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132. Procjena stanja prirode i upravljanja prirodnim resursima u Bosni i Hercegovini : sažetak za donosioce odluka 2023Senka Barudanović, Mersudin Avdibegović, Milan Mataruga, Mirjana Milićević, Rifat Škrijelj, Dalibor Ballian, Radoslav Dekić, Dženan Bećirović, Biljana Lubarda, Sandra Kobajica, Josip Jurković, Goran Trbić, Azrudin Husika, Gordana Đurić, 2024, strokovna monografija Objavljeno v DiRROS: 27.02.2025; Ogledov: 123; Prenosov: 65
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133. Exploring the impact of electroencephalography-based neurofeedback (EEG NFB) on motor deficits in Parkinson’s disease : a targeted literature reviewLaura Blaznik, Uroš Marušič, 2025, pregledni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, with pharmacological treatments predominantly focusing on dopaminergic therapies. In the early stages of PD, symptoms may also be alleviated through non-pharmacological interventions. One such non-invasive technique is electroencephalogram neurofeedback (EEG NFB), which has shown promising results in improving the cognitive and motor functions of PD patients. The aim of our study was to assess the existing evidence, identify key trends and determine potential opportunities for future research in the field of EEG NFB for PD. This analysis explores the impact of EEG NFB on motor deficits in PD and identifies key factors for the successful implementation of EEG NFB as evidenced in the literature. The synthesis includes findings from five relevant studies, including one case study, one pilot study and three randomized controlled trials. Study selection followed the PICO framework to ensure relevance and rigor. The results suggest a correlation between sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) and beta rhythms, with increases in SMR (13–15 Hz) and beta (12–15 Hz) rhythms linked to improvements in balance, mobility and stability in PD patients. However, limitations such as small sample sizes, brief intervention durations and lack of follow-up warrant a cautious interpretation. Future research should prioritize robust protocols, larger samples and extended neurofeedback training to fully assess EEG NFB’s potential for PD management. Ključne besede: Parkinson's disease, motor deficits, biofeedback, neurofeedback, electroencephalography Objavljeno v DiRROS: 27.02.2025; Ogledov: 113; Prenosov: 80
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134. Detection of rare drug resistance mutations by digital PCR in a human influenza A virus model system and clinical samplesAlexandra S. Whale, Claire Bushell, Paul R. Grant, Simon Cowen, Ion Gutiérrez-Aguirre, Denise M. OʹSullivan, Jana Žel, Mojca Milavec, Carole A. Foy, Eleni Nastouli, Jeremy A. Garson, Jim F. Huggett, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: digital PCR, human influenza A viruses Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.02.2025; Ogledov: 108; Prenosov: 62
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135. Non-English languages enrich scientific knowledge : the example of economic costs of biological invasionsElena Angulo, Christophe Diagne, Liliana Ballesteros-Mejia, Tasnime Adamjy, Danish A. Ahmed, Céline Albert, Evgeny Akulov, Achyut-Kumar Banerjee, César Capinha, Cheikh A.K.M. Dia, Natalia I. Kirichenko, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: We contend that the exclusive focus on the English language in scientific research might hinder effective communication between scientists and practitioners or policy makers whose mother tongue is non-English. This barrier in scientific knowledge and data transfer likely leads to significant knowledge gaps and may create biases when providing global patterns in many fields of science. To demonstrate this, we compiled data on the global economic costs of invasive alien species reported in 15 non-English languages. We compared it with equivalent data from English documents (i.e., the InvaCost database, the most up-to-date repository of invasion costs globally). The comparison of both databases (~7500 entries in total) revealed that non-English sources: (i) capture a greater amount of data than English sources alone (2500 vs. 2396 cost entries respectively); (ii) add 249 invasive species and 15 countries to those reported by English literature, and (iii) increase the global cost estimate of invasions by 16.6% (i.e., US$ 214 billion added to 1.288 trillion estimated from the English database). Additionally, 2712 cost entries — not directly comparable to the English database — were directly obtained from practitioners, revealing the value of communication between scientists and practitioners. Moreover, we demonstrated how gaps caused by overlooking non-English data resulted in significant biases in the distribution of costs across space, taxonomic groups, types of cost, and impacted sectors. Specifically, costs from Europe, at the local scale, and particularly pertaining to management, were largely under-represented in the English database. Thus, combining scientific data from English and non-English sources proves fundamental and enhances data completeness. Considering non-English sources helps alleviate biases in understanding invasion costs at a global scale. Finally, it also holds strong potential for improving management performance, coordination among experts (scientists and practitioners), and collaborative actions across countries. Note: non-English versions of the abstract and figures are provided in Appendix S5 in 12 languages. Ključne besede: ecological bias, management, knowledge gaps, InvaCost, native languages, stakeholders Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.02.2025; Ogledov: 283; Prenosov: 66
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136. Economic costs of biological invasions in AsiaChunlong Liu, Christophe Diagne, Elena Angulo, Achyut-Kumar Banerjee, Chen Yifeng, Ross N. Cuthbert, Phillip Joschka Haubrock, Natalia I. Kirichenko, Zarah Pattison, Yuya Watari, Wen Xiong, Franck Courchamp, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Invasive species have caused severe impacts on biodiversity and human society. Although the estimation of environmental impacts caused by invasive species has increased in recent years, economic losses associated with biological invasions are only sporadically estimated in space and time. In this study, we synthesized the losses incurred by invasions in Asia, based on the most comprehensive database of economic costs of invasive species worldwide, including 560 cost records for 88 invasive species in 22 countries. We also assessed the differences in economic costs across taxonomic groups, geographical regions and impacted sectors, and further identified the major gaps of current knowledge in Asia. Reported economic costs of biological invasions were estimated between 1965 and 2017, and reached a total of US$ 432.6 billion (2017 value), with dramatic increases in 2000–2002 and in 2004. The highest costs were recorded for terrestrial ectotherms, for species estimated in South Asia, and for species estimated at the country level, and were related to more than one impacted sector. Two taxonomic groups with the highest reported costs were insects and mammals, and two countries with the highest costs were India and China. Non-English data covered all of 12 taxonomic groups, whereas English data only covered six groups, highlighting the importance of considering data from non-English sources to have a more comprehensive estimation of economic costs associated with biological invasions. However, we found that the estimation of economic costs was lacking for most Asian countries and for more than 96% of introduced species in Asia. Further, the estimation is heavily biased towards insects and mammals and is very limited concerning expenditures on invasion management. To optimize the allocation of limited resources, there is an important need to better and more widely study the economic costs of invasive alien species. In this way, improved cost reporting and more collaborations between scientists and stakeholders are needed across Asia. Ključne besede: economic damages, InvaCost, invasive alien species, monetary losses, non-English data, non-native species, Asia Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.02.2025; Ogledov: 144; Prenosov: 86
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137. Sistemski pristop ureditve začasnih prostorskih rešitev ob naravnih in drugih nesrečah : primer Zdravstvenega doma Škofja Loka ob epidemiji SARS-CoV-2Špela Alič, Nikolaj Kržišnik, Tadej Beguš, Andrej Štremfelj, Boris Hostnik, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Ob pojavu naravnih in drugih nesreč je včasih treba postaviti začasne objekte ali zagotoviti druge oblike prostorskih ureditev za prebivalstvo oziroma delovanje služb v sistemu zaščite, reševanja in pomoči. Med epidemijo covida-19 se je pomen načrtovanja dodatnih začasnih prostorskih zmogljivosti za zagotavljanje osnovnih življenjskih potreb prebivalstva pokazal predvsem na primeru potreb zdravstva in socialnega varstva. Ob kriznih dogodkih se morajo odgovorne službe hitro odločati, kar lahko vodi k izvedbi rešitev, ki niso bile predhodno namensko in sistematično pripravljene ter posledično ne prinesejo najboljših mogočih rezultatov. Za urejanje začasnih prostorskih rešitev za izvajanje zaščite, reševanja in pomoči nismo našli konkretnih smernic, ki bi nas vodile skozi celoten proces, zato smo na podlagi tuje literature in lastnih izkušenj oblikovali procesno shemo in operativni postopek za vzpostavitev začasnih prostorskih rešitev ob kriznih dogodkih. Predstavljen je proces ureditve začasnih prostorskih rešitev, ki smo ga pripravili za CZ občine Škofja Loka. Proces smo uporabili za postavitev zunanje enote Zdravstvenega doma Škofja Loka za obravnavo pacientov s sumom na okužbo z virusom SARS-CoV-2 in ga na podlagi pridobljenih izkušenj dopolnili. Temelji na procesnem pristopu in je razdeljen na sedem faz, od ugotavljanja potreb do končne izvedbe in uporabe začasne prostorske rešitve.
Ključne besede: zdravstveni domovi, Škofja Loka, epidemije, naravne nesreče, prostorske ureditve Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.02.2025; Ogledov: 101; Prenosov: 59
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138. Economic costs of invasive alien species across EuropePhillip Joschka Haubrock, Anna Turbelin, Ross N. Cuthbert, Ana Novoa, Nigel G. Taylor, Elena Angulo, Liliana Ballesteros-Mejia, Thomas W. Bodey, César Capinha, Christophe Diagne, Natalia I. Kirichenko, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Biological invasions continue to threaten the stability of ecosystems and societies that are dependent on their services. Whilst the ecological impacts of invasive alien species (IAS) have been widely reported in recent decades, there remains a paucity of information concerning their economic impacts. Europe has strong trade and transport links with the rest of the world, facilitating hundreds of IAS incursions, and largely centralised decision-making frameworks. The present study is the first comprehensive and detailed effort that quantifies the costs of IAS collectively across European countries and examines temporal trends in these data. In addition, the distributions of costs across countries, socioeconomic sectors and taxonomic groups are examined, as are socio-economic correlates of management and damage costs. Total costs of IAS in Europe summed to US140.20billion(or€116.61billion)between1960and2020,withthemajority(6023.58 billion (€19.64 billion) in 2013, and US$139.56 billion (€116.24 billion) in impacts extrapolated in 2020. Importantly, although these costs are substantial, there remain knowledge gaps on several geographic and taxonomic scales, indicating that these costs are severely underestimated. We, thus, urge increased and improved cost reporting for economic impacts of IAS and coordinated international action to prevent further spread and mitigate impacts of IAS populations. Ključne besede: bodiversity, insects, InvaCost, invasive species, European Union, monetary impacts, non-native biota, socio-economic correlates, socioeconomic sectors Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.02.2025; Ogledov: 135; Prenosov: 83
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139. First report of Tomato brown rugose fruit virus in tomato in SloveniaAna Vučurović, Jakob Brodarič, Tjaša Jakomin, Anja Pecman, Anita Benko-Beloglavec, Nataša Mehle, 2022, drugi znanstveni članki Povzetek: In July 2021, during an official survey for Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV), a sample composed of leaves and fruit was taken from three tomato (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Factor F1) plants growing in a greenhouse producing fresh tomatoes in central Slovenia. The sampled plants were slightly dwarfed and showed deformations such as leaf curling, narrowing and small leaves (Figure 1), while no virus symptoms were observed on the fruit.
Ključne besede: detection, identification, plant virus disease Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.02.2025; Ogledov: 149; Prenosov: 90
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