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Better data, better decisions : increasing the impact of biodiversity information
Matthew Ling, Luc Derochette, Marta Iturribarria, Martin Horlock, Zoltan Karacsonyi, Nataša Mori, Goizalde Atxutegi, Gotzon Bernaola, Gerard Bota, Lluís Brotons, Alessandro Cartuccia, Pilar Casanovas, Paul M. Dolman, Lorenzo Federiconi, Melanie Gillings, Núria Pou, Marta Rozas, Pau Sainz de la Maza, Annick Terneus, Davorin Tome, Dani Villero, Al Vrezec, Claudio Zabaglia, 2019, final research report

Abstract: Without understanding something it is impossible to effectively manage it. In terms of biodiversity and environmental conservation, data and information on species or habitat extent or range, populations, trends over time, and the pressures and threats to these are essential to such understanding and management. Decision makers are wholly reliant on accessing or being presented with this data and information, and using their knowledge and experience to make reasoned, rational, and objective choices. Whilst various gaps remain, great quantities of data and information are available, covering many facets of life and our environment. Yet many challenges and barriers exist that prevent the effective flow of this data from those that collect and manage it, to those that need to call upon it to inform decision-making processes. These can be as simple as a lack of communication or understanding of where to find or submit the data, to format issues whereby the necessary infrastructure isn’t in place or suitable to support the system, or more complex issues including data gaps, or scepticism in the data itself, leading to its lack of use. The importance of data is recognised in various global conventions and European processes (e.g. Convention on Biological Diversity’s Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and the EU Biodiversity Strategy), acknowledging its role in developing our understanding of, and ability to monitor, manage, and ultimately halt, biodiversity loss. Despite the multitude of data and information that exist, and the political and legislative measures in place, biodiversity continues to be threatened and is in various stages of decline. Many conservation and sustainability targets and goals are not on track to be achieved. The inefficient flow of data to inform decision-making processes contributes to this situation, by creating uncertainty about situations on the ground and the ability to track progress. The Interreg Europe project ‘From biodiversity data to decisions: enhancing natural value through improved regional development policies’ – BID-REX – aims to bridge the gap between biodiversity data and decision-making, linking the two to create improved regional development policies for the preservation of nature. By demonstrating how the use of available, evidence-based biodiversity data can guide, benefit, and improve decision-making processes, BID-REX also seeks to promote budget prioritisation for conservation efforts in funding allocations.
Published in DiRROS: 05.09.2024; Views: 155; Downloads: 131
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On the Gromov hyperbolicity of the minimal metric
Matteo Fiacchi, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: In this paper we study the hyperbolicity in the sense of Gromov of domains in $\mathbb{R}^d$ $(d\geq3)$ with respect to the minimal metric introduced by Forstnerič and Kalaj. In particular, we prove that every bounded strongly minimally convex domain is Gromov hyperbolic and its Gromov compactification is equivalent to its Euclidean closure. Moreover, we prove that the boundary of a Gromov hyperbolic convex domain does not contain non-trivial conformal harmonic disks. Finally, we study the relation between the minimal metric and the Hilbert metric in convex domains.
Keywords: minimal surfaces, minimal metric, hyperbolic domain, Gromov hyperbolicity, convex domain, Hilbert metric
Published in DiRROS: 05.09.2024; Views: 126; Downloads: 53
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Obnovitev in ohranjanje mokrotnih habitatov na območju Ljubljanskega barja – PoLJUBA; Revitalizacija – obogatitev populacije puščavnika (Osmoderma eremita) na Ljubljanskem barju : končno poročilo
Špela Ambrožič Ergaver, Al Vrezec, Andrej Kapla, Stiven Kocijančič, 2020, final research report

Abstract: Namen naloge je izboljšanje stanja vrste puščavnika (Osmoderma eremita) na območju Ljubljanskega barja. Cilj projektne naloge je doselitev osebkov, s čimer bi prispevali k izboljšanju populacije puščavnika na tem območju. Namen postavljenih umetnih dupel (gojilnic) je ustvariti primerna območja za puščavnika in s tem izboljšati populacijo puščavnika na Ljubljanskem barju z namenom trajnega varstva te vrste. Končno poročilo podaja rezultate o postavitvi gojilnic in doselitvi ličink puščavnika na tri izbrane lokacije v Mestnem logu v letih 2019 in 2020 in smernice pregleda in vzdrževanja gojilnic za namene uspešnejše doselitve.
Keywords: revitalizacija populacije puščavnika, Ljubljansko barje
Published in DiRROS: 05.09.2024; Views: 160; Downloads: 1515
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Možnosti za povečanje potenciala lokacij za marikulturo na obali in v slovenskem morju : končno poročilo
Vesna Flander-Putrle, Aleš Bolje, Janja Francé, Mateja Grego, Vlado Malačič, Boris Petelin, Milijan Šiško, final research report

Abstract: V skladu s projektno nalogo »Možnosti za povečanje potenciala lokacij za marikulturo na obali in v slovenskem morju« smo pripravili Končno poročilo projektne naloge. Cilj projektne naloge je bil preveriti potencial že obstoječih lokacij marikulture na morju ter opredeliti potencialne nove lokacije na obali in v slovenskem morju, kjer bi bilo mogoče v prihodnje povečati obstoječe in razvijati nove oblike marikulture. V projektni nalogi smo uporabili le razpoložljive podatke. Pregledali smo veljavno zakonodajo na področju okoljevarstva, upravljanja in rabe voda, varovanja habitatov ter zdravja in dobrega počutja živali iz akvakulture, strokovno-raziskovalne ugotovitve in pripadajočo znanstveno literaturo.
Keywords: poročila, morja, gojenje morskih organizmov
Published in DiRROS: 05.09.2024; Views: 169; Downloads: 162
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Monitoring puščavnika (Osmoderma eremita) v Krajinskem parku Tivoli, Rožnik in Šišenski hrib v letu 2020 : končno poročilo
Al Vrezec, Špela Ambrožič Ergaver, Andrej Kapla, 2020, final research report

Abstract: Naloga »Monitoring puščavnika (Osmoderma eremita) v Krajinskem parku Tivoli, Rožnik in Šišenski hrib letu 2020« je izvedena na osnovi naročilnice številka N756012– 20–0009 Mestne občine Ljubljana (predstavnik Marjana Jankovič) za izvajalca Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo (predstavnik doc. dr. Al Vrezec).
Keywords: puščavnik, monitoring, mestni park Tivoli, krajinski parki, Rožnik, Šišenski hrib
Published in DiRROS: 05.09.2024; Views: 163; Downloads: 165
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Monitoring puščavnika (Osmoderma eremita) v Krajinskem parku Tivoli, Rožnik in Šišenski hrib v letu 2020 : končno poročilo
Al Vrezec, Špela Ambrožič Ergaver, Andrej Kapla, Stiven Kocijančič, 2020, final research report

Abstract: Naloga »Monitoring puščavnika (Osmoderma eremita) v Krajinskem parku Tivoli, Rožnik in Šišenski hrib letu 2020« je izvedena na osnovi naročilnice številka N756012– 20–0009 Mestne občine Ljubljana (predstavnik Marjana Jankovič) za izvajalca Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo (predstavnik doc. dr. Al Vrezec).
Keywords: puščavnik, monitoring, mestni park Tivoli, Krajinski parku Tivoli, Rožnik in Šišenski hrib
Published in DiRROS: 04.09.2024; Views: 177; Downloads: 784
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Dodatne raziskave kvalifikacijskih vrst Natura 2000 ter izvajanje spremljanja stanja populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst hroščev v letih 2018, 2019 in 2020 : Carabus variolusus, Lucanus cervus, Rosalia alpina, Morimus funereus, Osmoderma eremita, Cucujus cinnaberinus, Leptodirus hochenwartii, Graphoderus bilineatus
Al Vrezec, Špela Ambrožič Ergaver, Andrej Kapla, Stiven Kocijančič, Klemen Čandek, Urška Ratajc, Alenka Žunič Kosi, 2020, final research report

Abstract: V končnem poročilu so predstavljeni rezultati terenskih raziskav osmih varstveno pomembnih vrst hroščev v Sloveniji v letih 2018, 2019 in 2020. Za močvirskega krešiča (Carabus variolosus), rogača (Lucanus cervus), alpskega kozlička (Rosalia alpina), bukovega kozlička (Morimus funereus), drobnovratnika (Leptodirus hochenwartii) in ovratniškega plavača (Graphoderus bilineatus) je v Sloveniji že vzpostavljena shema populacijskega in distribucijskega monitoringa. V obdobju 2018–2020 smo izvedli vzorčenja za populacijski monitoring za močvirskega krešiča (12. do 14. snemanje), rogača (12. do 14. snemanje), alpskega (11. do 13. snemanje), bukovega kozlička (10. do 12. snemanje), drobnovratnika (4. do 6. snemanje) in ovratniškega plavača (3. snemanje) ter vzorčenja za distribucijski monitoring za močvirskega krešiča in rogača. Narejena je bila evalvacija rezultatov monitoringa v obdobju 2007 - 2020, ki kaže na upadajoče populacije pri rogaču in drobnovratniku ter na stabilne populacije pri močvirskem krešiču (z močnimi lokalnimi upadi), alpskem in bukovem kozličku. Na novo so glede na zbrane podatke ovrednotene SDF ocene in podane smernice za nadaljnje aktivnosti monitoringa hroščev do leta 2022 (EU poročanje). V poročilu podajamo rezultate prvega cikla snemanja monitoringa škrlatnega kukuja (Cucujus cinnaberinus). V poročilu so podani izsledki genetske analize populacije puščavnika (Osmoderma eremita compl.) v Sloveniji, kjer smo potrdili prisotnost dveh vrst: Osmoderma eremita in Osmoderma barnabita. Glede na vsako vrsto so podane ocene velikosti populacije po območjih in predlagana območja za dopolnitev Natura 2000 omrežja glede na zahteve biogeografskega seminarja.
Keywords: monitoring, Slovenija
Published in DiRROS: 04.09.2024; Views: 236; Downloads: 115
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Vzpostavitev in izvajanje monitoringa populacij invazivne tujerodne vrste signalni rak (Pacifastacus leniusculus) v letu 2021 : končno poročilo
Marijan Govedič, Ali Šalamun, Nika Kogovšek, Al Vrezec, Matjaž Bedjanič, Stiven Kocijančič, Andrej Kapla, 2021, final research report

Abstract: V Sloveniji so bile doslej registrirane štiri vrste potočnih rakov vezane na Uredbo (EU) št. 1143/2014 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 22. oktobra 2014 o preprečevanju in obvladovanju vnosa in širjenja invazivnih tujerodnih vrst. Tri vrste, močvirski škarjar (Procambarus clarkii), trnavec (Orconectes limosus) in marmornati škarjar (Procambarus fallax f. virginalis), so bile zaznane v zadnjih štirih letih (Govedič 2017), signalni rak (Pacifastacus leniusculus) pa je prišel iz sosednje Avstrije kmalu po letu 2000. Za te vrste na območju Evropske unije od avgusta 2016 veljajo najstrožji ukrepi: prepoved trgovanja, izmenjave, gojenja in izpuščanja v okolje. Poleg omenjenih sta od tujerodnih vrst potočnih rakov v Sloveniji prisotna še rdečeškarjevec (Cherax quadricarinatus) s sicer omejeno razširjenostjo in kot tropska vrsta z nizkim potencialom širjenja (Jaklič & Vrezec 2011) ter ozkoškarjevec (Astacus leptodactylus) (Govedič & Miličič 2018). Od vseh tujerodnih vrst potočnih rakov v Sloveniji ima po doslej zbranih podatkih zaenkrat le signalni rak dejansko invazijsko populacijo.
Keywords: signalni rak, Pacifastacus leniusculus, monitoring, tujerodne vrste, Slovenija
Published in DiRROS: 04.09.2024; Views: 199; Downloads: 105
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Validation of molecular tests for the detection of tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) in seed of tomato and pepper
Anne Giesbers, Annelien J. W. Roenhorst, Martijn Schenk, Ruud Barnhoorn, Laura Tomassoli, Marta Luigi, Kris De Jonghe, Laëtitia Porcher, Pascal Gentit, Heiko Ziebell, Mouhammad Zeidan, Dorit Shargil, Sabine Grausgruber Groeger, Nataša Mehle, 2021, final research report

Abstract: Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) is a relatively recently described tobamovirus (Salem et al., 2016) causing problems in tomato and pepper cultivation worldwide (Luria et al., 2017, Salem et al., 2019). ToBRFV has been reported to cause yellow spots, green spots, necrotic lesions and occasional rugose symptoms on tomato fruits, chlorosis and mosaic symptoms on leaves and occasional leaf narrowing (Cambrón-Crisantos et al., 2018; Luria et al., 2017; Menzel et al., 2019). For pepper, stunting of young plants, puckering and yellow mottling of leaves, and misshapen fruits have been reported (Salem et al., 2019). These symptoms render affected fruits non-marketable.
Published in DiRROS: 04.09.2024; Views: 209; Downloads: 91
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Sove (Strigiformes) Ljubljanskega barja
Al Vrezec, 1993, other monographs and other completed works

Abstract: The article discusses the owls of the Pohorje Mountains (NE Slovenia). Ten species have been registered so far, 4 of them as breeders: Tawny Owl Strix aluco, Pygmy Owl Glaucidium passerinum (rediscovered in 1993), Tengmalm’s Owl Aegolius funereus (rediscovered in 1996) and Long-eared Owl Asio otus; 1 species, i.e. Little Owl Athene noctua, occurs here merely as a chance guest and most probably does not breed. Five species, however, have not been registered in the Pohorje Mountains in recent years, and only some of their historical data from the end of the 19th century and from the beginning of the 20th century are at hand. These species are: Barn Owl Tyto alba, Eurasian Scops Owl Otus scops, Eagle Owl Bubo bubo, Ural Owl Strix uralensis (expected species) and Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus. A very interesting owls’ habitat in these mountains are the environs of raised bogs (Sphagno–Piceetum association), which are shared by 3 owl species: Tawny Owl, Pygmy Owl and Tengmalm’s Owl. Utterly new for Slovenia are the findings regarding the upper limit of the altitudinal distribution of the Little Owl (777 m a.s.l.) and Long-eared Owl (1,450 m a.s.l.) and the lower limit of the altitudinal distribution of the Pygmy Owl in the non-breeding season (310 m a.s.l.).
Keywords: ekologija živali, ornitologija, ptice, sove, Ljubljansko barje
Published in DiRROS: 04.09.2024; Views: 174; Downloads: 66
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