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Iskalni niz: "avtor" (Černe Katarina) .

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Potential of osteopontin in the management of epithelial ovarian cancer
Katarina Černe, Benjamin Hadžialjević, Erik Škof, Borut Kobal, 2019, izvirni znanstveni članek

Ključne besede: advanced ovarian cancer, osteopontin, osteopontin, serum, ascites
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 05.07.2024; Ogledov: 199; Prenosov: 72
.pdf Celotno besedilo (567,73 KB)

Circulating serum sVCAM-1 concentration inadvanced ovarian cancer patients : correlation with concentration in ascites
Marina Jakimovska, Katarina Černe, Ivan Verdenik, Borut Kobal, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Background. Vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) is associated with ovarian cancer progression but theorigin of its soluble form (sVCAM-1) in serum is not well investigated. The purpose of this study was to elucidate whetherthe concentration of sVCAM-1 in serum correlates with the concentration in ascites, that represents local tumour environment,and with systemic inflammation, various clinicopathological characteristics, and patient outcome.Patients and methods. Thirty-six patients with advanced ovarian cancer were included in the study. Serum forsVCAM-1 analysis was obtained prior to surgery. Ascites samples were collected at the beginning of the operation.Clinical data were collected from patients medical records. sVCAM-1 in samples was analysed by flow cytometricbead-based assay. The mean follow-up period was 11 months (range 0-23) from the time of surgery.Results. Serum sVCAM-1 concentrations are positively correlated to ascites sVCAM-1 concentrations. There was aweakly positive correlation of serum sVCAM-1 with tumour size and no correlation with inflammatory tumour markers,FIGO stage or grade. Higher concentrations of sVCAM-1 were associated with poor disease outcome (death fromovarian cancer) in almost all cases before chemotherapy was started.Conclusion. This is the first study demonstrating that serum concentrations of sVCAM-1 in advanced ovarian cancerpatients correlate with sVCAM-1 concentrations in ascites, thus expressing the biologic potential of malignant diseaseto metastasis, rather than systemic inflammation. Higher serum and ascites sVCAM-1 concentrations might have predictivepotential for different biologic behaviour.
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 16.04.2024; Ogledov: 509; Prenosov: 290
.pdf Celotno besedilo (491,78 KB)

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