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Title:Anatomija lesa za loke godal
Authors:ID Čufar, Katarina (Author)
ID Demšar, Blaž (Author)
ID Zupančič, Martin (Author)
ID Koch, Gerald (Author)
ID Oven, Primož (Author)
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PID: 20.500.12556/dirros/83853204-fb9a-46c8-861c-9b3cf8358f53
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:Logo SciVie - Slovenian Forestry Institute
Abstract:V goslarski delavnici "Atelje Demšar" smo dobili štiri vzorce lesa za godalne loke tujih dobaviteljev, ki so jih označili z imeni (1) pernambuk, (2) konjskomeso, (3) brazil in (4) kačji les. Les smo anatomsko preiskali ter določili vrste: (1) Guilandina echinata (pernambuk, pau brazil, brazil), (2) Manilkara bidentata (massaranduba, konjsko meso), (3) Shorea laevis (balau, bangkirai), (4) Brosimum guianense syn. Piratinera guianensis (Schlangenholz, snakewood, kačji les). Identifikacija je v treh (1, 2 in 4) od štirih primerovpotrdila lesno vrsto, kot jo je navedel dobavitelj lesa. Preiskane lesne vrste pernambuk, konjsko meso in kačji les (1, 2 in 4) iz južne Amerike imajo skupne naslednje lastnosti: fino teksturo, temno obarvano jedrovino, dekorativen videz, visoko gostoto, visoko trdnost, dobro dimenzijsko stabilnost in dobre obdelavnostne lastnosti, posebno struženje in površinsko obdelavo. Vse so zelo cenjene za godalne loke, za najboljšega pa velja les pernambuka. Les balau iz Azije ima slabše lastnosti in ni tipična lesna vrsta za loke. Razlike v zgradbi lesa preiskanih vrst so najverjetneje vzrok za razlike v kvaliteti končnega izdelka. Podajamo opis izdelave lesenega loka, opis lesnih lastnosti in pomen pravilne identifikacije in poimenovanja lesa.
Keywords:godalni lok, pernambuk, Guilandina echinata syn. Caesalpina echinata, massaranduba syn., konjsko meso, Manilkara bidentata, kačji les, Brosimum guianense syn. Piratinera guianensis, balau, Shorea laevis, anatomija lesa
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2007
Number of pages:str. 23-33
Numbering:Vol. 83
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-7680 New window
ISSN on article:0351-3114
COBISS.SI-ID:1960870 New window
Publication date in DiRROS:12.07.2017
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva. forest and wood science & technology
Shortened title:Zb. gozd. lesar.
Publisher:Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za lesarstvo
COBISS.SI-ID:6206978 New window

Secondary language

Title:Anatomy of wood for bows of string instruments
Abstract:Four specimens of wood originating from string instrument bows or from the material intended to be used for the repair of bows were obtained from the string instrument workshop "Atelje Demšar". Foreign wood traders supplied the specimens under their commercial names: (1) pernambouc, (2) horse flesh, (3) brasil, and (4) snakewood. Macroscopic and microscopic wood anatomical investigations were carried out in order to verify the nomenclature of the traded specimens. The microscopic identification provided the following results: (1) Guilandina echinata (pernambouc, pau brazil, brazil), (2) Manilkara bidentata (massaranduba, horse flesh), (3) Shorea laevis (yellow balau, bangkirai), and (4) Brosimum guianense syn. Piratinera guianensis (snakewood). In three cases (1, 2 and 4), the trade names of the provided bow specimens were confirmed by wood anatomical identifications. In case 3, the wood anatomical features fully corresponded to timbers of the botanical species Shorea laevis (yellow balau, bangkirai) from Indomalaysia and not to Guilandina echinata or Caesalpinia spp. from South America. The identified wood species (1, 2 and 4) from South America are characterised by the following properties: fine and decorative texture, high density, good mechanical properties, brown or red coloured heartwood, good working properties (machinability and coating), and good dimensional stability. They are highly appreciated for string instrument bows. Among them, the wood of pernambouc is most valued. The wood of yellow balau, which is distinguished byinferior properties (e.g. excessive shrinkage), is not a typical wood for instrument bows. The fabrication of the bows, the properties of the investigated species and the importance of proper wood identification are presented as well.
Keywords:string instrument bow, pernambouc, massaranduba, snakewood, balau, wood anatomy


This document is a part of these collections:
  1. Acta Silvae et Ligni
