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Oblikovanje krivin za prevoz dolgega lesa
Andrej Dobre, 1978, izvirni znanstveni članek

Ključne besede: les, tovor, tovornjaki, radij krivine, dolgi les, prevoz
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.02.2023; Ogledov: 1056; Prenosov: 412
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Miniranje na trasi gozdne ceste v trdni hribini
Andrej Dobre, 1976, izvirni znanstveni članek

Ključne besede: gozdne ceste, miniranje, vrtanje minskih vrtin, naklon terena, geološka podlaga
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 03.02.2023; Ogledov: 989; Prenosov: 413
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Slikovne preiskave pri raku prostate danes in jutri – radiologija
Andrej Wogrin, 2023, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Povzetek: Za oceno karcinomov v prostati in lokalno zamejitev se v vsakdanji praksi uporablja multiparametrična magnetnoresonančna preiskava (mp MR), standardizirana po sistemu PI-RADS 2.1 (angl. Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System). Za opredelitev kategorije PI-RADS 2.1 se uporabljajo T2-obtežene sekvence, difuzijsko obtežene sekvence ter dinamično kontrastno ojačane slike. Magnetnoresonančna preiskava je primerna za odkrivanje malignomov, lokalizacijo sprememb, kot vodilo za biopsijo in zamejitev bolezni. Z naraščajočim številom mp MR-preiskav prostate so se pokazale nove težave in številna vprašanja, ki zahtevajo razmišljujočega, v prihodnost usmerjenega radiologa. Ne glede na kakovost in izkušenost radiologa, ki se ukvarja z diagnostiko raka prostate, je do 20 % klinično pomembnih rakov »spregledanih« oz. opredeljenih kot klinično nepomembnih. Po drugi strani pa je zaradi benigne patologije veliko sprememb v prostati opredeljenih kot lažno pozitivnih. Z novimi pristopi, kot so radiomika, spremembe pri klasifikaciji ter uvedba novih pristopov, bo v prihodnosti MR-preiskava prostate postala še uspešnejše orodje za diagnostiko in spremljanje bolnikov z rakom prostate.
Ključne besede: rak prostate, slikovne preiskave, diagnostika
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 02.02.2023; Ogledov: 747; Prenosov: 199
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A glimpse of the lost Upper Triassic to Middle Jurassic architecture of the Dinaric Carbonate Platform margin and slope
Boštjan Rožič, Luka Gale, Primož Oprčkal, Astrid Švara, Tomislav Popit, Lara Kunst, Dragica Turnšek, Tea Kolar-Jurkovšek, Andrej Šmuc, Aljaž Iveković, Jan Udovč, David Gerčar, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: In the southernmost outcrops of the Slovenian Basin the Middle Jurassic coarse-grained limestone breccia (mega)beds are interstratified within a succession that is otherwise dominated by hemipelagites and distal turbidites. In this paper, these beds are described as the Ponikve Breccia Member of the Tolmin Formation. We provide descriptions of the studied sections with detailed geological maps and analysis of the breccia lithoclasts. From the latter, a non-outcropping margin of the Dinaric Carbonate Platform is reconstructed. In the Late Triassic the platform margin was characterized by a Dachstein-type marginal reef. After the end-Triassic extinction event, the platform architecture remained, but the reefs were replaced by sand shoals characterized by ooids. In the late Early Jurassic and/or early Middle Jurassic a slope area might have been dissected by normal faults and a step-like paleotopography was formed. In the Bajocian, during a period of major regional geodynamic perturbations, extensional or transtensional tectonic activity intensified and triggered the large-scale collapses of the Dinaric Carbonate Platform margin producing the limestone breccias described herein. This may in turn have caused a backstepping of the platform margin, as is evident from the occurrence of Late Jurassic marginal reefs that are installed directly above the Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic inner platform successions.
Ključne besede: Slovenian Basin, Dinaric Carbonate Platform, Middle Jurassic, limestone breccia, debris-flow, stratigraphy, Ponikve breccia
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 18.01.2023; Ogledov: 797; Prenosov: 544
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Hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) as biodiversity indicators for assessing urban forest habitats
Maarten De Groot, Primož Simončič, Andrej Verlič, Urša Vilhar, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: Urban and peri-urban forests are important habitats for maintaining biodiversity in cities. In this paper, we report a method for using hoverflies as biodiversity indicators in urban forest habitats. As a case study, forest habitats in three peri-urban and urban forests were assessed and compared to rural forests in Slovenia. Rožnik (Ljubljana) was chosen as the urban forest site, Mestni log (Ljubljana) and Brdo (Kranj) were chosen as the peri-urban sites, and eight sites were chosen in rural forests in different ecoregions in Slovenia. Forest hoverfly species richness and the species composition of different biological traits were compared between the peri-urban forests, urban forest and rural forest sites. In addition, species richness was assessed for changes in response to weather conditions between years. The number of species with the investigated traits in the urban and peri-urban forests was within the range of the number of species observed in the rural forests. The number of saproxylic species was higher in the urban forest but lower in the peri-urban forests compared to the rural forests. The proportions of species with different feeding modes and different development times were similar between the peri-urban, urban and rural forests. The proportions of species with development times of less than 2 months or more than 1 year and of predatory species were similar in the urban and peri-urban forests but higher in the rural forests. The species composition of the other biological traits differed between the peri-urban, urban and rural forests. Species richness and abundance displayed large differences in phenological patterns between 2012 and 2013; these differences are related to differences in the minimum temperature for these years. The results are discussed in relation to forest management in urban forests, the usefulness of hoverflies as a biodiversity indicator and possible extrapolation to other species groups.
Ključne besede: biological traits, ecosystem services, forest management, saproxylic species, Syrphidae, urban forest
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 30.12.2022; Ogledov: 1962; Prenosov: 876
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Tree and stand growth differ among soil classes in semi-natural forests in central Europe
Andrej Bončina, Matija Klopčič, Vasilije Trifković, Andrej Ficko, Primož Simončič, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: We determined the size of differences in stand and tree growth in semi-natural forests with respect to 16 reference soil groups. The forest area of Slovenia (11.8 thousand km2) was used as the study area, and reference soil units were derived from the national soil map at a 1:25,000 scale consisting of 10,781 polygons with an average size of 117.95 ha. Stand growth was defined as periodic stand basal area increment, while the growth of Norway spruce, silver fir, Scots pine, European beech and sessile oak trees was estimated by the periodic diameter increment of 238,349 dominant trees on 67,061 permanent sampling plots. A linear fixed-effects model and linear mixed-effect models were used for studying stand and tree growth in different site, stand and tree conditions. The soil unit was the dummy variable with Dystric Cambisols set as the reference category. Soil contributed 4.3 % to the explained variability of basal area increment and 4–27 % to the explained variability of the diameter increment of the five tree species. Soil was a stronger driver of stand and tree growth than climate or topography. Stand and tree species production rate on soil units was in the interval of −28 % to +5 % and −47 % to +14 % of that on the reference soil unit, respectively. Stand growth was the highest on Eutric Gleysols and the lowest on Histosols, and tree species generally exhibited the highest and the lowest growth rates on different soil units. We suggest that soil should be considered in growth models and studied interrelatedly with climatic, site and stand variables.
Ključne besede: reference soil groups, FAO soil unit, natural forest, stand growth, tree growth
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 29.12.2022; Ogledov: 802; Prenosov: 444
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MORSE – simulator razvoja gozdnih sestojev
Andrej Bončina, Hana Štraus, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Povzetek: V prispevku je predstavljen sestojni simulator MORSE (MOdel Razvoja SEstojev), ki omogoča simuliranje razvoja enomernih mešanih sestojev na ravni posameznih sestojev in večji prostorski ravni. Zgrajen je iz treh modulov, ki obravnavajo rast, mortaliteto in ukrepanje (redčenje in obnova). Regresijski model razvoja dominantnega premera sestojev je temeljni algoritem, izdelan na podlagi empiričnih podatkov. Za zagon simulatorja so potrebni vhodni podatki o sestojnih in rastiščnih znakih, ki so preprosto določljivi. MORSE simulira razvoj sestojev za obdobje dvesto let glede na upravljavske odločitve o redčenju (jakost, pogostnost, zvrst, pospeševanje drevesnih vrst) in obnovi (ciljne velikosti, pomladitvena doba, čas in jakost pomladitvenih sečenj, pomladitveni cilj). Mogoča sta dva načina določanja režima redčenj: i) eksplicitna določitev terminov in jakosti redčenj in ii) posredna glede na primerjavo dejanske in optimalne temeljnice sestoja. Razvoj sestojnih znakov za opredeljeno obdobje je prikazan grafično in v preglednicah. Za isto obdobje so navedeni parametri poseka in mortalitete drevja. MORSE je sedaj v fazi preverjanja na sestojni ravni, potem sledi razvoj simulatorja na večji prostorski ravni. V prispevku so prikazane variante razvoja testnega sestoja glede na različno ukrepanje.
Ključne besede: modeliranje, rast, mortaliteta, redčenje, obnova, dominantni premer, gozdnogospodarsko načrtovanje
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 22.12.2022; Ogledov: 852; Prenosov: 290
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Nuklearno medicinske preiskave v nevroonkologiji
Andrej Doma, 2022, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Povzetek: Zaradi fiziološko intenzivnega metabolizma glukoze v možganih je uporabnost 18F –FDG PET/CT v nevroonkologiji omejena. V zadnjih letih se je za potrebe nevroonkologije razširilo PET slikanje z aminokislinskimi radiofarmaki: analogi metionina, tirozina in DOPA. Natančnost teh vrst slikanja presega MRI s kontrastom za omejitev obsega bolezni v možganih, določanje najagresivnejših področij v tumorju, določanje pooperativnih ostankov tumorja za dodatno radioterapijo ter opredelitev zgodnjih in poznih sprememb po radioterapiji.
Ključne besede: možganski tumorji, centralno živčevje, radioterapija
Objavljeno v DiRROS: 15.12.2022; Ogledov: 675; Prenosov: 151
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