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Petrology dataset of Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments in northeastern Slovenia
Eva Mencin Gale, Polona Kralj, Mirka Trajanova, Luka Gale, Dragomir Skaberne, 2024, other scientific articles

Abstract: This is a dataset of petrological analysis of Pliocene-Pleistocene f luvial sediments from 14 gravely samples from the Slovenj Gradec, Nazarje, Celje and Drava-Ptuj Basin (northeastern Slovenia), collected for clast lithological analysis. The petrological analysis includes description of 155 thin sections of metamorphic, volcanic, volcaniclastic, clastic and carbonate rocks. This dataset provides grounds for determining the provenance of these gravel deposits, revealing possible resedimentation processes, and serves as a tool for drainage network interpretation in the Pliocene-Pleistocene.
Keywords: petrografska analiza, litološka analiza klastov, provenienca klastov, pliocensko-pleistocenski sedimenti
Published in DiRROS: 09.07.2024; Views: 256; Downloads: 118
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Exploring the safety of cannabidiol (CBD) : a comprehensive in vitro evaluation of the genotoxic and mutagenic potential of a CBD isolate and extract from Cannabis sativa L
Alja Štern, Matjaž Novak, Katja Kološa, Jurij Trontelj, Sonja Žabkar, Tjaša Šentjurc, Metka Filipič, Bojana Žegura, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Cannabidiol (CBD), a naturally occurring cyclic terpenoid found in Cannabis sativa L., is renowned for its diverse pharmacological benefits. Marketed as a remedy for various health issues, CBD products are utilized by patients as a supplementary therapy or post-treatment failure, as well as by healthy individuals seeking promised advantages. Despite its widespread use, information regarding potential adverse effects, especially genotoxic properties, is limited. The present study is focused on the mutagenic and genotoxic activity of a CBD isolate (99.4 % CBD content) and CBD-rich Cannabis sativa L extract (63.6 % CBD content) in vitro. Both CBD samples were non-mutagenic, as determined by the AMES test (OECD 471) but exhibited cytotoxicity for HepG2 cells (~IC50 (4 h) 26 µg/ml, ~IC50 (24 h) 6–8 µg/ml, MTT assay). Noncytotoxic concentrations induced upregulation of genes encoding metabolic enzymes involved in CBD metabolism, and CBD oxidative as well as glucuronide metabolites were found in cell culture media, demonstrating the ability of HepG2 cells to metabolize CBD. In this study, the CBD samples were found non-genotoxic. No DNA damage was observed with the comet assay, and no influence on genomic instability was observed with the cytokinesis block micronucleus and the γH2AX and p-H3 assays. Furthermore, no changes in the expression of genes involved in genotoxic stress response were detected in the toxicogenomic analysis, after 4 and 24 h of exposure. Our comprehensive study contributes valuable insights into CBD’s safety profile, paving the way for further exploration of CBD’s therapeutic applications and potential adverse effects.
Keywords: cannabidiol, CBD, metabolism, cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, mutagenicity
Published in DiRROS: 09.07.2024; Views: 246; Downloads: 204
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A new perspective on the molecular dating of the stone crayfsh with an extended phylogeographic information on the species
David Stanković, Katarina Zorić, Simona Đuretanović, Gorana Stamenković, Marija Ilić, Vanja Marković, Saša Marić, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Reconstructing the origin and historical biogeography of the Austropotamobius torrentium is hampered by insufcient phylogeographic coverage of the Balkans and deep contradictions in previous molecular dating. The present work extends the phylogeographic coverage to Serbia, a country crucial for understanding the species southward dispersal. Our analysis revealed that the Southern Balkans lineage occurs in most of the country, the Central and southeastern Europe lineage is restricted to the southwest and northeast of the country, while a single population in the north of the country harbors the Lika and Dalmatia lineage, which was previously thought to be restricted to the northern-central Dinarides. Dataset expansion led to revised phylogenetic relationships, which indicated that the Apuseni lineage is not nested within Northern-central Dinarides lineages but arose after the most basal split within Austropotamobius torrentium. This ‘Apuseni frst’ phylogeny provides a new perspective for molecular dating, according to which the split between Austropotamobius pallipes and A. torrentium took place in the Late Oligocene, while the formation of the phyletic lineages and the dispersal from the Dinarides to Serbia occurred in the late Miocene and is probably associated with the complex and protracted process of disintegration of the Neogene freshwater lakes in southeastern Europe.
Keywords: Austropotamobius torrentium, Austropotamobius bihariensis, divergence time estimation conficts, historical biogeography, neogene lakes, Serbia
Published in DiRROS: 09.07.2024; Views: 290; Downloads: 206
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Five-year monitoring of the ecological status of the Cymodocea nodosa meadow near the Port of Koper
Martina Orlando-Bonaca, Diego Bonaca, Romina Bonaca, Erik Lipej, Domen Trkov, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Seagrass meadows are among the most productive ecosystems in marine environments worldwide and are often considered to symbolise near-pristine conditions on sedimentary bottoms, but their condition is associated to various types of anthropogenic stressors. In the Mediterranean Sea, Cymodocea nodosa is considered an effective indicator of environmental change, due to its universal distribution, its sensitivity to various natural and anthropogenic pressures, and the measurability of the species’ responses to these impacts. The aim of this study is to present the improvement of the ecological status of the C. nodosa meadow near the port of Koper over a period of five years and to compare these results with the reference site in the northern Adriatic Sea.
Keywords: Cymodocea nodosa, MediSkew index, Port of Koper, status assessment, northern Adriatic Sea
Published in DiRROS: 09.07.2024; Views: 345; Downloads: 247
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Singular $p$-biharmonic problem with the Hardy potential
Amor Drissi, Abdeljabbar Ghanmi, Dušan Repovš, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to study existence results for a singular problem involving the $p$-biharmonic operator and the Hardy potential. More precisely, by combining monotonicity arguments with the variational method, the existence of solutions is established. By using the Nehari manifold method, the multiplicity of solutions is proved. An example is also given to illustrate the importance of these results.
Keywords: p-biharmonic equation, variational methods, existence of solutions, Hardy potential, Nehari manifold, fibering map
Published in DiRROS: 08.07.2024; Views: 329; Downloads: 128
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Ohranjanje gozdnih genskih virov s semenskim praktikumom
Hojka Kraigher, 2024, reviewed university, higher education or higher vocational education textbook

Keywords: gozdni reprodukcijski material, zakonodaja, certifikacija, gozdni reprodukcijski material, ohranjanje gozdnih genskih virov
Published in DiRROS: 08.07.2024; Views: 333; Downloads: 221
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Uporabnost nacionalnih podatkov laserskega skeniranja in cikličnega aerofotografiranja pri zaznavanju gozdnih vrzeli
Anže Martin Pintar, Mitja Skudnik, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Gozdna tla zastirajo drevesne krošnje in gozdna vrzel je vsaka večja ali manjša površina tal, ki je ne prekrivajo krošnje zgornjega sloja dreves. Velikost vrzeli vpliva na to, katera drevesna vrsta se bo pomladila, pa tudi na vertikalno in horizontalno strukturo gozda. Na Pohorju (Pahernikova gozdna posest, za katero so značilni gozdovi, v katerih se na majhnih površinah pojavljajo drevesa različnih premerov in starosti) smo analizirali možnosti samodejnega zaznavanja vrzeli na podlagi podatkov Laserskega skeniranja Slovenije (LSS) in Cikličnega aerofotografiranja Slovenije (CAS). Uporabili smo digitalna modela krošenj (DMK), pridobljena iz obeh virov podatkov. Skupna natančnost zaznavanja tudi najmanjših vrzeli (manjših od 50 m2 ) na podlagi podatkov LSS je znašala 94,4 %, na podlagi podatkov CAS pa 83,1 %. Na podlagi podatkov LSS je mogoče zaznati večje število in površino vrzeli, prav tako so vrzeli, pridobljene na podlagi podatkov LSS, bolj razčlenjene in podolgovate. Zaznavanje vrzeli s podatki CAS in LSS je medsebojno bolj primerljivo pri najmanjših površinah vrzeli 100 m2 , natančnost zaznave takšnih vrzeli je 85,4 oziroma 94,4 %. Rezultati kažejo, da je ob odsotnosti podatkov LSS uporaba podatkov CAS za določanje vrzeli smiselna na velikopovršinski ravni in pri zaznavanju vrzeli, večjih od 100 m2 .
Keywords: raznomerni gozdovi, raznodobni gozdovi, digitalni model krošenj, gozdna vrzel, daljinsko zaznavanje, Lasersko skeniranje Slovenije, LSS, Ciklično aerofotografiranje Slovenije, CAS
Published in DiRROS: 08.07.2024; Views: 283; Downloads: 163
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Gozd in podnebne spremembe : stripovski natečaj
2024, other monographs and other completed works

Published in DiRROS: 05.07.2024; Views: 347; Downloads: 239
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