1. Unutarnja okolina renoviranih ureda opremljenih stropnim isijavajućim pločamaSabina Jordan, Jože Hafner, Tilmann E. Kuhn, Andraž Legat, Martina Zbašnik-Senegačnik, 2016, original scientific article Abstract: U radu se ocjenjuje unutarnja okolina renoviranih ureda koji su, kao pokusni primjer,opremljeni naprednim stropnim isijavajućim pločama koje se primjenjuju za grijanje i hlađenje. Obavljene su opsežne analize na bazi raznih nizova stvarnih mjerenja kako bi se ocijenila djelotvornost i prikladnost predložene koncepcije za adaptiranje prostora. Ustanovljeno je da čitav sustav za temperiranje uredskih prostora funkcionira na prikladan način, te da raspon unutarnjih temperatura zraka omogućava postizanje najviše razine udobnosti. Published in DiRROS: 16.09.2024; Views: 300; Downloads: 188
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2. Monitoring copper corrosion in bentonite by means of a coupled multi-electrode arrayTadeja Kosec, Miha Hren, Andraž Legat, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: This work focuses in monitoring the corrosion processes on copper in a slightly saline environment under oxic conditions, which simulated the first part of high-radioactive waste disposal in bentonite. Besides coupled multi-electrode arrays (CMEA), also electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements were implemented. It was expected that this combination of methods would define the general corrosion rate, as well as the spatio-temporal evolution of anodic and cathodic processes. Anodic currents measured by CMEA showed that the corrosion rates decreased with time. Since maximum anodic activity switched between the electrodes, this situation was not individually valid for all the electrodes. At the end of exposure, different spectroscopic techniques were applied in order to identify the modes of corrosion and types of corrosion products. Uneven general corrosion without evident pits was indicated. Keywords: copper, bentonite, saline groundwater, coupled multi electrode array, corrosion Published in DiRROS: 14.08.2024; Views: 528; Downloads: 269
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3. An investigation into corrosion around voids at the steel-concrete interfaceMiha Hren, Tadeja Kosec, Andraž Legat, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: In this study, the influence of voids on corrosion process at the steel-concrete interface was investigated, as the exact influence of these features on corrosion processes under various environmental conditions is not entirely understood. Coupled multi electrode arrays and electrical resistance probes were implemented to monitor the evolution of corrosion under cyclic exposure to chlorides and carbonation. MicroCT was used to determine the location and volume of corrosion damage. It was found that, in most cases, corrosion damage initiated outside the voids. During initiation and the early propagation phase, the steel beneath the voids rarely participated in the redox reaction. In following phases, various kinds of corrosion evolution were observed. Specific corrosion mechanisms were proposed and discussed to explain these corrosion processes. Keywords: microtomography, corrosion, coupled multi-electrode array, steel-concrete interface Published in DiRROS: 06.06.2024; Views: 511; Downloads: 490
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4. Susceptibility of X17CrNi16-2 martensitic stainless steel to hydrogen embrittlement after conventional and deep cryogenic heat treatmentMirjam Bajt Leban, Bojan Zajec, Bojan Podgornik, Črtomir Donik, Patricia Jovičević Klug, Miha Hren, Andraž Legat, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: A low carbon/ high chromium martensitic stainless steel, X17CrNi16-2, was heat treated using two different hardening and tempering regimes (1050 ◦ C/480 ◦ C or 980 ◦C/600 ◦C) — promoting either a high strength or high toughness state, respectively and further combined with deep cryogenic treatment (DCT) at 196 ◦C for 24 h. Over recent years DCT has been recognized as a promising technique to improve the properties of steel, predominantly with respect to its tensile strength, toughness and wear resistance. The influence of DCT on the hydrogen embrittlement resistance of martensitic stainless steel has not yet, however, been reported.
A slow strain rate tensile test (SSRT) with simultaneous cathodic hydrogen charging was selected as the method to assess potential susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement (HE). Relatively low-intensity hydrogen charging, utilizing a constant current density of 0.1 mA/cm2, in a non-corrosive, slightly alkaline buffer solution, led to a clear reduction in the ultimate tensile stress. This reduction, and therefore the HE susceptibility, was more pronounced in the steel with a higher strength (i.e. that subject to the 1050 ◦C/ 480 ◦C heat treatment condition). Furthermore, DCT did not appear to have any impact on the steel’s mechanical properties in the presence of hydrogen. Fractographic analysis showed clear evidence of HE in the hydrogen-charged specimens.
This paper presents results of the SSRT tests and further fractography results, and discusses the impact of conventional and deep cryogenic treatment on HE susceptibility. Keywords: martensitic stainless steel, deep cryogenic treatment, hydrogen embrittlement, slow strain rate tensile test Published in DiRROS: 23.05.2024; Views: 583; Downloads: 449
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5. Roles of the reference service life (RSL) of buildings and the RSL of building components in the environmental impacts of buildingsTajda Potrč Obrecht, Roman Kunič, Sabina Jordan, Andraž Legat, 2019, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: The Life Cycle Assessment of a building is a complex analysis that also involves the use of the predicted Reference Service Life (RSL) of the building components and materials, as well as the predicted RSL of the whole building. The RSL values of individual materials and building components can be obtained from different sources and are not exactly comparable. In the present study, the influence of selected RLS values on an LCA assessment was evaluated. Three different RSL databases were used as the sources of the data to estimate the environmental impacts of selected building components (internal wooden door and external finishing coat). Two scenarios were presented. In the first scenario a building component can be reused in another building, while in the second scenario the reuse of the building component is not possible. The study showed that dependent on the selected RSL database, the results can differ by up to a factor of five. Therefore, it is very important to describe clearly the maintenance scenarios for a building in order to have a reliable comparison of the results of LCA assessments. Keywords: reference service life, life cycle assessment, refurbishment Published in DiRROS: 08.03.2024; Views: 612; Downloads: 432
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6. Development of an advanced methodology for assessing the environmental impacts of refurbishmentsTajda Potrč Obrecht, Sabina Jordan, Andraž Legat, Marcella Ruschi Mendes Saade, Alexander Passer, 2022, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: The refurbishment of the building stock is one of the key tasks for reducing the future environmental emissions in building sector. The assessment of the environmental impacts (EI) of refurbishments with LCA methodology remains a challenge. In the current practice, the refurbishment is threated as the beginning of the new lifecycle and all the impacts associated with the previous life cycle are generally neglected. The exclusion of materials and components used prior to the refurbishment produces a data gap at the end-of-life since information about materials that remained in the building after the refurbishment are missing. Furthermore, no information about what impacts have already been considered in the past bears the risk that some of the impacts are double-counted. In order to overcome these problems, an advanced methodology for the assessment of the embodied impacts in the case of refurbishment was developed that combines two sub-methodologies that can also be used separately. The first submethodology is used for remodelling the input data in order to make them time corresponding. The second sub-methodology is used for the assessment of the EI in the residual value of building materials and components and is including the allocation of EI between the life cycle before and after the refurbishment. The combination of the two sub-methodologies enables a more realistic and accurate assessment of the environmental impacts. The methodology is illustrated on the case on the case of a façade refurbishment. Five different allocation approaches are investigated and the residual value is calculated after a selected time period before and after the refurbishment. For all the inputs time-corresponding data is modelled and used. The study showed that for the life cycle before the refurbishment the EI and the residual value are generally higher if time-corresponding data is used since the EI of the electricity mix are higher. It turned out that the use of different allocation approaches is favouring either the use of recycled or reused materials or the recycling of the materials at the end. The PEF and the cut-off approach with module D are both enhancing the circular economy. It can be assumed that they are likely to prevail in the future. Keywords: LCA, refurbishment, allocation, module D, dynamic LCA Published in DiRROS: 31.01.2024; Views: 616; Downloads: 359
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7. Construction materials for a sustainable future : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference CoMS 2020/212021, proceedings of peer-reviewed scientific conference contributions (international and foreign conferences) Abstract: Zbornik pokriva številne, predvsem tehnične teme, ki so pomembne za trajnostni razvoj gradbenega sektorja, kot ključnega dejavnika pri doseganju ciljev EU za obvladovanje podnebnih sprememb in za prehod v brezogljično družbo. Vsebinsko naslavlja inovacije v gradbenih materialih in tehnologijah, vključno s komponentami za zdravo in udobno bivanje, ter interakcije med materiali in okoljem. Poleg energetske učinkovitosti stavb je v njem zajeto področje širšega razumevanja trajnostnega načrtovanja, gradnje in vzdrževanja stavb ter monitoring, ocenjevanje in modeliranje stavb. Vključuje pa tudi vsebine, ki se nanašajo na krožno gospodarstvo, kot je recikliranje materialov in komponent ter koncepti sanacij stavb, ter na digitalizacijo in avtomatizacijo področja. Keywords: trajnostno gradbeništvo, trajnostna gradnja, gradbeni materiali, tehnologije, energetska učinkovitost, zborniki, elektronske knjige Published in DiRROS: 25.01.2024; Views: 846; Downloads: 324
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8. Electrochemical corrosion tests on steel in alkali-activated materialsNina Gartner, Miha Hren, Tadeja Kosec, Andraž Legat, 2021, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: One of the potential alternatives to Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) are Alkali-Activated Materials (AAMs). The service life of reinforced concrete structures greatly depends on the corrosion resistance of embedded steel reinforcement. Due to the wide range of AAMs and their diverse properties, corrosion processes of steel in these materials are relatively unknown. Corrosion monitoring methods or their interpretations in certain cases cannot be directly transferred from the ones for OPC materials. The chemical compositions of pore solution in different AAMs influence the results of electrochemical measurements and their interpretations. Within this research, three different alkali-activated mortar mixes were prepared, based on fly ash, slag or metakaolin. Pore solutions were extracted from each mortar andchemical analysis was acquired. Different electrochemical corrosion measurements were performed on steel submerged to synthetic pore solutions. In parallel, ordinary carbon steel reinforcing bar was installed in the same types of alkali-activated mortar mixes. Specimens were exposed to wet/dry cycles with saline solution and periodic measurements of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were performed. Measured parameters in both systems were analysedand compared. It was concluded that electrochemical measurements in pore solutions can provide basic overview on corrosion behaviour in different AAMs environments. Periodic EIS measurements enabled monitoring of corrosion initiation and propagation on steel reinforcement in AAMs, although the information on the corrosion type is missing. Interpretation of results depends on visual analysis of corrosion damages after the end of exposure, providing information on corrosion type and intensity. The continuation of research on corrosion monitoring techniques will be performed by using Electrical Resistance (ER) sensors and Coupled Multi-Electrode Array (CMEA) sensors. Keywords: corrosion, alkali-activated mortars, pore solution extraction, electrochemical corrosion techniques, visual analysis Published in DiRROS: 22.01.2024; Views: 778; Downloads: 438
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