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The truncated univariate rational moment problem
Rajkamal Nailwal, Aljaž Zalar, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Given a closed subset K in R, the rational K-truncated moment problem (K-RTMP) asks to characterize the existence of a positive Borel measure μ, supported on K, such that a linear functional L, defined on all rational functions of the form fq, where q is a fixed polynomial with all real zeros of even order and f is any real polynomial of degree at most 2k, is an integration with respect to μ. The case of a compact set K was solved by Chandler in 1994, but there is no argument that ensures that μ vanishes on all real zeros of q. An obvious necessary condition for the solvability of the K-RTMP is that L is nonnegative on every f satisfying f|K0. If L is strictly positive on every 0f|K0, we add the missing argument in Chadler's solution and also bound the number of atoms in a minimal representing measure. We show by an example that nonnegativity of L is not sufficient and add the missing conditions to the solution. We also solve the K-RTMP for unbounded K and derive the solutions to the strong truncated Hamburger moment problem and the truncated moment problem on the unit circle as special cases.
Ključne besede: truncated moment problem, rational truncated moment problem, representing measure, moment matrix, localizing moment matrix, preordering
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.12.2024; Ogledov: 189; Prenosov: 65
.pdf Celotno besedilo (927,53 KB)
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Pomlajevanje in ekološke lastnosti rdečega hrasta (Quercus rubra L.)
Dušan Roženbergar, Jurij Diaci, Matteo Bottosso, Tim Pirc, Blaž Fricelj, Kristjan Jarni, Andrej Rozman, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: V članku obravnavamo ekologijo, potencialno invazivnost, pomlajevanje, razširjenost in lastnosti rdečega hrasta (Quercus rubra L.) v Sloveniji. V čistem sestoju rdečega hrasta v Panovcu smo s pomočjo transektov (3 ploskve velikosti 4 × 4 m na transekt) v smeri proti sosednjim pretežno gradnovim sestojem analizirali drevesno sestavo in zastiranje mladja. Ugotovili smo, da se rdeči hrast v pasu do 50 m od matičnega sestoja dobro pomlajuje s povprečnimi gostotami okoli 40.000 osebkov na hektar. Zastiranje mladja rdečega hrasta je bilo na robu matičnega sestoja 79 % in se je v oddaljenosti 50 m zmanjšalo na 21 %, medtem ko je delež zastrtosti z mladjem gradna povečal s 4 % na robu sestoja na 39 % 50 m stran. Širjenje rdečega hrasta zunaj matičnih sestojev je razmeroma omejeno in ga je mogoče nadzorovati s pomočjo rednih gozdnogojitvenih ukrepov. Cilj na takih območjih so mešani sestoji, ki vključujejo rdeči hrast, ki hitro raste, je odporen na posledice podnebnih sprememb in ga je mogoče vzgojiti za pridelavo kakovostnega lesa.
Ključne besede: hrast, nega gozda, pomlajevanje, invazivni potencial, tujerodne drevesne vrste
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.12.2024; Ogledov: 891; Prenosov: 120
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Autumn phenology of mountain birch at the sub-arctic treeline in comparison with silver birch in the cold and mild temperate zone
Paolo Zuccarini, Friederike Gehrmann, Manuela Balzarolo, Omar Flores, Jožica Gričar, Bertold Mariën, Matteo Campioli, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Lack of knowledge on autumn phenology of deciduous trees still exists for high-latitude regions. We studied the leaf and wood growth autumn phenology of mountain birch in a sub-arctic climate (northern Sweden) and compared them with the same dynamics for silver birch in a temperate climate (southern Norway and Belgium). The first autumn phenophase for mountain birch was the decline of the remotely sensed Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index (TCI) at the end of July. This was followed by wood growth cessation, onset of chlorophyll degradation and of loss of canopy greenness, and the latter accompanied by onset of anthocyanin production and flavonoids degradation. The earlier timing of TCI decline than chlorophyll degradation was probably due to the different scales of measurements (ecosystem level vs. tree leaves, respectively). In 2020, the decline in canopy greenness started in the same period at the three studied sites, showing an unexpected early timing for Belgium, likely due to the very warm late summer conditions and drought stress or intraseasonal legacy effects. Accordingly, wood growth cessation also occurred unexpectedly earlier in Belgium than in Norway. The end of senescence was inversely related to latitude. Our study presents, for the first time, the autumn timeline of a deciduous species at the northern treeline, and indicates that the timing of autumn phenology of birch populations does not consistently follow the latitudinal gradient but varies according to the phenophase, the scale of measurements and the current year meteorological conditions.
Ključne besede: Betula pendula, Betula pubescens, deciduous trees, leaf senescence, terrestrial chlorophyll index, wood phenology
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.12.2024; Ogledov: 178; Prenosov: 97
.pdf Celotno besedilo (2,31 MB)
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2B-BLUE : Boosting the Blue Biotechnology community in the Mediterranean
Ana Rotter, Anja Sergaš, Daniel Bosch, Ernesta Grigalionyte-Bembič, 2024, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.12.2024; Ogledov: 185; Prenosov: 48
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Deliverable 1.4.1 : resources collection methodology
Ana Rotter, Ernesta Grigalionyte-Bembič, Jan Ulčar, 2023, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.12.2024; Ogledov: 175; Prenosov: 41
.pdf Celotno besedilo (994,84 KB)

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