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Dodatne raziskave kvalifikacijskih vrst Natura 2000 ter izvajanje spremljanja stanja populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst hroščev v letih 2018, 2019 in 2020 : Carabus variolusus, Lucanus cervus, Rosalia alpina, Morimus funereus, Osmoderma eremita, Cucujus cinnaberinus, Leptodirus hochenwartii, Graphoderus bilineatus
Al Vrezec, Špela Ambrožič Ergaver, Andrej Kapla, Stiven Kocijančič, Klemen Čandek, Urška Ratajc, Alenka Žunič Kosi, 2020, končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav

Povzetek: V končnem poročilu so predstavljeni rezultati terenskih raziskav osmih varstveno pomembnih vrst hroščev v Sloveniji v letih 2018, 2019 in 2020. Za močvirskega krešiča (Carabus variolosus), rogača (Lucanus cervus), alpskega kozlička (Rosalia alpina), bukovega kozlička (Morimus funereus), drobnovratnika (Leptodirus hochenwartii) in ovratniškega plavača (Graphoderus bilineatus) je v Sloveniji že vzpostavljena shema populacijskega in distribucijskega monitoringa. V obdobju 2018–2020 smo izvedli vzorčenja za populacijski monitoring za močvirskega krešiča (12. do 14. snemanje), rogača (12. do 14. snemanje), alpskega (11. do 13. snemanje), bukovega kozlička (10. do 12. snemanje), drobnovratnika (4. do 6. snemanje) in ovratniškega plavača (3. snemanje) ter vzorčenja za distribucijski monitoring za močvirskega krešiča in rogača. Narejena je bila evalvacija rezultatov monitoringa v obdobju 2007 - 2020, ki kaže na upadajoče populacije pri rogaču in drobnovratniku ter na stabilne populacije pri močvirskem krešiču (z močnimi lokalnimi upadi), alpskem in bukovem kozličku. Na novo so glede na zbrane podatke ovrednotene SDF ocene in podane smernice za nadaljnje aktivnosti monitoringa hroščev do leta 2022 (EU poročanje). V poročilu podajamo rezultate prvega cikla snemanja monitoringa škrlatnega kukuja (Cucujus cinnaberinus). V poročilu so podani izsledki genetske analize populacije puščavnika (Osmoderma eremita compl.) v Sloveniji, kjer smo potrdili prisotnost dveh vrst: Osmoderma eremita in Osmoderma barnabita. Glede na vsako vrsto so podane ocene velikosti populacije po območjih in predlagana območja za dopolnitev Natura 2000 omrežja glede na zahteve biogeografskega seminarja.
Ključne besede: monitoring, Slovenija
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.09.2024; Ogledov: 132; Prenosov: 86
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Revizija biodiverzitete v Krajinskem parku Ljubljansko barje : pilotna akcija
Nataša Mori, Al Vrezec, Davorin Tome, Urška Ratajc, 2020, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: Pilotna akcija “Revizija biodiverzitete v kopenskih, negozdnih okoljih Krajinskega parka Ljubljansko barje« je bila izvedena v okviru projekta "Od podatkov o biodiverziteti do odločanja" (Interreg Evropa; BID-REX; 2016-2021). Projekt BIDREX je naslavljal problematiko uporabe podatkov o biodiverziteti v procesih odločanja na področju varstva narave. Namen pilotne akcije je bil testirati metodo »Revizija biodiverzitete«, ki so jo razvili na Univerzi Vzhodne Anglije in uspešno uporabili že na treh naravovarstveno pomembnih območjih Velike Britanije. Osnovni cilj pilotne akcije je bil ugotoviti, katero biodiverziteto in kako uspešno jo varujejo trenutni naravovarstveni ukrepi na Ljubljanskem barju, s poudarjenim pogledom na shemo Kmetijsko-okoljsko-podnebna plačila (KOPOP). Metodo smo zaradi razlik v obsegu biodiverzitetnih podatkov v primerjavi z originalno metodo prilagodili ter poskusno izvedli le na biodiverziteti kopenskih, negozdnih okolij Ljubljanskega Barja. Ta območja so na Barju namreč najbolj razširjena in se zanje izvaja največ naravovarstvenih ukrepov. V pilotni akciji smo najprej zbrali podatke o vseh vrstah v Krajinskem parku Ljubljansko barje ter s pomočjo sodelujočih strokovnjakov identificirali, katere vrste so, poleg Natura 2000 kvalifikacijskih vrst, prednostne, torej pomembne za varovanje na Ljubljanskem barju. V nadaljevanju smo, ponovno s pomočjo sodelujočih strokovnjakov, izvedli ekološko karakterizacijo in analizo občutljivosti prednostnih vrst na človekove dejavnosti. Nato smo prednostne vrste združili v “upravljalske cehe” – skupine vrst, ki za ohranjanje potrebujejo podobne naravovarstvene ukrepe. Ugotovili smo, da za večino prednostnih vrst, ki živijo na Barju primanjkuje novejših podatkov, ter natančnejših prostorskih podatkov, redki so sistematični popisi, s tem je povezano tudi slabo poznavanje razširjenosti in ekoloških potreb večine vrst. Zaradi teh razlogov je ekološka karakterizacija večine prednostnih vrst potekala na podlagi najboljše ocene strokovnjaka. V upravljalskih cehih, ki smo jih oblikovali smo identificirali indikatorske vrste – vrste, za katere obstaja največ podatkov o razširjenosti na Ljubljanskem barju, oziroma smo ocenili, da bi lahko služile kot pokazatelj stanja celotnega ceha. V vsakem cehu smo določili tudi krovno vrsto - to je vrsta, za katero se že izvajajo naravovarstveni ukrepi, oziroma bi bilo priporočljivo, da se načrtujejo.
Ključne besede: biodiverziteta, Ljubljansko barje, naravovarstvo, določitev upravljalskih cehov
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 129; Prenosov: 2808
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The importance of population contextual data for large-scale biomonitoring using an apex predator : the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco)
Urška Ratajc, Rui Lourenço, Silvia Espín, Pablo Sánchez Virosta, Simon Birrer, Dani Studler, Chris Wernham, Al Vrezec, 2023, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Top predators are often used as sentinel species in contaminant monitoring due to their exposure and vulnerability to persistent, bioaccumulative and, in some cases, biomagnificable contaminants. Some of their ecological traits can vary in space and time, and are known to influence the contamination levels and therefore information on ecological traits should be used as contextual data for correct interpretation of large-scale contaminant spatial patterns. These traits can explain spatiotemporal variation in contaminant exposure (traits such as diet and dispersal distances) or contaminant impacts (traits such as population trend and clutch size). The aim of our research was to review the spatial variation in selected contextual parameters in the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco), a species identified by the COST Action European Raptor Biomonitoring Facility as one of the most suitable candidates for pan-European biomonitoring. A considerable variation in availability of published and unpublished contextual data across Europe was found, with diet being the most extensively studied trait. We demonstrate that the Tawny Owl is a suitable biomonitor at local scale but also that taking spatial variation of other contextual data (e.g. diet) into account is necessary. We found spatial gaps in knowledge about the species ecology and biology in Southern Europe, along with gaps in certain population parameters (e.g. population trends) in several countries. Based on our findings, we proposed a minimal recommended scheme for monitoring of population contextual data as one of the first steps towards a pan-European monitoring scheme using the Tawny Owl.
Ključne besede: raptors, sentinel species, contamination exposure, contamination impact, diet, minimal recommended monitoring scheme
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Ogledov: 192; Prenosov: 157
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Inventory and DNA-barcode library of ground-dwelling predatory arthropods from Krokar virgin forest, Slovenia
Žan Kuralt, Urška Ratajc, Neža Pajek Arambašić, Maja Ferle, Matic Gabor, Ivan Kos, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background At a time of immense human pressure on nature and the resulting global environmental changes, the inventory of biota - especially of undisturbed natural areas - is of unprecedented value as it provides a baseline for future research. Krokar, an example of such an undisturbed area, is the largest virgin forest remnant in Slovenia. It is located in the Dinaric Alps, which are believed to harbour the most diverse fauna of soil invertebrates in Europe. Nevertheless, the soil fauna of the Krokar virgin forest has not been thoroughly studied. Moreover, modern taxonomic approaches often rely on genetic information (e.g. DNA-barcodes), while extensive reference libraries from the Dinaric area are lacking. Our work, therefore, focused on addressing this lack of faunistic and genetic data from the Dinaric area. New information A total of 2336 specimens belonging to 100 taxa (45 spiders, 30 centipedes, 25 ground-dwelling beetles) were collected and deposited to GBIF. DNA-barcodes of 124 specimens belonging to 73 species were successfully obtained and deposited in GenBank and BOLD databases.
Ključne besede: zoology, faunistics, primary forest, Slovenia
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 16.07.2024; Ogledov: 227; Prenosov: 98
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Differential responses of coexisting owls to annual small mammal population fluctuations in temperate mixed forest
Urška Ratajc, Martin Breskvar, Sašo Džeroski, Al Vrezec, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Montane temperate forests in central and southern Europe host diverse small mammal assemblages, but the fluctuations in these assemblages in correlation with owl predators are still poorly explored. The key questions of our study were how coexisting owls responded to different prey fluctuations and whether any particular small mammal species governed predator–prey co-dynamics. We conducted a long-term study (2004–2020) in low-elevation (300–1100 m above sea level) mixed Beech and Silver Fir forest in the northern Dinaric Alps (central Slovenia). Monitoring data on the main small mammal groups – mice Muridae, voles Cricetidae, dormice Gliridae and shrews Soricidae – and three owl species – the Ural Owl Strix uralensis, Tawny Owl Strix aluco and Boreal Owl Aegolius funereus – were collected annually. To find relationships between prey and predator populations, we used two types of supervised machine learning approaches and addressed three predictive modelling tasks of multi-target regression. The dominant species in the small mammal assemblage, the Yellow-necked Mouse Apodemus flavicollis, had a key role in determining predator populations and their breeding performance. We noted higher sensitivity to small mammal fluctuations in boreal zone owl species (Boreal Owl and Ural Owl), which reach their southern distribution limit in the Dinaric Alps, whereas the temperate zone species (Tawny Owl) seemed to be less affected. In years of prey shortage, the Boreal Owl was found to presumably abandon its territories, the Ural Owl suppressed breeding and the Tawny Owl sustained breeding activity by shifting prey selection. Low-elevation forests appeared to be suboptimal habitat for the competitive subordinate Boreal Owl, which may exploit occasional outbreaks of small mammal populations in these habitats even in the presence of larger competitors. Whether low-elevation forests can play a role in maintaining threatened and cold-adapted Boreal Owl populations in central and southern Europe in the face of recent ecosystem changes due to climate and environmental changes remains an open scientific question.
Ključne besede: sove, mali sesalci, populacijska dinamika, strojno učenje
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 16.07.2024; Ogledov: 200; Prenosov: 95
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