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Kdo so uporabniki ljubljanskih mestnih gozdov?
Živa Bončina, Robert Hostnik, Matjaž Harmel, Klemen Strmšnik, Jurij Kobe, Tina Simončič, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Upravljanje mestnih gozdov terja intenzivnejšo participacijo in uveljavljanje dodatnih metod za vključevanje javnosti v soodločanje o rabi gozdov. V okviru projekta URBforDAN smo s spletno anketo (n=1134) zbrali podatke o uporabnikih mestnega gozda Golovec. Preverjali smo njihovo oddaljenost od Golovca, način prihoda, pogostost in trajanje obiska, najpogostejšo točko vstopa v gozd ter želje o dodatni infrastrukturi. Glede na razlog obiska smo anketirance združevali v skupine in nadaljnje analize izvedli po skupinah uporabnikov (naštete po številčnosti: gorski kolesarji, pohodniki, družine, tekači, kolesarji, sprehajalci domačih živali in drugi). Ugotovili smo, da skoraj 60 % anketirancev obišče Golovec vsaj enkrat na teden, najpogosteje obisk traja 1 do 2 uri. Do gozda večina anketirancev pride peš ali s kolesom, več kot četrtina anketirancev se pripelje z avtomobilom. Največ anketirancev vstopi na Golovec na zahodnem delu (vstopna točka Center Hradeckega). Skupine uporabnikov vstopajo na Golovec različno: na Poligonu Rudnik, bolj odročnem delu Golovca, vstopa največ gorskih kolesarjev, v Štepanjskem naselju največ družin. Skupine uporabnikov se razlikujejo tudi po načinu prihoda v gozd: raba avtomobila in javnega potniškega prometa je najpogostejša pri družinah. Razlike med skupinami so tudi v pričakovanjih do gozda in želeni dodatni infrastrukturi. Rezultati ankete so podlaga za načrtovanje infrastrukture, usmerjanje uporabnikov in urejanje vstopnih točk na Golovec in so bili vključeni v Strateški in Operativni načrt za mestni gozd Golovec.
Ključne besede: mestni gozdovi, participacija, spletna anketa, skupine uporabnikov, rekreacija
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 02.08.2021; Ogledov: 1318; Prenosov: 438
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Strategija razvoja mestnih gozdov Ljubljane
Tina Simončič, Matjaž Harmel, Jurij Kobe, Robert Hostnik, Andrej Verlič, Urša Vilhar, Klemen Strmšnik, Luka Sešel, Rok Pisek, Dragan Matijašič, 2021, strokovni članek

Povzetek: Strategija razvoja mestnih gozdov Ljubljane opredeljuje vizijo in dolgoročne prioritete celovitega razvoja mestnih gozdov Ljubljane. Strategija je podlaga za upravljanje z mestnimi gozdovi, ki pomembno prispevajo k zagotavljanju zdravega življenjskega okolja za prebivalce in obiskovalce mesta. Strategija izraža/upošteva interes lokalne skupnosti do gozdov v mestu in njegovi neposredni okolici ter prispeva k odgovornemu načrtovanju gospodarjenja z gozdovi za potrebe skupnosti. Strategija je bila na pobudo Mestne občine Ljubljana izdelana v okviru projekta INTERREG URBforDAN za območje mestnih gozdov Ljubljane, torej vseh tistih, ki so po občinskem prostorskem načrtu opredeljeni kot gozdovi z izjemno poudarjenimi socialnimi funkcijami. Namen strategije je spodbuditi različne institucije, nevladne organizacije in posameznike k aktivnejšemu vključevanju v soodločanje o razvoju mestnih gozdov Ljubljane, krepiti zavest o pomenu teh gozdov ter izboljšati podlage za gospodarjenje z gozdovi, ki krepi socialne in ekološke funkcije. V prispevku so podane poglavitne značilnosti Strategije razvoja mestnih gozdov Ljubljane vključno s cilji in usmeritvami. Strategija nastavlja okvirje za sistem organizacijskih, finančnih in drugih ukrepov, s katerim bi lahko izboljšali usklajevanje javnih interesov v urbanem gozdnem prostoru, ki je pretežno v zasebni lasti. Izpostavlja tudi pomen sodelovanja z zasebnimi lastniki za zagotavljanje socialnih funkcij v mestnih gozdovih.
Ključne besede: pomen mestnih gozdov, strateški načrt, upravljanje, Ljubljana, projekt URBforDAN
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 02.08.2021; Ogledov: 1552; Prenosov: 454
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Jurij Reja (1936-2021)
Franc Perko, 2021, poljudni članek

Ključne besede: nekrologi
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 02.08.2021; Ogledov: 1137; Prenosov: 304
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Pot k okrevanju
Vida Gerlanc, Vida Zabric, 1986, ni določena

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 28.04.2021; Ogledov: 844; Prenosov: 245
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V spomin profesorju dr. dr. Dušanu Mlinšku (1925-2020)
Jurij Diaci, 2021, poljudni članek

Ključne besede: nekrologi
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 14.04.2021; Ogledov: 1353; Prenosov: 308
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Ohranjenost drevesne sestave in realizacija možnega poseka zmanjšujeta obseg sanitarnih sečenj v Sloveniji
Jurij Diaci, Maarten De Groot, Nikica Ogris, 2021, strokovni članek

Povzetek: Splošno sprejeto stališče je, da s sonaravnim gospodarjenjem zmanjšujemo tveganja pri gospodarjenju z gozdovi. Za potrditev tega stališča obstajajo dobri zgledi gospodarjenja in posredni dokazi, primanjkuje pa znanstvenih študij, ki bi na podlagi kvantitativnih analiz to potrjevale. V Sloveniji smo potrdili pozitivne povezave med ohranjeno drevesno sestavo, rednim gospodarjenjem in manj sanitarnimi sečnjami. V dobi izrazitih okoljskih sprememb je smiselno spodbujati redno gospodarjenje z gozdovi. V prihodnosti bo zaradi socialno-ekonomskih sprememb še bolj izraženo opuščanje gospodarjenja. V članku razpravljamo o številnih prednostih rednega gospodarjenja. V prihodnje bo treba poleg vloge rednega gospodarjenja za preskrbo lesnopredelovalne verige večji poudarek nameniti pomenu dejavnega gospodarjenja za prilagajanje gozda na okoljske spremembe in za zdravje gozda.
Ključne besede: realizacija možnega poseka, aktiviranje gospodarjenja z gozdovi, zdravje gozda, podlubniki, sestoji smreke
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 14.04.2021; Ogledov: 1693; Prenosov: 474
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Private forest owner characteristics affect European spruce bark beetle management under an extreme weather event and host tree density
Maarten De Groot, Jurij Diaci, Kaja Kandare, Nike Krajnc, Rok Pisek, Špela Ščap, Darja Stare, Nikica Ogris, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: In the last few decades, an increasing number and intensity of bark beetle outbreaks have plagued the forests of Europe and North America. Bark beetle management is directly related to forest owner characteristics, although this relationship is not well understood. The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of forest owner characteristics on the amount and timing of sanitary felling under different disturbance regimes and quantities of Norway spruce. We combined different databases on sanitary felling, the timing of sanitary felling, and forest owner characteristics for Slovenia from 2014 to 2018 and analyzed the amount and timing of sanitary felling in relation to forest owner characteristics. We found that the timing in winter and the amount of sanitary felling were positively associated with the distance of the owner%s residence to the forest parcel. Larger parcels were more affected by bark beetles but did not have later timing of cutting in the summer period as was hypothesized. The timing of sanitary felling decreased with property size, while with the probability of sanitary felling, the effect of property depended on the ice storm and the amount of spruce. The size of the settlement, the permanent address of the private owner, and timing of sanitary felling were positively associated but also depended on the amount of spruce. Gender and age did not have an important influence on the amount and timing of sanitary felling. Forest owners are an important factor in effective bark beetle management. This study highlights the private forest ownership characteristics that should be emphasized in order to fight bark beetle outbreaks in the event of large-scale disturbances. Governments should support forest owners who are at greater risk of bark beetle outbreaks and less efficient in managing outbreaks. Furthermore, landowner characteristics should be included when forecasting bark beetle outbreaks.
Ključne besede: close-to-nature management, sanitary felling, Ips typographus, forest pest management, forest owner characteristics
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 22.03.2021; Ogledov: 1296; Prenosov: 892
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Modeling of time consumption for selective and situational precommercial thinning in mountain beech forest stands
Domen Arnič, Janez Krč, Jurij Diaci, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Rationalization and optimization of work is becoming increasingly important in the European forestry sector. In this study a tool for modeling three different precommercial thinning approaches in young beech mountain stands was developed based on several field studies. The simulation examines three primary types of precommercial thinning: selective thinning and two types of situational thinning. We studied the impact of the number of candidates/crop trees and the impact of harvesting intensity on the structure and consumption of productive time. We found that in terms of costs situational precommercial thinning is more rational than selective precommercial thinning, that harvesting intensity has a significant impact on time consumption and that the number of candidates or crop trees has a significant impact on time consumption as well as on the relationships between main and auxiliary productive time. The modeling has shown that situational thinning is an alternative to selective thinning and that, in addition to requiring smaller and more efficient harvesting machines, it offers a cost-effective and ergonomic option (more walking, less chainsaw operation) for the pre-commercial thinning of young forest.
Ključne besede: precommercial thinning, selective thinning, situational thinning, modeling, crop tree
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 22.03.2021; Ogledov: 1380; Prenosov: 761
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Physical activity drops during summer holidays for 6- to 9-year-old children
Tadeja Volmut, Rado Pišot, Jurij Planinšec, Boštjan Šimunič, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Regular physical activity (PA) reduces the health risk of childhood obesity and associated chronic diseases as well as mental health problems. Since PA declines as children age as well with future generations it is of highest importance to intervene in school and out-of-school settings. Out-of-school periods affect children's PA as it is mainly left to the interest and motivation of their parents. We compared accelerometer-based PA patterns in 93 6- to 9-year old children assessed four times: before (May/June), during (August), and after (September) summer holidays and at a 1-year follow up (May/June). Before summer holidays children were assessed also for anthropometry and motor tests. During summer holidays overall PA decreased by 18% (p < 0.001), physical inactivity increased by 5.5% (p < 0.001), moderate PA decreased by 53% (p < 0.001) and moderate to vigorous PA decreased by 45% (p < 0.001) when compared to before summer holidays. Furthermore, overall PA remained diminished also after summer holidays by 8.8% (p = 0.001) but recovered to baseline values at 1-year follow up. About 30% of overall PA and moderate to vigorous PA decrease during summer holidays could be explained by children's fitness level as a greater decrease was found in children with better results in standing long jump and 300-meter running time. Our finding detects an alarming summer holiday decrease in children PA that should not be neglected in future studies and intervention designs.
Ključne besede: MVPA, children, vacations, physical inactivity, sedentary behavior, accelerometer
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.01.2021; Ogledov: 1242; Prenosov: 1064
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Systemic and airway oxidative stress in competitive swimmers
Sabina Škrgat, Peter Korošec, Izidor Kern, Mira Šilar, Julij Šelb, Matjaž Fležar, Robert Marčun, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background: The environment in swimming pools, which contain chlorine, might interact with the airway epithelium, resulting in oxidative stress and/or inflammation during high intensity training periods. Methods: We evaluated pulmonary functional (metacholine challenge test, FEV1 and VC), cellular (eosinophils and neutrophils), inflammatory (FeNo, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-[alpha]), oxidative (8-isoprostanes) and angiogenesis factors (VEGF) in induced sputum and peripheral blood of 41 healthy non-asthmatic elite swimmers (median 16 years) during the period of high intensity training before a national championship. The second paired sampling was performed seven months later after training had been stopped for one month. Results: There was a ten-fold increase (median 82-924 pg/ml; P < 0.001) in 8-isoprostanes in induced sputum and five-fold increase (median 82-924 pg/ml; P < 0.001) in sera during training in comparison to the period of rest. However, there was no difference in FEV1 (113 vs 116%), VC (119 vs 118%), FeNo (median 34 vs 38 ppb), eosinophils (2.7 vs 2.9% in sputum; 180 vs 165 cells/[micro]l in blood), neutrophils, different cytokines or VEGF in induced sputum or sera. The only exception was TNF-[alpha], which was moderately increased in sera (median 23 vs 40 pg/ml; P=0.02) during the peak training period. Almost half (18 of 41) of swimmers showed bronchial hyperresponsiveness during the peak training period (PC20 cutoff was 4 mg/ml). There was no correlation between hyperresponsiveness and the markers of oxidative stress or inflammation. Conclusions: High intensity training in healthy, non-asthmatic competitive swimmers results in marked oxidative stress at the airway and systemic levels, but does not lead to airway inflammation. However, we could not confirm that oxidative stress is associated with bronchial hyperresponsiveness (AHR), which is often observed during the peak exercise training period.
Ključne besede: bronchial diseases, swimming, oxidative stress, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, competitive swimmers, training
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 23.11.2020; Ogledov: 1836; Prenosov: 513
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