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Structural and functional responses of harpacticoid copepods to anoxia in the Northern Adriatic: an experimental approach
Marleen Roelofs, Marleen De Troch, Bettina Riedel, Mateja Grego, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: Combined in situ and laboratory studies were conducted to document the effects of anoxia on the structure and functioning of meiobenthic communities, with special focus on harpacticoid copepods. In a first step, anoxia was created artificially by means of an underwater chamber at 24 m depth in the Northern Adriatic, Gulf of Trieste (Mediterranean). Nematodes were found as the most abundant taxon, followed by harpacticoid copepods. While nematode densities were not affected by treatment (anoxia/normoxia) or sediment depth, these factors had a significant impact on copepod abundances. Harpacticoid copepod family diversity, in contrast, was not affected by anoxic conditions, only by depth. Ectinosomatidae and Cletodidae were most abundant in both normoxic and anoxic samples. The functional response of harpacticoid copepods to anoxia was studied in a laboratory tracer experiment by adding 13C pre-labelled diatoms to sediment cores in order to test (1) if there is a difference in food uptake by copepods under normoxic and anoxic conditions and (2) whether initial (normoxia) feeding of harpacticoid copepods on diatoms results in a better survival of copepods in subsequent anoxic conditions. Independent of the addition of diatoms, there was a higher survival rate in normoxia than anoxia. The supply of additional food did not result in a higher survival rate of copepods in anoxia, which might be explained by the presence of a nutritionally better food source and/or a lack of starvation before adding the diatoms. However, there was a reduced grazing pressure by copepods on diatoms in anoxic conditions. This resulted in a modified fatty acid composition of the sediment. We concluded that anoxia not only impacts the survival of consumers (direct effect) but also of primary producers (indirect effect), with important implications for the recovery phase.
Keywords: morje, plankton, kopepodi, živalski plankton, trofični status, morski plankton, harpaktikoidi, anoksije
Published in DiRROS: 02.08.2024; Views: 198; Downloads: 194
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CellTracker Green labelling vs. Rose Bengal staining: CTG wins by points in distinguishing living from dead anoxia-impacted copepods and nematods
Mateja Grego, Michael Stachowitsch, Marleen De Troch, Bettina Riedel, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: Hypoxia and anoxia have become a key threat to shallow coastal seas. Much is known about their impact on macrofauna, less on meiofauna. In an attempt to shed more light on the latter group, in particular from a process-oriented view, we experimentally induced short-term anoxia (1 week) in the northern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean) and examined the two most abundant meiofauna taxa – harpacticoid copepods and nematodes. Both taxa also represent different ends of the tolerance spectrum, with copepods being the most sensitive and nematodes among the most tolerant. We compared two methods: CellTracker Green (CTG) – new labelling approach for meiofauna – with the traditional rose bengal (RB) staining method. CTG binds to active enzymes and therefore colours live organisms only. The two methods show considerable differences in the number of living and dead individuals of both meiofauna taxa. Generally, RB will stain dead but not yet decomposed copepods and nematodes equally as it does live ones. Specifically, RB significantly overestimated the number of living copepods in all sediment layers in anoxic samples, but not in any normoxic samples. In contrast, for nematodes, the methods did not show such a clear difference between anoxia and normoxia. RB overestimated the number of living nematodes in the top sediment layer of normoxic samples, which implies an overestimation of the overall live nematofauna. For monitoring and biodiversity studies, the RB method might be sufficient, but for more precise quantification of community degradation, especially after an oxygen depletion event, CTG labelling is a better tool. Moreover, it clearly highlights the surviving species within the copepod or nematode community. As already accepted for foraminiferal research, we demonstrate that the CTG labelling is also valid for other meiofauna groups.
Keywords: morje, plankton, kopepodi, živalski plankton, trofični status, morski plankton, CTG, CellTracker Green
Published in DiRROS: 02.08.2024; Views: 212; Downloads: 153
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Temperature dependence of planktonic metabolism in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean
L.S. Garcia-Corral, E. Barber, A. Regaudie-de_Gioux, S. Sal, J.M. Holding, S. Agusti, N. Navarro, P. Serret, Patricija Mozetič, Carlos M. Duarte, 2014, original scientific article

Abstract: The temperature dependence of planktonic metabolism in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean was assessed on the basis of measurements of gross primary production (GPP), community respiration (CR) and net community production (NCP), as well as experimental assessments of the response of CR to temperature manipulations. Metabolic rates were measured at 68 stations along three consecutive longitudinal transects completed during the Malaspina 2010 Expedition, in three different seasons. Temperature gradients were observed in depth and at basin and seasonal scale. The results showed seasonal variability in the metabolic rates, the highest rates being observed during the spring transect. The overall mean integrated GPP / CR ratio was 1.39 ± 0.27 decreasing from winter to summer, and the NCP for the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean during the cruises exhibits net autotrophy (NCP > 0) in about two-thirds (66%) of the total sampled communities. Also, we reported the activation energies describing the temperature dependence of planktonic community metabolism, which was generally higher for CR than for GPP in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean, as the metabolic theory of ecology predicts. Furthermore, we made a comparison of activation energies describing the responses to in situ temperature in the field (EaCR = 1.64 ± 0.36 eV) and those derived experimentally by temperature manipulations (EaCR = 1.45 ± 0.6 eV), which showed great consistency.
Keywords: morje, plankton, fitoplankton, klorofil, trofični status, anoksije
Published in DiRROS: 01.08.2024; Views: 188; Downloads: 207
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A MSFD complementary approach for the assessment of pressures, knowledge and data gaps in Southern European Seas: The PERSEUS experience
Alenka Malej, Alessandro Crise, H. Kaberi, J. Ruiz, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: PERSEUS project aims to identify the most relevant pressures exerted on the ecosystems of the Southern European Seas (SES), highlighting knowledge and data gaps that endanger the achievement of SES Good Environmental Status (GES) as mandated by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). A complementary approach has been adopted, by a meta-analysis of existing literature on pressure/impact/knowledge gaps summarized in tables related to the MSFD descriptors, discriminating open waters from coastal areas. A comparative assessment of the Initial Assessments (IAs) for five SES countries has been also independently performed. The comparison between meta-analysis results and IAs shows similarities for coastal areas only. Major knowledge gaps have been detected for the biodiversity, marine food web, marine litter and underwater noise descriptors. The meta-analysis also allowed the identification of additional research themes targeting research topics that are requested to the achievement of GES
Keywords: morje, plankton, PERSEUS, MSFD, kvaliteta morskega okolja, evropske direktive, okoljski indikatorji, Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Southern European Seas, Good Environmental status, PERSEUS project, Initial assessment
Published in DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Views: 212; Downloads: 154
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Survey results on nucleic acid tests of infectious diseases : present status and need for rapid and near-patient diagnostics
Jörg Neukammer, Martin Hussels, Andreas Kummrow, Alison S. Devonshire, Carole A. Foy, Jim F. Huggett, Helen C. Parkes, Jana Žel, Mojca Milavec, Heinz Schimmel, Wolfgang Unger, Müslüm Akgöz, Timothy D. McHugh, Viktorija Tomič, Hans-Peter Grunert, Heinz Zeichhardt, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: This survey discusses current and emerging isothermal and rapid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based nucleic acid amplification methods for near-patient diagnostics. To assess the clinical need of rapid diagnostics for infectious diseases based on nucleic acid tests (NATs) we performed and analysed a questionnaire among laboratories participating in corresponding INSTAND ring trials for external quality assurance. The questions concerning new amplification technologies like isothermal nucleic acid amplification, potentially suited to significantly decrease turnaround times, were complemented by questions to evaluate the present status of NATs. Besides end-users, companies were also addressed by sending out a manufacturer specific questionnaire. Analysis of the answers from 48 laboratories in 14 European countries revealed that a much shorter turnaround time is requested for selected pathogens compared to about 2 h or longer when applying temperature cycling amplification, i.e. PCR. In this context, most frequently mentioned were methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), norovirus, influenza A and B viruses, cytomegalovirus (CMV) as well as hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV). At present, 8% of the laboratories having participated in this survey apply isothermal amplification of nucleic acids to identify infectious pathogens.
Keywords: nucleic acid tests, infectious diseases, virus detection, bacteria detection, isothermal nucleic acid amplification, status report, questionnaire, NAT, PCR
Published in DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Views: 261; Downloads: 323
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Monitoring the effect of perioperative nutritional care on body composition and functional status in patients with carcinoma of gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary system and pancreas
Andrej Gyergyek, Nada Rotovnik-Kozjek, Jasna Klen, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Background. The significance of nutritional care in the management of cancer, particularly in the surgical treatment of abdominal cancer, is increasingly acknowledged. Body composition analysis, such as the Bioelectric impedance assay (BIA), and functional tests, e.g., handgrip strength, are used when assessing nutritional status alongside general and nutritional history, clinical examination, and laboratory tests. The primary approach in nutritional care is individually adjusted nutritional counselling and the use of medical nutrition, especially oral nutritional supplements. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of perioperative nutritional care on body composition and functional status in patients with carcinoma of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatobiliary system, and pancreas. Patients and methods. 47 patients were included, 27 received preoperative and postoperative nutritional counselling and oral nutritional supplements (Group 1), while 20, due to surgical or organisational reasons, received nutritional care only postoperatively (Group 2). The effect of nutritional therapy was measured with bioimpedance body composition and handgrip measurements. Results. Group 2 had a higher average Nutritional Risk Screening (NRS) 2002 score upon enrolment (3 vs. 2 points); however, there was no difference when malnutrition was assessed using Global Leadership in Malnutrition (GLIM) criteria. There was a relative increase in lean body mass and fat-free mass index (FFMI) 7 days after surgery in group 1 (+4,2% vs. -2,1% in group 2). There was no difference in handgrip strength. Conclusions. Our results indicate that combined preoperative and postoperative nutritional care is superior to only postoperative nutritional care. It seems to prevent statistically significant lean mass loss 7 days after surgery but not after 14 days or 4 weeks.
Keywords: abdominal cancer, nutritional status, body composition
Published in DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Views: 205; Downloads: 87
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Status and trends in the rate of introduction of marine non-indigenous species in European seas
Argyro Zenetos, Konstantinos Tsiamis, Marika Galanidi, Natacha Carvalho, Cátia Bartilotti, Borut Mavrič, Martina Orlando-Bonaca, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: nvasive alien species are a major worldwide driver of biodiversity change. The current study lists verified records of non-indigenous species (NIS) in European marine waters until 2020, with the purpose of establishing a baseline, assessing trends, and discussing appropriate threshold values for good environmental status (GES) according to the relevant European legislation. All NIS records were verified by national experts and trends are presented in six-year assessment periods from 1970 to 2020 according to the European Union Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Altogether, 874 NIS have been introduced to European marine waters until 2020 with the Mediterranean Sea and North-East Atlantic Ocean hosting most of the introductions. Overall, the number of new introductions has steadily increased since 2000. The annual rate of new introductions reached 21 new NIS in European seas within the last six-year assessment period (2012–2017). This increase is likely due to increased human activities and research efforts that have intensified during the early 21st century within European Seas. As Europe seas are not environmentally, nor geographically homogenous, the setting of threshold values for assessing GES requires regional expertise. Further, once management measures are operational, pathway-specific threshold values would enable assessing the effectiveness of such measures.
Keywords: non-indigenous species, European seas, regional seas, MSFD, good environmental status, validation, uncertainties
Published in DiRROS: 18.07.2024; Views: 225; Downloads: 249
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An annotated checklist and the conservation status of Chondrichthyans in the Adriatic
Alen Soldo, Lovrenc Lipej, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Although there is a high number of publications listing fish species in the Adriatic, only a few have focused on chondrichthyans, while their conservation status has been investigated even less. Thus, this paper aims to provide an updated and annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans occurring in the Adriatic waters with their presence and conservation status. Each species is evaluated against the criteria defined in IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List Categories and Criteria and according to the guidelines for national and regional level assessments. In total, 60 chondrichthyan species from 27 families and 42 genera are listed. The list contains 33 species of sharks, 26 species of rays and one chimera. Assessment of the conservation status reveals that three species are now considered Regionally Extinct (namely Squatina oculata, Pristis pectinata and Rhinobatos rhinobatos). A total of 21 species are assessed as Critically Endangered, 8 are Endangered and 10 are Vulnerable. Of the remaining species, six are Near Threatened and the same number of species are Least Concern and Data Deficient. Considering that the principal driver of chondrichthyan decline and regional extinction is overfishing, it is recommended that the Adriatic countries adopt the same management measures and strengthen their coordination.
Keywords: checklist, Chondrichthyans, Adriatic, conservation status, zoology, marine biology
Published in DiRROS: 17.07.2024; Views: 210; Downloads: 124
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Socioeconomic inequalities in cancer incidence in Europe : a comprehensive review of population-based epidemiological studies
Ana Mihor, Sonja Tomšič, Tina Žagar, Katarina Lokar, Vesna Zadnik, 2020, review article

Abstract: Background. Since the end of the previous century, there has not been a comprehensive review of European studies on socioeconomic inequality in cancer incidence. In view of recent advances in data source linkage and analytical methods, we aimed to update the knowledge base on associations between location-specific cancer incidence and individual or area-level measures of socio-economic status (SES) among European adults. Materials and methods. We systematically searched three databases (PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science) for articles on cancer incidence and SES. Qualitative synthesis was performed on the 91 included English language studies, published between 2000 and 2019 in Europe, which focused on adults, relied on cancer registry data and reported on relative risk (RR) estimates. Results. Adults with low SES have increased risk of head and neck, oesophagogastric, liver and gallbladder, pancreatic, lung, kidney, bladder, penile and cervical cancers (highest RRs for lung, head and neck, stomach and cervix). Conversely, high SES is linked with increased risk of thyroid, breast, prostate and skin cancers. Central nervous system and haematological cancers are not associated with SES. The positive gap in testicular cancer has narrowed, while colorectal cancer shows a varying pattern in different countries. Negative associations are generally stronger for men compared to women. Conclusions. In Europe, cancers in almost all common locations are associated with SES and the inequalities can be explained to a varying degree by known life-style related factors, most notably smoking. Independent effects of many individual and area SES measures which capture different aspects of SES can also be observed.
Keywords: socioeconomic status, socioeconomic inequality, cancer incidence
Published in DiRROS: 16.07.2024; Views: 230; Downloads: 99
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The physiological impact of GFLV virus infection on grapevine water status : first observations
Anastazija Jež Krebelj, Maja Cigoj, Marija Stele, Marko Chersicola, Maruša Pompe Novak, Paolo Sivilotti, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: In a vineyard, grapevines are simultaneously exposed to combinations of several abiotic (drought, extreme temperatures, salinity) and biotic stresses (phytoplasmas, viruses, bacteria). With climate change, the incidences of drought in vine growing regions are increased and the host range of pathogens with increased chances of virulent strain development has expanded. Therefore, we studied the impact of the combination of abiotic (drought) and biotic (Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) infection) stress on physiological and molecular responses on the grapevine of cv. Schioppettino by studying the influence of drought and GFLV infection on plant water status of grapevines, on grapevine xylem vessel occlusion, and on expression patterns of 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase 1 (NCED1), 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase 2 (NCED2), WRKY encoding transcription factor (WRKY54) and RD22-like protein (RD22) genes in grapevines. A complex response of grapevine to the combination of drought and GFLV infection was shown, including priming in the case of grapevine water status, net effect in the case of area of occluded vessels in xylem, and different types of interaction of both stresses in the case of expression of four abscisic acid-related genes. Our results showed that mild (but not severe) water stress can be better sustained by GFLV infection rather than by healthy vines. GFLV proved to improve the resilience of the plants to water stress, which is an important outcome to cope with the challenges of global warming.
Keywords: grapevine, water status, virus infection, GFLV, xylem vessel occlusion, gene expression
Published in DiRROS: 16.07.2024; Views: 197; Downloads: 198
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