441. CTGCT, Centre of Excellence for the Technologies of Gene and Cell Therapy : collaborative translation of scientific discoveries into advanced treatments for neurological rare genetic diseases and cancerDarja Marolt Presen, Duško Lainšček, Jane Kinghorn, Zsolt Sebestyén, Jurgen Kuball, Leila Amini, Petra Reinke, Anke Fuchs, Roman Jerala, Mojca Benčina, 2025, drugi znanstveni članki Objavljeno v DiRROS: 13.01.2025; Ogledov: 163; Prenosov: 88
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443. Chloroplast vesiculation and induced chloroplast vesiculation and senescence-associated gene 12 expression during tomato flower pedicel abscissionMagda Tušek-Žnidarič, Maja Zagorščak, Živa Ramšak, Katja Stare, Marko Chersicola, Maruša Pompe Novak, Aleš Kladnik, Marina Dermastia, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Abscission is a tightly regulated process in which plants shed unnecessary, infected, damaged, or aging organs, as well as ripe fruits, through predetermined abscission zones in response to developmental, hormonal, and environmental signals. Despite its importance, the underlying mechanisms remain incompletely understood. This study highlights the deleterious effects of abscission on chloroplast ultrastructure in the cells of the tomato flower pedicel abscission zone, revealing spatiotemporal differential gene expression and key transcriptional networks involved in chloroplast vesiculation during abscission. Significant changes in chloroplast structure and vesicle formation were observed 8 and 14 h after abscission induction, coinciding with the differential expression of vesiculation-related genes, particularly with upregulation of Senescence-Associated Gene 12 (SAG12) and Chloroplast Vesiculation (CV). This suggests a possible vesicle transport of chloroplast degrading material for recycling by autophagy-independent senescence-associated vacuoles (SAVs) and CV-containing vesicles (CCVs). Ethylene signaling appears to be involved in the regulation of these processes, as treatment with a competitive inhibitor of ethylene action, 1-methylcyclopropene, delayed vesiculation, reduced the expression of SAG12, and increased expression of Curvature Thylakoid 1A (CURT1A). In addition, chloroplast vesiculation during abscission was associated with differential expression of photosynthesis-related genes, particularly those involved in light reactions, underscoring the possible functional impact of the observed structural changes. This work provides new insights into the molecular and ultrastructural mechanisms underlying abscission and offers potential new targets for agricultural or biotechnological applications. Ključne besede: abscission, chloroplast vesiculation, CURT1A, CV-containing vesicle, senescence-associated vacuole, ethylene, gene expression, tomato flower pedicel Objavljeno v DiRROS: 10.01.2025; Ogledov: 208; Prenosov: 119
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445. Ekspertno svetovanje na terenu pri odstranjevanju starejših dreves in monitoring izbranih vrst nevretenčarjev na območju Krajinskega parka Tivoli, Rožnik in Šišenski hrib : končno poročiloAl Vrezec, Špela Ambrožič Ergaver, Andrej Kapla, Stiven Kocijančič, Matjaž Bedjanič, 2024, končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav Ključne besede: Ljubljana, krajinski park, monitoring, hrošči, raki, kačji pastirji, poročila Objavljeno v DiRROS: 09.01.2025; Ogledov: 200; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
446. Pregled stanja morskega dna na območju predvidenega posega (predvidena nasipavanja s prodcem) na centralni plaži v PortorožuLovrenc Lipej, Tihomir Makovec, Borut Mavrič, Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Simone Spinelli, Milijan Šiško, Danijel Ivajnšič, 2024, končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav Ključne besede: morski travniki, kartiranje, osrednja portoroška plaža, topografski pregled, predvideni posegi Objavljeno v DiRROS: 09.01.2025; Ogledov: 175; Prenosov: 64
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447. Analiza pritiskov in presoja vplivov na morski ekosistem Krajinskega parka Strunjan s poudarkom na vplivu turizma in prostočasnih dejavnosti na stanje morskih travnikovLovrenc Lipej, Danijel Ivajnšič, Tihomir Makovec, Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Simone Spinelli, Milijan Šiško, Domen Trkov, Borut Mavrič, 2024, končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav Ključne besede: morski travniki, kartiranje, MediSkew indeks, pritiski, Krajinski park Strunjan Objavljeno v DiRROS: 09.01.2025; Ogledov: 163; Prenosov: 53
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448. Die unzeitgemässe Situation der Philosophie in der Epoche des NihilismusDean Komel, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: The Untimely Situation of Philosophy in the Epoch of Nihilism --- The starting point of the paper is the assumption that the self-understanding of philosophy today is epochally shaped by the announcement of the “uncanniest of all guests”—nihilism. This presents us with the task of determining the untimeliness of philosophy in the age of nihilism, for which a critical examination of philosophy’s current position in the academic, cultural, social, and informational environment is far from sufficient. It is worth pointing out that it is precisely the exaggerated overpreoccupation and obsession with the actual and the activistic today that is a signal of the nihilism at work here. Philosophy’s proper response to this is to remain and persevere in its untimeliness. Only in this way can it perhaps succeed in keeping open the question of the measure of time in the epoch of nihilism. Ključne besede: nihilism, philosophy, time, (post)modernity, epoch Objavljeno v DiRROS: 09.01.2025; Ogledov: 158; Prenosov: 54
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449. Transformations of the Idea of Humanity in the Age of Technological NihilismAdriano Fabris, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: The paper discusses two forms of contemporary nihilism. They are the replacement of meaning with explanation, and the replacement of purposeful theoretical explanation with purposeless praxis. Both forms are presented and discussed. In order to counter these two forms, adaptation to a nihilistic dimension must be avoided. To this end, the paper presents an interpretation of nihilism as “relational disorder,” and proposes the idea and development of a “relational humanity” as an antidote to nihilism of our age. Ključne besede: nihilism, relation, meaning, explanation, relational disorder Objavljeno v DiRROS: 09.01.2025; Ogledov: 159; Prenosov: 57
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450. Orientierung als Antwort auf den Nihilismus : Philosophische Neuorientierung mit NietzscheWerner Stegmaier, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Orientation as a Response to Nihilism. Philosophical Reorientation with Nietzsche --- Friedrich Nietzsche did not create the term “nihilism,” but he certainly coined it. Nihilism is often associated with the sentence “nothing is true, everything is permitted,” which seems to involve complete uncertainty, rulelessness, destructiveness, and violence. Nietzsche himself also emphasized its abysmal character. Therefore, for a long time, under the predominant impact of Martin Heidegger’s interpretation, one tried to “overcome” nihilism. But Nietzsche, in his late notes, spoke of “the most fundamental nihilism” as “a normal state” that cannot be overcome. We must and we can live with it. We do this by abstaining from final “truths,” which we, as already Kant pointed out, cannot “have” anyway. Instead, we always “orient ourselves” provisionally and for time. In doing so, in all fields, but in different ways, we usually gain certainty in our orientation to an extent that we can act successfully, exist circumspectly and prudently, and create adequate structures of coexistence. From the approach out of the human orientation, a new humanism and a new ethics arise as well. Ključne besede: nihilism, orientation, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Luhmann Objavljeno v DiRROS: 09.01.2025; Ogledov: 178; Prenosov: 55
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