201. Liquid-copper infiltration and characterization of additively manufactured W-lattice structuresAljaž Iveković, Gokula Krishna Muralidharan, Andrei Galatanu, Guichuan Li, Kim Vanmeensel, Jef Vleugels, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Tungsten-copper (W-Cu) composites have a wide range of engineering applications, from arc-resistant electrodes and high-voltage electrical contacts to heat sinks for integrated circuits and plasma-facing components for fusion reactors. They combine high corrosion and erosion resistance, very good thermal and electrical conductivity, low thermal expansion, with good mechanical properties. However, the fabrication of such materials is limited in terms of shape complexity and the internal distribution of the individual phases. Furthermore, the dissimilar thermo-mechanical properties (melting temperature, thermal conductivity, coefficient of thermal expansion) of the constituent phases impose severe constraints on the fabrication and use of W-Cu composites. To overcome the challenges of component design and enable greater freedom in terms of composition, W-Cu composites were produced by a combination of additive manufacturing and liquid-melt infiltration (LMI). Porous W-lattice structures were manufactured by laser powder-bed fusion (LPBF) followed by infiltration with molten Cu. A series of composites was produced with Cu contents from 3 to 75 vol% and evaluated in terms of thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties. The LPBF-LMI W-Cu composites exhibited comparable thermo-mechanical properties to W-Cu materials manufactured using powder-metallurgical processing, but with an expanded composition range and shape complexity. Lower thermal expansion coefficients (4.5–5.8 × 10−6 K−1) and an improved thermal stability of the Young’s modulus, only a 27–33 GPa decline in the range 27–827 °C, were observed for all the compositions, which was ascribed to the W-phase connectivity in all the W-Cu composites, independent of the volume fraction of Cu. Ključne besede: termomechanical properties, liquid-metal infiltration, laser powder-bed fusion, metal-matrix composites Objavljeno v DiRROS: 07.02.2025; Ogledov: 130; Prenosov: 26
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202. Vacuum ultraviolet radiation from gaseous plasma for destruction of water contaminantsMark Zver, Rok Zaplotnik, Miran Mozetič, Alenka Vesel, Arijana Filipić, David Dobnik, Belisa Alcantara Marinho, Gregor Primc, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Innovative technological solutions are needed for water decontamination to combat the diverse pollutants present in water systems, as no single optimal decontamination technique is appropriate for all circumstances. Vacuum-ultraviolet (V-UV) radiation is a source of energetic photons that break molecular bonds, producing a plethora of chemically reactive agents, most notably OH● radicals, which can cause the degradation of harmful pollutants. Low-pressure gaseous plasma is a good source of V-UV radiation; however, its application to liquid water poses challenges. We constructed an inductively coupled radiofrequency plasma to produce high-intensity V-UV radiation, which was applied to contaminated water via a V-UV-transparent window. Plasma was sustained in hydrogen, as it produces the highest V-UV intensity among all gases at selected discharge parameters. Bacteriophage MS2 was used as an indicator of microbial decontamination efficiency. Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species were measured at various treatment setups to quantify their effect on MS2 inactivation and elucidate the primary inactivation factors. At optimal conditions, the concentration of active virus dropped by 9 log10 PFU/mL in 60 s. The optimal experimental setup was then used to treat bacteria E. coli, S. aureus, antibiotic tetracycline, and synthetic dye methylene blue as representatives of other types of pollutants, all of which were effectively removed/degraded within 10 min of treatment. A comparison of energy efficiency (EEO) to other disinfection setups was made for bacteriophage inactivation. With a low EEO value, we showcase the potential of this technique for further work in this field. Ključne besede: water treatment, radical Objavljeno v DiRROS: 07.02.2025; Ogledov: 139; Prenosov: 71
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204. Deactivation of copper electrocatalysts during CO2 reduction occurs via dissolution and selective redeposition mechanismBlaž Tomc, Marjan Bele, Mohammed Azeezulla Nazrulla, Primož Šket, Matjaž Finšgar, Angelja Kjara Surca, Ana Rebeka Kamšek, Martin Šala, Jan Šiler Hudoklin, Matej Huš, Blaž Likozar, Nejc Hodnik, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: electrochemistry, catalysts, copper, hydrogen production Objavljeno v DiRROS: 07.02.2025; Ogledov: 137; Prenosov: 81
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206. O tobožnjem privilegiju akvilejskoga patrijarha Grgura de Montelonga i širenju ingerencija koparske komune na Buje, Oprtalj, Buzet i DvigradJosip Banić, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: Članak utvrđuje epistemološke pretpostavke koje stoje iza tvrdnje da je akvilejski patrijarh Grgur de Montelongo (1251. – 1269.) na početku svoje vlasti (1251. ili 1254.) izdao poseban privilegij koparskoj komuni, davši joj pravo postavljanja podestata iz redova gradskoga plemstva u Bujama, Oprtlju, Buzetu i Dvigradu. To su mišljenje u istarskoj historiografiji popularizirali Pietro Kandler, Carlo de Franceschi i Dane Gruber, sva trojica bez navođenja ikakva izvora, a kasnije su tvrdnju preuzeli Dario Alberi i Darko Darovec. S druge strane, mnogi povjesničari srednjovjekovne povijesti Akvilejskoga patrijarhata i Istre, poput Pija Paschinija i Giovannija de Vergottinija, nigdje ne spominju taj događaj. Nadalje, ni izvorna listina ni njezin prijepis ne nalaze se ni u jednoj objavljenoj zbirci izvora niti u poznatim arhivskim fondovima. Autor zaključuje da je sporno mišljenje prvi formulirao Prospero Petronio u 17. stoljeću, nadovezujući se na Nicolòa Manzuolija, koji je pogrešno povezao koparske privilegije iz 1421. i 1423. s tada već poznatom činjenicom da su koparski plemići u trinaestom stoljeću služili kao podestati u nekim istarskim komunama. Kako se radi o čistoj novovjekovnoj fikciji koja je služila jačanju legitimnosti vlasti koparske komune, tadašnjem neosporivom centru mletačke Istarske provincije, tvrdnja o tobožnjem privilegiju Grgura de Montelonga mora se u potpunosti napustiti. Ključne besede: historiografija, horografija, razvijeni srednji vijek, Istra, Kopar, Akvilejski patrijarhat, komune Objavljeno v DiRROS: 06.02.2025; Ogledov: 131; Prenosov: 45
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207. Occurrence and distribution of root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne spp. in SerbiaJasmina Bačić, Ivana Lalićević, Saša Širca, Melita Theuerschuh, Nik Susič, Barbara Gerič Stare, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: This study examines the occurrence and distribution of root-knot nematodes (RKN), Meloidogyne spp., in Serbia through an official survey conducted from 2021 to 2023. A total of 241 plant and soil samples were collected from 25 districts across two regions: Northern Serbia (Vojvodina Province) and Central Serbia. RKN infestations were detected in 23.7% of the samples. Among the 57 identified populations, 5 Meloidogyne species were recorded: M. incognita, M. hapla, M. luci, M. arenaria and M. javanica. Meloidogyne luci was reported in Serbia for the first time, marking a significant finding for nematology in the region. This study highlights the importance of implementing effective pest management strategies to mitigate the agricultural impact of RKN in Serbia. Ključne besede: molecular identification, root-knot nematodes, nematodes, morphological identification, distribution, Serbia Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.02.2025; Ogledov: 142; Prenosov: 74
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208. Is alloying a promising path to substitute critical raw materials?François Rousseau, Alexandre Nominé, Janez Zavašnik, Uroš Cvelbar, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek Povzetek: A long-standing problem in metallurgy has been the alloying of metals and the search for new alloys that can improve performance and replace expensive metals. This decades-long quest for high-performance alloys has led to increasingly complex compositions. The number of possible alloy compositions to explore is literally astronomical. While this enormous range gives hope for the discovery of alternative materials, it also makes trial-and-error research highly speculative. This article will show that while alloying can offer alternatives, the supply risks increases with the number of elements involved and quickly outweigh the supply risks of the element being replaced. Therefore, the possibilities of alloying are not unlimited and a balance must be found between the overall supply risk and the number of elements used. In substitution scenarios, the supply risk increases almost linearly with the number of elements in the alloy. As a rule, effective combinations comprise no more than five elements, all of which are selected from the elements with the lowest supply risk. This significantly limits the range of possible candidates and makes the task of synthesis and characterization more manageable for materials scientists. By considering the multiple dimensions stepping in the supply risk, the list of suitable elements can be further refined and prioritized. Ključne besede: critical raw materials, risk assessment, supply chain sustainability, material dependency reduction Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.02.2025; Ogledov: 691; Prenosov: 89
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210. Quality of Slovenian dry-cured ham from Krškopolje and hybrid pigs : Influence of skin trimming methodsBojana Savić, Martin Škrlep, Nives Marušić Radovčić, Sandra Petričević, Marjeta Čandek-Potokar, 2025, pregledni znanstveni članek Povzetek: This study examined the quality of dry-cured hams produced from local pig breed and modern hybrids using two trimming methods. Hams (n = 24) of similar weight were harvested from local breed “Krškopolje pig” (KKP) and conventional hybrid pigs (CON). The left and right hams from KKP were trimmed according to “Kraški pršut” (K) and “Istrski pršut” (I), respectively, while the hams from CON were trimmed as “Kraški pršut”, yielding 8 hams per treatment (K-KKP, I-KKP, K-CON). After processing, the samples of dry-cured hams (part with biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles) were collected and analysed for chemical composition, texture, sensory analysis and volatile profile. Dry-cured hams of local breed (K-KKP) had lower dehydration loss (due to thicker fat cover), moisture content and aw, softer and more plastic texture, with sensory analysis showing more marbling, softer, pastier texture, more pronounced herbal aroma and sweetness than K-CON. Trimming type was associated with higher dehydration loss (due to removed skin), lower moisture content and aw, higher salt content and harder texture, with sensory analysis showing more marbling, more surface moisture and herbal odour, harder and pastier texture, and sweeter and less bitter taste in I-KKP than K-KKP. The analysis of volatile compounds clearly distinguished the types of dry-cured hams, with each exhibiting a unique volatile profile that enabled differentiation based on breed or trimming. Overall, the study highlights some advantages of dry-cured ham from local pig breeds and shows how trimming affects product's characteristics. Ključne besede: pigs, dry-cured ham, Krškopolje pig, Kraški pršut, Istrski pršut, physico-chemical properties, volatile profile Objavljeno v DiRROS: 04.02.2025; Ogledov: 142; Prenosov: 87
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