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Iskalni niz: "avtor" (Silke Friedrich) .

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Description, identification, and growth of Tuber borchii Vittad. mycorrhized Pinus sylvestris L. seedlings on different lime contents
Tanja Mrak, Tine Grebenc, Silke Friedrich, Babette Münzenberger, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Tuber borchii forms ectomycorrhiza with oaks, hazel, and pines, including Pinus sylvestris. However, its ectomycorrhiza morphotype with P. sylvestris was not comprehensively described so far, and molecular analyses are missing despite a high danger of misidentification of T. borchii ectomycorrhiza with other closely related and less valuable truffle species. We described for the first time the morphology and anatomy of T. borchii-P. sylvestris ectomycorrhiza using differential interference contrast technique and semi-thin sections in combination with molecular confirmation of identity. Color of ectomycorrhiza is reddish to dark brown, and morphotypes are unevenly but densely covered by warts-bearing pin-like cystidia. All layers of the hyphal mantle are pseudoparenchymatous with outer mantle layer formed of epidermoid cells. T. borchii ectomycorrhiza was identified by a molecular comparison with fruitbodies used for inoculation and its respective ectomycorrhizae. T. borchii has a wide ecological amplitude. To get a better insight in mycorrhization requirements, we investigated growth of P. sylvestris and its ectomycorrhiza infection rate with T. borchii in substrate with different lime content. The mycorrhization of P. sylvestris with T. borchii in the mycorrhization substrate and cultivation in greenhouse conditions was successful, with colonization of P. sylvestris varying between 36.5 and 48.1%. There was no significant correlation of mycorrhization to applied lime contents, and consequently to pH in substrate, while the increased levels of lime improved growth of the P. sylvestris seedlings.
Ključne besede: root anatomy, ectomycorrhiza, Limestone content, molecular identification, Pinus sylvestris, Tuber borchii
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 22.01.2024; Ogledov: 698; Prenosov: 438
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