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Pollinators communities differ across years and crops
Danilo Bevk, Janez Prešern, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Insect pollination is one of the most important ecosystem services. Pollinator communities are rarely studied across years and crops in the same location. The aim of this study was to investigate the pollinator community structure on five different fruit crops, as well as the activity of different pollinator groups during the day and their temperature preferences. Pollinator activity was observed across two years on apple trees and blueberry, strawberry, blackcurrant and raspberry bushes. Pollinator community structure varied by plant and year. Honeybees were the most numerous pollinators on all plants except blueberry bushes (39-95% of visits). Bumblebee numbers were high on blackcurrant (up to 28%) and blueberry bushes (up to 61%). Solitary bees visited all plants except blueberries. Honeybees, solitary bees, and hoverflies were most active in the middle of the day, while bumblebees became active earlier in the morning and remained active later in the evening. Pollinators also differed greatly in their temperature preferences. This knowledge gained is necessary for less harmful pesticide application management and the development of more sustainable agriculture to maintain pollinator diversity and thus reliable pollination in extreme weather conditions.
Ključne besede: fruit pollination, agroecology, biodiversity, wild bees, conservation
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Ogledov: 220; Prenosov: 36
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Ecophysiological responses of two closely related epigean and hypogean Niphargus species to hypoxia and increased temperature : Do they differ?
Tatjana Simčič, Boris Sket, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Ecological performance of animals depends on physiological and biochemical processes that are adjusted to the environment. The responses to hypoxia or anoxia have been frequently studied in subterranean aquatic organisms in order to find potential adaptations to restrict oxygen conditions occurring in the underground habitats. However, some previous studies have compared phylogenetic distant epigean and hypogean species or the epigean and hypogean populations of the same species due to little chance to compare closely related epigean and hypogean species. Therefore, in this study, we compared the effects of exposure to hypoxia, followed by reoxygenation, and increased temperature on oxygen consumption, potential metabolic activity, and antioxidant activities in closely related epigean and hypogean species: Niphargus zagrebensis and N. stygius. Oxygen consumption of N. stygius increased similarly during post-hypoxic recovery at 10 and 20°C (approx. 5-times), while N. zagrebensis increased its oxygen consumption for 9.7 and 4.4-times at 10 and 20°C, respectively. We observed higher exploitation of metabolic potential for current oxygen consumption during reoxygenation in N. zagrebensis than N. stygius. Exposure to hypoxia and subsequent reoxygenation at 20°C increased catalase (CAT) activity in N. stygius, but not in N. zagrebensis. We observed increased glutathione reductase activity in both Niphargus species. We concluded that respiratory and antioxidant responses to severe hypoxia and increased temperature differed between closely related epigean and hypogean Niphargus species. Hypogean Niphargus species possess physiological and biochemical characteristics that are advantageous in temperature stable subterranean environments which support inhabiting of species that have low energetic demands, while epigean Niphargus species can successfully inhabit specific surface habitats.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Ogledov: 214; Prenosov: 23
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Favna kačjih pastirjev (Odonata) okolice Hotunj pri Ponikvi (vzhodna Slovenija)
Matjaž Bedjanič, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Za raziskovano območje podajam seznam 35 vrst kačjih pastirjev, opazovanih med majem in septembrom 2022, s pripadajočimi favnističnimi podatki. Na nacionalni rdeči seznam je uvrščenih šest vrst, medtem ko sta koščični škratec Coenagrion ornatum in veliki studenčar Cordulegaster heros zavarovana in uvrščena na dodatke Direktive o habitatih EU. Tudi najdbe prodnega paškratca Erythromma lindenii, deviškega pastirja Aeshna isoceles in črnega ploščca Libellula fulva so zanimive iz favnističnega vidika in jih predstavljam v širšem kontekstu njihove razširjenosti v Sloveniji. Na izbranih popisnih transektih vzdolž melioracijskih jarkov na ožjem raziskovanem območju severno od Hotunj sem zabeležil 32 vrst. Prikazana je dinamika števila vrst po posameznih popisih med sezono in pripadajoča dinamika naraščanja kumulativnega števila zabeleženih vrst. Za razmeroma majhno območje v okolici Hotunj je doslej skupno znanih 37 vrst kačjih pastirjev. Na širšem območju med Ponikvo in Dramljami so potrebne dodatne favnistične raziskave, saj je poznavanje biodiverzitete in naravovarstvenega pomena območja še zelo pomanjkljivo.
Ključne besede: Zygoptera, Anisoptera, razširjenost, ogroženost, melioracijski jarki, sezonska dinamika, kačji pastirji, favna, zoogeografija
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Ogledov: 223; Prenosov: 33
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An updated checklist of the extant freshwater ostracods (Podocopida, Ostracoda, Crustacea) of Slovenia
Nataša Mori, Ali Šalamun, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The article presents an updated checklist of the extant freshwater ostracods in Slovenia. The data were obtained from the published scientific literature up to 2012 and from field collections after 2012, mainly from springs and groundwaters and, to a lesser extent, from ponds and other surface waters. The erroneous and invalid species names cited in the existing literature are listed to avoid further misquotations. The updated checklist contains a total of 70 valid species names. The species belong to 3 superfamilies, 9 families and 32 genera. The species-richest is the family Candonidae (36 species), followed by the family Cyprididae (22 species). Further field samplings are needed to complete the species list, with the focus on the eastern and southeastern parts of Slovenia, and on the sampling of surface waters. Additionally, more in-depth literature investigations and examinations of old museum collections across Europe need to be carried out to obtain all existing data. Moreover, many stygobiotic species (i.e., species inhabiting exclusively subterranean waters), new for science, collected over the last 20 years, need to be scientifically described. Lastly, the Slovenian National Red list on ostracods needs to be urgently updated.
Ključne besede: Ostracoda, species, distribution, freshwater, groundwater, non-marine
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Ogledov: 221; Prenosov: 33
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Observation of heterospecific mating attempt by blue chaser Libellula fulva Müller, 1764 and broad-bodied chaser L. depressa Linnaeus, 1758 (Odonata: Libellulidae)
Matjaž Bedjanič, 2023, drugi znanstveni članki

Povzetek: A successful copula formation between a Libellula fulva male and a L. depressa female was documented photographically on 23. 6. 2022 along a small stream at the Natura 2000 site Ličenca pri Poljčanah in NE Slovenia. This represents the first record of an anomalous mating attempt with copula formation between the species involved. Their distribution in Slovenia as well as syntopic and syntemporal observations in the country are presented and briefly discussed, as are the site-specific factors and aged female colouration that may have contributed to the described rare attempt of heterospecific mating.
Ključne besede: dragonflies, mating, copulation, wheel position, syntopic occurrence, zoology
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Ogledov: 219; Prenosov: 23
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25 let revije Natura Sloveniae
Rok Kostanjšek, Nataša Mori, Matjaž Bedjanič, Maarten De Groot, Nina Šajna, Jernej Polajnar, Maja Zagmajster, 2023, drugi znanstveni članki

Povzetek: Prispevek predstavi zgodovino in razvoj revije Natura Sloveniaev 25 letih izhajanja, od 1999 do 2023. Izpostavljeni so začetki revije, ozadje in namen revije ter kratka analiza števila prispevkov, avtorjev in taksonomskih skupin, ki jih prispevki naslavljajo, vključno s pregledom odmevnosti izbranih prispevkov. V 25-letih je bilo v reviji objavljenih 286 prispevkov, ki jih je pripravilo 320avtorjev. Prispevki se osredotočajo na območje Slovenije in največkrat predstavljajo razširjenost vrst, objavljeni pa so tudi zapisi za druga območja iz osrednje in jugovzhodne Evrope, ki obravnavajo širše tematike povezane z ekologijo in naravovarstvom. Visoko citiranost in znanstveno odmevnost dosegajo zlasti prispevki, ki predstavljajo nacionalne sezname vrst ali poročajo o novih ali prvih opažanjih vrst v državi. Velika večina prispevkov je osredotočena na posamezne taksone, najpogosteje žuželke z redovoma metuljev in kačjih pastirjev. V 25. letu izhajanja prehaja revija v so-izdajanju Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani in Nacionalnega inštituta za biologijo v okvir Založbe Univerze v Ljubljani in prične uporabljati nov portal za oddajo in obravnavo rokopisov. V tem letu tudi prvič izide tretja, tematska številka revije. Po četrt stoletja rednega izhajanja zaseda Natura Sloveniae pomembno mesto v slovenski znanstveni periodiki s področja biologije in nadaljuje svoje poslanstvo objavljanja izvirnih znanstvenih prispevkov s področja favnističnih, florističnih, biogeografskih, biodiverzitetnih in ekoloških raziskav v osrednji in jugovzhodni Evropi, ter vzpodbujanja mladih piscev k objavi svojih terenskih opažanj.
Ključne besede: Slovenija, floristika, favnistika, biodiverziteta, ekologija, naravovarstvo, terenska biologija, izvirni znanstveni prispevki
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Ogledov: 219; Prenosov: 27
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First confirmation of variegated molehopper Xya variegata (Latreille, 1809) (Orthoptera: Tridactylidae) occuring in Slovenia
Matjaž Bedjanič, 2023, drugi znanstveni članki

Povzetek: The occurrence of the variegated molehopper Xya variegata in Slovenia is confirmed unambiguously for the first time, based on observations of adults and larvae on 24. 3. 2023 and 2. 6. 2023 on the banks of a gravel pit along the Mura River, east of Petišovci in the Prekmurje region, northeastern Slovenia. Thus, the previously doubtful inclusion of the species in the checklist of Slovenian Orthoptera is now justified. Further research is needed to improve knowledge of its distribution and biology. A detailed assessment of the threat status and planning of conservation measures for this threatened and ecologically highly specialised grasshopper species should also be carried out.
Ključne besede: grasshoppers, Caelifera, Xya, distribution, threat status, Slovenia, zoology
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Ogledov: 216; Prenosov: 24
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Functional diversity of vibrational signaling systems in insects
Meta Virant-Doberlet, Nataša Stritih Peljhan, Alenka Žunič Kosi, Jernej Polajnar, 2023, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Communication by substrate-borne mechanical waves is widespread in insects. The specifics of vibrational communication are related to heterogeneous natural substrates that strongly influence signal transmission. Insects generate vibrational signals primarily by tremulation, drumming, stridulation, and tymbalation, most commonly during sexual behavior but also in agonistic, social, and mutualistic as well as defense interactions and as part of foraging strategies. Vibrational signals are often part of multimodal communication. Sensilla and organs detecting substrate vibration show great diversity and primarily occur in insect legs to optimize sensitivity and directionality. In the natural environment, signals from heterospecifics, as well as social and enemy interactions within vibrational communication networks, influence signaling and behavioral strategies. The exploitation of substrate-borne vibrational signaling offers a promising application for behavioral manipulation in pest control.
Ključne besede: biotremology, substrate-borne communication, signaling context, vibrosensory evolution, multimodal signaling, pest management, insects, zoology
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Ogledov: 204; Prenosov: 25
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Traffic forecasting with uncertainty : A case for conformalized quantile regression
Gašper Petelin, Jože Martin Rožanec, Gregor Papa, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Ogledov: 26; Prenosov: 6
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Study of subterranean biodiversity of the upper Neretva River catchment in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Maja Zagmajster, Ester Premate, Špela Di Batista Borko, Behare Rexhepi, Vojo Milanović, Anton Brancelj, Michaela Brojer, Christophe J. Douady, Jozef Grego, Milica Jovanović, Florian Malard, Nataša Mori, Vladimir Pešić, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The Dinarides in the Western Balkans host a globally exceptional subterranean biodiversity, but still areas remain with little or no data on subterranean species. In this work, we present the study of subterranean fauna in the upper Neretva River catchment (Eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina), which included the first systematic exploration of the interstitial habitats in the country. During the five-day »Neretva Science Week« in the summer of 2022, we sampled six gravel bars, six springs and one cave. We gathered 268 records (taxon-locality-date) of 116 taxa, with 35 records referring to 27 terrestrial taxa. Nine terrestrial taxa were sampled in a cave, while 19 were found in aquatic samples, mostly from springs. 27 taxa were identified as obligate subterranean (troglobiotic) species, one terrestrial beetle from the cave, and 26 aquatic species, belonging to water mites, snails, and crustaceans. Eight of the aquatic troglobionts present the potential for new species to science. Of the latter, four species were distinguished based on morphology: two species of snails from the families Hydrobiidae and Moitessieriidae, one representative of Ostracoda and one Copepoda. Individuals of the aquatic troglobiotic isopods and amphipods were analysed molecularly, and based on molecular differences, two new species within the genus Proasellus and two within the genus Niphargus were proposed. Further work on all these taxa is needed for the formal descriptions of the new species to science. Despite the short study period, we have shown that the area is rich in endemic groundwater fauna. The hydroelectric power plant constructions planned in the region threaten groundwater communities by altering subterranean habitats and their connectivity. Further studies are needed to properly highlight the great diversity of the subterranean habitats of the Neretva River catchment and its wider region, and to include this knowledge in conservation strategies.
Ključne besede: troglobiont, Proasellus, Niphargus, Kerkia, Paladilhiopsis, Typhlocypris, Bryocamptus, water mites, conversation, hyporheic
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.03.2025; Ogledov: 44; Prenosov: 14
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