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Iskalni niz: "ključne besede" (invasiveness) .

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Molecular heterogeneity in breast carcinoma cells with increased invasive capacities
Giulia Negro, Bertram Aschenbrenner, Simona Kranjc Brezar, Maja Čemažar, Andrej Cör, Gorana Gašljević, Maxim Sorokin, Anton A. Buzdin, Maurizio Callari, Irma Kvitsaridze, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Metastatic progression of breast cancer is still a challenge in clinical oncology. Therefore, an elucidation how carcinoma cells belonging to different breast cancer subtypes realize their metastatic capacities is needed. The aim of this study was to elucidate a similarity of activated molecular pathways underlying an enhancement of invasiveness of carcinoma cells belonging to different breast carcinoma subtypes. Materials and methods. In order to reach this aim, parental and invasive (INV) MDA-MB-231 (triple-negative), T47D (hormone receptor-positive), and Au565 (Her2-positive) breast carcinoma cells were used and their molecular phenotypes were compared using a proteomic approach. Results. Independently from breast cancer subtypes, INV cells have demonstrated fibroblast-like morphology accompanied by enhancement of invasive and migratory capacities, increased expression of cancer stem cell markers, and delayed tumor growth in in vivo animal models. However, the global proteomic analysis has highlighted that INV cells were different in protein expressions from the parental cells, and Her2-positive Au565-INV cells showed the most pronounced molecular differences compared to the triple-negative MDA-MB-231-INV and hormone receptor-positive T47D-INV cells. Although Au565-INV breast carcinoma cells possessed the highest number of deregulated proteins, they had the lowest overlapping in proteins commonly expressed in MDA-MB-231-INV and T47D-INV cells. Conclusions. We can conclude that hormone receptor-positive cells with increased invasiveness acquire the molecular characteristics of triple-negative breast cancer cells, whereas Her2-positive INV cells specifically changed their own molecular phenotype with very limited partaking in the involved pathways found in the MDA-MB-231-INV and T47D-INV cells. Since hormone receptor-positive invasive cells share their molecular properties with triple-negative breast cancer cells, we assume that these types of metastatic disease can be treated rather equally with an option to add anti-hormonal agents. In contrast, Her2-positive metastasis should be carefully evaluated for more effective therapeutic approaches which are distinct from the triple-negative and hormone-positive metastatic breast cancers.
Ključne besede: breast cancer, cancer stem cells, invasiveness, migration, metastasis
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 11.07.2024; Ogledov: 284; Prenosov: 141
.pdf Celotno besedilo (2,52 MB)

Cysteine cathepsins, stefins and extracellular matrix degradation during invasion of transformed human breast cell lines
Irena Zajc, Aleš Bervar, Tamara Lah Turnšek, 2006, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background. Human breast cellular model, comprising four cell lines originating from spontaneously immortalized human breast epithelial MCF10A cell line, its c-Ha-ras transfectant, MCF10AT, and two tumourigenic derivatives, cultured from two sequential mouse xenographs, MCF10AT-Ca1a and MCF10AT-Ca1d, were used to compare the relative protein concentration of cathepsins and stefins in single cells. Methods. The relative protein concentration of cathepsins and stefins in single cells was analysed by confocal microscopy, and compared to their protein expression in cell homogenates. Results. The most invasive, MCF10AT cell line contained several fold higher protein concentration of cathepsin B and increased levels of stefins, but similar levels of cathepsin L, compared with the parental MCF10A cells. This was associated with five fold higher endocytosis of Matrigel-DQ-collagen IV (DQC) and a simultaneous increase in signal overlap between DQC and cathepsin L as well as DQC and stefin B, but a decrease in that of DQC and cathepsin B overlap in the MCF10AT cells. Simultaneously, increased signal overlaps between both cathepsins and between cathepsins-stefins pairs, were observed in this cell line. Conclusions. These results suggest that the increased collagen endocytosis and degradation in theinvasive phenotype significantly affect also the subcellular localization of cysteine cathepsins and stefins. Based on these and the reports of other authors, we hypothesize that the intracellular degradation may also be assoeiated with cathepsin L, whereas cathepsin B in the ras transformed breastcells is involved in both, the intracellular and pericellular degradation of extracellular matrix during cell migration and invasion.
Ključne besede: breast neoplasms, tumor cells cultured, neoplasms invasiveness, cathepsins, extracellular matrix
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 15.02.2024; Ogledov: 430; Prenosov: 98
.pdf Celotno besedilo (209,41 KB)

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