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Iskalni niz: "avtor" (Marija Abramić) .

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Cathepsin D and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 in normal, benign and alignant ovarian tissues : a preliminary report
Marina Šprem, Damir Babić, Marija Abramić, Duško Miličić, Ivan Vrhovec, Janez Škrk, Maja Osmak, 2000, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background. The aim of the present study was to determine the concentration ofcathepsin D (Cath D) and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) in normal ovarian tissues, benign and malignant ovarian tumor tissues, and to asses relationship between Cath D and PAI-1 content, and some clinical and pathohistological parameters. Materials and methods. Cath D contents and PAI-1concentrations were determined (using immunoradiometric ELSA-Cath D assayand commercial IMUDIND R ELISA immunoassay, respectively) in 35 samples: 10 normal ovarii, 10 benign, 10 primary malignant and 5 metastatic ovarian tumors. Results. The concentrations of Cath D were significantly higher in malignant (32.89+-14.26 pmol/mg protein ) and metastatic (31.42+-10.24 pmol/mgprotein), than in normal (13.68+-4.03 pmol/mg protein) and benign (17.89+-13.13 pmol/mg protein) ovarian tissues. There was no statistical differences in the concentrations of PAI-1 between normal, benign, malignant and metastatic tumor specimens. The concentrations of Cath D as well as PAI-1 did not correlate to the age of patients, menopausal status, parity, GOG risk group, clinical stage or pathohistological grading. Conclusion. Concentrationsof Cath D (but not PAI-1) were significantly increased in malignant and metastatic ovarian tumor tissues when compared to normal and benign ovarian tumor samples; they were independent from pathohistological andclinical parameters.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 23.01.2024; Ogledov: 428; Prenosov: 109
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