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Nestling growth of great tits Parus major with comparison among altitudes
Dejan Bordjan, 2013, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: : Fledgling mass can have great influence on individual’s life history and reflects the availability and quality of food in the breeding territory. Thus growth curve is used to compare the difference in the quality between different ecological conditions. The aim of the study was to fill the knowledge gap on nestling growth in Great Tit in Slovenia, to determine the influence of altitude on it and to present a tool for estimating age of nestlings and key dates in breeding phenology of Great Tit. Great Tits young were monitored using nest-boxes at three locations between years 2010 and 2012. At two locations nest-boxes were placed on three separate altitudinal belts. Weight growth curve was compared with the curves from other parts of Europe. Growth curve from Slovenia differs in growth parameters from other European populations but falls within their range. Difference in growth parameters between separate populations probably comes from the difference in ecological conditions. When comparing three altitudes weight parameters of hatchlings were similar at lower and middle but different at upper altitudes indicating that weigh growth changes with the altitude. Lower food abundance that comes with rising altitude may be offset by lower competition through lower breeding density (hence similar growth parameters in lower and middle altitude), but not past certain altitude. Weight parameters are useful when comparing different populations, but wing-length is better in determining the age of young in the nest
Ključne besede: great tit, hatchling growth, altitude
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.03.2025; Ogledov: 9; Prenosov: 6
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Palomena prasina (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) vibratory signals and their tuning with plant substrates
Jernej Polajnar, Andreja Kavčič, Alenka Žunič Kosi, Andrej Čokl, 2013, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Palomena prasina is interesting for the study of vibrational communication within the Pentatomid subfamily Pentatominae, because its host range is limited to woody plants, unlike the better known Nezara viridula, whose vibrational communication is commonly used as a model for the whole family. The vibrational repertoire of P. prasina was described several decades ago and is redescribed in this paper using modern methods for non-contact vibration recording. Additionally, we hypothesized that this species has retained the capacity for signal frequency variation necessary for tuning to resonance properties of various host plants of Pentatominae, but if the signals are emited in the absence of mechanical feedback, they are tuned more specifically to their native acoustic environment – woody plants. By recording live bugs signalling on different substrates and comparing spectral properties of their signals among substrates, we found that there is a match between the signals emitted on a woody branch and those emitted on a non-resonant surface, while spectral properties of signals emitted on herbaceous plants differ. Our findings provide evidence in support of the signal tuning hypothesis and shed further light on the crucial role of substrate in vibrational communication of insects.
Ključne besede: vibrational communication, signal propagation, frequency characteristics
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.03.2025; Ogledov: 23; Prenosov: 8
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Multiple glacial refugia of the low-dispersal ground beetle Carabus irregularis : molecular data support predictions of species distribution models
Katharina Homburg, Claudia Drees, Martin M. Gossner, Laszlo Rakosy, Al Vrezec, Thorsten Assmann, 2013, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Classical glacial refugia such as the southern European peninsulas were important for species survival during glacial periods and acted as sources of post-glacial colonisation processes. Only recently, some studies have provided evidence for glacial refugia north of the southern European peninsulas. In the present study, we combined species distribution models (SDMs) with phylogeographic analyses (using mitochondrial DNA = mtDNA) to investigate if the cold-adapted, stenotopic and flightless ground beetle species, Carabus irregularis, survived the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in classical and/or other refugia. SDMs (for both a western European and for a Carpathian subgroup) were calculated with MAXENT on the basis of 645 species records to predict current and past distribution patterns. Two mtDNA loci (CO1 and ND5, concatenated sequence length: 1785 bp) were analyzed from 91 C. irregularis specimens to reconstruct the phylogeography of Central and eastern European populations and to estimate divergence times of the given lineages. Strong intra-specific genetic differentiation (inter-clade ΦST values ranged from 0.92 to 0.99) implied long-term isolation of major clades and subsclades. The high divergence between the nominate subspecies and the Carpathian subspecies C. i. montandoni points to two independent species rather than subspecies (K-2P distance 0.042 ± 0.004; supposed divergence of the maternal lineages dated back 1.6 to 2.5 million years BP) differing not only morphologically but also genetically and ecologically from each other. The SDMs also inferred classical as well as other refugia for C. irregularis, especially north of the Alps, in southeastern Europe and in the Carpathians. The coincidences between the results of both methods confirm the assumption of multiple glacial refugia for the studied species and the usefulness of combining methodological approaches for the understanding of the history of low-dispersal insect species.
Ključne besede: ecology, phylogeny, zoogeograpy
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.03.2025; Ogledov: 9; Prenosov: 9
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Percussion signals of Lygus rugulipennis Poppius (Heteroptera: Miridae)
Sándor Koczor, Andrej Čokl, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The European tarnished plant bug (Lygus rugulipennis Poppius) is among the most serious pests in the family Miridae, and therefore there is increasing interest in understanding the behaviour of this species. In the present study, laboratory recordings were taken using a laser vibrometer on adult males and females to ascertain whether acoustic signals are involved in intraspecific communication. Recordings were both carried out on plant and loudspeaker membrane substrates. Males and females emitted vibratory signals and the present results indicate that these signals are important during courtship. The basic signal characteristics measured were the dominant frequency, pulse duration, repetition time and number of pulses per group within the signal. Male and female signals did not differ in respect to any of these characteristics. Plant recorded signals were longer because of different mechanical properties of substrates. Additionally, the high frequency components were attenuated due to the low-pass filtering properties of plants. As this is the first study on vibratory communication of the European tarnished plant bug, we believe these findings may contribute considerably to the better understanding of the mating behavior of this important pest species.
Ključne besede: European tarnished plant bug, acoustic communication, laser vibrometer, plant, substrate, loudspeaker membrane
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.03.2025; Ogledov: 22; Prenosov: 8
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The role of signals of different modalities in initiating vibratory communication in Nezara viridula
Vera Zgonik, Andrej Čokl, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Signals of different modalities are involved in the behaviour of the green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.) (Pentatomidae, Heteroptera). Long range attraction is mediated by male pheromones, resulting in aggregation of bugs on the same plant where vibratory signals, vision and various chemical signals become important. Both males and females sing spontaneously. When both are on the plant, males start vibratory communication as often as females. Females induce the exchange of vibratory signals spontaneously or triggered by the male pheromone while males initiate the duet either spontaneously or after seeing the female. Males and females sing spontaneously and respond to signals of different modalities more often in the daylight than in the dark. Long lasting autonomous emission of the female calling song is present when triggered by the male pheromone and males respond to female calling predominantly by the emission of the courtship song.
Ključne besede: mating behaviour, animal communication, vibrations, green stink bug
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.03.2025; Ogledov: 26; Prenosov: 10
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Knowledge that leaves a mark : seventy-five years of the Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute : 1949-2024
2024, strokovna monografija

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.03.2025; Ogledov: 23; Prenosov: 8
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Molecular phylogeny of Parabathynellidae (Crustacea, Bathynellacea), and three new species from Thai caves
Ana Isabel Camacho, Paloma Mas-Peinado, Santi Watiroyram, Anton Brancelj, Elia Bandari, Beatriz A. Dorda, Adrian Casado, Isabel Rey, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: A preliminary molecular phylogenetic framework for 12 genera (23 species) of the family Parabathynellidae from Europe, Australia, North Africa and India is presented based on mitochondrial and nuclear markers (Cox1 and 18S). The generated hypothesis places the Southeast Asia genus Paraeobathynella closer to European genera (Iberobathynella, Paraiberobathynella and Parabathynella) than to the Australian (Brevisomabathynella, Atopobathynella, Billibathynella, Octobathynella, Arkaroolabathynella and Lockyerenella) or Indian genera (Habrobathynella), or to the cosmopolitan genus Hexabathynella (Spain and Australia). Three new species of the genus Paraeobathynella from Thailand, P. ratensis n. sp., P. siamensis n. sp. and P. hanjavanitiana n. sp., are described based on morphological and molecular features. This is the first record of the genus from Thailand and extends its range of distribution within Asia, where it was previously known only from Vietnam. The new species are clearly separated as independent units at least since the Middle Miocene.
Ključne besede: biogeography, morphology, molecular phylogeny, Thai cave fauna, Parabathynellidae, 18S, Cox1
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.03.2025; Ogledov: 23; Prenosov: 12
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On the evolution of the tymbalian tymbal organ: Comment on "Planthopper bugs use a fast, cyclic elastic recoil mechanism for effective vibrational communication at small body size" by Davranoglou et al. 2019
Hannelore Hoch, Manfred Asche, Peter Bräunig, Sarah Ehlers, Peggy S. M. Hill, Ana Kuhelj, Roland Mühlethaler, Meta Virant-Doberlet, Andreas Wessel, 2019, drugi znanstveni članki

Povzetek: In ihrer kürzlich erschienenen Arbeit (Davranoglou et al. 2019) untersuchten die Autoren an lebenden Exemplaren von Agalmatium bilobium (Issidae) mit modernsten Methoden (microCT) die Interaktionen zwischen Muskulatur und bestimmten Anteilen des Exoskeletts zur Vibrationserzeugung und beschreiben deren biomechanische Grundlage. Auf der Basis des morphologischen Vergleichs mit Museumsmaterial von Vertretern der meisten Taxa der Fulgoromorpha (Spitzkopfzikaden) im Familienrang postulieren Davranoglou et al. (2019), ein „neues und bisher übersehenes“ Organ entdeckt zu haben, das sie als „snapping organ“ bezeichnen und als charakteristisch für die Fulgoromorpha (mit Ausnahme der Delphacidae) interpretieren. Wir sehen diese Ergebnisse aus folgenden Gründen kritisch: 1. In ihrer umfassenden Übersicht zu den vibrationserzeugenden Organen der Hemiptera stellten Wessel et al. (2014) die Hypothese auf, dass sich alle bisher bekannten Strukturen zur Schall- und Vibrationserzeugung auf ein Organ zurückführen lassen, das mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit bei der Stammart aller Hemipteren oberhalb der Sternorrhyncha vorhanden war, und eine Synapomorphie dieses Taxons, der sog. Tymbalia (Wessel et al. 2014), darstellt. Da aufgrund der morphologischen Disparität des Organs in den einzelnen Taxa die Homologieverhältnisse schwierig zu beurteilen sind, stellten Wessel et al. (2014) Kriterien für das „Tymbal der Tymbalia“ auf. Das sogenannte „snapping organ“ erfüllt alle Kriterien dieses Tymbal-Organes. Die Einführung eines neuen Begriffes für eine bestimmte Struktur in einer langen und komplexen Kette evolutionärer Transformationen ist daher unnötig, wenn nicht sogar irreführend. Wir empfehlen daher dringend, in zukünftigen Arbeiten den Begriff „tymbalian tymbal organ with a snapping mechanism“ zu verwenden. 2. Die Grundannahme von Davranoglou et al. (2019), dass – im Gegensatz zum neu entdeckten „snapping organ“ der Fulgoromorpha – allen Cicadomorpha ein „tymbal-ähnliches Or-gan“ gemeinsam sei, ist zu stark vereinfacht und vernachlässigt die enorme Vielfalt der Ausprägungen des Tymbals bei Nicht-Singzikaden innerhalb der Cicadomorpha. In Anbetracht der verfügbaren Studien scheint es daher zweifelhaft, dass sich die vibrationserzeugenden Strukturen dreimal unabhängig voneinander entwickelt haben sollen, wie es die phylogenetische Interpretation bei Davranoglou et al. (2019: Abb. 3) suggeriert.
Ključne besede: biotremology, Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, tymbal, snapping organ
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.03.2025; Ogledov: 21; Prenosov: 12
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