbers. Incorporating the coupling conditions to account for the adjacent half-spaces gives rise to additional terms that are nonlinear in the wavenumber. We show that the resulting nonlinear eigenvalue problem can be cast in the form of a multiparameter eigenvalue problem whose solutions represent the wave numbers in the plate and in the half-spaces. The multiparameter eigenvalue problem is solved numerically using recently developed algorithms. Matlab implementations of the proposed methods are publicly available.
Ključne besede: guided waves, plates, soil dynamics, half-space, leaky waves, semi-analytical method
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 11.10.2024; Ogledov: 69; Prenosov: 2323
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Long-term assessment of the population trends and body condition of Carabus variolosus nodulosus in Slovenia
Eva Vera Jiménez, 2024, magistrsko delo

Povzetek: To gain insight into the current population trends of Carabus variolosus nodulosus in Slovenia and assess the body condition of individuals, data from 17-year monitoring program were analyzed across five geographically distinct regions. The number of beetles captured per trap was recorded, and measurements of live specimens were taken to calculate both national and regional population trends, along with a body condition index. Additionally, linear mixed-effects models were used to examine the potential impact of sex and disturbances on body condition, and to explore the correlation between body condition and population density. The results indicated an overall stable population trend with marked regional differences. No correlation was found between body condition and population density or disturbances, though significant differences in body condition between sexes were observed. This study underscores the importance of long-term and multi-scale monitoring to detect stress factors and potential local extinctions that might otherwise remain undetected and proposes sampling efforts for future monitoring schemes for reliable trend assessments of the species.
Ključne besede: scaled mass index, long-term monitoring, ground beetle, body condition, zoology, master thesis
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 10.10.2024; Ogledov: 78; Prenosov: 14
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Klinične raziskave na področju onkologije
Erika Matos, Neža Gros, Barbara Bonač, Maja Čemažar, 2024, ni določena

Ključne besede: klinične raziskave, onkologija, raziskovalna dejavnost
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 10.10.2024; Ogledov: 72; Prenosov: 17
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Selection on the vascular-remodeling BMPER gene is associated with altitudinal adaptation in an insular lizard
Nina Guerra Serén, Catarina Pinho, Rodrigo Megía-Palma, Prem Aguilar, Anamarija Žagar, Pedro Andrade, Miguel A. Carretero, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: High altitude imposes several extreme constraints on life, such as low oxygen pressure and high levels of ultraviolet radiation, which require specialized adaptations. Many studies have focused on how endothermic vertebrates respond to these challenging environments, but there is still uncertainty on how ectotherms adapt to these conditions. Here, we used whole-genome sequencing of low-altitude (100–600 m) and high-altitude (3,550 m) populations of the wide-ranging Tenerife lizard Gallotia galloti to uncover signatures of selection for altitudinal adaptation. The studied populations show reduced differentiation, sharing similar patterns of genetic variation. Selective sweep mapping suggests that signatures of adaptation to high altitude are not widespread across the genome, clustering in a relatively small number of genomic regions. One of these regions contains BMPER, a gene involved with vascular remodeling, and that has been associated with hypoxia-induced angiogenic response. By genotyping samples across 2 altitudinal transects, we show that allele frequency changes at this locus are not gradual, but rather show a well-defined shift above ca. 1,900 m. Transcript and protein structure analyses on this gene suggest that putative selection likely acts on noncoding variation. These results underline how low oxygen pressure generates the most consistent selective constraint in high-altitude environments, to which vertebrates with vastly contrasting physiological profiles need to adapt in the context of ongoing climate change.
Ključne besede: high altitude, adaptations, ectotherms, whole-genome sequencing, selective sweep, BMPER gene, hypoxia, genomics
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 08.10.2024; Ogledov: 118; Prenosov: 43
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