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Query: "author" (Finžgar Domen) .

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LUCANUS - a remotely controlled aerial vehicle solution for collecting samples in tree canopies
Domen Finžgar, Marko Bajc, Jernej Brezovar, Andraž Kladnik, Rok Capuder, Hojka Kraigher, 2016, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Published in DiRROS: 03.11.2021; Views: 1068; Downloads: 373
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Razvoj brezpilotnega sistema za vzorčenje iz drevesnih krošenj
Marko Bajc, Jernej Brezovar, Domen Finžgar, Andraž Kladnik, Rok Capuder, Hojka Kraigher, 2016, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: brezpilotni letalniki, vzorčenje drevesnih krošenj, patenti, droni, robotska roka, daljinsko upravljanje, EUFORINNO
Published in DiRROS: 03.11.2021; Views: 1063; Downloads: 607
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Implementing forest genetic monitoring plots
Domen Finžgar, Melita Hrenko, Gregor Božič, Hojka Kraigher, 2015, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Published in DiRROS: 03.11.2021; Views: 928; Downloads: 271
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The interplay between forest management practices, genetic monitoring, and other long-term monitoring systems
Darius Kavaliauskas, Barbara Fussi, Marjana Westergren, Filipos Aravanopoulos, Domen Finžgar, Roland Baier, Paraskevi Alizoti, Gregor Božič, Evangelia V. Avramidou, Monika Konnert, Hojka Kraigher, 2018, review article

Abstract: The conservation and sustainable use of forests and forest genetic resources (FGR) is a challenging task for scientists and foresters. Forest management practices can affect diversity on various levels: genetic, species, and ecosystem. Understanding past natural disturbance dynamics and their level of dependence on human disturbances and management practices is essential for the conservation and management of FGR, especially in the light of climate change. In this review, forest management practices and their impact on genetic composition are reviewed, synthesized, and interpreted in the light of existing national and international forest monitoring schemes and concepts from various European projects. There is a clear need and mandate for forest genetic monitoring (FGM), while the requirements thereof lack complementarity with existing forest monitoring. Due to certain obstacles (e.g., the lack of unified FGM implementation procedures across the countries, high implementation costs, large number of indicators and verifiers for FGM proposed in the past), merging FGM with existing forest monitoring is complicated. Nevertheless, FGM is of paramount importance for forestry and the natural environment in the future, regardless of the presence or existence of other monitoring systems, as it provides information no other monitoring system can yield. FGM can provide information related to adaptive and neutral genetic diversity changes over time, on a species and/or on a population basis and can serve as an early warning system for the detection of potentially harmful changes of forest adaptability. In addition, FGM offers knowledge on the adaptive potential of forests under the changing environment, which is important for the long-term conservation of FGR
Keywords: forest monitoring, forest genetic monitoring, forest genetic diversity, silviculture
Published in DiRROS: 20.02.2020; Views: 2347; Downloads: 1494
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Root-associated fungal communities from two phenologically contrasting Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.) groups of trees
Tina Unuk Nahberger, Tijana Martinović, Domen Finžgar, Nataša Šibanc, Tine Grebenc, Hojka Kraigher, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: Root-associated fungal communities are important components in ecosystem processes, impacting plant growth and vigor by influencing the quality, direction, and flow of nutrients and water between plants and fungi. Linkages of plant phenological characteristics with belowground root-associated fungal communities have rarely been investigated, and thus our aim was to search for an interplay between contrasting phenology of host ectomycorrhizal trees from the same location and root-associated fungal communities (ectomycorrhizal, endophytic, saprotrophic and pathogenic rootassociated fungi) in young and in adult silver fir trees. The study was performed in a managed silver fir forest site. Twenty-four soil samples collected under two phenologically contrasting silver fir groups were analyzed for differences in rootassociated fungal communities using Illumina sequencing of a total root-associated fungal community. Significant differences in beta diversity and in mean alpha diversity were confirmed for overall community of ectomycorrhizal root-associated fungi, whereas for ecologically different non-ectomycorrhizal root-associated fungal communities the differences were significant only for beta diversity and not for mean alpha diversity. At genus level root-associated fungal communities differed significantly between early and late flushing young and adult silver fir trees. We discuss the interactions through which the phenology of host plants either drives or is driven by the root-associated fungal communities in conditions of a sustainably co-naturally managed silver fir forest.
Keywords: host phenology, stand age, root-associated fungi, silver fir, fungal community
Published in DiRROS: 20.02.2020; Views: 2329; Downloads: 1533
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Identifikacija izvora gozdnega reprodukcijskega materiala bukve s pomočjo molekularnih metod
Marjana Westergren, Marko Bajc, Domen Finžgar, Gregor Božič, Hojka Kraigher, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Od kakovosti in izvora gozdnega reprodukcijskega materiala (GRM) bodo odvisni genetska pestrost, struktura, preživetje in uspevanje sadik ter končno uspevanje in odpornost bodočega gozda. Zato mora Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije (GIS) na podlagi javnega pooblastila po Zakonu o gozdovih in zahtev zakonodaje o GRM preveriti njegov izvor pred izdajo glavnega spričevala ali na zahtevo inšpektorata kadarkoli v času trženja in uporabe. Uporaba molekularnih metod pripomore k vedenju o izvoru in genetski kakovosti GRM. GIS kontinuirano razvija znanje, infrastrukturo, gensko banko in molekularne baze podatkov za izvajanje opisanih testov. Zaradi suma o (načrtno) napačni navedbi izvora GRM, nabranega jeseni 2016 iz vsaj enega semenskega objekta, smo v predstavljeni študiji analizirali izvor in genetsko pestrost GRM iz štirih semenskih objektov bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.), v katerih je bilo seme nabrano v istem letu, ter drugih vzorcev iz Slovenske gozdne genske banke, skupaj petnajst. Za analize smo uporabili jedrne mikrosatelite, šestnajst lokusov, ki jih na GIS uporabljamo rutinsko. S tehničnega vidika so se izbrani markerji izkazali za primerne za identifikacijo posameznikov, oceno genetske pestrosti in identifikacijo domnevnega izvora. Zaradi možnosti mešanja vzorcev, pridobljenih s tal, in tehničnih potreb bomo v prihodnosti za potrebe rekonstrukcije genotipa semenskega drevesa analizirali vsaj dvanajst semen na drevo. Genetska pestrost manjših vzorcev je bila značilno manjša od tiste v velikih vzorcih. Opozarjamo, da je GRM nujno treba nabirati najmanj z v odobritvi semenskega objekta predpisanega števila dreves, da zagotovimo ustrezno veliko genetsko pestrost GRM, ki ga sadimo v gozdove. Metode razvrščanja posameznikov na podlagi Bayesove verjetnosti in filogenetska drevesa so pravilno določili izvor referenčnih vzorcev, medtem ko je bila resolucija analize glavnih komponent manjša. Vse metode, uporabljene za identifikacijo domnevnega izvora vzorcev semena, so nedvoumno pokazale, da vzorec TURs ni bil nabran v sestoju TUR, različen je tudi od preostalega analiziranega genofonda bukve v Sloveniji.
Keywords: Fagus sylvatica, gozdni reprodukcijski material, identifikacija izvora, genetska pestrost, mikrosateliti, analiza starševstva, Slovenija
Published in DiRROS: 03.09.2017; Views: 4341; Downloads: 845
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