211. Religija, digitalni mediji in epidemija covida-19Marcus Moberg, Aleš Črnič, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: V tem uvodnem članku v tematski sklop o religiji in digitalnih tehnologijah ob in po epidemiji covida-19 predstavljamo kratek oris soočanja predvsem krščanskih in islamskih religijskih skupnosti s hitro razvijajočimi se digitalnimi tehnologijami, potem strnjeno opišemo razvoj raziskovanja še relativno mladega področja religije in digitalnih medijev s pregledom temeljne literature in raziskav, pri čemer se po-sebej osredinimo na intenzivirano rabo digitalnih tehnologij, ki jo je med letoma 2020 in 2021 povzročila svetovna pandemija. Na koncu na kratko predstavimo še mednarodni raziskovalni projekt Religijske skupnosti v virtualni dobi, na katerem temelji predstavljeni tematski blok. Ključne besede: religija, digitalni mediji Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.02.2025; Ogledov: 353; Prenosov: 836
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212. Seeing Mary and becoming Marija : Tsuneko Kondō-Kawase’s bridging religious and cultural boundariesHelena Motoh, Gašper Mithans, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: This article examines the extraordinary conversion story of Tsuneko Kondō-Kawase, a Japanese woman who became Marija Skušek upon her baptism and marriage in Ljubljana in 1927. Within a single hour at the Ljubljana Bishop’s Pala-ce, Kawase was baptised, confirmed, married, and her two children were baptised and confirmed. Her swift conversion and claims of Mary's apparitions captured public attention. This study situates her testimony within the broader context of religious conversion, the rise of pluralistic beliefs in a predominantly Catholic so-ciety, and the socio-political climate of the era. Central to her narrative are visions of Mary’s crowned image, shaped by Chinese Catholic traditions and Slovenian Marian devotion. Tsuneko’s experience underscores the complexity of non-Euro-pean conversions and the adaptability required by clergy to address diverse cultural identities. Tsuneko’s case highlights personal agency in navigating religious trans-formation, blending her Japanese and Chinese heritage with Slovenian Catholic influences. Her reinterpretation of Marian imagery illustrates how converts with their understanding of religious symbols actively engage to forge new identities. As a transitional figure, Tsuneko’s story sheds light on the interplay between per-sonal experiences and broader cultural adaptations in conversion processes. This analysis enriches the understanding of religious transformation, emphasizing the significance of individual narratives in exploring themes of faith, identity, and in-tegration across cultural and historical boundaries. Ključne besede: religious conversion, Mary's apparitions, cross-cultural identity, Tsuneko Kondō- Kawase/Marija Skušek, interwar Yugoslavia Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.02.2025; Ogledov: 84; Prenosov: 43
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213. The Adamantine terrifier on the dresserGerald Kozicz, Di Luo, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: From 1920 to 1963, a collection of Chinese art–mostly from the Qing Dynasty (1644–1911)–was continuously presented at the changing addresses of Ivan and his wife Tsuneko Kondō-Kawase, who finally adopted the full Slovene name of Mari-ja Skušek after her baptism in 1927. The collection had been assembled in Beijing where Ivan Skušek had arrived in 1914 and been a prisoner of war from 1917, and it was then shipped to Ljubljana after his release in 1920. Photographs and a film document how their private rooms were turned into exhibition rooms. They had quite a spectacular arrangement of metalworks on a dresser in front of a mirror. In all locations in Ljubljana where the Skušeks lived, one wrathful figure was always in the centre of the group: Vajrabhairava, the Adamantine Terrifier. The following article examines the significance of this Buddhist deity in the context of Buddhism in China. It inspects the function and meaning of the dresser, in particular the symbolism of the mirror in relation to the Yamāntaka group of tantric deities, among whom Vajrabhairava assumes the highest position. It further addresses Marija Skušek’s possible role as the actual curator, raising the question about a possible socio-religious concept behind the configuration of the figures. Ključne besede: Skušek collection, Quing dynasty, Yamāntaka-Vajrabhairava, Yama, mirror, Buddhism Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.02.2025; Ogledov: 87; Prenosov: 57
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215. Taisho period divination as Tsuneko Kondo Kawaseʼs personal itemKlara Hrvatin, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: The article examines a Taishō period (1912–26) divination document, a per-sonal item of Tsuneko Kondō Kawase, preserved in the archive of her collected documents at the Slovene Ethnographic Museum. It is a handwritten piece of calligraphy depicting a prophecy based on Takashima’s Judgments on the Book of Changes, an important text based on the Yijing or Book of Changes. This document, which Marija Skušek kept until her death, is characterized by its form, calligraphic style, and red stamps. The article aims to explore the transcription and translati-on of the divination, the form and dating of the document, and how it relates to Tsuneko’s life choices. The author raises questions about when Tsuneko acquired the document and whether it influenced her crucial life decisions, particularly before her trip to Europe, during her last visit to Japan, or before her marriage to Ivan Skušek. Ključne besede: Yijing, divination, Slovene Ethnographic Museum Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.02.2025; Ogledov: 88; Prenosov: 53
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216. Implementing the excess paste concept for a systematic mix design of printable concreteLucija Hanžič, Katarina Šter, Mateja Štefančič, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci Povzetek: The properties of concrete depend on a number of interrelated factors and for this reason, the mix design process is, to a significant extent, an educated guess. Nevertheless, the choice of factors and implementation of multifactorial analysis can provide new insights into complex correlations. A factor, rarely adopted in the design of printable concrete, is the quantity of excess paste.
Concrete can be considered a two-phase system comprising the aggregate and the cementitious paste. The paste required to fill the voids between the aggregate grains is the requisite paste. However, to coat the grains and form a cohesive mix the excess paste must be added which, in turn, increases the distances between aggregate particles. The volume fraction of excess paste is thus the principal factor in the design process. The second factor is the paste composition. The paste consists of reactive and inert powders, water and soluble admixtures. Although chemically reactive materials are necessary for binding, cohesiveness can be achieved by inert particles while improved packing of particles also enhances the mechanical characteristics.
The excess paste mix design is discussed on two modifications of a concrete mixture suitable for extrusion-based 3D printing. The necessary input data and the associated tests on aggregate and powders are presented. Additionally, a computerized, multi-factorial approach to mix design optimization is proposed. Ključne besede: concrete mix design, excess paste, particle packing, printable concrete Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.02.2025; Ogledov: 115; Prenosov: 33
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217. Experimental study of fire propagation on sloped roof with building applied photovoltaicsReidar Stølen, Janne Siren Fjærestad, Ragni Fjellgaard Mikalsen, Grunde Jomaas, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci Povzetek: Photovoltaic modules have been shown to influence how a fire propagates across a flat roof, but the circumstances for which building attached photovoltaic (BAPV) modules promote fire propagation on a sloped roof is not studied in detail. Therefore, a series of small-medium- and large-scale experiments on a sloped roof with a BROOF(t2)-rated bituminous roof membrane on a wood chipboard substrate has been performed. Steel plates mimicking non-combustible photovoltaic (PV) modules were placed at different distances above the roof. Different sized wood cribs placed in the gap between the roof and the PV module were used as the ignition source. Similarly to findings for flat roofs, the experiments showed that the gap distance and the size of the ignition source are key factors for how far the fire propagates from the starting point. This supports that BAPV installations affect the fire dynamics on roofs. As such, the complete system of roof composition and PV installation needs to be considered as a whole to ensure adequate fire safety levels. Ključne besede: photovoltaic systems, fire propagation, roof safety, ignition source, heat flux Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.02.2025; Ogledov: 87; Prenosov: 49
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218. Recent progress in oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) alloys produced by additive manufacturingPaul J. McGuiness, Irena Paulin, Črtomir Donik, Anna Dobkowska, Jiří Kubásek, Jan Pokorný, Matjaž Godec, 2025, pregledni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: oxide-dispersion-strengthened alloys, additive manufacturing, recent progress and research Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.02.2025; Ogledov: 96; Prenosov: 54
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219. Glass-ceramic engineering:tailoring the microstructure and propertiesChristian Rüssel, Wolfgang Wisniewski, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Traditionally, glass-ceramics are inorganic non-metallic materials obtained by the controlled crystallization of a glass. A modern definition has widened this class of materials to solid materials containing at least one glassy and one crystalline phase. The glass is usually obtained by quenching a melt. Re-heating it to a temperature slightly above the glass transition temperature allows nucleation while an often applied second annealing step at a higher temperature causes most of the crystal growth. As in most materials, the composition and the microstructure of glass-ceramics widely governs their properties. The morphology, i.e., size, and aspect ratio of the crystal phases is of special significance and depends on the crystal structure and the occurring growth mechanism. The morphology is also affected by the chemical composition and the temperature/time schedule of the crystallization process, here components of minor concentrations can have a great effect. This review addresses the effects of nucleating agents, phase separation, crystal orientation alignment and stress introduction as tools to tailor the properties of glass-ceramic materials. Future developments in the field of glass-ceramics are discussed. Ključne besede: glass ceramics, controlled crystallization, microstructure, properties Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.02.2025; Ogledov: 100; Prenosov: 72
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220. Religijska raznolikost in problem sistemskega rasizma v okviru globalnih migracij : študija primera tunizijske obravnave podsaharskih temnopoltih kristjanovPrimož Krašovec, Anja Zalta, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Članek temelji na večmesečni raziskavi procesa rasizacije podsaharskih migrantov v Tuniziji. Izhodišče naše raziskave je govor tunizijskega predsednika Kaisa Saieda iz februarja 2023. V okviru novih pogajanj z EU o podpori pri upravljanju migracij v Sredozemlju je predsednik poudaril, kako pomembno je, da Tunizija je ter ostane arabska in muslimanska. podsaharski migranti, ki v velikem številu prihajajo v Tunizijo, so temnopolti. Številni med njimi so tudi kristjani. Tunizijski primer rasizacije migrantov je podoben dinamiki sistemskega rasizma v evropskih državah. Naša teza je, da je rasizacija del kompleksnejše dinamike, ki jo določa kapitalistični način produkcije, ki zaradi svojih notranjih protislovij hkrati zahteva in izloča človeško delovno silo. Trdimo, da so trajno izločeni presežno prebivalstvo, ki zaradi tega, ker ga kapitalistični trgi ne disciplinirajo, velja za nevarno, zato spada pod policijsko pristojnost. Ta proces policijskega obvladovanja presežnih populacij predstavlja sodobni sistemski rasizem kot poseben način državne politike, pri čemer je »rasa« rezultat omenjenega procesa ter ni določena s svojimi biološkimi, verskimi, etničnimi ali kulturnimi značilnostmi. Svojo tezo podpremo s terensko študijo. Sestavljajo jo kvalitativni intervjuji s tunizijskimi strokovnjaki in trije osebni pripovedni intervjuji s podsaharskimi migranti iz Kameruna. Ključne besede: religija, religijska raznolikost, kristjani, podsaharski Afričani, presežno prebivalstvo, sistemski rasizem, migracije, begunci, tunizijski primer Objavljeno v DiRROS: 12.02.2025; Ogledov: 89; Prenosov: 46
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