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Usposabljanje na delavnici "Bark and Ambrosia Beetle Academy" v Malangu, Indonezija, oktober 2024
Luka Capuder, Eva Groznik, 2024, poljudni članek

Ključne besede: gozdovi, varstvo gozdov, ambrozijski podlubniki, morfologija, identifikacija, škodljivci, Azija
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.11.2024; Ogledov: 174; Prenosov: 88
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Poročilo o preskusu št.: LVG 2024-227 : vzorec št. 2024/00883
Ana Brglez, 2024, izvedensko mnenje, arbitražna odločba

Ključne besede: varstvo gozdov, morfološke analize
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.11.2024; Ogledov: 122; Prenosov: 38
.pdf Celotno besedilo (1,15 MB)

Magnetic properties of as-cast iron-cobalt alloys
Mario Vukotić, Alen Alić, Urban Rupnik, Damijan Miljavec, Jaka Burja, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The structural and magnetic properties of iron-cobalt alloys (FeCoV) were compared to those of electrical steel alloys. The latter are widely used for the ferromagnetic cores of electric motors. However, the as-cast and rolled FeCoV alloys, which were ana lysed, showed enhanced magnetic properties compared to electrical steel alloys. Moreover, since they can be cast directly into the final shape of the rotor’s main structure (excluding the pole shoes, which must be laminated) for a wound-rotor synchronous electric motor, the production becomes more cost-effective and energy-efficient. In addition, the performance of the electric motor is improved in terms of mechanical output power and energy efficiency
Ključne besede: iron-cobalt alloys, ferromagnetic materials, electromagnetic energy conversion
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 25.11.2024; Ogledov: 192; Prenosov: 103
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Effect of Nb, Ta, and Ti microalloying on the secondary hardening of Mo-W tool steel
Jaka Burja, Aleš Nagode, Klemen Grabnar, Jože Medved, Tilen Balaško, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Ključne besede: hot work tool steel, microalloying, tempering, heat treatment, carbides
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 25.11.2024; Ogledov: 198; Prenosov: 755
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S-packing colorings of distance graphs with distance sets of cardinality 2
Boštjan Brešar, Jasmina Ferme, Přemysl Holub, Marko Jakovac, Petra Melicharová, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: For a non-decreasing sequence S=(s1,s2,) of positive integers, a partition of the vertex set of a graph G into subsets X1,,X, such that vertices in Xi are pairwise at distance greater than si for every i{1,,}, is called an S-packing -coloring of G. The minimum for which G admits an S-packing -coloring is called the S-packing chromatic number of G. In this paper, we consider S-packing colorings of the integer distance graphs with respect two positive integers k and t, which are the graphs whose vertex set is Z, and two vertices x,yZ are adjacent whenever |xy|{k,t}. We complement partial results from two earlier papers, thus determining all values of the S-packing chromatic numbers of these distance graphs for all sequence S such that si2 for all i. In particular, if S=(1,1,2,2,), then the S-packing chromatic number is 2 if k+t is even, and 4 otherwise, while if S=(1,2,2,), then the S-packing chromatic number is 5, unless {k,t}={2,3} when it is 6; when S=(2,2,2,), the corresponding formula is more complex.
Ključne besede: S-packing coloring, S-packing chromatic number, distance graph, distance coloring
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 22.11.2024; Ogledov: 257; Prenosov: 99
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Estimating the effective char depth in structural timber elements exposed to natural fires, considering the heating and cooling phase
Andrea Lucherini, Daniela Šejnová Pitelková, Vladimír Mózer, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: This research study investigates the effect of different heating and cooling regimes on the effective cross-section of timber elements exposed to natural fires. An advanced calculation method based on a 1D finite-difference heat transfer model and effective thermo-physical properties is adopted to analyse the heat penetration and the consequent reduction in mechanical properties. In particular, the research focuses on the evolution and penetration speed of the char depth (300 ◦C isotherm) and zero-strength layer (determined through in-depth temperatures and reduced mechanical properties). Results reveal how the char depth mainly develops during the heating phase, with non-negligible contributions from the cooling phase. In contrast, the zero-strength layer increases throughout the whole fire exposure, particularly during cooling and, possibly, after the end of the cooling phase. In general, the heating phase contributes about 2/3 to the total effective char depth, while the cooling phase about 1/3. The most challenging conditions were found for the fires of the longest durations (heating and overall), corresponding to low ventilation and high fuel load density conditions. The study emphasises the necessity of incorporating the cooling phase in performance-based methodologies for fire-safe timber structures to avoid under-estimating heat penetration effects.
Ključne besede: timber structures, fire safety, charring, zero-strength layer, natural fire, heating, cooling, structural fire engineering, performance-based design
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 22.11.2024; Ogledov: 257; Prenosov: 471
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Zakonodajni okviri zaposlovanja v knjižnicah : Strokovno srečanje: DBL »Kadri in zaposlovanje v knjižnicah«, Ljubljana, 21. november 2024
Maja Peteh, 2024, prispevek na konferenci brez natisa

Ključne besede: knjižničarstvo, zaposlovanje, zakonodaja
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 22.11.2024; Ogledov: 242; Prenosov: 112
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