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Priporočila za izboljšanje upravljanja z naravo v Krajinskem parku Ljubljansko barje
Davorin Tome, Al Vrezec, Nataša Mori, 2020, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: Ljubljansko barje so naravoslovci začeli raziskovati že zelo zgodaj, v 18. stoletju, in zaradi bližine Ljubljane, precej bolj intenzivno kot druge dele Slovenije. Zato je v Sloveniji Ljubljansko barje med območji z najbolj raziskano biodiverziteto. Barje je tudi že več kot 100 let prepoznano kot naravovarstveno pomembno območje (Beuk, 1920). Sprva so bili zakonsko zavarovani le posamezni deli Ljubljanskega barja, leta 2008 pa je bil ustanovljen Krajinski park Ljubljansko barje. Barje je od leta 2004 varovano tudi v okviru Natura 2000 omrežja. Kljub izjemni pestrosti pa naravovarstveni ukrepi naslavljajo predvsem nekaj posameznih krovnih vrst in habitatnih tipov v okviru Nature 2000.
Ključne besede: biodiverziteta, Ljubljansko barje, naravovarstvo, upravljanje, ukrepi za varovanje biodiverzitete
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 204; Prenosov: 2632
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Predlog načrta za hitro odzivanje ob najdbi azijskega sršena (Vespa velutina) : Projekt LIFE ARTEMIS, izdelek akcije A2
Maarten De Groot, Simon Zidar, Danilo Bevk, Mojca Pibernik, Metka Pislak, Jana Kus Veenvliet, 2020, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: A proposal of a rapid response plan for the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) was prepared in the LIFE ARTEMIS Project. The Asian hornet is an invasive alien species which is on the priority list of the IAS EU legislation 1143/2014. In the proposal the EWRR system is described for the finding and the rapid response for the asian hornet. First findings of the asian hornet will be submitted to the information system »Invazivke« or to the National Veterinary Institute (NVI). When data is checked, it will be send to the coordinating governmental body - Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO) within two days. During the rapid response proces, two tactical meetings will be organised. First ARSO will inform The Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning (MOP) about the finding, which will send it to the European commission. On the first tactical meeting the coordinator for the rapid response actions will be determined. Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation (ZRSVN) will prepare a first survey in which the status of the population will be determined. Furthermore, all inform general public, landowners and local communities in the invaded area. Within two days to 14 days after the submission of the survey report, the second tactical meeting will be held. During this meeting the possible eradication actions will be discussed and the tasks will be divided. After that the organisation responsible for the rapid response action will prepare the final plan of eradication. The organisation responsible for the eradication action will take action. Information on the eradication action are written in the report. After that it will be checked whether the eradication was successful. In case this was not, more eradication actions will take place. If it will be successful the area will be monitored for the coming 5 years to be sure that the species is really eradicated. All information will be send to ARSO, who will inform MOP. MOP will inform the European commission and the member states.
Ključne besede: azijski sršen, invazivni organizmi, tujerodni organizmi
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 163; Prenosov: 906
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HarmoNIA methodological proposals : Harmonizing monitoring and decommissioning procedures of offshore platforms
Loredana Manfra, Claudia Virno Lamberti, Benedetta Trabucco, Andriana Aravantinou, Oliver Bajt, Daniela Berto, Ana Castelli, Silvia Ceracchi, Branko Čermelj, Rossella Di Mento, Maja Fafanđel, Margarita Formalewicz, Michele Giani, Giordano Giorgi, Danijela Joksimović, Pasquale Lanera, Marina Lipizer, Slavica Matijević, Milena Mitrić, Stefanos Papazisimou, Constantine Parinos, Alice Rotini, Christina Zeri, 2020, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: The overall increase in maritime transport, coastal urbanization and the foreseen increase in offshore oil and gas extraction pose serious risks of pollution from hazardous substances for several coastal states in the whole Mediterranean, and in particular in the Adriatic - Ionian region. Countries sharing a marine region or sub-region should adopt a common approach to environmental monitoring, good environmental status definition and assessment. In the Adriatic – Ionian marine sub-regions, the level of coherence and consistency of several EU and regional environmental policies, particularly in the assessment of contamination from hazardous substances, needs a common implementation. In the framework of enhancing the capacity to tackle environmental vulnerability and safeguard ecosystem services at transnational scale, the objective of HarmoNIA is twofold: to share best practices to support the harmonized implementation of marine environmental directives in the ADRION regionto strengthen the network of data infrastructures to facilitate access and re-use of marine data among countries bordering the Adriatic – Ionian Seas. Building on the EU initiative EMODnet for the management and supply of fragmented marine data, HarmoNIA will strengthen the existing transnational network of data infrastructures to facilitate access and re-use of marine data among countries bordering the Adriatic – Ionian Seas. The project will improve the coherence, among most countries bordering the Adriatic and Ionian Seas, all Contracting Parties of the Barcelona Convention, of protocols for monitoring and for assessment of contaminants in the marine environment and will facilitate data and information exchange within the region. The outputs will consist in a Transnational network of institutions adopting a joint data management system for contaminants in the marine environment, and in regional strategies to improve harmonization in monitoring and assessment, and to evaluate risk of contaminant dispersion in vulnerable coastal zones from different pollution sources. HarmoNIA outputs will improve the coordination among institutions involved in MSFD and UNEP/MAP protocol implementation, local, regional and national authorities in charge of environmental assessment, management, conservation, as well as research institutions, to tackle problems related to pollution dispersal and risks on the coastal areas of the ADRION region. The transnational approach will be assured by the cooperation among partners from most of the countries bordering the ADRION region, with consolidated experience in marine data acquisition and management and involved in the implementation of marine environmental policies.
Ključne besede: marine pollution, environment, chemical substances
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 173; Prenosov: 657
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HarmoNIA methodological proposals : Harmonizing monitoring of marine contaminants and sharing data Quality Control procedures
Daniela Berto, Margherita Malgorzata Formalewicz, Giordano Giorgi, Loredana Manfra, Marina Lipizer, Maria-Eugenia Molina Jack, Andriana Aravantinou, Oliver Bajt, Magdalena Cara, Ana Castelli, Branko Čermelj, Maja Fafanđel, Michele Giani, Ioannis Hatzianestis, Athanassia Iona, Damir Ivankovic, Danijela Joksimović, Helen Kaberi, Jerina Kolitari, Martina Kralj, Slavica Matijević, Milena Mitrić, Stefanos Papazisimou, Constantine Parinos, Mojca Dobnikar-Tehovnik, Catherine Tsangaris, Ivana Ujević, Melita Velikonja, Christina Zeri, Luka Žilić, 2020, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: The overall increase in maritime transport, coastal urbanization and the foreseen increase in offshore oil and gas extraction pose serious risks of pollution from hazardous substances for several coastal states in the whole Mediterranean, and in particular in the Adriatic - Ionian region. Countries sharing a marine region or sub-region should adopt a common approach to environmental monitoring, good environmental status definition and assessment. In the Adriatic – Ionian marine sub-regions, the level of coherence and consistency of several EU and regional environmental policies, particularly in the assessment of contamination from hazardous substances, needs a common implementation. In the framework of enhancing the capacity to tackle environmental vulnerability and safeguard ecosystem services at transnational scale, the objective of HarmoNIA is twofold: to share best practices to support the harmonized implementation of marine environmental directives in the ADRION regionto strengthen the network of data infrastructures to facilitate access and re-use of marine data among countries bordering the Adriatic – Ionian Seas. Building on the EU initiative EMODnet for the management and supply of fragmented marine data, HarmoNIA will strengthen the existing transnational network of data infrastructures to facilitate access and re-use of marine data among countries bordering the Adriatic – Ionian Seas. The project will improve the coherence, among most countries bordering the Adriatic and Ionian Seas, all Contracting Parties of the Barcelona Convention, of protocols for monitoring and for assessment of contaminants in the marine environment and will facilitate data and information exchange within the region. The outputs will consist in a Transnational network of institutions adopting a joint data management system for contaminants in the marine environment, and in regional strategies to improve harmonization in monitoring and assessment, and to evaluate risk of contaminant dispersion in vulnerable coastal zones from different pollution sources. HarmoNIA outputs will improve the coordination among institutions involved in MSFD and UNEP/MAP protocol implementation, local, regional and national authorities in charge of environmental assessment, management, conservation, as well as research institutions, to tackle problems related to pollution dispersal and risks on the coastal areas of the ADRION region. The transnational approach will be assured by the cooperation among partners from most of the countries bordering the ADRION region, with consolidated experience in marine data acquisition and management and involved in the implementation of marine environmental policies.
Ključne besede: chemical pollution, monitoring programmes
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 162; Prenosov: 1159
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TPS reports with description of the method, materials and software used, as well as the data analysis - Round 2, Version 1.0 : grant agreement N. 773139
Géraldine Anthoine, Ian Brittain, Aude Chabirand, Tanja Dreo, Francesco Faggioli, Catherine Harrison, Marta Luigi, Tadeja Lukežič, Slavica Matić, Nataša Mehle, Monica Mezzalama, Hanna Mouaziz, Maja Ravnikar, Jean-Philippe Renvoise, Davide Spadaro, Laura Tomassoli, Ana Vučurović, 2021, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: The aim of the deliverable 1.4. is to present a summary of the results obtained in the Round 1 of the test performance studies (TPS) organized by WP1 on six prioritized pests. Tests selection for each TPS was conducted following the “Common rules for selection of tests for TPS” and based on the “Weighted criteria for selection of tests for TPS”, both described in deliverable D1.1, while the list of selected tests for each TPS is available and explained in deliverable D1.2. TPS participants were selected following the “Common rules for selection of participants for TPS” and based on the “Criteria for selection of participants of TPS”, also both described in deliverable D1.1. For each of the six TPSs, the methodology used to perform the tests, the results of preliminary studies to select the tests, the results of the TPS and their thorough analysis and interpretation are described in corresponding TPS reports (supplementary information available upon request under confidentiality agreement). The validation data obtained during the six TPSs will be available in the validation section of the EPPO database on the diagnostic expertise. Main outcomes for each of the TPSs are highlighted as well as difficulties noticed during the organization process, which will improve organization of the following studies in the Round 2.
Ključne besede: test performance study, plant diseases
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 180; Prenosov: 79
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Pelagic habitats under MSFD D1 : scientific advice of policy relevance
Chiara Magliozzi, Jean Noel Druon, Andreas Palialexis, Laura Aguzzi, Konstantinos Antoniadis, Luis Felipe Artigas, Arianna Azzellino, Elena Bisinicu, Laura Boicenco, Natalia Bojanić, Patrizia Borrello, Simona Boschetti, Vanda Carmo, Sanda Skejić, Olja Vidjak, Janja Francé, Živana Ninčević Gladan, 2021, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: The pelagic habitat is the largest biome on Earth, key for temperature regulation, oxygen, and food production. Its physical and biological components and processes vary spatially and temporally depending on multiple drivers. Understanding this variability, processes and interactions is fundamental to identify the drivers of changes and properly assess pelagic habitats under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). A JRC workshop was organised to align scientific and policy expectations for an improved MSFD pelagic habitat assessment. The workshop brought together experts from the 17 EU Member States and other organisations (e.g. Regional Sea Conventions) across Europe to share knowledge and methods and provide a coordinated regional input towards a harmonised assessment. This report summarizes the workshop outcomes and the way forward for pelagic Good Environmental Status (GES) determination.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 213; Prenosov: 123
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Chemical composition of JF mucus : Deliverable No. ǂD5.2
Katja Klun, Rasa Slizyte, 2021, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: In order to better understand the functionality and composition of jellyfish mucus for biofilter application in microplastic entrapment within WP5, we performed various chemical and biochemical analysis. Altogether, we analyzed nine jellyfish mucus samples from six species (Aurelia aurita sp, Aequorea forskalea, Rhizostoma pulmo, Cotylorhiza tuberculata, Periphylla peryphilla and Rhopilema nomadica). Jellyfish were harvested in five different areas: Norwegian Sea, Northern Adriatic Sea, Ionian Sea, Eastern Mediterranean Sea and at the Jerusalem Aquarium. Basic chemical analysis such as protein, carbohydrate, organic content and amino acid analysis were done on unprocessed freeze dried jellyfish mucus (U-mucus). A more in-depth analysis was done on ethanol extracted (P-mucus) mucus (on all mentioned mucuses except from A. forskalea) by applying amino acid and monosaccharide analysis as well as structural analysis with FTIR spectroscopy, 13C NMR spectroscopy and LC-MS/MS for protein analysis.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 136; Prenosov: 1078
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