1. Predlog metodologije za spremljanje stanja gozdov za l. 2025 : predlog metodologije v skladu s Pravilnikom o varstvu gozdov (2009) in mednarodnimi zavezami (Konvencija UNECE CLRTAP)Daniel Žlindra, Lado Kutnar, Tom Levanič, Anže Martin Pintar, Urša Vilhar, Primož Simončič, 2024, treatise, preliminary study, study Keywords: monitoring, stanje gozdov, osutost dreves, poškodovanost dreves, rast dreves, meteorološke meritve, ozon, pritalna vegetacija, fenološka opazovanja, foliarni popis, zračne usedline Published in DiRROS: 12.11.2024; Views: 188; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
2. Three decades of understorey vegetation change in Quercus-dominated forests as a result of increasing canopy mortality and global change symptomsJanez Kermavnar, Lado Kutnar, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Questions The long-term response of understorey vegetation to increasing tree mortality has rarely been addressed in resurvey studies. For two Quercus-dominated forest types, we asked: (a) How did overstorey alterations, induced by canopy mortality, affect understorey diversity and composition? (b) Is there a signal of global change effects on understorey communities? (c) Are these assemblages experiencing a homogenization process? Location Five sites in Quercus robur (QR) and four sites in Q. petraea (QP) forests, Slovenia. Methods We studied changes in vascular plants in the understorey layer from 1992/1993 to 2023 across 45 permanent 20 m × 20 m plots in QR and QP forests, respectively. Vegetation surveys were carried out following the standard Braun-Blanquet method. We compared original surveys with recent resurveys using multivariate analysis, ecological indicator values (EIV), plant traits and methods that quantify changes in individual species. Results Since the early 1990s, tree layer cover decreased from 95% to an average of 55% in QR, whereas it remained relatively high (77%) in QP plots. This resulted in denser understorey vegetation and a significant increase in plot-level species richness in QR forests, but a slight decrease in QP forests. The extensive loss of canopy cover and disturbance effects in QR forests caused significant changes in species composition. Species turnover in QR was driven by colonization of new disturbance-tolerant taxa characterized by ruderal traits, whereas the compositional shift in QP was to a greater extent due to species losses. We detected a process of vegetation thermophilization (increase in EIV-temperature), suggesting an effect of rapid climatic warming. Understorey communities are now more similar to each other than 30 years ago, indicating a decrease in beta-diversity (floristic homogenization). Conclusions Despite some common trends, vegetation responses were forest type-specific. Our study presents evidence of understorey vegetation changes triggered by increased canopy mortality (a strong local driver particularly in QR plots) and also points to the signal of global change symptoms (thermophilization, homogenization), which acted rather independently from the observed decline in tree layer cover. Keywords: floristic homogenization, forest disturbances, permanent vegetation plots, Quercus robur, Quercus petraea, resurvey study, Slovenia, thermophilization, tree layer cover Published in DiRROS: 11.11.2024; Views: 232; Downloads: 224 Full text (18,09 MB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Okoljsko poročilo za državni prostorski načrt za vetrno elektrarno Ojstrica : okoljsko poročiloAlenka Kovačič, 2023, treatise, preliminary study, study Keywords: okoljsko poročilo, vrednotenje, vplivi, državni prostorski načrt, vetrna elektrarna, okolje, gozdovi, Ojstrica Published in DiRROS: 11.11.2024; Views: 218; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
4. Strokovne podlage za vrednotenje vplivov DPN za VE Rogatec na stanje gozda in gozdarstva - analiza spremenjenega načrta posegaAndreja Ferreira, 2024, treatise, preliminary study, study Keywords: vrednotenje, vplivi, državni prostorski načrt, vetrna elektrarna, gozdovi, gozdarstvo, Rogatec Published in DiRROS: 08.11.2024; Views: 204; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
5. Spremljanje pritalne vegetacije gozdov v Sloveniji kaže na zmanjševanje števila rastlinskih vrstLado Kutnar, Janez Kermavnar, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Spremljanje stanja in sprememb pritalne vegetacije gozdov v Sloveniji poteka v okviru mednarodnega programa ICP Forests na dveh različnih ravneh (raven 1 in 2). Na ravni 2, ki vključuje reprezentativne ploskve za intenzivni monitoring gozdov (ploskve IM), sistematično spremljamo stanje pritalne vegetacije že od leta 2004. Ob četrti ponovitvi popisa v letih 2019/2020 smo ugotovili, da se je v obdobju od prvega popisa število vrst v zeliščni plasti na večjih vegetacijskih podploskvah v povprečju zmanjšalo za –7,1 % in na manjših za –11,2 %. Čeprav se je na večini ploskev IM število vrst zmanjšalo (najizraziteje v nižinskih gozdovih), pa se je predvsem zaradi velikopovršinskih motenj na posameznih ploskvah vrstna pestrost tudi povečala. V prihodnje bomo v okviru spremljanja sprememb pritalne vegetacije gozdov namenili večjo pozornost tudi procesom termofilizacije, evtrofikacije in biotske homogenizacije, ki jih že zaznavamo v pritalni vegetaciji slovenskih gozdov. Keywords: spremljanje pritalne vegetacije, zeliščna plast, številčnost rastlinskih vrst, vrstna pestrost, velikopovršinske motnje, intenzivni monitoring Published in DiRROS: 07.11.2024; Views: 202; Downloads: 58 Full text (416,01 KB) |
6. Program Intenzivnega monitoringa gozdov v Sloveniji (2004–2024)Primož Simončič, Matej Rupel, Daniel Žlindra, Lado Kutnar, Aleksander Marinšek, 2024, review article Abstract: V letu 2024 obeležujemo dvajset let aktivnosti Intenzivnega monitoringa gozdov v Sloveniji, ki je del mednarodnega programa ICP Forests in Konvencije UN ECE CLTRAP. Glavni namen aktivnosti je spremljati učinke onesnaženosti zraka in drugih dejavnikov na gozdne ekosisteme. Na desetih hektarskih ploskvah v Sloveniji potekajo različna opazovanja in meritve ter stanja drevja po mednarodno usklajenih protokolih. Letna poročila o stanju gozdov so javnosti dostopna na spletnih straneh Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije in Inštituta za gozdne ekosisteme Thünen v Nemčiji. Rezultati intenzivnega monitoringa gozdov so pomembni za razumevanje odziva drevja na okoljske spremembe, na ekstremne dogodke, bolezni in druge dejavnike in so del raziskovalne dejavnosti ter razumevanja razvoja gozdov na izbranih objektih. Keywords: Program intenzivni monitoring gozdov, Slovenija, ICP Forests Published in DiRROS: 07.11.2024; Views: 191; Downloads: 68 Full text (496,50 KB) |
7. Bryophyte diversity, composition and functional traits in relation to bedrock and tree species composition in close-to-nature managed forestsLado Kutnar, Janez Kermavnar, Marko S. Sabovljević, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Bryophytes respond to a variety of environmental factors, including tree species composition and geological conditions, which are influenced by both natural and anthropogenic factors. Bryophytes growing on a variety of substrates were identified in ICP Forests monitoring plots in a wide range of close-to-nature managed forests, from lowland to high mountain areas in Slovenia. Based on data on tree layer composition (broadleaves vs. conifers) and on bedrock and soil type (calcareous vs. siliceous bedrock), all study plots were classified into five groups representing forest types. Different ordination analyses and statistical tests were used to represent differences between forest types in bryophyte composition, richness and functional traits. Almost 200 bryophyte species were identified in managed forests, with the most common being Hypnum cupressiforme, Brachytheciastrum velutinum and Polytrichum formosum. Bryophyte species composition varied considerably along the tree species composition and edaphic gradients represented by the selected forest types. Bryophyte species richness was significantly higher on calcareous bedrock than on siliceous bedrock. The higher occurrence of rocks on the ground surface may significantly increase the availability of various microhabitats for bryophytes. Bedrock had a significant influence on the functional diversity and composition of bryophytes, while tree species composition had less influence. Bedrock and tree species composition are important drivers of bryophyte species composition and diversity at taxonomic and functional trait levels. The high diversity of bryophyte species in Slovenian forests can also be attributed to close-to-nature and sustainable forest management practices that preserve favourable microclimatic conditions in forest stands and maintain diverse substrates. Keywords: mosses, species richness, functional diversity, site conditions, overstory, sustainable managed forests, European temperate zone Published in DiRROS: 31.07.2024; Views: 412; Downloads: 381 Full text (6,99 MB) This document has many files! More... |
8. Using lidar data to analyse sinkhole characteristics relevant for understory vegetation under forest cover-case study of a high karst area in the Dinaric mountainsMilan Kobal, Irena Bertoncelj, Francesco Pirotti, Igor Dakskobler, Lado Kutnar, 2015, original scientific article Abstract: In this article, we investigate the potential for detection and characterization of sinkholes under dense forest cover by using airborne laser scanning data. Laser pulse returns from the ground provide important data for the estimation of digital elevation model (DEM), which can be used for further processing. The main objectives of this study were to map and determine the geomorphometric characteristics of a large number of sinkholes and to investigate the correlations between geomorphology and vegetation in areas with such characteristics. The selected study area has very low anthropogenic influences and is particularly suitable for studying undisturbed karst sinkholes. The information extracted from this study regarding the shapes and depths of sinkholes show significant directionality for both orientation of sinkholes and their distribution over the area. Furthermore, significant differences in vegetation diversity and composition occur inside and outside the sinkholes, which indicates their presence has important ecological impacts. Keywords: sinkholes, geomorphology, vegetation Published in DiRROS: 26.07.2024; Views: 490; Downloads: 305 Full text (1,75 MB) This document has many files! More... |
9. Poročilo o spremljanju stanja gozdov za leto 2023 : vsebinsko poročilo o spremljanju stanja gozdov v skladu s Pravilnikom o varstvu gozdov (2009)Andrej Grah, Janez Kermavnar, Nike Krajnc, Lado Kutnar, Tom Levanič, Nikica Ogris, Anže Martin Pintar, Matej Rupel, Mitja Skudnik, Primož Simončič, Saša Šercer, Urša Vilhar, Daniel Žlindra, 2024, final research report Keywords: varstvo gozdov, monitoring, stanje gozdov, zdravstveno stanje krošenj, popis povzročiteljev poškodb, meteorološke meritve, osutost dreves, poročila, Slovenija Published in DiRROS: 02.07.2024; Views: 431; Downloads: 490 Full text (12,57 MB) |
10. Vegetacijske in talne razmere v izbranih gozdovih Konjiške gore v GGE Slovenske KonjiceValerija Babij, Aleksander Marinšek, Lado Kutnar, Peter Horvat, Matej Tajnikar, Urban Orož, Marko Lekše, Bojan Bračič, Niko Laznik, Andrej Breznikar, Erika Kozamernik, 2024, treatise, preliminary study, study Keywords: vegetacija, tla, rastišča, ekologija gozdov, Javna gozdarska služba, Slovenija Published in DiRROS: 02.07.2024; Views: 481; Downloads: 220 Full text (5,88 MB) |