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The efficient method for simultaneous monitoring of the culturable as well as nonculturable airborne microorganisms
Barbara Hubad, Aleš Lapanje, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: Cultivation-based microbiological methods are a gold standard for monitoring of airborne micro-organisms to determine the occupational exposure levels or transmission paths of a particular infectious agent. Some highly contagious microorganisms are not easily culturable but it is becoming evident that cultivation and molecular methods are complementary and in these cases highly relevant. We report a simple and efficient method for sampling and analyzing airborne bacteria with an impactor-type high-flow-rate portable air sampler, currently used for monitoring culturable bacteria or fungi. A method is reported for extraction of nucleic acids from impacted cells without prior cultivation and using agarose as a sampling matrix. The DNA extraction efficiency was determined in spiked samples and, samples taken from a wastewater treatment plant and an alpine area. The abundance, diversity and quantity of total bacteria were analysed by a quantitative polymerase chain reaction, and by construction and analysis of clone libraries. The method does not interfere with downstream PCR analysis and can cover the gap between traditional culture and molecular techniques of bioaerosol monitoring.
Published in DiRROS: 02.08.2024; Views: 251; Downloads: 121
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Characterization of bloom iron smelting site remains in Pržanj, Slovenia
Jaka Burja, Barbara Šetina, Daša Pavlovič, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper gives an overview of findings, connected with metallurgical activity, at the Pržanj archeological site near Ljubljana, Slovenia. More than 230 kg of slag and other remains connected with early medieval (from the 5th to the 12th century AD) metallurgical activities was found at the excavation site. The remains were grouped into four categories, i.e., furnace remains, ore, slag and a ferrous product, and analyzed in detail to obtain their chemical composition, microstructural characteristics, and mineral phase composition. The furnace wall remains, identified by their morphology and chemical composition, revealed an intensive iron processing activity at the site. The iron ore at the site was identified as goethite (FeO(OH)), a surprising find in Slovenia where limonite is typically used, and its presence suggests the potential exploitation of local bog iron ore, given the site’s geological context. Abundant slag remains at the site, identified by their shape, molten microstructure, and mineral components like wuestite, fayalite, and hercynite, indicated sophisticated smelting practices, including the use of CaO-rich materials to lower the melting temperature, a technique likely preserved from antiquity. Findings of ferrous products at ancient metallurgical sites are rare due to their value, but the discovery of a corroded iron bloom conglomerate at this site, initially mistaken for furnace remains, highlights the challenges in identifying small, corroded ferrous fragments that are often misidentified as ore. The results indicate extensive metallurgical activity at the excavation site, marking it as the first documented early medieval iron smelting production site in Slovenia.
Keywords: bloom iron, bloomery slag, archaeometallurgy, microstructure
Published in DiRROS: 29.07.2024; Views: 219; Downloads: 178
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Ocena finančnega bremena pri bolnikih z rakom v Sloveniji
Marjeta Skubic, Katja Vöröš, Andraž Perhavec, Mojca Bavdaž, Petra Došenović Bonča, Tjaša Redek, Ivica Ratoša, Helena Barbara Zobec Logar, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Izhodišče: Finančna toksičnost (FT) predstavlja vse objektivne finančne posledice in subjektivne finančne skrbi, ki se pojavljajo pri bolnikih z rakom in njihovih svojcih zaradi bolezni in zdravljenja. Finančno breme, ki ga imajo slovenski bolniki z rakom, pred našo raziskavo še ni bilo opredeljeno, prav tako ni bil poznan vpliv FT na kakovost življenja (QoL).Namen: Cilj raziskave je bila ocena FT pri bolnikih z rakom v Sloveniji, njen vpliv na QoL bolnikov in preizkus dosedanjih inštrumentov za oceno FT in QoL.Metode: Za merjenje FT smo uporabili anketno metodologijo. Razvili smo lasten vprašalnik za oceno FT in uporabili mednaro-dno validirana vprašalnika FACIT-COST in EORTC QLQ-C30. Raziskava je bila prospektivna in presečna, potekala je na Onkolo-škem inštitutu Ljubljana od junija do oktobra 2023. Rezultati: Analizirali smo 590 veljavnih anket. Na podlagi vprašalnika FACIT-COST smo ugotovili, da večina anketiranih bolnikov (53,7 %) nima FT, pri 42,9 % anketiranih bolnikov pa je bila ta večinoma blaga do zmerna. Nizko FT med slovenski-mi bolniki z rakom smo potrdili tudi z vprašalnikom EORTC QLQ-C30 in lastnim vprašalnikom. Večina bolnikov (85,1 %) je ocenila, da zaradi bolezni in zdravljenja niso imeli večjih stroškov. Na podlagi kazalnika finančnega bremena FACIT-COST in EORTC QLQ-C30 smo ugotovili, da so rizične skupine za večjo FT predvsem bolniki z nižjim neto dohodkom na gospodinjstvo (p ≤0,001), mlajši bolniki (p < 0,001), bolniki z rakom dojk (p = 0,016), zaposleni (p < 0,001), pa tudi bolniki na aktivnem onkološkem zdravljenju (p = 0,039). Pri lastnem vprašalniku so se za statistično pomembne pokazali še nižja stopnja izobrazbe (p ≤ 0,001), pode-želsko okolje (p = 0,033) in vrsta zdravstvenega zavarovanja (p = 0,006). Vpliv veroizpovedi na FT na podlagi lastnega vprašalnika ni povezan z večjo FT, kot je to razvidno iz vprašalnikov FACI-T-COST in EORTC QLQ-C30. Potrdili smo tudi vpliv nižjega dohodka na slabšo QoL, ostali parametri, ki vplivajo na QoL, pa so še: zelo nizka ali zelo visoka stopnja izobrazbe, rak glave in vratu in aktivnost onkološkega zdravljenja.Zaključki: V Sloveniji večina bolnikov z rakom ne občuti FT, v 42,9 % pa je ta blaga do zmerna. FT je statistično značilno povezana z višino dohodka, starostjo, vrsto raka, zaposlitvenim statusom, aktivnostjo onkološkega zdravljenja, pa tudi s stopnjo izobrazbe, podeželskim okoljem in vrsto zdravstvenega zavarova-nja. Večja FT je povezana s slabšo QoL. Ta je povezana prav tako z višino dohodka, stopnjo izobrazbe, vrsto raka in aktivnostjo onkološkega zdravljenja.
Keywords: finančno breme, kakovost življenja, breme raka
Published in DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Views: 215; Downloads: 122
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Obsevanje benignih bolezni
Ivica Ratoša, Blaž Grošelj, Boris Jančar, Uroš Smrdel, Jasna But-Hadžić, Helena Barbara Zobec Logar, 2024, review article

Abstract: Cilja zdravljenja z obsevanjem benignih bolezni sta povrnitev funkcije in izboljšanje kakovosti življenja. Obsevanje benignih bolezni se običajno izvaja z nizko dnevno in celokupno obsevalno dozo. V primerjavi z dozo, ki se jo uporablja za zdravljenje malignih obolenj, je doza tukaj navadno precej nižja. S sodobnimi obsevalni-mi tehnikami, ki se uporabljajo v radioterapiji v zadnjem desetletju, je tveganje za poškodbe zdravega tkiva majhno. Z natančnim načrtovanjem obsevanja se žarki usmerijo na prizadeto območje, kar omogoča ohranitev zdravih tkiv. Obsevanje je tako varno in učinkovito, a je treba kljub temu vedno oceniti, kdaj je dobrobit obsevanja večja od morebitnih neželenih učinkov.
Keywords: obsevanje, benigne bolezni, bolečina
Published in DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Views: 274; Downloads: 149
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Imunohistokemična analiza izražanja glukokortikoidnih receptorjev pri zgodnjem raku dojk in njihov vpliv na odgovor na zdravljenje z neoadjuvantno sistemsko terapijo
Marjetka Sraka, Barbara Gazić, Primož Drev, Cvetka Grašič-Kuhar, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Glukokortikoidni receptor (GR) je različno izražen na tumorskih in imunskih celicah raka dojk, njegova izraženost pa je morda odvisna od molekularnega podtipa raka dojk, prav tako njegova izraženost morda vpliva na odgovor na neoad-juvantno sistemsko terapijo. Naš namen je vpeljati zanesljivo imunohistokemično barvanje s protitelesi proti GR, drugi namen pa je oceniti izraženost GR na vzorcih raka dojk in preučiti, ali se ta izraža različno pri različnih podtipih in ali njegova izraženost vpliva na odgovor na neoadjuvantno sistemsko terapijo.
Keywords: rak dojk, neoadjuvantno sistemsko zdravljenje, glukokortikoidni receptor
Published in DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Views: 249; Downloads: 133
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Addition of 2-(ethylamino)acetonitrile group to nitroxoline results in significantly improved anti-tumor activity in vitro and in vivo
Ana Mitrović, Izidor Sosič, Špela Kos, Urša Lampreht Tratar, Barbara Breznik, Simona Kranjc Brezar, Bojana Mirković, Stanislav Gobec, Tamara Lah Turnšek, Maja Čemažar, Gregor Serša, Janko Kos, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Lysosomal cysteine peptidase cathepsin B, involved in multiple processes associated with tumor progression, is validated as a target for anti-cancer therapy. Nitroxoline, a known antimicrobial agent, is a potent and selective inhibitor of cathepsin B, hence reducing tumor progression in vitro and in vivo. In order to further improve its anti-cancer properties we developed a number of derivatives using structure-based chemical synthesis. Of these, the 7-aminomethylated derivative (compound 17) exhibited significantly improved kinetic properties over nitroxoline, inhibiting cathepsin B endopeptidase activity selectively. In the present study, we have evaluated its anti-cancer properties. It was more effective than nitroxoline in reducing tumor cell invasion and migration, as determined in vitro on two-dimensional cell models and tumor spheroids, under either endpoint or real time conditions. Moreover, it exhibited improved action over nitroxoline in impairing tumor growth in vivo in LPB mouse fibrosarcoma tumors in C57Bl/6 mice. Taken together, the addition of a 2-(ethylamino)acetonitrile group to nitroxoline at position 7 significantly improves its pharmacological characteristics and its potential for use as an anti-cancer drug.
Keywords: nitroxoline derivative, cathepsin B, inhibition, tumor invasion, cell migration
Published in DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Views: 215; Downloads: 178
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Imaging of human glioblastoma cells and their interactions with mesenchymal stem cells in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryonic brain
Miloš Vittori, Barbara Breznik, Tajda Gredar, Katja Hrovat, Lilijana Bizjak-Mali, Tamara Lah Turnšek, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: Background An attractive approach in the study of human cancers is the use of transparent zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos, which enable the visualization of cancer progression in a living animal. Materials and methods We implanted mixtures of fluorescently labeled glioblastoma (GBM) cells and bonemarrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into zebrafish embryos to study the cellular pathways of their invasion and the interactions between these cells in vivo. Results By developing and applying a carbocyanine-dye-compatible clearing protocol for observation of cells in deep tissues, we showed that U87 and U373 GBM cells rapidly aggregated into tumor masses in the ventricles and midbrain hemispheres of the zebrafish embryo brain, and invaded the central nervous system, often using the ventricular system and the central canal of the spinal cord. However, the GBM cells did not leave the central nervous system. With co-injection of differentially labeled cultured GBM cells and MSCs, the implanted cells formed mixed tumor masses in the brain. We observed tight associations between GBM cells and MSCs, and possible cell-fusion events. GBM cells and MSCs used similar invasion routes in the central nervous system. Conclusions This simple model can be used to study the molecular pathways of cellular processes in GBM cell invasion, and their interactions with various types of stromal cells in double or triple cell co-cultures, to design anti-GBM cell therapies that use MSCs as vectors.
Keywords: brain tumors, tumor microenvironment, animal models, xenotransplantation
Published in DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Views: 194; Downloads: 179
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Correlation of t(14;18) translocation breakpoint site with clinical characteristics in follicular lymphoma
Matej Panjan, Lučka Boltežar, Srdjan Novaković, Ira Koković, Barbara Jezeršek Novaković, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Background: t(14;18)(q32;q21) translocation is an important genetic feature of follicular lymphoma resulting in antiapoptotic B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL2) protein overexpression. On chromosome 18 breakpoint-site variation is high but does not affect BCL2. Breakpoint most commonly occurs at major breakpoint region (MBR) but may happen at minor cluster region (mcr) and between MBR and mcr at 3'MBR and 5'mcr. The aim of this study was to analyze the correlation of t(14;18)(q32;q21) breakpoint site with clinical characteristics in follicular lymphoma. Patients and methods: We included patients diagnosed with follicular lymphoma who received at least 1 cycle of systemic treatment and had the t(14;18)(q32;q21) translocation detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) at MBR, mcr or 3'MBR prior to first treatment. Among patients with different breakpoints, sex, age, disease grade, stage, B-symptoms, follicular lymphoma international prognostic index (FLIPI), presence of bulky disease, progression free survival and overall survival were compared. Results: Of 84 patients, 63 had breakpoint at MBR, 17 at mcr and 4 at 3'MBR. At diagnosis, the MBR group had a significantly lower disease stage than the mcr group. Although not significant, in the MBR group we found a higher progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS), lower grade, age, FLIPI, and less B-symptoms. Conclusions: Compared to patients with mcr breakpoint, those with MBR breakpoint seem to be characterised by more favourable clinical characteristics. However, a larger study would be required to support our observation.
Keywords: clinical characteristics, follicular lymphoma, t(14, 18) translocation
Published in DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Views: 201; Downloads: 117
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Modern approach to the management of genitourinary syndrome in women with gynecological malignancies
Nina Kovačević, Ines Cilenšek, Sebastjan Merlo, Barbara Šegedin, 2023, review article

Abstract: The term genitourinary syndrome of menopause was first used in 2014 by the North American Menopause Society and the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health to describe conditions previously known as atrophic vaginitis, urogenital atrophy, or vulvovaginal atrophy. It is a complex, chronic, progressive condition characterized by a wide range of signs and symptoms affecting sexual function and the tissues of the urinary and genital tracts. The main cause of genitourinary syndrome of menopause is estrogen deficiency caused by ovarian removal or dysfunction. The most bothersome symptoms are vaginal dryness, decreased vaginal lubrication, and pain during penetration and intercourse. They all have a negative impact on the quality of life. Conclusions: The main goal of treatment is to relieve the symptoms. Treatment modalities are pharmacological or non-pharmacological. The first-line treatment for mild to moderate symptoms is the use of personal lubricants and moisturizers, but the gold standard is estrogen replacement therapy. Hormone therapy may not be an option for women with hormone-dependent cancer.
Keywords: genitourinary syndrome, gynecological malignancies, therapy
Published in DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Views: 178; Downloads: 56
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