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Effects of digital-based interventions on muscular strength in adults : a systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of randomized controlled trials with quality of evidence assessment
Armin Paravlić, Luka Šlosar, Ensar Abazović, Uroš Marušič, 2023, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background: In the last three decades, both medical and sports science professionals have recognized the considerable potential of digital-based interventions (DBI) to enhance the health-related outcomes of their practitioners.Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness and potential moderators of DBI on measures of muscular strength.Methods: Six databases (PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science, SportDiscus, Embase, Cochrane Register of Controlled Trials and Google Scholar) were searched for eligible studies up to June 2022. The GRADE, PEDRO, and TIDieR checklists were used to assess the quality of evidence, methodology, and completeness of intervention descriptions, respectively.Results: A total of 56 studies were included in the meta-analysis (n = 2346), and participants were classified as healthy (n = 918), stroke survivors (n = 572), diagnosed with other neurological disorders (n = 683), and frail (n = 173). The DBI showed a small effect (standardized mean difference [SMD] = 0.28, 95% CI 0.21 to 0.31; p < 0.001) on strength, regardless of the type of intervention, control group, or tested body part. More specifically, while splitting the studies into different subgroups, a meta-analysis of 19 studies (n = 918) showed a small effect (SMD = 0.38, 95% CI 0.12 to 0.63; p = 0.003) on strength in the asymptomatic population. Similarly, small but positive effects of DBI were observed for stroke survivors (SMD = 0.34, 95% CI 0.13 to 0.56; p = 0.002), patients diagnosed with other neurological disorders (SMD = 0.17, 95% CI 0.03 to 0.32; p = 0.021), and the frail population (SMD = 0.25, 95% CI 0.0 to 0.5; p = 0.051). Sub-group analysis and meta-regression revealed that neither variable modified the effects of the DBI on measures of strength.Conclusions: Overall, DBI may serve as an effective method to improve measures of strength in adults, regardless of their health status as well as the type of digital device, the presence of human-computer interaction, and the age of participants. In addition, the DBI was found to be more effective than traditional training or rehabilitation methods.
Ključne besede: cognitive training, physical function, strength, neurodegenerative disorders, older adults
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 07.08.2023; Ogledov: 650; Prenosov: 323
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The use of tensiomyography in older adults : a systematic review
Katarina Puš, Armin Paravlić, Boštjan Šimunič, 2023, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Introduction: Aging of skeletal muscles results in a cascade of events negatively affecting muscle mass, strength, and function, leading to reduced mobility, increased risk of falls, disability, and loss of independence. To date, different methods are used to assess muscle mechanical function, tensiomyography (TMG) being one of them. The aim of this review was twofold: to summarize the evidence-based usefulness of tensiomyography in older adults and to establish reference values for the main tensiomyography parameters in older adults. Methods: The PubMed, Web of Science, SPORTDiscus, and tensiomyography databases were searched from inception until 25 December 2022. Studies investigating older adults (aged 60+ years) that reported tensiomyographyderived parameters such as contraction time (Tc) and/or maximal displacement (Dm) were included. Methodological quality was assessed using the Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies. Results: In total, eight studies satisfied the inclusion criteria. Tensiomyography has been used on different groups of older adults, including asymptomatic, master athletes, patients with peripheral arterial disease, and patients with end-stage knee osteoarthritis with a mean age of 71.5 ± 5.38 (55.7% male subjects). The most evaluated were leg muscles such as vastus lateralis (VL), gastrocnemius medialis (GM), and biceps femoris (BF). The present review demonstrates that tensiomyography is used to assess neuromuscular function in asymptomatic and diseased older adults. When compared to asymptomatic individuals, power master athletes, knee osteoarthritis patients, and patients diagnosed with peripheral arterial disease have the shortest Tc in BF, VL, and GM muscles, respectively. On the other hand, endurance master athletes showed the longest Tc in all three evaluated muscles. Less mobile, nursing-home residents showed higher Dm in VL and BF, while lower Dm in GM than the asymptomatic group. The knee osteoarthritis group showed the largest Dm in BF and VL while having the smallest Dm in GM. Conclusion: Tensiomyography can serve as a valuable tool for assessing neuromuscular function in older adults. The method is sensitive to muscle composition, architecture, and (pre) atrophic changes of the skeletal muscles and might be responsive to muscle quality changes in aging and diseased populations.
Ključne besede: sport, muscle function, elderly, neuromuscular function, normative values, TMG
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 27.06.2023; Ogledov: 549; Prenosov: 342
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Diagnostic accuracy of tensiomyography parameters for monitoring peripheral neuromuscular fatigue
Miloš Kalc, Katarina Puš, Armin Paravlić, Jure Urbanc, Boštjan Šimunič, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: The diagnostic accuracy of tensiomyography (TMG) parameters compared to the gold standard in neuromuscular fatigue evaluation using voluntary and electrically induced muscle activation is unclear. This study aimed to investigate the diagnostic accuracy of TMG parameters to detect individual changes after interventions that were designed to induce central or peripheral fatigue. Nineteen males (age: 32.2 ± 9.3 years) performed two interventions, consisting of maintaining 25% of maximal voluntary contraction (MViC25%) and a 30 s all-out cycling test (Wingate), respectively. TMG parameters, maximum voluntary contraction (PtMViC), voluntary activation (VA%) and electrically elicited double twitches (Dtw) were assessed on the knee extensors before (PRE), one minute (POST) and seven minutes after (POST7) the intervention. The diagnostic accuracy (AUC) of TMG parameters were evaluated in comparison to two criteria measures (PtMViC and Dtw). RM ANOVA revealed a significant interaction between the effects of intervention and time on VA% (p = 0.001) and Dtw (p < 0.001) but not for PtMViC (p = 0.420). AUC showed that TMG parameters had a good ability in detecting muscular fatigue assessed by Dtw but not by PtMViC. The results of the current study suggest that TMG parameters can be used to monitor peripheral neuromuscular fatigue.
Ključne besede: tensiomyography, vastus lateralis, MVC, twitch
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 13.06.2023; Ogledov: 630; Prenosov: 316
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Combining physical and virtual worlds for motor-cognitive training interventions : position paper with guidelines on technology classification in movement-related research
Luka Šlosar, Claudia Voelcker-Rehage, Armin Paravlić, Ensar Abazović, Eling D. de Bruin, Uroš Marušič, 2022, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Efficient movements require intact motor and cognitive function. There is a growing literature on motor-cognitive interventions to improve the overall quality of life of healthy or diseased older people. For such interventions, novel technological advances are crucial not only in terms of motivation but also to improve the user experience in a multi-stimuli world, usually offered as a mixture of real and virtual environments. This article provides a classification system for movement-related research dealing with motor-cognitive interventions performed in different extents of a virtual environment. The classification is divided into three categories: (a) type of digital device with the associated degree of immersiveness provided; (b) presence or absence of a human-computer interaction; and (c) activity engagement during training, defined by activity >1.5 Metabolic Equivalent of task. Since virtual reality (VR) often categorizes different technologies under the same term, we propose a taxonomy of digital devices ranging from computer monitors and projectors to head-mounted VR technology. All immersive technologies that have developed rapidly in recent years are grouped under the umbrella term Extended Reality (XR). These include augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and VR, as well as all technologies that have yet to be developed. This technology has potential not only for gaming and entertainment, but also for research, motor-cognitive training programs, rehabilitation, telemedicine, etc. This position paper provides definitions, recommendations, and guidelines for future movement-related interventions based on digital devices, human-computer interactions, and physical engagement to use terms more consistently and contribute to a clearer understanding of their implications.
Ključne besede: extended reality, virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, exergaming, taxonomy, classification
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 21.12.2022; Ogledov: 638; Prenosov: 356
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Dose-response relationship between endurance training prescription variables and increases in aerobic performance of healthy and unhealthy middle and very old individuals aged 70 years and older : a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Sarah Cheour, Chouaib Cheour, Nicola Luigi Bragazzi, Liye Zou, Armin Paravlić, Maamer Slimani, Foued Cheour, 2021, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background: The objectives of this systematic review and meta-analysis were to quantify the effectiveness of endurance training (ET) on aerobic performance (i.e., peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak)) in healthy and unhealthy middle and very old adults aged 70 years and older, and to provide dose response relationships of training prescription variables (in terms of frequency, and volume). Methods: Several scholarly databases (i.e., PubMed/MEDLINE, SpringerLink, ScienceDirect Journals, and Taylor & Francis Online Journals) were searched, identifying randomized controlled studies that investigated the effectiveness of ET on VO2peak in older adults. Standardized mean differences (SMD) were calculated. Results: In terms of changes differences between experimental and control group, ET produced significant large effects on VO2peak performance (SMD = 2.64 (95%CI 0.97%4.31)). The moderator analysis revealed that health status variable moderated ET effect onVO2peak performance. More specifically, ET produced larger SMD magnitudes on VO2peak performance in healthy compared with unhealthy individuals. With regard to the dose response relationships, findings from the meta-regression showed that none of the included training prescription variables predicted ET effects on VO2peak performance. Conclusions: ET is an effective mean for improving aerobic performance in healthy older adults when compared with their unhealthy counterparts.
Ključne besede: aging, elderly, physical activities, physical endurance, exercises, training prescriptions, meta analysis
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 16.09.2022; Ogledov: 819; Prenosov: 474
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Decomposition of tensiomyogram and comparison with torque twitch responses after post-activation potentiation
Ensar Abazović, Armin Paravlić, Damir Zubac, Erol Kovačević, Boštjan Šimunič, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Objectives: This study evaluates the effect of post-activation potentiation (PAP) after 5x5s maximal voluntary isometric contractions (activation stimulus, AS) on tensiomyography (TMG) and torque twitch contractile parameters of vastus lateralis (VL) and medialis (VM), respectively. Further, we validated the decomposition of TMG response to separate responses of three fiber types. Methods: 15 healthy individuals participated in this study (40% women; age 19±2.3 years). A decomposition of VL TMG response was done after optimal fitting of three exponential curves. Results: We found main effects in contraction time (Tc) for muscle, method and time. Furthermore, we found interactions between muscle*method, method*time and muscle*method*time. Compared to PRE AS, we found shorter TMG Tc in VL and VM during the first two minutes after AS. Torque Tc remained unchanged in VL, while it increased in VM within 30 seconds after AS. A decomposition of VL TMG response confirmed PAP effects being present only in decomposed type IIb muscle fibers. Conclusion: The TMG is a sensitive method to detect PAP effects with a sensor mounted directly above the muscle belly. After the decomposition of the TMG signal to three separate muscle fiber phenotypes, we provided a non-invasive insight in the contribution of each muscle fiber phenotype to the PAP of the whole muscle.
Ključne besede: skeletal muscles, fast-twitch fibers, post-activation potentiation, decomposition, tensiomyography
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.09.2022; Ogledov: 1149; Prenosov: 373
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Interventions for increasing return to sport rates after an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery : aǂ systematic review
Kristina Drole, Armin Paravlić, 2022, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background: An injury followed by surgery poses many challenges to an athlete, one of which is rehabilitation, with the goal of returning to sport. While total restoration of physical abilities is a primary goal for most athletes, psychosocial factors also play an important role in the success of an athlete’s return to sport (RTS). The purpose of this review was to examine the eectiveness of exercise and psychosocial interventions on RTS rates, which might be one of the most important outcomes for elite athletes. Methods: To carry out this review, PubMed, SAGE Journals, Web of Science, SPORTDiscus, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar databases were searched from inception to July 2022. The inclusion criteria consisted exercise or psychosocial intervention for athletes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR), with reporting RTS rates as an outcome. Results: From 1032 identified articles, four reports (N = 130) met inclusion criteria, all of which examined the recovery after ACLR. The mean MINORS score for the included studies was 16.3 ± 6.1, of which non-comparative studies scored 11.0 ± 1.4, while comparative studies scored 21.5 ± 0.7. There were consistent findings for benefits of exercise and psychosocial interventions on RTS rates. Return to preinjury rates in the reviewed studies vary between 63 and 95% with lower % observed in female athletes and with shorter follow-up. Interventional studies reporting RTS rates with a larger sample size and longer follow-up are needed. Conclusion: Physical and psychological function, as well as social support can be influenced by appropriate interventions, indicating future work on rehabilitation programs for return to preinjury might consider taking the holistic approach addressing those.
Ključne besede: return to preinjury, anterior cruciate ligament injury, exercise interventions, psychosocial interventions, injury rehabilitation, return to play
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 30.08.2022; Ogledov: 693; Prenosov: 499
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Reliability and validity of 30-15 intermittent fitness test for cardiorespiratory fitness assessment among infantry members of Slovenian armed forces : ǂa ǂstudy protocol
Armin Paravlić, Boštjan Šimunič, Rado Pišot, Samo Rauter, Janez Vodičar, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Introduction: Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) testing is routinely performed by most armed and tactical forces around the world as part of their recruitment process for new members or simply as an annual examination of their personnel. A 2-mile run (2MR) test is among the most commonly used. However, as it is performed outdoors, weather, climate, and terrain can influence the results and often limit the maximum performance. Also, this test has been shown to be difficult for individuals because the pacing strategy is self-paced. As such, it does not reflect the real situation on the battlefield, where most activities are externally driven by the environment and the enemy. Therefore, we believe that the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test (30-15IFT) may be a suitable tool for measuring CRF and battle readiness of military personnel. Moreover, given the importance of visual attention to military personnel we aim to investigate the differences in visual attention between better and less physically prepared infantry members and its corresponding response to maximal endurance running test. Methods and analysis: This randomized cross-over study using a within-subjects test-retest design will enroll 32 infantry members of the Slovenian Armed Forces. To investigate the reliability and validity of the 30-15IFT test, an incremental treadmill test (TR), a 2MR test, and two identical 30-15IFT will be performed in randomized order. Additionally, participants will be subsequently divided into two groups based on their score on the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), whereas differences in visual attention will be assessed by using the d2 test. The primary analysis will assess differences in key physiological outcomes between the different CRF tests (TR vs. 2MR vs. 30-15IFT). In addition, the relative reliability of all dependent variables between two 30-15IFT trials will be estimated by interclass correlation coefficient (ICC), while relationship between maximal oxygen uptake, heart rate and maximal running speed of 30-15IFT, TR and 2MR will be assessed using Pearson’s correlation.
Ključne besede: Slovenian armed forces, running endurance, visual attention, cardiorespiratory fitness assessment, intermittent fitness tests, reliability, validation
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 27.07.2022; Ogledov: 856; Prenosov: 467
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The effect of menstrual cycle on perceptual responses in athletes : a systematic review with meta-analysis
Ana Carolina Paludo, Armin Paravlić, Kristýna Dvořáková, Marta Gimunová, 2022, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: This article aimed to investigate the effects of menstrual cycle phases on perceptual responses in athletes by means of systematic review and meta-analysis. The search was conducted in the PubMed, Web of Science, and Sport Discus databases considering articles with two or more menstrual phases for comparison. The PECO criteria were used for the keywords “menstrual cycle,” “athletes,” and “perceptual responses” with their respective entry terms. Of 1.165 records identified, 14 articles were available for the final evaluation, while eight articles were eligible for a meta-analysis. The perceptual responses evaluated in the studies were: motivation, competitiveness, sleep quality, stress, muscle soreness, fatigue, perceived effort, mood, menstrual symptoms, perceived endurance, and readiness. The meta-analysis was conducted for perceived effort only. The results showed that the level of perceived exertion does not differ two phases of the menstrual cycle (MD = 3.03, Q = 1.58, df = 1, p = 0.209), whereas RPE was 19.81 ± 0.05 and 16.27 ± 0.53 at day 1–5 and day 19–24, respectively. Two studies found statistically significant changes in motivation and competitiveness during the cycle, with better outcomes in ovulatory phase compared to follicular and luteal. One study found an increase in mood disturbance in the pre-menstrual phase (vs. mid-cycle); one decreased vigor in the menstrual phase (vs. luteal); one increased the menstrual symptoms in the follicular phase (vs. ovulation), and one study reported increased fatigue and decreased sleep quality on luteal phase (vs. follicular). The remaining studies and variables were not affected by the menstrual cycle phase. Based on the results from the studies selected, some perceptual responses are affected in different menstrual cycle phases. A “favorable” subjective response in athletes was noticed when the ovarian hormones present an increase in concentration levels compared to phases with lower concentration. Different perceptual variables and methodological approaches limit the generalization of the conclusion.
Ključne besede: athletes, female, behavior, menstrual cycle, hormones, perceptual responses
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 19.07.2022; Ogledov: 662; Prenosov: 583
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Impact of motor-cognitive interventions on selected gait and balance outcomes in older adults : ǂa ǂsystematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Kaja Teraž, Luka Šlosar, Armin Paravlić, Eling D. de Bruin, Uroš Marušič, 2022, pregledni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background: Efficient performance of most daily activities requires intact and simultaneous execution of motor and cognitive tasks. To mitigate age-related functional decline, various combinations of motor and cognitive training have shown promising results. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) was to evaluate the efficacy of different types of motor-cognitive training interventions (e.g., sequential and simultaneous) on selected functional outcomes in healthy older adults. Methods: Six online academic databases were used to retrieve eligible RCTs up to April 2021, following PRISMA guidelines and PICO criteria. A random-effects model was used for all meta-analyses conducted on selected functional outcomes: single- and dual-task gait speed, the Timed Up and Go Test (TUG), and Berg Balance Scale (BBS) score. Effect size (ES) was calculated as Hedges' g and interpreted as: trivial: <0.20, small: 0.20–0.60, moderate: 0.61–1.20, large: 1.21–2.00, very large: 2.01–4.00 or extremely large >4.00. Results: From 2,546 retrieved records, 91 RCTs were included for meta-analysis (n = 3,745 participants; 64.7–86.9 years). The motor-cognitive interventions included differed according to the type of training (e.g., sequential, simultaneous with additional cognitive task or exergame training. The results showed that motor-cognitive interventions can improve gait speed under single-task conditions (small ES = 0.34, P = 0.003). The effect of the intervention was moderated by the type of control group (Q = 6.203, P = 0.013): passive (moderate ES = 0.941, P = 0.001) vs. active controls (trivial ES = 0.153, P = 0.180). No significant effect was found for dual-task walking outcomes (P = 0.063). Motor-cognitive intervention had a positive effect on TUG (small ES = 0.42, P < 0.001), where the effect of intervention was moderated by control group [passive (moderate ES = 0.73, P = 0.001) vs. active (small ES = 0.20, P = 0.020)], but not by the type of training (P = 0.064). Finally, BBS scores were positively affected by motor-cognitive interventions (small ES = 0.59, P < 0.001) with however no significant differences between type of control group (P = 0.529) or intervention modality (P = 0.585). Conclusions: This study provides evidence for the effectiveness of various types of motor-cognitive interventions on performance-based measures of functional mobility in healthy older adults. With respect to significant effects, gait speed under single-task condition was improved by motor-cognitive interventions, but the evidence shows that this type of intervention is not necessarily more beneficial than motor training alone. On the other hand, motor-cognitive interventions are better at improving multicomponent tasks of dynamic balance and mobility function, as measured by the TUG. Because of substantial heterogeneity and the current limited availability of different types of interventions, the conclusions should be interpreted with caution.
Ključne besede: motor-cognitive interventions, dual-task, elderly, mobility, postural control
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 21.06.2022; Ogledov: 812; Prenosov: 533
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