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Stanje treh visokogorskih jezer v TNP v letu 2019 : (Dvojno jezero in Jezero na Planini pri jezeru)
Anton Brancelj, Tina Eleršek, Janja Francé, Mladen Franko, Špela Remec-Rekar, končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav

Povzetek: Stanje nekaterih visokogorskih jezer v Triglavskem narodnem parku (TNP) se je v zadnjih treh desetletjih močno poslabšala. Glavna vzroka sta množičen turizem in naselitev rib. Planinske koče se nahajajo v neposrednem zaledju štirih jezer: Dupeljsko jezero, Srednje kriško jezero, Dvojno jezero in Jezero na Planini pri jezeru. Ribe so naseljene v Krnskem jezeru, Dupeljskem jezeru, Dvojnem jezeru, Jezeru na Planini pri jezeru ter Črnem jezeru. Najbolj sta izpostavljeni Dvojno jezero in Jezero na Planini pri jezeru, kjer se pojavlja tudi množica nitastih zelenih alg, ki konec poletja kvarijo estetski izgled jezer, ob razpadanju povzročajo smrad in močno vplivajo na jezerski ekosistem.
Ključne besede: poročila, visokogorska jezera
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.09.2024; Ogledov: 74; Prenosov: 1374
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Možnosti za povečanje potenciala lokacij za marikulturo na obali in v slovenskem morju : končno poročilo
Vesna Flander-Putrle, Aleš Bolje, Janja Francé, Mateja Grego, Vlado Malačič, Boris Petelin, Milijan Šiško, končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav

Povzetek: V skladu s projektno nalogo »Možnosti za povečanje potenciala lokacij za marikulturo na obali in v slovenskem morju« smo pripravili Končno poročilo projektne naloge. Cilj projektne naloge je bil preveriti potencial že obstoječih lokacij marikulture na morju ter opredeliti potencialne nove lokacije na obali in v slovenskem morju, kjer bi bilo mogoče v prihodnje povečati obstoječe in razvijati nove oblike marikulture. V projektni nalogi smo uporabili le razpoložljive podatke. Pregledali smo veljavno zakonodajo na področju okoljevarstva, upravljanja in rabe voda, varovanja habitatov ter zdravja in dobrega počutja živali iz akvakulture, strokovno-raziskovalne ugotovitve in pripadajočo znanstveno literaturo.
Ključne besede: poročila, morja, gojenje morskih organizmov
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.09.2024; Ogledov: 84; Prenosov: 105
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Pelagic habitats under MSFD D1 : scientific advice of policy relevance
Chiara Magliozzi, Jean Noel Druon, Andreas Palialexis, Laura Aguzzi, Konstantinos Antoniadis, Luis Felipe Artigas, Arianna Azzellino, Elena Bisinicu, Laura Boicenco, Natalia Bojanić, Patrizia Borrello, Simona Boschetti, Vanda Carmo, Sanda Skejić, Olja Vidjak, Janja Francé, Živana Ninčević Gladan, 2021, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Povzetek: The pelagic habitat is the largest biome on Earth, key for temperature regulation, oxygen, and food production. Its physical and biological components and processes vary spatially and temporally depending on multiple drivers. Understanding this variability, processes and interactions is fundamental to identify the drivers of changes and properly assess pelagic habitats under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). A JRC workshop was organised to align scientific and policy expectations for an improved MSFD pelagic habitat assessment. The workshop brought together experts from the 17 EU Member States and other organisations (e.g. Regional Sea Conventions) across Europe to share knowledge and methods and provide a coordinated regional input towards a harmonised assessment. This report summarizes the workshop outcomes and the way forward for pelagic Good Environmental Status (GES) determination.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Ogledov: 114; Prenosov: 75
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Marine strategy framework directive : Descriptor 2, non - indigenous species delivering solid recommendations for setting threshold values for non-indigenous species pressure on European seas
Konstantinos Tsiamis, Ivan Cvitković, Marija Despalatović, Branko Dragičević, Jakov Dulčić, Ana Fortič, Janja Francé, Lovrenc Lipej, Borut Mavrič, Patricija Mozetič, Živana Ninčević Gladan, Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Monika Peterlin, Valentina Pitacco, Domen Trkov, Olja Vidjak, Ante Žuljević, 2021, končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav

Povzetek: Marine Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) are animals and plants introduced accidently or deliberately into the European seas, originating from other seas of the globe. About 800 marine non-indigenous species (NIS) currently occur in the European Union national marine waters, several of which have negative impacts on marine ecosystem services and biodiversity. Under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Descriptor 2 (D2), EU Member States (MSs) need to consider NIS in their marine management strategies. The Descriptor D2 includes one primary criterion (D2C1: new NIS introductions), and two secondary criteria (D2C2 and D2C3). The D2 implementation is characterized by a number of issues and uncertainties which can be applicable to the Descriptor level (e.g. geographical unit of assessment, assessment period, phytoplanktonic, parasitic, oligohaline NIS, etc.), to the primary criterion D2C1 level (e.g. threshold values, cryptogenic, questionable species, etc), and to the secondary criteria D2C2 and D2C3. The current report tackles these issues and provides practical recommendations aiming at a smoother and more efficient implementation of D2 and its criteria at EU level. They constitute a solid operational output which can result in more comparable D2 assessments among MSs and MSFD regions/subregions. When it comes to the policy-side, the current report calls for a number of different categories of NIS to be reported in D2 assessments, pointing the need for the species to be labelled/categorised appropriately in the MSFD reporting by the MSs. These suggestions are proposed to be communicated to the MSFD Working Group of Good Environmental Status (GES) and subsequently to the Marine Strategy Coordination Group (MSCG) of MSFD. Moreover, they can serve as an input for revising the Art. 8 Guidelines.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 02.09.2024; Ogledov: 87; Prenosov: 67
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New tools and recommendations for a better management of harmful algal blooms under the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Yolanda Sagarmínaga, Esther Garcés, Janja Francé, Rowena Stern, Marta Revilla, Erika Magaletti, Eileen Bresnan, George Tsirtsis, 2023, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Marine harmful algal blooms (HABs), caused by various aquatic microalgae, pose significant risks to ecosystems, some socio-economic activities and human health. Traditionally managed as a public health issue through reactive control measures such as beach closures, seafood trade bans or closure of mollusc production areas, the multifaceted linkages of HABs with environmental and socio-economic factors require more comprehensive ecosystem-based management approach tools to support policies. This study promotes a coordinated understanding and implementation of HAB assessment and management under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), targeting the achievement of Good Environmental Status (GES) in European marine waters. We introduce two novel tools: GES4HABs (GES for HABs) decision tree, and MAMBO (environMental mAtrix for the Management of BlOoms), a decision support matrix. These tools aim to streamline HABs reporting and prioritize resource allocation and management interventions. The GES4HABs decision tree defines a sequence of decision steps to identify HAB management strategies according to their state (evaluated against predefined baselines) and causes (anthropic or natural). MAMBO is proposed to address different HABs and their interaction with human and environmental pressures. The matrix utilizes two axes: natural trophic status and level of human influence, capturing major aspects such as nutrient supply. While acknowledging the limitations of this simplified framework, MAMBO categorizes marine regions into quadrants of varying management viability. Regions with high human influence and eutrophic conditions are identified as most suitable for effective management intervention, whereas regions with minimal or mixed human influence are deemed less amenable to active management. In addition, we explore and describe various indicators, monitoring methods and initiatives that may be relevant to support assessments of HAB status and associated pressures and impacts in the MSFD reporting. Finally, we provide some recommendations to promote the consideration of HABs in ecosystem-based management strategies, intensify efforts for harmonizing and defining best practices of analysis, monitoring and assessment methodologies, and foster international and cross-sectoral coordination to optimize resources, efforts and roles.
Ključne besede: decision support tools, ecosystem-based management, indicators, marine monitoring, eutrophication, marine biotoxins, environmental assessment, pressures and impacts
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Ogledov: 167; Prenosov: 195
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Preliminary study on vertical migrations of dinoflagellates in a dynamic coastal sea (Gulf of Trieste, northern Adriatic)
Janja Francé, Patricija Mozetič, 2012, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The purpose of this preliminary study was to define the vertical migration pattern in the dinoflagellate community in the shallow coastal sea. Migrations were followed in an area of mussel farming, through two 24-hour samplings, first during mixed and second during stratified water column conditions. Despite variable physical environment we were able to follow vertical migrations of some autotrophic dinoflagellate species in the period of stratified water column. The results also suggest that Heterocapsa sp. may preserve its vertical migration pattern also under mixed conditions. Migrations were observed also for Dinophysis sacculus that can cause DSP problems in the area.
Ključne besede: dinoflagellates, vertical migrations, eastern Adriatic coast, Adriatic Sea, dynamic environment, coastal sea, Adriatic
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.08.2024; Ogledov: 283; Prenosov: 73
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Impact of the port of Koper on Cymodocea nodosa meadow
Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Janja Francé, Borut Mavrič, Lovrenc Lipej, 2019, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: In the Mediterranean Sea Cymodocea nodosa is considered a valid indicator of environmental changes, due to its extensive distribution, sensitivity to different pressures, and measurability of species responses to those stressors. Navigation routes are recognized among the main pressures on the status of C. nodosa meadows in the Gulf of Trieste, related to a high resuspension of sediments and, in consequence, high water turbidity and reduced light levels. The MediSkew index was applied to samples collected in the C. nodosa meadow growing near the Port of Koper, and the ecological status was evaluated. The results were compared to those obtained for the C. nodosa samples from the reference site in the Gulf of Trieste, the Strunjan Nature Reserve.
Ključne besede: MediSkew index, leaf lengths, Port of Koper, northern Adriatic Sea
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 31.07.2024; Ogledov: 175; Prenosov: 173
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Additional record of the non-indigenous copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinus (Sato, 1913) in the Adriatic Sea
Davor Lučić, Patricija Mozetič, Janja Francé, Petra Lučić, Lovrenc Lipej, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The Indo-Pacific egg-carrying copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinus Sato, 1913 was recorded for the first time in the Port of Koper, Slovenia (Gulf of Trieste) in February 2015. This is the fourth finding of this species in the Mediterranean Sea, and the third for the Adriatic Sea. A rather high abundance of 73 ind. m-3 was recorded, which is considerably higher than previous findings in the Adriatic. Maritime transport is presumed to be the main cause of its introduction, primarily through ballast water release. Repeat sampling in May confirmed the presence of this copepod, indicating the possibility that the species has established a stable population in the Port of Koper.
Ključne besede: copepods, Adriatic Sea, mesozooplankton, ballast waters
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 29.07.2024; Ogledov: 194; Prenosov: 72
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The most suitable time and depth to sample Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson meadows in the shallow coastal area. Experiences from the northern Adriatic Sea
Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Lovrenc Lipej, Janja Francé, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The Lesser Neptune grass, Cymodocea nodosa, is the most common seagrass species in shallow sheltered to semi-exposed sites along the Mediterranean soft bottom. The MediSkew index was recently developed as an improvement of the CymSkew index, in order to assess the status of C. nodosa meadows correctly in view of the implementation of three European Directives. The index takes into account the length of the photosynthetic part of C. nodosa leaves, which increases from the less degraded meadow to the most degraded meadow. To adequately assess temporal and spatial trends in the status of C. nodosa meadows, including estimates of the effects of natural disturbances within marine protected areas, the MediSkew index was applied to new samples collected at 3 m and at 6 m of depth, during two months (in July and in September). The analyses are discussed in view of monitoring and conservation of C. nodosa meadows. According to the results of this study, the monitoring programme in the northern Adriatic Sea should be conducted in July, with the collection of samples at 3 m of depth. The presented sampling and assessing methodology proved to be time- and cost-effective for the evaluation of the status of C. nodosa meadows and of human-induced pressures.
Ključne besede: MediSkew index, leaf lengths, Lesser Neptune grass, northern Adriatic Sea
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Ogledov: 182; Prenosov: 113
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Non-indigenous species in the Mediterranean Sea : turning from pest to source by developing the 8Rs model, a new paradigm in pollution mitigation
Ana Rotter, Katja Klun, Janja Francé, Patricija Mozetič, Martina Orlando-Bonaca, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: For mitigation of the effects of pollution, the media, policy makers and, in turn, the scientific community and industry each provide contributions through development of a sense of urgency, and with guidelines and solutions. For non-indigenous species (NIS) that can frequently have negative impacts on the native biota, this is often conveyed in an emotive way to the general public, who are typically keen to help and to get personally involved. This might be through organization of cleaning campaigns, influence on the media, or collaboration with scientists, to inform them of the local presence and abundance of NIS. Alternatively, they might proactively develop technological solutions themselves. To assess the current state of affairs, we reviewed the presence and effects of NIS in the Mediterranean Sea. As so often, any well-planned and successful activity is directly linked to financing, or a lack thereof, and this leads to sometimes untargeted and sporadic measures that are developed within a project or over a limited timeframe, without any sustainability measures. Therefore, we also assessed the activities and strategies that have been financed in this area of NIS mitigation. Based on this review of the presence and impact of NIS, and previous and ongoing activities, we propose a new paradigm to mitigate such pollution: the 8Rs model (i.e., Recognize, Reduce, Replace, Reuse, Recycle, Recover/Restore, Remove, and Regulate). This model extends from the more traditional 3Rs model (i.e., Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) that is often used and promoted for innovative waste management strategies. Importantly, the 8Rs model can be applied sequentially, for either prevention of NIS introduction, or preparation of mitigation measures. The 8Rs model was constructed based on Mediterranean NIS, although we believe it can be applied to other sources of pollution and other geographic areas. Importantly, the 8Rs model represents a general framework to organize and categorize future pollution mitigation strategies. This approach is essential for development of any action plan to influence the administrative and financial decision makers who essentially enable these activities, and therefore who have important roles in the guarantee of sustainability of these actions, and the creation of innovative societies.
Ključne besede: non-indigenous species, pollution mitigation, pollution mitigation, 8Rs model, quadruple helix, Mediterranean Sea, citizen science, communication, sustainability
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 22.07.2024; Ogledov: 216; Prenosov: 191
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