221. Nephila spider male aggregation : preference for optimal female size and web clusteringMatjaž Kuntner, Maj Kuntner, Eva Kuntner, Irena Kuntner, Jana Faganeli Pucer, Erik Štrumbelj, Daiqin Li, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Sexual size dimorphism theory predicts biased operational sex ratios (OSRs) and an uneven distribution of males among certain females. We studied this phenomenon through a field census of the giant wood spider Nephila pilipes (family Nephilidae) in Singapore, a species where females are, on average, 6.9 times larger than males. Specifically, we tested two hypotheses concerning male distribution, given their tendency to aggregate in certain female webs. The optimal female size hypothesis predicts that males would predominantly occupy webs of intermediate-sized females. The web clustering hypothesis posits that more males would be found in webs closer together compared to those farther apart. Our snapshot census revealed a female-biased OSR (females: males = 1.85) with an uneven distribution of males in female webs. Most males were found in webs of intermediate-sized females aligning with the optimal female size hypothesis. Proximity among female webs was indicative of male presence, lending support to the web clustering hypothesis. While our study's limited sample size warrants caution, we conclude that in N. pilipes, male occupation of female webs is facilitated by the clustering of webs, and males prefer to cohabit with optimally sized, receptive females. Ključne besede: sexual size dimorphism, operational sex ratios (OSRs), male distribution, optimal female size hypothesis, web clustering hypothesis, female-biased OSR, intermediate-sized females, proximity of webs, male aggregation, arachnology, behavioral ecology, environmental zoology Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.02.2025; Ogledov: 119; Prenosov: 40
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222. Women’s environmental peacebuilding – from the lense of post-colonial theological ecofeminismNadja Furlan-Štante, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: In a broader context, this paper focuses on the need to address environmen-tal issues and include women’s voices and actions in the context of interreligious dialogue – more specifically, to create a venue for women’s engagement in enviro-nmental peacebuilding through interreligious encounters and dialogue. First, the phenomenon of religious environmental peacebuilding is introduced as an emer-ging field that views conflicts over environmental resources (environmental inju-stice) as an opportunity for the conflicting parties to cooperate with one another and ultimately work toward a lasting and sustainable peace. A brief overview of two examples of good practices of women’s movements for environmental peace-building (Navdanya and the green Belt Movement) and their contributions are briefly analyzed. From this perspective, the question arises: is Western Christian ecotheology listening to the ecotheological perspectives and practices of the global South? Furthermore, it addresses the importance of including women’s voices and actions (from the global South and the global North for mutual enrichment), which are often left out of interreligious dialogue, but could also find their place in religious (environmental) peacebuilding. This paper follows the ecofeminist thesis that the exploitation of the earth (ecological crisis) is closely linked to the margi-nalization, exploitation, and abuse of women. From this perspective, perceptions and critical perspectives of environmental injustice and the importance of women’s engagement in environmental interreligious peacebuilding are brought together Ključne besede: interreligious dialogue, ecofeminism, ecological justice, environmental peacebuilding Objavljeno v DiRROS: 11.02.2025; Ogledov: 92; Prenosov: 48
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223. Deus Ex Machina : exploring theological implications of AI in video game narrativesTijana Rupčić, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: The study of artificial intelligence (aI) and religion, particularly the concept of god within video games, is a rich field that explores how digital spaces can reflect and shape philosophical and theological discourses. Ever since their first introduc-tion to the public, video games have often been a unique medium for exploring complex narratives and are tied to the different expressions of religion and spiri-tuality. The integration of aI characters or deities into video games challenges the traditional understanding of divinity and intelligence. This article examines the imaginaries of aI and god in two video games, Ga-lerians (1999) and I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (1995), focusing on how these elements are used to construct narrative worlds and reflect cultural percep-tions of technology and the divine. In these games, the aI characters that gained consciousness started embodying god-like characteristics, such as omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence, raising questions about free will, predestination, and the nature of consciousness. These representations draw from existing religio-us traditions while also pushing the boundaries of theological thought, suggesting new interpretations of divinity in the context of advanced technology. The article will also closely examine the concepts of emotions that aIs in Galerians and I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream “experience.”The author relies on a game-immanent approach through detailed analysis of the aforementioned games in order to explore how the imaginaries of aI and god converge, offering insights into the evolving relationship between humanity, te-chnology, and spirituality. Ključne besede: artificial intelligence, videogames, spirituality, Galerians, I have no mouth, and i must scream Objavljeno v DiRROS: 11.02.2025; Ogledov: 83; Prenosov: 43
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224. How Is TikTok #interreligious? : an inductive thematic analysisAída Velasco Morla, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: This study analyzes how TikTok allows users to make interreligious practices visible and share them, highlighting the coexistence between different religious traditions. Through the platform, creators showcase scenes of daily coexistence, interreligious events, and mixed ceremonies, while also denouncing the discrimi-nation and disapproval associated with interreligious relationships. Three main themes were developed using inductive thematic analysis: Interreligious Sentimen-tal Relationships (67.9%), Interreligious Experiences (21.8%), and Interreligious Facts and Information (10.3%). The study suggests that TikTok acts as a space for self-representation and in-terreligious connection through the hashtags #interreligious and #interfaith, over-coming echo chambers and increasing the visibility of interreligious content. The creation of religious content on TikTok materializes faith and expands the indivi-dual-group-Sacred interaction to a global environment, where religious practices are shared and reinterpreted Ključne besede: interreligious, interfaith, TikTok, thematic analysis, diversity Objavljeno v DiRROS: 11.02.2025; Ogledov: 92; Prenosov: 74
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225. Presenting, (re)constructing and arranging medieval artefacts from non-religious and religious contexts : challenges in the digital ageAntje Roggenkamp, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: The influence of digitalised images on individual and societal life has become considerable. The digital media revolution exercises a particular impact on the way we engage with works of art. In contrast to other educational institutions, museums structure the relationship to the past primarily through the arrangement of objects and artefacts, and they ensure that religious and non-religious cultural heritage is preserved. However, the emergence of digital technologies is changing the self-image of museums. Even though digital copies are playing an important role for presenting medieval artefacts, there are still hardly any criteria to determine their use in muse-ums. In this regard, the present study begins with a practice-orientated re-reading of Walter Benjamin’s classic essay “The Work of art in the age of its Technological Reproducibility”. Benjamin’s essay focuses on the aura of an original work of art, which changes when it is technologically reproduced. In a practice-orientated re--reading, Benjamin’s aura can be considered from different aspects: as practices of describing, seeing and comparing. From this perspective, a deeper re-reading takes these practices as a starting point for developing further criteria: modes of presen-ting, (re)constructing and arranging. as a result, the application of these practices and criteria opens up new perspectives not only for engaging with works of art and their technologically reproduced copies, but also for digital copies. Two case studies will be used to examine whether and to what extent the crite-ria gained by re-reading Benjamin’s essay are suitable for facilitating the accessibi-lity of artefacts through digital copies. The chosen artefacts date from the period to which Benjamin ascribes the largest dense aura – the Middle ages: the Bayeux Tapestry and the Halderner altar. Ključne besede: practice-theoretical approach, (religious) work of art, original artefacts, Bayeux tapestry, Halderner altar, (religious) materiality, digital copy, mechanical produced copy Objavljeno v DiRROS: 11.02.2025; Ogledov: 80; Prenosov: 42
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226. The precarious relationship between embodiment and digital religionTobias Friesen, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: This article presents a critique of the prevalent notion that the digital realm is characterized by a condition of disembodiment and excarnation. In order to sub-stantiate its argument, this article initially presents an example of the discourse surrounding the disembodiment thesis, namely Richard Kearney’s considerations of touch in the digital age. In this context, the article uncovers a dominant discur-sive framing of harmonization vs. over-problematization. It then proceeds to exa-mine the work of Thomas Fuchs and his phenomenological critique of virtuality, which also emphasizes the aspect of disembodiment. Lucy Osler presents a coun-terargument to the thesis of disembodiment, simultaneously contributing to both phenomenological and embodiment research. Following Osler, this article argues that embodiment is inherently precarious and that the digital sphere requires a theory of multiple modes of embodiment rather than the creation of a dichotomy between embodiment and the digital. The article concludes with some theoretical considerations of digital religion and theological reflections on the possibility of an online Eucharist, a topic that was prevalent in Christian theology during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ključne besede: embodiment, disembodiment, phenomenology, digital religion Objavljeno v DiRROS: 11.02.2025; Ogledov: 91; Prenosov: 36
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227. Materiality, religion and the digital : a theoretical exploration of material religion in immersive platformsVictoria Dos Santos, Eduardo Rodrigues da Cruz, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: This article proposes that the material dimension of religion can be articulated and experienced online. Considering that religion is an embodied phenomenon which relies on material elements, this paper will particularly focus on religious practices taking place in immersive virtual platforms in order to comprehend how the material dimension is manifested by users in their everyday life. Through a the-oretical analysis, we propose that 3D social virtual worlds efficiently enable users to experience key material aspects such as embodiment and space, due to their high levels of immersivity, interactivity, and agency, by embodying avatars in customi-zable spaces. Meyer’s theory of mediation, Hoover and Echchaibi’s Third Spaces of Digital Religion, and Campbell’s theory of Religious–Social Shaping of Digital Technology (RSST) allows us to center the discussion on how religions are practi-ced and experienced by individuals and communities through various mediation practices, and how digital media acquires more affective meanings when they are involved in religious pursuits. Ključne besede: digital religion, digital materiality, material religion, digital embodiment, virtual reality Objavljeno v DiRROS: 11.02.2025; Ogledov: 75; Prenosov: 44
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228. Higher-order asynchronous effectsDanel Ahman, Matija Pretnar, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: We explore asynchronous programming with algebraic effects. We complement their conventional synchronous treatment by showing how to naturally also accommodate asynchrony within them, namely, by decoupling the execution of operation calls into signalling that an operation's implementation needs to be executed, and interrupting a running computation with the operation's result, to which the computation can react by installing interrupt handlers. We formalise these ideas in a small core calculus and demonstrate its flexibility using examples ranging from a multi-party web application, to pre-emptive multi-threading, to (cancellable) remote function calls, to a parallel variant of runners of algebraic effects. In addition, the paper is accompanied by a formalisation of the calculus's type safety proofs in Agda, and a prototype implementation in OCaml. Ključne besede: algebraic effects, asynchrony, concurrency, interrupt handling, signals, promises Objavljeno v DiRROS: 11.02.2025; Ogledov: 86; Prenosov: 48
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229. When objects go wandering - lost and found objects from the Skušek collectionHelena Motoh, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: This paper examines the phenomenon of “wandering objects” through the lens of the Skušek Collection, the largest collection of East Asian objects in Slovenia, which was brought to Ljubljana by Ivan Skušek Jr. and his Japanese wife, Tsuneko Kondō Kawase, in 1920. This collection, which traversed private ownership and eventual institutionali-sation, illustrates the dynamic mobility of artefacts. This study focuses on the movement of these objects both within and outside the family network, exploring how they were dispersed and sometimes reintegrated into the collection. By analysing specific cases, such as the three Japanese screens and other key objects, this paper identifies unique mobility patterns that differ from more common notions of dissociation and “orphaning” in the research of museum collections. The findings highlight the symbolic roles these “wander-ing objects” played in reinforcing social ties and cultural identity. This research contributes to a broader understanding of object mobility and provenance, offering a new conceptual framework for the research of private and institutional collections. Ključne besede: East Asian objects, private collections, provenance research, cultural heritage, Slovenia Objavljeno v DiRROS: 11.02.2025; Ogledov: 88; Prenosov: 63
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230. Establishing benchmark properties for 3D-printed concrete : a study of printability, strength, and durabilityAlise Sapata, Maris Šinka, Genadijs Šahmenko, Lidija Korat Bensa, Lucija Hanžič, Katarina Šter, Sandris Rucevskis, Diana Bajare, Fred P. Bosselman, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: This study investigates the fresh state and hardened state mechanical and durability properties of 3D-printed concrete. The mechanical tests focused on its anisotropic behavior in response to different load orientations. Compressive, flexural, and splitting tensile strengths were evaluated relative to the print layers orientation. Results showed that compressive strength varied significantly, achieving 85% of cast sample strength when the load was applied parallel to the print layers ([u] direction), 71% when the load was applied perpendicular to the print object’s side plane ([v] direction), while only reaching 59% when applied perpendicular to the top plane ([w] direction). Similar trends were observed for flexural strength, with average values reaching 75% of cast sample strength when the load was applied perpendicular to the print layers ([v.u] and [w.u] directions), but decreasing to 53% when the load was applied parallel to print layers ([u.w] direction), underscoring the weaknesses at interlayer interfaces. The splitting tensile strength remained relatively consistent across print orientations, reaching 90% of the cast sample strength. Durability assessment tests revealed that 3D-printed concrete exhibits reduced resistance to environmental factors, particularly at the layer interfaces where the cold joint was formed, which are prone to moisture penetration and crack formation. These findings contribute valuable insights into the mechanical and durability properties of 3D-printed concrete, emphasizing the importance of print orientation and interlayer bonding in its performance. This understanding helps guide the optimal use of 3D-printed elements in real-life applications by aligning load or exposure to environmental factors with the material’s strength and durability characteristics. Ključne besede: civil engineering, 3D-printing, concrete, additive manufacturing Objavljeno v DiRROS: 11.02.2025; Ogledov: 139; Prenosov: 83
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