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D1.4 Qualitative feedback from WINBLUE Labs : WINBLUE, empowering women and mainstreaming gender equality in the blue economy
Ana Rotter, Ernesta Grigalionyte-Bembič, 2024, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: The WINBLUE project takes a multi-actor, data-driven, trans-sectoral and practice-cantered approach to accelerate the empowerment of women in the blue economy. For this reason, the collection qualitative data has been performed. The data collection exercise analysed in this Deliverable, is essential to identify challenges faced by women working in the WINBLUE selected sectors and to provide a basis for establishing future recommendations. The main messages identified in the Deliverable are: 1. Understanding gender and gender equality. For many years, gender equality was considered only as the gender distribution of women and men employed in an organization. This has been changed only in recent years, especially by requesting the adoption of the Gender Equality Plans. 2. Gender Equality Plan (GEP). The EU encouraged the mandatory adoption of GEPs in public organisations if the organisation wants obtain EU funding. If it was not enforced by the EU, many legal entities would not introduce it. However, many organizations see this as a formal “tick the box” exercise without its formal implementation. Nevertheless, in blue economy, where a lot of workforce operates in private or non-governmental entities, GEPs can also be of high value to make structural and cultural changes in individual organizations. 3. Obstacles, such as stereotypes, traditions, mentality and prejudices are still very present in today's society and represent one of the biggest obstacles for women when entering or trying to move up in the sectors of the blue economy selected by WINBLUE (Blue circular bioeconomy and biotechnology, Fisheries and aquaculture, Sustainable coastal and marine tourism, Offshore renewable energy, Cutting-edge marine technologies and others, such as marine education, marine policy, port management, navigation). An important obstacle to mention is motherhood and balancing work and family life. This is not only related to maternity leave and at least one year's absence from work, but also to caring responsibilities and domestic duties, as well as ineffective institutional or national policies on work-life balance. In addition, women are subject to enormous social pressure with regard to role models, family and their life choices. 4. Education plays a very important role in raising awareness, fighting stereotypes, changing mindsets and raising new generations who will understand the meaning and importance of gender equality. It starts at an early age with the first lessons learned from parents and continues at school, university and vocational training. Hence, educational activities should be an integral part of any GEPs. 5. Recruitment and promotion. Gender alone should not be a factor in hiring and promotion. The decision to recruit or promote a person should be made on the basis of the candidate’s skills, abilities, competencies and experience. However, to address unconscious bias and ensure transparent recruitment and promotion procedures, clear guidelines with standardized questions and tasks should be established and records of the selection/promotion process should be kept so that the transparency of the process can be reviewed if necessary. Recruitment and promotion committees should be composed of both male and female employees. 6. Creation of support networks is mostly seen as a valuable tool that can provide mutual support, exchange of good practices and introduce ambassadors with good practice examples. 7. The WINBLUE project, in particular the qualitative and quantitative data collection, as well as the GEP models can make a decisive contribution to introducing changes in the blue economy sector, improving the representation of women in this sector and increasing their number in leadership positions. The WINBLUE project is a good starting point to raise awareness and increase the visibility of women in the blue economy sector. 8. Sustainability of the results of this project should already be considered at this point, during its implementation stage. This entails that through identified stakeholders, activities and GEPs proposed, the systematic quantitative and qualitative data analysis should be maintained and regular monitoring of GEP implementation should be established, including the collaboration with national and international legislative/funding organizations and other organizations from the blue economy sector.
Ključne besede: gender equality, marine biotechnology, blue economy
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.12.2024; Ogledov: 226; Prenosov: 63
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Dealing with the complexity of effective population size in conservation practice
Ancuta Cotovelea Fedorca, Joachim Mergeay, Adejoke O. Akinyele, Tamer Albayrak, Iris Biebach, Alice Brambilla, Pamela Burger, Elena Bužan, Ino Čurik, Roberta Gargiulo, Marjana Westergren, 2024, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Effective population size (Ne) is one of the most important parameters in evolutionary biology, as it is linked to the long-term survival capability of species. Therefore, Ne greatly interests conservation geneticists, but it is also very relevant to policymakers, managers, and conservation practitioners. Molecular methods to estimate Ne rely on various assumptions, including no immigration, panmixia, random sampling, absence of spatial genetic structure, and/or mutation-drift equilibrium. Species are, however, often characterized by fragmented populations under changing environmental conditions and anthropogenic pressure. Therefore, the estimation methods' assumptions are seldom addressed and rarely met, possibly leading to biased and inaccurate Ne estimates. To address the challenges associated with estimating Ne for conservation purposes, the COST Action 18134, Genomic Biodiversity Knowledge for Resilient Ecosystems (G-BiKE), organized an international workshop that met in August 2022 in Brașov, Romania. The overarching goal was to operationalize the current knowledge of Ne estimation methods for conservation practitioners and decision-makers. We set out to identify datasets to evaluate the sensitivity of Ne estimation methods to violations of underlying assumptions and to develop data analysis strategies that addressed pressing issues in biodiversity monitoring and conservation. Referring to a comprehensive body of scientific work on Ne, this meeting report is not intended to be exhaustive but rather to present approaches, workshop findings, and a collection of papers that serve as fruits of those efforts. We aimed to provide insights and opportunities to help bridge the gap between scientific research and conservation practice.
Ključne besede: Ne, effective population size, inbreeding
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.12.2024; Ogledov: 226; Prenosov: 88
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Sulfur speciation in Li–S batteries determined by operando laboratory X-ray emission spectroscopy
Ava Rajh, Alen Vižintin, Joanna Hoszowska, Robert Dominko, Matjaž Kavčič, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: In this work, operando sulfur X-ray emission measurementson a Li−S battery cathode were performed using a laboratory setup as analternative to more common synchrotron radiation based absorptionstudies. Photoexcitation by an X-ray tube was used. Valence-to-core Kβ X-ray emission spectra were recorded with a wavelength dispersive crystalspectrometer in von Hamos geometry, providing excellent energyresolution and good detection efficiency. The setup was used to recordex situ S Kβ emission spectra from S cathodes from the Li−S battery andalso under operando conditions. Average S oxidation state within thebattery cathode during battery cycling was determined from the shape ofthe Kβ emission spectra. A more detailed S species characterization wasperformed by fitting a linear combination of previously measuredlaboratory synthesized standards to the measured spectra. Relative amounts of different S species in the cathode were determinedduring the cycling of the Li−S battery. The main advantage of X-ray emission spectroscopy is that it can be performed onconcentrated samples with S loading comparable to a real battery. The approach shows great promise for routine laboratory analysisof electrochemical processes in Li−S batteries and other sulfur-based systems under operando conditions.
Ključne besede: X-ray emission spectroscopy, lithium−sulfur batteries, operando measurements, oxidation state, von Hamos spectrometer
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.12.2024; Ogledov: 160; Prenosov: 95
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Light-assisted catalysis and the dynamic nature of surface species in the reverse water gas shift reaction over Cu/γAl2O3
Kristijan Lorber, Iztok Arčon, Matej Huš, Janez Zavašnik, Jordi Sancho-Parramon, Anže Prašnikar, Blaž Likozar, Nataša Novak Tušar, Petar Djinović, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The reverse water gas shift (RWGS) reaction converts CO2 and H2 into CO and water. We investigated Cu/γ-Al2O3 catalysts in both thermally driven and light-assisted RWGS reactions using visible light. When driven by combined visible light and thermal energy, the CO2 conversion rates were lower than in the dark. Light-assisted reactions showed an increase in the apparent activation energy from 68 to 87 kJ/mol, indicating that light disrupts the energetically favorable pathway active in the dark. A linear correlation between irradiance and decreasing reaction rate suggests a photon-driven phenomenon. In situ diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy and TD-DFT analyses revealed that catalyst illumination causes significant, partly irreversible surface dehydroxylation, highlighting the importance of OH groups in the most favorable RWGS pathway. This study offers a novel approach to manipulate surface species and control activity in the RWGS reaction.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.12.2024; Ogledov: 193; Prenosov: 125
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Preverjanje verjetnostne napovedi sanitarnega poseka smreke zaradi podlubnikov v Sloveniji v 2024
Nikica Ogris, Maarten De Groot, 2024, drugi znanstveni članki

Povzetek: Preverili smo zanesljivost verjetnostne napovedi sanitarnega poseka smreke zaradi podlubnikov v Sloveniji v 2024. Verjetnostni model za napoved sanitarnega poseka smreke zaradi podlubnikov je potrdil visoko zanesljivost (AUC modela = 0,83, AUC napovedi = 0,83). Ugotovili smo optimalni prag za verjetnost sanitarnega poseka, ki ga bomo lahko uporabili pri naslednjih napovedih za bolj jasno določitev območij, kjer se bodo potencialno pojavila žarišča smrekovih podlubnikov. Napoved za leto 2024 smo naredili s pragom 0,45, ki pa se je izkazal za prenizkega, saj je bilo 24,1 % modelskih celic lažno pozitivnih. Optimalen prag za verjetnostni model v letu 2024 je bil 0,50, ki ga predlagamo za izdelavo vseh nadaljnjih verjetnostnih napovedih sanitarnega poseka smreke zaradi podlubnikov v Sloveniji.
Ključne besede: gozdovi, varstvo gozdov, navadna smreka, Picea abies, sanitarni posek, napovedi, ogroženost gozdov, modeli, validacija, zmogljivost, zanesljivost, točnost, natančnost, AUC, občutljivost, specifičnost
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.12.2024; Ogledov: 138; Prenosov: 83
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Improved understanding of thermal comfort could yield energy savings in heritage buildings
Katja Žagar, Uroš Bohinc, Blaž Kurent, Katja Malovrh Rebec, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Povzetek: It is necessary to improve the understanding of thermal comfort to reduce energy consumption for heating and cooling in heritage buildings, which are often energy inefficient and where interventions are limited. Personal thermal comfort models based on measurements of environmental conditions and the individual's physiological and subjective responses represent a potential solution to ensure the optimization of existing systems. Past research shows that lighting could impact thermophysiology and subjective perception of thermal conditions, but it is not clear whether the impact is sufficient to make light adaptation an appropriate solution to reduce energy consumption in heritage buildings, where people live and work. The research conducted under realistic semi-controlled conditions in an office environment of an existing building addresses this research gap. The paper presents the first partial simplified analyses and preliminary results of a wider ongoing study, mainly showing a correlation between skin temperature and air temperature and a partially promising effect of light on subjective thermal perception. Our research on the effect of light on thermal comfort does not provide definitive conclusions but rather highlights the need for further investigation in actual heritage buildings.
Ključne besede: heritage buildings, minimal intervention renovation, thermal comfort, light
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.12.2024; Ogledov: 191; Prenosov: 88
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High-Intensity Fast-Response Electric radiant Panel (HIFREP) for increased accuracy on thermal boundary conditions during fire testing
Florian Put, Balša Jovanović, Evelien Symoens, Andrea Lucherini, Bart Merci, Ruben Van Coile, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Povzetek: Fire resistance tests rely on the use of standardized furnaces to apply specific thermal boundary conditions to assess the performance of construction materials and systems in fire conditions. However, these tests are very expensive and encounter challenges related to repeatability and uncertainties in establishing thermal boundary conditions. Moreover, their incapacitance to tailor experiments hinders advancements in understanding structural behaviour during fire exposure. In this work, a novel type of radiant panel, that operates on electricity, is introduced: the High-Intensity Fast-Response Electric radiant Panel (HIFREP). This innovation offers enhanced sustainability performance while ensuring more precise control over thermal boundary conditions. By eliminating the need for gas combustion, the panel can be used in a traditional structural testing lab to investigate non-combustible materials (e.g. concrete), without requiring extraction hoods and other provisions. The presented electric radiant panel system represents a significant step forward from fire resistance furnace testing.
Ključne besede: radiant panel, fire testing, heat transfer, radiation, heat flux, fire safety, thermal boundary conditions
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.12.2024; Ogledov: 150; Prenosov: 78
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Predicting the total wall time of CFD simulations of single-compartment fires
Martin Veit, Andrea Lucherini, Georgios Maragkos, Bart Merci, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Povzetek: The total wall time is often difficult to predict a priori in compartment fire simulations due to dynamic phenomena that can occur, e.g., flame extinction. The wall time is dependent on multiple physical factors in the simulation, along with simulation factors and the system used to compute the model. Specifically, the CFL number of a simulation is highly influential to the wall time, as this restricts the time step size. In this paper, the prediction of the total wall time for a single-compartment fire is investigated considering varying fire heat release rates and compartment ventilation factors. It is shown that an increasing heat release rate increases the total wall time due to higher velocities inside the compartment. Furthermore, when the compartment becomes under-ventilated, the wall time becomes more difficult to predict early on in the simulation, as steady state conditions are reached later, compared to well-ventilated cases. The time at which the wall time can be accurately predicted changed from a few physical seconds in the well-ventilated case, to up to 60 physical seconds for the under-ventilated case.
Ključne besede: simulations, computational fluid dynamics, fire dynamics simulator, wall time
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.12.2024; Ogledov: 152; Prenosov: 86
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Makroskopske in mikroskopske značilnosti lesa : Vrste iz rodu Sorbus
Jožica Gričar, Peter Prislan, 2024, strokovni članek

Ključne besede: anatomija lesa, značilnosti lesa, drevesne vrste
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 18.12.2024; Ogledov: 171; Prenosov: 53
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