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Iskalni niz: "avtor" (Ma%EF%BF%BD%EF%BF%BDera Andrej) .

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Evaluation of safety and analgesic consumption in patients with advanced cancer treated with zoledronic acid
Andrej Kmetec, Tine Hajdinjak, 2013, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background. The aim of the study was evaluation of zoledronic acid with regard to safety, effect on analgesic consumption and impact on occurrence of skeletal related events in patients with bone lesions from solid tumors and multiple myeloma.Methods. We conducted an observational, 12-month, phase IV and multi-center study. One hundred and twenty-five symptomatic (pain) bone-metastatic patients were included between 2007 and 2009: 92 prostate cancers, 28 multiple myelomas, 5 others. They were prescribed monthly infusions of zoledronic acid in accordance to each diseases treatment guidelines. Analgesics consumption, pain and laboratory values were evaluated.Results. Zoledronic acid was prescribed concurrent to initial therapy for myeloma and only in late stage of prostate cancer. With treatment, percentage of patients on analgesics decreased in myeloma group (from 57% to 24%) and increased in prostate cancer group (from 70% to 88%). In patients with any analgesics, the use of opiates prescriptiondropped from 72.9% to 64%, percentages of non-steroidal analgesics and other mild analgesics increased slightly. Pain score (Visual Analog Scale, VAS) decreased non significantly (by 22%) in prostate cancer but significantly in myeloma (by 97%). Hypocalcaemia grade 3 or 4 was observed in 4% of patients. Deviations in creatinine remained stable throughout. A total of 31 skeletal related events were reported for 10 patients (8%).Conclusions. Zoledronic acid was safe medication. Different response of pain was seen between prostate cancer and myeloma patients, which might be due to different stages of disease where it was prescribed according to present guidelines. Possibility of earlier start of treatment should be explored in prostate cancer.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.04.2024; Ogledov: 302; Prenosov: 91
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Wet torrefaction of biomass waste into levulinic acid and high-quality hydrochar using H-beta zeolite catalyst
Andrii Kostyniuk, Blaž Likozar, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Objavljeno v DiRROS: 21.03.2024; Ogledov: 466; Prenosov: 190
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New developments in surgery of malignant gliomas
Andrej Vranič, 2011, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background. Malignant gliomas account for a high proportion of brain tumours. With new advances in neurooncology, the recurrence-free survival of patients with malignant gliomas has been substantially prolonged. It, however, remains dependent on the thoroughness of the surgical resection. The maximal tumour resection without additional postoperative deficit is the goal of surgery on patients with malignant gliomas. In order to minimize postoperative deficit, several pre- and intraoperative techniques have been developed. Conclusions. Several techniques used in malignant glioma surgery have been developed, including microsurgery, neuroendoscopy, stereotactic biopsy and brachytherapy.Imaging and functional techniques allowing for safer tumour resection have a special value. Imaging techniques allow for better preoperative visualization and choice of the approach, while functional techniques help us locate eloquent regions of the brain.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.03.2024; Ogledov: 361; Prenosov: 135
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Electrogene therapy with interleukin-12 in canine mast cell tumors
Darja Pavlin, Maja Čemažar, Andrej Cör, Gregor Serša, Azra Pogačnik, Nataša Tozon, 2011, izvirni znanstveni članek

Ključne besede: psi, tumor, zdravljenje, elektrogenska terapija, plazmidi
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.03.2024; Ogledov: 421; Prenosov: 145
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Seismogenic depth and seismic coupling estimation in the transition zone between Alps, Dinarides and Pannonian Basin for the new Slovenian seismic hazard model
Polona Zupančič, Barbara Šket Motnikar, Michele M. C. Carafa, Petra Jamšek Rupnik, Mladen Živčić, Vanja Kastelic, Gregor Rajh, Martina Čarman, Jure Atanackov, Andrej Gosar, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Seismogenic depth and seismic coupling are important inputs into seismic hazard estimates. Although the importance of seismic coupling is often overlooked, it significantly impacts seismic hazard results. We present an estimation of upper and lower seismogenic depth and expected hypocentral depth and seismic coupling in the transition zone between the Alps, Dinarides and Pannonian Basin, characterized by a complex deformation pattern, highly variable crustal thickness, and moderate seismic hazard, supporting the development of the 2021 seismic hazard model of Slovenia. The hazard model was based on three seismic source models: area source model, fault source model and smoothed seismicity (point) source model. We estimated the lower seismogenic depth using seismological and geological data and compared them. The seismological estimate was based on two regional earthquake catalogues prepared for this study. In the area source model, estimates of lower seismogenic depth from seismological data are deeper or equal to the ones derived from geological data, except in one case. In the fault source model, we analysed each fault individually and chose seismological lower depth estimates in 12 among 89 faults as more representative. The seismogenic thickness for each individual fault source was determined for seismic coupling determination. The seismic coupling was assessed by two approaches, i.e. we chose the most trusted value from the literature, and the value determined for each fault individually by using the approach based on the updated regional fault and earthquake data sets. The final estimate of seismic coupling ranges from 0.77 to 0.38. We compared the tectonic moment rate based on long-term slip rate using different values of seismic coupling with the seismic moment rate obtained from the earthquake catalogue. The analysis is done for the whole area, as well as for the individual area zones. The analysis of N–S components of estimated slip for the largest faults in the area of west Slovenia shows that the regional geological and geodetic shortening rates are comparable. The total activity rate of three global seismic source models is compared, which gives up to a 10 % difference. Our results contribute to a better understanding of the seismic activity in the region. The presented approach for seismic coupling estimation can be applied in cases where the total slip rate is given instead of its seismic part and can be used at regional or national level. The approach is also suitable for the cross-border harmonization of the European seismic hazard modelling data.
Ključne besede: seismic hazard, modeling, Slovenia
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 18.03.2024; Ogledov: 650; Prenosov: 468
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Antigen expression on recurrent meningioma cells
Andrej Vranič, 2010, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Introduction. Meningiomas are intracranial brain tumours that frequently recur. Recurrence rates up to 20% in 20 years for benign meningiomas, up to 80% for atypical meningiomas and up to 100% for malignant meningiomas, have been reported. The most important prognostic factors for meningioma recurrenceare meningioma grade, meningioma invasiveness and radicality of neurosurgical resection. The aim of our study was to evaluate the differences in antigenic expression on the surface of meningioma cells between recurrent and non-recurrent meningiomas. Methods. 19 recurrent meningiomas and 35 non-recurrent meningiomas were compared regarding the expression of MIB-1 antigen, progesterone receptors, cathepsin B and cathepsin L, using immunohistochemistry. Results. MIB-1 antigen expression was higher in the recurrent meningioma group (p=0.001). No difference in progesterone receptor status between recurrent and non-recurrent meningiomas was confirmed. Immunohistochemical intensity scores for cathepsin B (p= 0.007) and cathepsin L (p<0.001) were both higher in the recurrent than in the non-recurrent meningioma group. Conslusions. MIB-1 antigen expression is higher in recurrentcompared to non-recurrent meningiomas. There is no difference in expression of progesterone receptors between recurrent and non-recurrent meningiomas. Cathepsins B and L are expressed more in recurrent meningiomas.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 15.03.2024; Ogledov: 357; Prenosov: 125
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Presence and role of Simian Virus 40 (SV40) in malignant pleural mesothelioma
Julija Hmeljak, Andrej Cör, 2009, pregledni znanstveni članek

Ključne besede: viral carcinogenesis, simian virus 40, mesothelioma, T antigen
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 08.03.2024; Ogledov: 419; Prenosov: 115
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Influence of surgical treatment and radiotherapy of the advanced intraoral cancers on complete blood count, body mass index, liver enzymes and leukocyte CD64 expression
Tadej Dovšak, Alojz Ihan, Vojislav Didanovič, Andrej Kansky, Nataša Ihan Hren, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background. The aim of our study was to evaluate the influence of the surgery and radiotherapy of the advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma on the complete blood count, body mass index (BMI), acute inflam-matory response, liver enzymes and expression of the CD64 index on leukocytes in the peripheral blood. Patients and method. Venous blood was obtained from 16 patients with advanced oral squamous cell carcinomas treated with radical surgery and external beam radiotherapy. Blood samples were collected prior to surgery (T1), after surgery (T2) and after radiotherapy (T3). Blood samples were analyzed for whole blood count, immunoglobulin G levels, liver enzymes (transaminases (ALT and AST) and gammaglutamyl trasferase (?-GT)), inflammatory response markers (C-reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, albumin, white blood count, leukocyte count and CD64 expression on leukocytes). Assessment of nutrition was done by calculating the body mass index.Results. Surgery caused anaemia, trombocytosis, leukocytosis, lymphopenia, rise in acute phase proteins, elevation of CD64 expression on monocytes and neutrophyls, elevation of liver transaminases and lowering of ?-GT, albumin, protein and bilirubin levels. After radiotherapy haemoglobin, leukocytes, C-reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, liver transferases, albumin, bilirubin and proteins returned almost to T1 levels, levels of lymphocytes, ?-GT and body mass index lowered. IgG levels remained almost unchanged at T2 and T3. Levels of the CD64 expression on monocytes and neutrophyls also elevated after radiotherapy.Conclusions. Surgery caused a significantly larger acute phase response than radiotherapy, while radiotherapy worsened the already present lymphopenia.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 08.03.2024; Ogledov: 442; Prenosov: 95
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